>Why yes, I do prefer Japanese videogames. How could you tell?
Why yes, I do prefer Japanese videogames. How could you tell?
Other urls found in this thread:
Feels good to know I will always be a better programmer than this if/else Jew
what have you programmed.
Minecraft girlfriend mods
weird flex but ok.
Because American walking sims suck, it was obvious.
I really hate being ugly. No matter how fit I become it'll always piss me off just that tiny bit.
>his youtube avatar
yup, that’s literally you bro
>Why yes, I work on crappy copies of Japanese video games and never finish them. What gave it away?
Who the fuck is this?
Yandere dev
Whatever happened to his game?
oy vey!
>How did you know that censorship of videogames was a very important topic to me?
Why release?
I feel like that's quite a bit lower than it used to be
can you fuck off with this image.
Man Kamoshida sure let himself go after having his heart changed
It's the FAS. I can tell your mom drank, and now I can see why.
Are you afriad of mirrors?
used to be 5k not even peak.
same thing as always, it's never coming out
>tfw 5'4 four eyed handlet chinlet skinny fatlet dicklet
I think God made me as a joke
>Yandere Dev finally plans to release yandere simulator.
>It's EGS exclusive
>Now yandere Dev has so much money he goes to retirement laughing at all haters.
That will be most epic Final of yandere simulator memerathon.
That is the face of a school shooter.
man if you are super fit and ugly you have my respect
i aways dreamed to be one of those villains from morning cartoons that are ugly as fuck but with big muscles
you are a cool dude user
who the fuck is this kid and why do you keep posting him
christ who the fuck pays for this
All these white knight bugman jesus. Just legalize prostitution America and we wouldn't have to suffer through these fucks trying to signal for pussy.
People who like watching him chimpout. Irony is a hell of a drug.
>actually hangs up his retarded youtube awards
shia lebeouf before the surgery
Ironic weebs and twitchfags.
He's like a live amerimutt meme.
What did he say?
No, it's because I'd prefer if my face wasn't posted all over Yea Forums.
>can you fuck off with this image.
Take your samefag RP somewhere else.
it's like a white version of this guy
I'm so sorry
If else....
this dude is semi-attractive tho
>legalize prostitution
1. Europe still got these kind of guys.
2. All women are whores anyway.
im gonna fucking die
This, you can fuck them for free with some effort but it's still just diminishing returns and AIDS.
>Tfw this argument still works against weebs since they would love for Western games to be censored
>Why yes, I read visual novels.
I've never seen weebs saying that outside of schadenfreude on the rare occasions where the pro-censorship crowd suddenly gets a taste of their own medicine.
How'd this guy go from looking like a high schooler to looking like he's in his mid 40s in about 5 years?
>Weebs are pro-Censorship but only when censorship doesn't effect them but I think there's some niggas on Steam like this too
The face of a cunny connoisseur
Drugs probably
>that kleenex box
He must spill his beer a lot
Isn't that the kid played by Mandark's voice actor from Polar Express?
Making video games for a living + bad genetics
he was born that way what does that have to do with him liking jap video games?
how did his face change so much in shape?
it's one thing to get fat, but this dude got a complete new bone structure.
How do smallcums bust into a few tissues and call it a day. I need a an entire dish towel and it has to be wrapped around in case it blasts back. Usually I just do it facing my shower or out the window.
he was always just fucking ugly. age isnt gonna help him.
That’s a little over minimum wage in California
He used to write blog articles about wanting to kill his parents
Look at the chin on that bitch to the left
nobody tell him
Someone please post the Ao Oni edit.
that's a man, baby.
>t. dev in Bay Area
>So much money
Starting total compensation for a paid software engineer out here is 180k per year, and it goes up to like 300-500k within 10 years due to accruing stock. He's getting paid peanuts.
If you think 30k per year is good money for a working programmer on a 2 year, incredibly highly harassed project, you need to educate yourself.
So you can put the nightmare behind you and so you don't have a massive flaming 4-6 year hole in your resume.
Go into radio, writing, drawing, or get really good at playing the bass.
People who want to see it finished
High pressure development will fuck you up.
he is not so bad actually
His nose looks like someone grabbed it from some corpse and plastered it in his face
Tbh if he actually did his hair and didn’t have the Elliot Rodger view on women, he would have probably gotten laid in high school
this post could be its own bait thread
Needs a better hair cut and better posture, can get with upper body workout. This is saveable.
Bro I would unironically lick Anita's soles and then let her sit in my face
Who is he?
anita's actually looks like her though
Haven't seen the sun in 5 years starterpack
Is that kamoshida?
What makes him unattractive? Is it just the nose? The pictures are unflattering and he has a shitty haircut, he could also grow a beard. He isn't fat or anything. I'm not gonna say he is good looking but I don't see why you're all writing him off as ugly, he just looks unkempt. Looks average to me.
He looks creepy, unhealthy and jewish
I look nothing like this guy but these threads always make me self conscious since I have no idea what makes a person ugly. To me ugly is being fat, having bad skin, having a really bad haircut or bad facial hair, maybe having a very large nose, ears or lips or having a very recessed jaw/chin. But this guy looks average as fuck, the only bad stand out thing I see for him facially is having a bigger nose, but it still isn't huge or anything. The first two things you said seem to be more for how bad the pictures are and not how he looks, the 3rd point of him being Jewish is more of a /pol/ thing than a looks thing.
massive nose
giant eyebrows
asymmetrical face
receding chin
>curly jew hair
>forward head posture aka nerdneck
goblino genes
Eva fuckin' wishes.
mcdonalds diet after getting rich for a short period of time
I mean, that's not hard. After 1 semester of computer science I already know more than he does.
>Has 829 people paying him to make a game
>spends most of his time streaming himself playing video games to the same couple of sycophants he talks to everyday
>bought the subreddit he left after people became disillusioned with him
Honestly, he's pretty much living the dream. Just sucking the money out of his naive, underaged fanbase while living as a neet at his parents' house.
To bad he'll never be a chad like Eric
>Spent 10 years learning to draw just so he could achieve his life long dream of drawing 2d girls getting killed
>even started making two games centered around that
>doesn't want to be an eceleb that mooches people's money like Yandev
Why do they all look the same? Why doesn't anyone tell them how fucking awful they look?
Reality doesn't seem to agree with you.
based weeb bro (at the right)