Been playing fromsoftware games for a few years now

>Been playing fromsoftware games for a few years now
>glad bc close group of friends start playing DS a few years after me
>finally able to talk about DS with them
>find out one of them is doing their first DS1 run using only magic
>realize all of them summon NPCs during boss fights for help, all the time


Attached: BD18DC96-EFF5-40CA-8422-26FCFA0F217D.jpg (640x597, 326K)

How about try to let people play the way they want without feeling elitist about it

I don't actually say anything about it, but that is how i felt lol
i don't REALLY mind, i just thought it was funny

>Tfw fan of Fromsofts catalogue
>No one wants to discuss stuff like Kings Field or Evergrace
>It's all about Souls

fuck off
I think you should unfriend from whatever network you know them from or never speak to them again irl
be sure to give a lengthy explanation on how to properly play the game if they pester you about

I'm actually interested in kings field, i'll probably play it eventually. I'm at the moment beating death's gambit (I know it isn't from FS).

honestly using ONLY magic especially in ds1 is pretty challenging, especially if you dont know how to get the good spells. i assume they mean they arent using any weapons at all.

people summoning NPCs is fine, it's basically the closest thing people can get to an easy mode. the only thing that makes me kinda cringe is when people talk about looking up guides before theyve completed the game.

i know that feel lad, except with Chromehounds.

>all these underage phoneposters who can't even greentext

end it all

I'm concerned that they'll miss the real challenge of the game, which you truly only can experience in your first run. I recommended them to leave magic for a second run, when you've already experienced the true harshness of the game, but they're already too deep into their runs. It's too late.

I even screenshot'd a google image so you didn't realize i got it from there. I'm sorry.

who fucking cares you autist

Your friends are normalfags, normalfags are all about winning and not about feeling of it, to them there's no such thing as experience.

Oh boy, one of them is looking up for help online, that one is actually painful.

Is it for getting to the DLC? I can see needing a guide for that

Only normalfags here are the ones who thinks Dark Souls is hard.

>Tfw because of shitty marketing people think Souls is all about difficulty
It's about more than that, it's about the world, the characters, the journey you go on through the world.
The best story in Souls are the ones that happen to you.
Take my first run.
I didn't take durability seriously, so I didn't buy that box from Andre. I get to Blighttown, struggling for a bonfire, finally find one at the bottom.
I rest up and venture out, then my weapon breaks. I had to fight and dodge my way out of Blighttown just to repair

whoa you play fromsoftware games?
I bet you're a really hardcore gamer!

I'm not, I just like FS games sire.

darksouls is a shit series so if they want to play it without eating shit the whole game why not let them? Or you know, you could play with them online and carry them so they don't have to use npcs.

dude dats epik

>Love Armored Core and Tenchu
>DS comes out
>suddenly I'm a hipster faggot

How the hell do I play this well?


go back

with a brain

>we will never get another armored core because From is too busy copy and pasting the worst action rpgs anyone has ever played
>raven is too busy sucking activisions dick and pumping out call of dutys
Its all so tiresome

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I agree, it is more than just "difficulty". On my first run of DS1 I remember playing it at the same time as a cousin, and i was shocked by how our stories about the locations we were at the moment were so different. I remember him telling me about Sif and the forest when I was at the catacombs. I was amazed because that happened multiple times, it gave me the feeling that the game was enormous.

You're gonna have to put them out of their misery

>"Dude dark souls 1 is so hard"
>Just don't use magic
>Or ultra weapons like the zweihander to pancake everything
>Or really fast dex weapons to stunlock everything
>Or greatshields to tank all the hits
>Or really heavy armor to tank everything while you chug estus
>Don't snipe enemies with poison arrows from beyond their agro range and wait until they fall over either
>Make sure you don't exploit obvious flaws in the boss design too like using the pillars for O&S, parrying gwyn. standing right under sif or stunlocking capra demon

>Just medium roll with a random mismatch of armor pieces while using a long sword with just enough stats to equip it and the rest of your level ups in resistance and its really tough dude

demon souls and dark souls 1 weren't designed to be epic difficulty simulators. they were just making a video game unrestrained by the standards of casual retards. it was only the marketing and DS2/3/bloodbourne that tried to make things really epic and difficult with lots of ambushes and boss fights where you roll on the ground constantly with the right timing

Attached: skilled_gameplay.webm (600x336, 2.94M)

Bloodborne didn't push the whole le dying le death thing though, it was DS2
Also no game pushes dying more than Daioujou, which literally means Blissful Death


>Bloodborne didn't push the whole le dying le death thing though, it was DS2
instead it was a press circle to magically slide through the claw/weapon the size of your body with the right timing or die rhythm game

I remember picking up The Ancient City years ago because it looked good for the price, and I was blown away. Those were literally sleepless nights playing.
As the retarded kid I was, I even used to draw my own maps and came buckets when I realized you could unleash special attacks with your weapons.
There was a sword, probably the Battle Sword, that supposedly grew faster the more you used it, but I never got to unlock its true power, maybe it was just flavor text.