Wtf I love Andromeda now

Wtf I love Andromeda now

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If it was an official patch I would give the game a try

Still not Liara.

this game is still shit

Nothing brings me greater joy then bioware burning to the ground after what they did to dragon age 2 and mass effect 3.

Jesus Christ not even more can save peebees retarded model

We want the Disney audience.

Honestly fucking hated this character with passion until I saw her belly button window.
I am weak.

Isn’t Bioware completely dead at this point?

the fuck kind of name is PeeBee?

Same, fuck 'em.

>dl Me1
>"why is this so fucking buggy?"
>check again
>it's the ps3 version reverse ported to the pc
why would anyone do this fucking LOL

has there been any news of bioware since anthem crashed and burned?? who is even left there now besides the star wars mmo staff?

>liking me2
You're the reason it happened

peepee poopoo haha

Attached: 009.jpg (632x738, 64K)


Haven't heard any. I'm surprised the star wars game is even still around, fucking non stop paywall trash.

rainbow is the only thing keeping them alive i think

There's a wide margin between ME2 and ME3.

>no scales
it is just as inaccurate as the original

>>"why is this so fucking buggy?"
It barely had any bugs on PC, what the fuck

have you played the game?

are you actually fucking retarded? The Pc version came out in 2007, the PS3 version released in 2012. Jesus christ you massive fucking dumb ass faggot.

Yes, probably something like 4 times. Again, what bugs? The worst I can remember is some retarded Z-fighting here and there.

>someone played Andromeda 4 times

Holy shit lol

Are you retarded? They're talking about ME1.

The reply chain is about ME1. Are you dyslexic, by any chance?

>blue, tentacle headed alien in a scifi game about space lasers

>"wow what a strange name"

This is Yea Forums where retards blow things out of proportion and make a big deal out of nothing. Every game has bugs that's just how game development goes. A new game comes out by some company Yea Forums hates and any kind of video or gif pops up of some bug they'll shitpost about it for days and just pretend it must be a buggy unplayable mess.

How things work realistically is worst case scenario you'll get one maybe two minor glitches like an NPC spazzing out as it dies, it effects absolutely nothing. Most likely won't see any.

Fuck off nazi


It's the best one you retard. Now go fetch your stupid copypasta.

Attached: shepard headspin.gif (450x252, 888K)

I overall liked this game a lot. What was ridiculous was how unattractive everyone was. I don't get why they would do that. I'm not saying make everyone a model, but everyone looked ugly.

But they're all real people and all real people are ugly.
Just like in the future, everyone is going to be some kind of ugly mystery meat.

LBGT community. Bioware let you lez out on Liara in ME1. Then they made an exclusively homolust wizard in Inquisition because it wasn't enough that nearly everyone was bisexual. Progress for LBGT in games sure, but now these thirsty retards keep buying games for a company that is killing games just for fag nostalgia.

HAHAHAHAHAHA, HE SAID THE N-WORD!!!! Look at this fuck and laugh; LAUGH!!!

I'm playing it in 2019? I'm not sure what your point is

oh yes, the faces were the problem with the game.

It's just a shop.

Even if they did make her look like that, the game had awful animations and a shit story too.

Bioware just needs to be put out of its misery, death by diversity hires.

>having the aliens call each other according to American customs, PB, JR!
>muh gender pronouns!!! (which don't exist in human languages, such as Finnish anyway)

> Again, what bugs?
>The worst *I* can remember
"works for me" is never an argument, but especially so when there are thousands of others reporting them. but maybe you just have a very selective memory.

Uhm it's Dr. Pelessaria B'Sayle to you, fella.

>It's just a shop.
No it's just a mod.
Sadly no mods can fix the rest of the game though.

i would