This Assassin shows up unexpectedly in the middle of a firefight and goes invisible...

This Assassin shows up unexpectedly in the middle of a firefight and goes invisible, preparing to strike down one of your top units in one blow next turn. What do?
Keep in mind she has Shadowstep, Beastmaster, and Blast Shield.

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Other urls found in this thread:

use grenades, all of them.

Sorry user, blast shield gives her immunity to explosives.

Then that unit is dead, fuck em. or just save scum like a normal human being

>save scum
absolutely disgusting

Use 1 movement with every character and then hunker them down.
Hopefully one of them will enter in the chosen spot range. If not, hunker down will probably let the Chosen's target survive the hit.

No user, I use the grenades to blow up her target out of spite so she doesn't get the kill.


Fuck Shadowstep. It's no fun waiting around with my thumb up my ass until she uncloacks herself, getting a guaranteed free hit.

Stop bitching, there's a reason chosen only stun and kidnap your guys instead of just killing them.

Toss a battle scanner, with the range there's like a one chance in three it'll spot her.
Move my concealed Reaper in the opposite direction, she might randomly run past the assassin, and if not, she'll still be invisible and safe.
Stop playing WotC and go back to LW2

I've had the Assassin one hit kill plenty of my soldiers before finally kidnapping/mind reading one and fucking off.
That doesn't even touch upon my disastrous Stronghold final encounter.
The other two Chosen were a fucking cake walk compared to her.

This is your squad for tonight.

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>Stop playing WotC and go back to LW2
>not playing LWotC instead

See exactly where they are because my Reaper saw them for one microsecond and now they're always on my map.

Reapers are the most busted thing added to WotC.

Would hitting a cloaked unit with explosives reveal them even if it did 0 damage? I've never had it happen.

>See exactly where they are because my Reaper saw them for one microsecond and now they're always on my map.
I picked that ability for my Reaper but it never worked on The Assassin. Did they patch it out?

Maybe, I'm playing an old pirated copy.

I fucking wish.
WotC is honestly kind of bad, but you could probably make something interesting by remixing the assets.

But it's a real thing user.

Albeit in early alpha stages, and the progress is going at a snails pace.

>early alpha
>"The scope is limited to getting the base LW2 experience working, but not necessarily balanced."
Ehhh. It's nice that someone's trying, but I'm not expecting much from this.

Me neither, but I have too many cosmetic mods that rely on WotC to turn back now. This will probably be my only chance of playing Long War 2.

In Legend difficulty, this bitch i literally unkillable if she has the regeneration trait. Fuck her!

Is this a poster thread now?

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It can be.

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Shotgun. All of them.

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I used real characters a lot in the past ( Shepard, Tali, Snake and so on... ). Now I focus more on original ones.
And I like to play a very resistance-like version of xcom, with old school weapons and design.

Attached: Poster_001.png (720x1080, 1.2M)

Smoke grenades.

>naruto shit
pick one ffs

I like using characters to see how ridiculous the crossovers get, but I'll sneak in some OCs every now and then.
The amount of customization options with some of these mods are staggering.
I love using the weapons from the resistance firearms mod, I wish there was a way to continue using the models when I upgrade to the higher tier weaponry.

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Crash to desktop.

>how ridiculous the crossovers ge
>be ayy Lmao
>invade earth
>20 years later some random dropship appears
>door opens
>you now have to fight Shepard, Doomguy, Masterchief, Duke Nukem and Cpt Titus

How fucked are you?

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>takes 10 minutes to get back into game because of over 300 mods to load

Fuck, not even Bethesda gets this bad with its load times.
Would an SSD make that much of a difference?

I absolutely love this game, especially because of the voice pack mods, and how customizable your squad is. It is just way too crash happy, and takes so god awfully long to load back up. I just can't deal with it.
>I like using characters to see how ridiculous the crossovers get
Probably my favorite part of the game.
Sun is Aeryn Sun from Farscape. The rest are fairly obvious.

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Attached: Poster_056.png (720x1080, 1M)

brainlet here. each time i start the game it crash so hard after a few min that i need to restart my computer. anybody know what is wrong.

I had the same exact problem but I just found a fix for it last night. You need to go to C:\Users\yourusername\Documents\My Games\XCOM2 War of the Chosen\XComGame\Config and delete the entire config folder.

Then start up the game and let it recreate all the .inis
I guess this always needs to be done if you're adding and removing a lot of mods.