ITT: hidden gems

ITT: hidden gems

Attached: Zack_&_Wiki_-_Quest_for_Barbaros'_Treasure_Coverart.png (220x312, 158K)

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3ds eshop

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Alien dino girl or human girl?

Attached: Pandora's Tower Album Art.jpg (1000x1000, 396K)

Welcome, Mr.Guest.

Attached: bakugan.jpg (189x267, 22K)

not exactly hidden, it just took a while to come stateside.
anyone who knows Xenoblade should've heard of it.

Literally came here to post this
Human girl, fuck that space thot

Do you mean to tell me a fucking Bakugan game of all things is good, or are we talking "decent and way better than a Bakugan game has any right to be"?

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11/10 video game, good shit user.

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the art was something else

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>Treasure is dead

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Attached: Fragile Dreams.jpg (1600x800, 228K)

It actually sucks though.
Stop pointing people in the direction of a poorly designed adventure game with broken controls and an unfunny nonsense story just becasue the graphics are cute.

The GOAT. There's an Stadia game coming out that's similar to this, with half the charm of course but it does look fine

What's it about lads? How's it play?

They're still around technically, though they've made nothing but Ikaruga ports.

3D action RPG. Gameplay is nothing special but the strange world and story hit hard and never leave you.

Well, time to raise some awareness.

>most ambitious PS2 game ever made except for maybe GTA SA

Attached: IMG_20160620_133331.jpg (511x897, 113K)

Imagine Silent Hill+Alan Wake with Alone In The Dark item management, but anime

>Old School RE but you play as Nina and fuck shit up
yes the controls are "unique" but its fine when you hold a weapon and except for 2 bossfights the game is totally fine.
good fanservice too

Attached: death_by_degrees.jpg (537x955, 125K)

>it actually looks good
>reviewed really well
>fucking capcom quality
>sold like shit
>no speedrunners even touched it

Attached: eternal pain and suffering.png (500x500, 507K)

Sounds interesting, might have to give this a look.

Is this even good? I have heard that it’s kind of dull

Prototype metal gear rising
morphing weapon combos, grotesque enemies, dismemberment and blood

Attached: 178290-nano-breaker-playstation-2-front-cover.jpg (800x1124, 158K)

literally MGS2 but with disguises and without the plot.
gameplay is better tho because of the 3rd person camera.

Attached: 356147-spy-fiction-playstation-2-front-cover.jpg (800x1134, 252K)

It's all of those dreamy, nostalgic, melodramatic animé tropes of yesteryear, destilled into a fine pocket philosophical sadness serum.

Meh, it's not like it got the same kind of critical reception as Xenoblade, or got ported to 3DS, or had two lavishly produced sequels.

It's very cute, but it's kinda bullshit design if you come from a background of playing PC adventure games.

Dillon's Dead Heat Breakers.

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