if you were born in 2000 but grew up on and like Nintendo 64, Star Wars, and 80s music, you're not a zoomer. Boomer and zoomer are mentalities.
If you were born in 2000 but grew up on and like Nintendo 64, Star Wars, and 80s music, you're not a zoomer...
Other urls found in this thread:
what about xoomers?
If you have ever posted a wojak edit you are permanently branded a double zoomer. It doesn't matter what age you are and the effects cannot be reversed, you are an eternal zoomer.
I was born in 1999 (I know the real threshold is far earlier than this image) but my first games, for two or three years my only games, were on the NES and N64.
It doesn't make me a boomer, it makes me a zoomer with perspective. They're not mentalities.
>born in 1987
>got to experience the absolute based life of a true 90s kid
>spoiled so got to buy all consoles at launch
>Turned into a weeb tranny
you lost in the end
>Boomer and zoomer are mentalities
>post pic classifying by age
OP is a faggot again. Sage
>90's kid
You are much to young to be a 90's kid.
To have a childhood in the 90's you'd need to be born in 83 and earlier.
after 92 is boomer cut off. stop this shit
No that makes you a boomie
that makes no sense. my childhood is split between the 90s and 2000s. i have very clear memories of renting snes and n64 games, arcade cabinets being everywhere, and recording radio songs on cassette tapes thank you very much.
You're called Millennial, the member of the most cucked generation whose resort to evade their cursed label is calling themselves boomer.
And It's technically 1980-1995 though.
A 15 year span makes much more sense to define a generation.
People born in 1987 are QUINTESSENTIAL 90s kids since they spent equal parts of their childhood in the early 90s, mid 90s and late 90s. Same goes for someone born in 1997 being a quintessential 2000s kid, and someone born in 1977 being a quintessential 80s kid
shut the fuck up you dumbass faggot
I was born in 89 and even I don't drink monster. That shit is cancer in a can. Same as all energy drinks.
96 is the zoomer start off
34 year old boomer here. I only play Minecraft, fortnite , and overwatch
I am a zoomer mindset
this image is stupid. i'm 1995 but i'm definitely not a "boomer" im a mellonhead.
33 yrs old boomer here. i have always wonder if the white monster drink is actually good or it just a meme. about a month ago i tried the gamer food and i only eated a bag of dorito and a 2L of mtn dew and after that i was liquid shitting some foul yellow/green lava for 2 days.
1984 here. I wish I had been born in 2000 so I could be a based zoomer. Millennial girls are feminist scum
Zoomers are bad ass , man
I was born in 1984, still remember a pre-homosexual pop culture
Zoomer girls are hot and cool
*sip*, heh, more like 1980-1989
>coconut water
i don't know a single person under 30 who drinks that shit. this image is a lie
No its 2000 to 2018
1984 user here. N64 was pretty awesome back then. Sega Genesis and Sega CD too
>I was born in 1984, still remember a pre-homosexual pop culture
>Zoomer girls are hot and cool
Do you mean tranny girls?
I like shemales, bro
Zoomers are the greatest generation
If i like old AND new games what does that make me?
>2001 with n64
>didn't get a gamecube until 2005
This makes me feel a bit better.
1979; Gen-X ends
1980; Gen-X/Boomer cusp
1981; Boomer starts
1994; Boomer ends
1995; Boomer/Zoomer cusp
1996; Zoomer starts
1980 and 1995 are the cusp years where what your generation is decided basing on your mindset.
Don't even have to read this thread to know the kind of cope in it
fuck, im the worst of both worlds
please send bullet to australia so i can fix myself
Literally me except, born in 97, Gamecube was better, I learned how to emulate and pirate in the 2010s and have been on 4chin for 11 years.
80-82 are not firmly millennial since they remember the 80s and were teenagers during gen x alternative culture. Likewise 95-97 were old enough to be kids in the EARLY 2000s like tail end millennials, in addition to briefly being kids in the LATE 2000s like zoomers
God, I hate this fucking definition of boomer. It's not accurate and just infuriating.
>1979; Gen-X ends
Nigga what the fuck are you even talking about.
Bullshit, I was born in 92 and was a 90's kid. I remember 1996 onwards clearly.
>Tfw born in 2000
>first console was an xbox 360
i wish I didn't miss the golden days of vidya
boomers are people who grew up in the fucking 70's you retards.
Hell I was born in 94 and remember many many things between then and 98. I remember because we moved houses when I was 4 years old, but a lot of my fondest childhood memories are before that. I'm told this isn't natural though.
That's why I said Yea Forumss definition of boomer was infuriating, you fucking dumb cunt.
Is it not? I have clear memories from about 4 years old onwards. I had deaths in my family and we moved a lot, so maybe that informed that - but I dunno, seems normal to me.
It's really not normal, but I don't think it's inherently bad.
Boomers are people who had kids in the 70's actually.
Think before you speak next time, you might make yourself look marginally less stupid.
I was referring to all my strong memories from well before I was 4 years old, the time we moved houses. Some people tell me that's extremely uncommon or outright impossible but I don't know the scientific basis for that or when memories are supposed to start, just know what I remember
'65 is generally considered to be the last boomer year, so not really
>teenagers during gen x alternative culture
You wouldn't listen to something like Nirvana in your 10-12.
You were too young to be crazy for them but too old to be a Linkin Park loving teens.
Being born in the cusp years you tend to miss a generation defining culture and that's how they are called that way.
>born in 2000
>first console was a 360
>never seen star wars
Gen Xers used to say that the period when you started forming memories "wasn't true 90s culture"
Generation X is completely irrelevant.
if it makes you feel better, every star wars movie is overrated.
This is fucking stupid. It's just kids trying to act "Old". Talk to me when your wife divorced you
This is dumb.
I'd say if you were born 1994-1995 you're probably on the cut outer edges of the cut off. Anything before that you have a good chance of remembering quite a few parts of life in the 90's.
Alt-rock like Alanis Morissette & Smashing Pumpkins was still massive in 1995-1997, after bands like Nirvana had ended. Those born in 1982 were part of the demographic for such artists. Someone born a few years later however was firmly in the demographic for stuff like Slipknot, Nsync and Blink 182, which isn't gen x at all
>tfw grew up recording songs in cassettes in 2000+
I also had a VHS
This is actually true. Real boomers are clinging to their jobs longer and longer because they can't afford to retire, and entitled millennials whine and complain if they don't get promoted every other week, so the relatively mild mannered GenXers are held in limbo- unable to move up into positions the boomers won't vacate, and getting their positions undermined by millennials who aren't ashamed to whine and plead and threaten until they get their way.
But I literally have nostalgia for none of that and have nostalgia for shit like SNES instead. Take your meds.
Both of those drinks are too sugary.
Unless you're drinking water every drink is too sugary.
this but for 95.
'92 boomer here. getting real tired of zoomer shits co-opting my childhood with all these fucking reboots and remasters.
based bzoomer
If you played Halo you're a zoomer, don't @ me.
I thought baby boomers were born in the 50s and 60s? Why do you close to zoomfags want to call yourself older?
Because modern Yea Forums has fully adopted "le ebin born in teh wrong generation" that was super pervasive on Reddit 10 years ago.
based 80-89 baby
I believe it happened because of the fact that the Gen Y people complaining about millenials all the time in reference to Gen Z, not realizing that the term "millenial" actually refers to people who grew into adulthood during the turn of the millennium rather than people born around that time.
>Alt-rock like Alanis Morissette & Smashing Pumpkins
They aren't Gen-X defining culture, or doesn't even represent a particular generation.
They were more like a micro movement that existed between the massive generational cultures.
I think you can understand why so many people feel to be uncomfortable being lumped with a "consensual" generation just because of the year they were born in as if those were a firm cutoff.
>tfw born in 96, hate both Gen Y and Gen Z, and pretend like I'm part of neither
>tfw I know I'm part of both deep down
we are millennials you fucking faggots yes i know you hate it
boomers are old fucks that don't care anymore because they are living on retirement and social security
>Born in 1970
>NES; 13 year old
>SNES; 20 year old
>PS1; 24 year old
>PS2; 29 year old
>PS3; 36 year old
>PS4; 43 year old
>Born in 1980
>NES; 3 year old
>SNES; 10 year old
>PS1; 14 year old
>PS2; 19 year old
>PS3; 26 year old
>PS4; 33 year old
>Born in 1990
>NES; before the birth
>SNES; 0 year old
>PS1; 4 year old
>PS2; 9 year old
>PS3; 16 year old
>PS4; 23 year old
>Born in 00
>NES; before the birth
>SNES; before the birth
>PS1; before the birth
>PS2; before the birth
>PS3; 6 year old
>PS4; 13 year old
Will this help the discussion?
Coconut water tastes so gross to me. I can't believe people like it
Which is more likely to incel, boom or zoom?
The late boomers and the early zoomers.
They make up the core demographics.
I was born in 1990, you are all zoomers in my eyes.
Anyone born 1990 and before is a boomer, op is a shilling retard.
>late 1989-mid 1990 born's peak: 1996-2000 (absolute peak 1998)
>late 1990-mid 1991 born's peak: 1997-2001 (absolute peak 1999)
>late 1991-mid 1992 born's peak: 1998-2002 (absolute peak 2000)
>late 1992-mid 1993 born's peak: 1999-2003 (absolute peak 2001)
>late 1993-mid 1994 born's peak: 2000-2004 (absolute peak 2002)
>late 1994-mid 1995 born's peak: 2001-2005 (absolute peak 2003)
>late 1995-mid 1996 born's peak: 2002-2006 (absolute peak 2004)
>late 1996-mid 1997 born's peak: 2003-2007 (absolute peak 2005)
>late 1997-mid 1998 born's peak: 2004-2008 (absolute peak 2006)
>late 1998-mid 1999 born's peak: 2005-2009 (absolute peak 2007)
>late 1999-mid 2000 born's peak: 2006-2010 (absolute peak 2008)
>late 2000-mid 2001 born's peak: 2007-2011 (absolute peak 2009)
>late 2001-mid 2002 born's peak: 2008-2012 (absolute peak 2010)
>late 2002-mid 2003 born's peak: 2009-2013 (absolute peak 2011)
Most are generally nostalgic for the period from when they were ages 6 to 10. People born in 1995 remember and care about the EARLY 2000s when social media, web 2.0, smartphones and post-golden era Cartoon Network didn't exist, and not the 90s. Does that mean they're radically different from someone born a few years earlier? No it doesn't, since a lot of the shit that was prevalent in 1998 was also prevalent in 2003
1997 here you’re cringe boomer
>ANYONE BORN IN OR BEFORE [my year] is [good thing]
>ANYONE AFTER [my year] is [bad thing]
It doesn't matter how old you are, you've got the complexity and intellect of someone born in 2015
Kids refer to everyone older than them as boomers just as actual boomers refer to anyone younger than them as millennials
I like the zoomers, they're a lot more fun and laid back than us millennials, and internet culture is objectively better with them around. Around 6 years ago (when they started arriving) things were great, and before that was just image macros and icanhazcheesburger memed
>The internet is so much better steeped in irony and postmodernism vs back when humor was simple and sincere
Shit opinion
Fuck outta here Jordan Peterson dick sucker
>Implying I give a shit about your reddit idol
It was a word before you saw it in a youtube video, you know.
fucking this. jesus are you all mentally 12 years old? boom boom zoom zommy zommer
The internet was young and so were its users, so the humor just grew with the millennials. Zoomers lacked this chance to develop their humor as the meta had already left them behind, so they are attempting to accelerate the demise of postmodernism in rebellion against their stolen youths.
EVERYONE born in the 90s used to be considered cancerous pieces of shit by boomers. Then people moved 1991 up to being the last acceptable year at the start of this decade. Then the last acceptable year was 1993 in 2013, then 1995 in 2015, then 1997 in 2017 and now in 2019, it's 1999
You zoomers ain't seen shit. I lived through the best years of gaming. *sip*
So Dos and the 2600?
This is some self insert shit
The generational cutoff points were always shifted forward as time passes by for a reason though.
The Millennials meant for someone born in/after 1976 when the term was coined back in the late very 90s, then the start point was moved to 1980 in the mid 00s, which had been commonly used up to the early 10s, and now it's somewhere in 1981-1983 is the most common, or some even claim that 1985 is the cutoff.
I bet the same thing will happen to the Zoomer.
gonna take a wild guess and say you're mexican
Niggawut? By the time 1992 hits you're already old enough to have some solid memories. You could make a case for the kids born in like '96 or something, as they were basically toddlers during the '90s. Or zoomers like OP with their "muh mindset" shit.
As far back as 2000, people were saying "millennials began being born in 1982 since they will graudate high school in the new century" and "1981 and earlier is not millennial" and "the millennial generation is coming to an end as we speak". But now people shift around the end dates to various points in the 90s, and claim people born before 1982 are millennials. 1982-1999/2000 was what people were thinking of when they coined the term millennial. The term "Gen y", which you are referring to, is a different kettle of fish, since it originally referred to people born in the late 70s and 80s, and had nothing to do with 90s borns, who were seen as being gen z
How the Fuck are Boomers up to 1999 now?? I was born 95 and I've never considered myself either of these things.
I was born in 90 and had an NES, SNES a Turbo Grafx and a rotating heap of arcade games growing up from my Dad's business owning hundreds of cabinets all over Arizona. Got a launch PSX and an N64 in like 99, as well as my own pc in 97.
I lived through peak nostalgia gaming and I'm like the least nostalgia driven person out there.
>me boom you zoom, the thread
either way boomers are fucking annoying. and are the most fickle gamers to ever exist, i was born in 1998 and all everyone who was born before me here does is complain.
What if I fit every single Boomer stereotype but I hate fucking energy drinks? I don't even really drink soda much.
I fucking love chocolate milk though.
I think those dates are too simplified to make the meme
In reality
>81-85 transition,X-boomer
>85-95 Boomer
>95-99 transition,boomer-zoomer
Why is the Millennial culture so influential?
Admitting or not, the late gen-Xers (80-82) have more in common with the Millennial culture in general like SNES/PS1/PS2 > NES and so are the early zoomers (95-97) like PS1/PS2 > PS4.
You wouldn't like saying that you prefer Justin Bieber to Eminem just because he came into the scene in your formative years, right?