What an edgelord

>what an edgelord
>dimitri is the worst character in the game
>lol this guy is going through his emo teen phase
>Edelgard best girl

I keep reading these comments all over the internet. What is wrong with some of these Fire Emblem fans? They shit all over Dimitri while saying Edelgard did nothing wrong in the same sentence. It's a shame that mental illness is being lumped in together with edge and emo teens.

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Other urls found in this thread:


where are you reading those? the ones I see are the other way around

All these lords are honestly pretty based desu
Edelgard literally does not give a fuck and will not stop to see her dream come true, regardless of what the fuck she must do
Dimitri literally becomes a fucking monster and kills anyone thats gets in his way just so he can kill that stupid bitch Edelgard
And Claude just wants to figure out what the fucks going on, and also whoop ass
The lords are so based it actually hurts.

Yea Forums really likes BL
The rest of the English-speaking internet does not.

>The rest of the English-speaking internet does not.
At least the japs know what's up.

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Black eagles is popular in the west for some ungodly reason

Yea Forums is Lion and Deer territory. Serenes, leddit, gamefags, Era, and even /feg/ are all Edeltard waifufags.

>red color scheme
>edelgard is cute waifu for weebs and ironic weebs
>house has megaslut Dorothea
>preskip dimitri honestly looks shit

It got marketed to hell

It's really weird isn't it? Edelgard is actually evil but she's the most popular lord.

Dimitri IS a giant edgelord.
Did you even play BL?

>leader is a girl
>assumption that it's the main route if they don't know better
>first impressions is Edelgard is a moody girl if they don't realize she's a crown away from being a dictator
>Dimitri is just a nice but gullible guy while Claude is all or any of the following cowardly, schemey, brown, and worst of all an archer

I was wondering why my punch-oriented Byleth was doing no damage to these guys when one chapter ago he was eating armored units for breakfast and you know what that makes sense.

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Retards didn't play a route that wasn't BE.
It's a good thing japan has better taste.

Yea Forums only likes BL because they're a bunch of faggots and BL is fujoshit
BE is shit too but it's even shittier because it's not fujoshit
Basically Awakening's still the best game and you all should cope.

Pre-skip Dimitri looks pretty innocent and dweeby, but I don't think he looks bad.

cutest girls

Is edelgard the FE equivalent of a school shooter?

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>joke how Edelgard looks like Daenerys before the game came out
>turns out she does go full dictator
>even burns Bernie
It’s funny in hindsight.

>Burns Bernie
Where and how does this happen? I killed Bernie in gronder field on BL playthrough and I've recruited her in my current GD playthrough so I doubt it will happen.

I want the narrator/Jeralt to read me a bedtime story

Edelgard uses her as bait at Gronder and sets the hill on fire

If you played BL you'd know that was a phase and the lawful good boi is redeemed by the end of it

Oh cool. Guess I killed her too fast

>putting the self-insert into the character poll
>making both female and male versions seperate entities
>both are in the top 10
Two nukes weren't enough.

It's a good way to gauge which is more popular, and Femleth is the superior option, as she can fuck all lords.

Edelgard did nothing wrong and dimitri is a huge loser

Most people are too young or contrarian to appreciate Noble Lance Guts. Struggling to overcome suffering is icky and edgy.

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nah, more like most people play BL last. I keep seeing people's opinion of BL jump to becoming their favorite once they actually play it.

She's worse. A school shooter only kills a few people and often regrets it.

You overstimate people, most people will jyst do one route and drop it, and it'll be BE so they'll never understand how much of an idiot edelgard is and how little she knows.

because of Game of Thrones

More like sad waifu fags, female Byleth looks like a toad.

She does not. Female Byleth looks like Kaname Chidori.

To be fair, Dimitri is a fucking edgelord and should've been handled better. I honestly laugh at people who consider him a well-written character. If you stack misery porn on top of itself, all you get is a ridiculous over the top sob story, that no normal person would consider seriously.
And his design is just bad, but it's Fire Emblem, so there's that.
Hilda is best girl.

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Is there a route where you can get all the hero relics?

Yeah, but she works far better as the self insert than the male version because she can fuck all four main characters.

I'm just waiting for harder difficulties.

Holy shit. Good thing I recruited her in my Blue Lions playthrough beforehand.

>fembyleth looks like chidori
>malebyleth is just as professional and socially retarded as sousuke

>works with evil mole people to kill Byleth's dad
>turns people into monsters by using crests
>nothing wrong
I'm breezing through the game on hard, lunatic can't come soon enough.

>a warmongering tyrant is suddenly cool when it's a gay girl

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Dmitri doesn't seem too edgy to me, just broody as hell. For a male lord he contrasts a lot with that broodiness, Claude seems more like your typical lord.

>all you get is a ridiculous over the top sob story
There's really nothing ridiculous about his backstory, his life is just shit most of the time mostly due to slithers and Edelgard.
Healed Dimitri is peak best boy.

>tfw sothis tea time was cut pre release

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What's the problem with him other than you throwing the word edgy out in several different flavors?

I'm talking about everywhere else, even twitter

There unique dialogue for this?

Umm... Why does a kid have hips like that?

>you have to play worst route top hear the best theme

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When does Dimitri go back to normal?
Don't get me wrong I love Dimitri, and I dig him having this character arc, though it's a bit depressing to watch.
But he's been locked out of supports and lessons ever since the timeskip and it's taking longer than I thought for him to snap out of this thing.

Serenes really? I thought all the oldfags liked the Blue Chads best?

>To be fair, Edelgard is a fucking edgelord and should've been handled better. I honestly laugh at people who consider her a well-written character. If you stack misery porn on top of itself, all you get is a ridiculous over the top sob story, that no normal person would consider seriously.
>And her design is just bad, but it's Fire Emblem, so there's that.

I can't wait to get started on BL, did church, BE, and halfway through GD
Saving the best for last

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After the bridge

It takes him a while, it's gradual but when he does he's such a good boy.

Someone important dies in his place.

how good we talkin? will he finally be deserving of the blue cheese ive been hoarding for him?

I actually really liked Dimtri the most pre-skip, because he was such a great guy. Kind, earnest, friendly. Easily my favorite of the houses.

It's actually made replaying hard, because I really liked winning the house tournaments and 3 way battles for the BL, I don't feel anything now that I'm raising another flag over those fields.

C'est la vie I suppose.

They use one body model for each gender, so her model is just the normal female model with the height slider down

Part one is such a drag. I don't want to do it. I'm barely at rescuing Flayn. Then I have to do it again for church and BE. Booo.

You sure about that? There's a pretty vast disparity in bust sizes between generic class models and female students that I've noticed. Scientifically.

He becomes a guy actually fit to be king, still has issues but he's an absolutely great guy.

>all you get is a ridiculous over the top sob story

No, you get a guy who's life was defined by one terrible moment that he has to then overcome.

Only reply to this with best characters, Edelfags need not apply

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That's not true. Each character has their own model. In Awakening it was like that. That's why Lucina gained big knockers as an archer since they used Noires model.

IS knows their audience well.

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>It's a good way to gauge which is more popular
How often do males even win this thing when they're both soulless puppets for the player?

Felix! Ferdinand, Linhardt, and Dedue.

Canon. Wife.

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Seteth is cute!

Awakening was male>female.
In Fates people loved Female Corrin while hating the shit out of the male version.
3H just gives all the options to femleth while Byleth only gets two legit psychos.

Not sure if people are into this, but here's Marianne showing off her massive cock

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It's the anime tits.

wait what

Seteth best dad of the year

Marianne as a Rune Factory protagonist when?

Male Kris > Female Kris
Male Robin = Female Robin
Male Corrin < Female Corrin
Male Byleth = Female Byleth

I actually couldn't get into Linhardt, he was like Laurent but too self centered.

Felix, Ashe, Dedue, Ferdie and The Boar are my favorite of the guys. Alois is cool too.

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Those aren't soulless puppets like Byleth. Robin and Corrin both have character that they stand on their own without being a self-insert because they aren't a mute character.

It was the opposite for me. BL feels like a filler route compared to GD and BE.

>t. Edeltard falseflagging as a Deerchad

Male Robin had way, way better unique supports and far more intetesting romance options. The only interesting partner for FRobin is Chrom, compared to Lucina, Tiki, Say'ri, Cordelia, Severa, etc.

It just ignores the bigger plot in favour of character drama, and the writing is a lot better for it because it feels like the only route with actual effort put behind it in that regard.

>Male Byleth = Female Byleth
Female Byleth shits on the male one though

GD was filler imo, since the Church route was the same but better.

I like him. His supports with Marianne were nice. I like that he doesn't baby people nor deal with their shit.
Like with Bernie. He just walks away or stops talking when she freaks out. His friendship with Caspar was nice too.

Yeah, "friendship".

>even full dyke edelgard fantasizes about manleth

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So, a toad.

Maybe she has a fetish for short haired girls

Ugh. Okay.

You fucking know why
If Edelgard were a dude Beagles wouldn't be getting anywhere near the amount of attention or shilling, people just don't wanna admit they think with their dicks

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Is Seteth and F Byleth a good ending? Just ruling the church together?

What makes sense?

It's such a good thing japan mostly thinks about what's popular in japan.

Depends on which route

That's interesting. I didn't expect much change between routes.

Personally I don't give a righteous fuck about Edgygard. I just wanna fuck the neet and DEUS VULT the Slithering faggots

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This fucker stopped attending my classes. I swear if he ends up being underskilled

>and DEUS VULT the Slithering faggots
Wrong route then, they get epilogue'd harder than any other route.
Even BL has the decency of murdering them on accident.

my first playthrough, BL seemed a bit too 'standard' and uninteresting compared to the other two houses, purely on a surface level. i'm finally playing their story after GD and BE, and I regret not checking them out sooner

Fucker has 43 defense and it takes some real unga to do 44 or more attack with GAUNTLETS with level 28 stats.

Surface level they look downright generic and bland, that's probably why Dimitri's timeskip look is so wild.
Japanese fangirls ate it up.

Under skilled for what? All he needs is lance rand and he one shots everyone.
Actually I take that back. He one shots everyone even with a training lance.

You misunderstand. I went Church, not just Beagles so I both didn't have to deal with Edelgard's bullshit, but didn't have to worry about her using Bernie as live bait, and also so I could kill the Slithering fuckheads at will.
Also so I could remove Rhea

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Why is his defense so damned high?


>not fucking the insanity out of her
Doing it wrong.

Listen. There's only so much crazy I can take. I just wanna chill with my students and fuck the local neet, but Edelgard took my black mage with her so I have to go to war

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Seiros>Battered Rhea>Archbishop Rhea

Actually he's a guy who's life gets defined by two terrible moments that he then has to overcome.

No, I mean Rhea user, you can, literally, fuck the insanity out of Rhea.

>I just wanna fuck the neet and DEUS VULT the Slithering faggots
If you actually want to do both of these things, you’ll have to go golden.

>Like 4 layers of incest between Rhea and Byleth
I'm all for sister/brother fucking, after all I love Genealogy. But there's just too much going on here
Plus green hair is a turn off

again, wrong route. you want GD for true twsitd storyline

Technically there's no REAL incest, you're just the reincarnation of her mom and your mom was created by her.

Didn’t know auxiliary battles had units with skills.

but also you fused with her mom so, at least on some level, you're part-mom

They only have skills on hacked maddening

There. Finished BE and GD and I now have negative desire to finish the last two. Holy fuck this game is padded to shit. Not having S-ranks for anyone besides Byleth also makes pairing people a pain in the ass and forces you to go through hoops to get the ones you want. This game can't be fixed by dlc. It's inherently flawed.

Mom was created by her, from her, with Rhea's mom's heart inside of her then you. I dicked Rhea down into the Earth's core but I have to admit that's a lot to wrap one's head around.

So wait until the new difficulties drop and finish at least BL then.
That way you'll be less tired of it and meet some actual challenge.

This, but the opposite.

Like I said, shit's fuckin crazy
I'm all for marrying your sister because your oedipus complex means you can't love anyone that doesn't look like your mom, but there are too many layers for me to fuck Rhea without a headache trying to figure out who is the mom at the moment

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I'm at like chapter 7 of the BE route. I'm going to do GD next so I can have hot lesbian sex with Rhea and her freakishly large hips! To bad homosexuality is a sin.

>the Church route was the same but better.

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I don't want to touch the game again. Just imagining having to do 12 chapters as BL with apparently 2 whopping unique scenes makes me want to puke.

I don't think you can S-Rank her outside Church.

You are the mom and she's your grandma.

Yup. Once the honeymoon phase is over 3H will be remembered as 5/10 at best

Marrying Rhea just means... you're your own grandpa. That's fun.

>muh honeymoon phase
You never get tired of this, do you? It's like people can't possibly like a new game.

Exactly. I ain't going through GD all the way through. They're fags. They don't have a single same-sex relationship.

t. enjoys monastery "gameplay" for 150+ hours.

The best part of GD is the ending, literally, the route is a bit meh otherwise but the ending is great.

>They're fags. They don't have a single same-sex relationship.

It's his fault for resisting.

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>you violent retard how dare you resist my aggression

Sylvain should have had access to dark magic and not black magic.
Prove me wrong.

Did you never replay the other FE games?

If the shoe fits. Just compare the threads last week to this week, last week people were still in the honeymoon phase and there were barely any complaints about the gameplay. Once the initial rush fades people start looking at the game without the rose colored glasses, and what's there isn't pretty.

yes edelgard a cute i want to put my pp inside her

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wait a second.... that dagger

>no u

>Just compare the threads last week to this week
>last week. Edelgard shitflinging
>this week. Edlegard shitflinging
There's been complains about gameplay from day one, being too easy being the biggest one.

Tell me about all these other FE's that have endless busy work in between each mission.

you are actually fucking stupid

>endless busywork
>set to auto
>no more busywork
The game literally gives you an option to say fuck it.

How do the cavalier-focused characters compare to each other?
Is it better to leave them as paladins or should I move them to one of the horse master classes if possible?

3Hfags have no reading comprehension

People were talking about the honeymoon period week one. People are going to be talking about the honeymoon period ending by the end of the year. They might even be saying the honeymoon period will be over by the end of May. Don't hold your breath.

i think we can all agree that Edelgard did everything wrong

Dimitri dies young in every ending, does dedue takes care of her wife and raises his wife sons?

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Stop using mounted classes. Why would you intentionally stunt your SPD before master classes? Paladin is only good for putting Aegis on other classes.

No, he pulls a hachiko and guards his grave forever

>in every ending
No mention of that in his Byleth end, magical jesus pussy.

Dedue has his only family to take care of.

She had questionably good intentions but went about everything in a horrible way and ultimately just wanted to remake the world around her in her image because she thought it owed her for all her suffering. She doesn't want a better way out for her or Fodlan, she wants everyone who can hurt her dead, and a brutal war of conquest is the best way to do that.

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you mean the quick and painless seminar+auto instruct + rest cycle?


FE4 which this game takes heavy inspiration from.

Cavalier focused characters aren't really a thing thanks to that speed penalty. Only ones as busted as Leonie can go into them early and still come out good.

It wouldn't have been nearly as bad if they made her exhaust the more reasonable options first instead of going straight to war.

He said increasingly nervously. Criticism of Three Houses has been increasing every day since more people are playing other routes and seeing what a copy paste job they are.

you dont want to use horse units until you unlock master classes unless you want to screw your speed for the endgame

So should I avoid cavaliers entirely or just save them for late game? They've always been one of my favorite class types in FE and canto seems nice to have.

You go back to your dormitory after a long day of lectures and see this waiting for you, what do?

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Well now I'm actually confused. He's mad about the idea of replaying this game, I asked if he never replayed other games in the series. There's less changed in replaying those games than choosing different houses in this one.

Bow,dark,and holy knights all have their pros and cons compared to the unmounted classes so whether or not you want to put someone as one is up to you. I would definitely avoid cavs and paladins though and stick to fliers for canto.

[X] Genuflect

I don't even think her intentions are good. Talk of meritocracy sounds fine and good on paper, but she bitches Linhardt out on wasting his talent on his own interests simply because it's not useful to her and praises Miklan on his leadership without condemning his morality.

I can't see that leading to anything other than a society that'll value military prowess over anything else, and rocket unscrupulous people to positions of power that they can easily abuse.

Well, yeah, the problem with autocrats is that they are the state. Everything has to be about them because that's just how the government works. Enlightened despots aren't a real thing and she's honestly no different despite being a rebellious fantasy lesbian.

>Those Who Slither in the Dark
>they don't even slither
Honestly, I don't know how anyone can defend this.

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i wonder how they are gonna force the turnwheel-divine pulse in the imminent FE4 remake


Honestly, go for using a cavalier or two. People are metagaming a bit too hard by saying cavaliers and paladins have bad growths. The speed penalty they're talking about is a -10% to spd growth, when a lot of other classes give 0% to spd growth. Over the course of 10 levels, on average the difference is 1 Spd, that's practically nothing.

To say nothing of Cavaliers/Paladins still having overall positive growth rates in the other areas, and getting some Resistance instead of a negative/0% growth in that stat. A lot of the characters good at riding/lances also get combat arts that can guarantee double-attacks, so speed is less of an issue for them.

Those with the blood of Baldur can turn back time or some shit.

They only do it in the dark moron thats why you never see it.

Get off my horse as fast as I can

Zigludo has blood divine enough to turn back time but not divine enough to unBernie himself at some point because he's tired or something. I mean how did Byleth even fall into that fucking canyon? Nigga just pulse in the 30 seconds it take for you to fall in that river.

>The city without light
I'm starting to think Thales and co were just night clubbers who were denied their party by Sothis

Black magic messes with Sothis powers or something, else they'd have not been stopped by Thales or banished to the SHADOW REALM.

Those are just dragon lies they can't even fit down here how would they even know

Tease her about her maturity, then i'd give her some sweet to calm her down and then probably a kiss in the cheek/head

I just finished the Blue Lions route, any recommendations on which house to pick next?

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claude because lions route explain jackshit about the world and most events in part 1

Deers, they are the bro routes and you get the infodumps for the setting.
After it you can probably end up satisfied with the game.


Drop it, the other routes are dogshit in comparison and they reuse a shit ton of maps as well.

Looks like Deer it is then bros

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You can do Edelgard after for the unintentional comedy of Edelgard's "ideals" and "information on the setting".

Enjoy your Giant and Gorilla user

you have ten seconds to explain why having all melee units go wyvern lord is a bad idea

Because some melee units should go Falcon Knight.


Because war masters are crit machines.

Because it literally doesn't matter if they master brigand.

Because waifufags. How has nobody on Yea Forums realised this yet? There are sad lonely people out there who will obsess over anime girls regardless of their actual character. If it's anime and has tits, it's enough for them and becomes the most important thing in the world to them and they will adamantly defend the character in hopes that if they do it hard enough, the character will become real and have sex with them. This isn't new. It's terrible and pathetic but it's nothing new.

Finished GD, don't know if I'll have the willpower to go through the whole thing again three more times. Especially with the monastery, it was already starting to drag by part 2.

If you only do 2-3 routes which one is the most skippable?


Skip Church, probably skip Edelgard and Lions as well since the first 12 chapters are pretty much identical

>and often regrets it.
Do they? They all generally off themselves before they can be caught so they generally don't live long enough to offer their post-masacre retrospective.

If you were going to do 1 more, just do Blue Lion. Maybe even wait for Lunatic mode to drop in a month or two. Church is easiest to drop because it's basically a reskin of GD, Black Eagle is likewise easy to drop because it's the shortest with the least amount of cutscenes.

>skip Lions
>the best storyline in the game

Because sometimes you need a unit to hold a choke that won't get taken out by two archers

Gonna break from the pack here and say do Edelgard anyway, it's short and you'll get to see her as a fully fleshed our character instead of girl Hitler. Then finish with Deer since it talks more about the unexplained things in BL and has a satisfying ending for the whole game.


>lunatic removes stride+warp

>see her as a fully fleshed our character instead of girl Hitler
She gets fleshed out in BL, as a full on villain, but fleshed out nonetheless, you mean more likeable.

>removes dismount
fixed fliers being broken

Remove it for fliers exclusively.

Alert Stance and Falcon Knight's dumbass speed will keep them just as relevant and oppressive.

Yeah non-flier mounted units are balanced.
Alert stance is just way too good

This is exactly what I thought when I saw the CG and certain words all starting with "C"

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True. Dismount needs to have harsher penalties. IMO you should only be able to dismount before moving, and if you dismount it counts as an action for Alert Stance proc.

Yea Forums once again shows its superior taste and there's a reason it has a reputation

And how hard we align with japanese girls too.
Japanese girls have good taste, that's why their favourite fates character was Leo and not fucking Camilla.

Stride is +2, not +5, and has a 1-space radius instead of 2.
Warp has a set 1-5 range.
Fixed it

Is there anyway of saving her from dying?

Someone should make an ahegao edit, hahaha. Please.

Oh SHIT user
You just got a CRIT
You have ten seconds to think of your line before you nuke that bitch!

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The two character that everyone should always grab when not playing their houses are Lorenz and Sylvain, right?
Lorenz for Thyrsus, Sylvain for an earlygame nuke, a lot of stat boosters and a Stride battalion.
Female Byleth is likely better than male Byleth in any non-Lion run thanks to Sylvain.


S-rank her, or pair her with Edelgard/Linhardt/Hanneman/Claude

holy shit this game is long compared to every other FE game
30 hours in and i'm still not even at the timeskip, I can finish a playthrough of Genealogy in that time (animations off and skipping cutscenes, mind you)
monica has some damn big shoes to fill if she wants to surpass Zelgius as FE's best father-killing antagonist

Dykes get the rope

Lysithea's Edelgard and Hanneman endings aren't romantic

Female Byleth is also better because she has Pegasus Knight access

PICK A GOD AND PRAY can't be outdone

Justice itself in .jpg format

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dimitri is for healing not bulli delet please

Also you get an abundance of stat boosters (including farmable ones) and you can even manipulate levelups a bit by resetting maps you level up early in or using Divine Pulse to undo bad levels. Speed may be king but movement is god, and horses are the only way Sylvain, Dimitri, Lorenz, or Ferdinand are going to get 7 Mv before the endgame of Part One. Paladin is even a good final class for Dimitri if you don't go with his unique. If you're worried just master Brigand first.

BL is the best because it has no meme characters in it - they’re all really well written and you want to help their cause. Saying that, Linhardt is literally what I was like at uni.

HERE'S SOMETHING TO BELIEVE IN comes pretty close, though

Reddit also likes BL. I think it's more appealing to series fans than the other routes.

BL is the route for series fans and fangirls, fangirls alone can carry its popularity, especially Dimitri.

I'm kind of surprised the fangirls like Dimitri. Usually the popular characters in otomes and yaoi are awful.

The comments for the japanese poll are hilarious because they like him for the most generic reasons imaginable
>he's so firm and strict, but nice deep down
>the gap between the monastery and the timeskip is too much
>I fell for older Dimitri at first sight!

Blue Lions objectively has the most attractive men in the game, aside from Claude. All the houses have good waifus, but when it comes to husbandos there's just no contest. The closest is Ferdinand or Hubert and they're just discount Sylvain and Felix.

I genuinely like Hilda's
so much for some reason

ashamed to admit but that last one applies to me too

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No one's judging, as long as you don't defend him when he's being a retard, like edelshitters do.

How is the church route anyways? Rarely hear people talk about it. What all does it contribute anyways? Only done BL so far.

I just did Catherine and Lysithea's support and it was so cute to see them call each other big sister and little sister.

Attached: Catherine and Lysithea sisters.jpg (1400x1600, 194K)

He is probably edgy kids' role model as well.
I don't like the dude but I'm willing to admit he get the most unique and impactful personality out of the whole cast.

FUCK is this true. I'm on my first playthrough, just got to the timeskip, and the best part of the game is all here. The beginning is so fuckikg boring.

It's shit tier only for incest mommy fags or illuminati sympathizers.

>edgy kids' role model
His whole route is leaving behind the edge, because otherwise you die like a retard.

>why do normalfags normalfag?

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Where can I read a basic summary of what happens in the black eagles route? I finished lions, playing deers now, don't really want to play the game a third whole time, tried a dozen google searches but it's helping

>Let's just check and see what's going on in the Empire real quick

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The worst route since Byleth is the lord instead of someone with an actual good character like Edelgard/Claude/Dimitri.

But it's not helping* fuck


fwiw, Edelgard's route is a few chapters shorter than the others, and there's no need to shy away from skipping through Part 1 stuff on your third run


*wipes the dust

Fellow Knights of Seiros, i have an announcement to make.

*prepares his trusty cleaning bucket

Fuck Rhea haters
Fuck Black Eagles
Fuck Manuela's drunk talk
Fuck Almyrans
Fuck unmotivated people
Fuck non-cleaning days
But especially, the most importantly...

Now go and write your brother this, FUCK YOU.
The rest of you, thank you for your attention.

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So i started Lions on hard, is it goign to be possible to up my difficulty to Lunatic if they release it while i am still playing this route? Or difficulty can be only changed to easier?

You won't be able to change the difficulty.

>part 1 basically the same
>in the tomb she comes in without her FE outfit
>rhea becomes dragon and tries to kill you, no cutscene just a picture
>no cutscene for the timeskip, just a black screen with hubert saying "the monastery is crumbling" then you get knocked out
>reunion has no cutscene just a picture
>kill judith at the bridge
>take out claude at the water city
>defend against a church raid
>take out cornelia
>take out dimitri+doodoo monster
>take out rhea+knights of seiros

*looks* around*
uhhh... anyone else thinkin' "based"??

See, I knew you were a disgusting little brute! My brother is on his way.

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I'm saving BE for last, but 66% of this statement is 100% accurate.

>Edge Lard in 4th
>behind mute tits
Loving Every Laugh


For people who haven't played the game, she's 7th for those who have.

Does her brother show up in any route? He's always out of commission in Deers.

Thoughts on Shamir?
She wears tight leather clothes yet there is no ass shot? Is this a joke?

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im worried that i picked the best route first by going BL. Ive grown attached to these losers and now i dont want to play a 2nd route and kill them

Do GD, they are on good terms and only Dimitri gets killed by staying as THE BOAR



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Of course not. He's a lazy pink fuck, just like his sister.

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She just had two back to back zero stat level ups, so I honestly regret spending meals and like 2k on presents to recruit her

>best route
Sorry man, but GD has the best chemistry between each other.

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>playing Golden Deer part 1
>Claude says that Gronder Hill would be a good place to light on fire to kill enemy soldiers
>Sensei tells him to cut it out

To be fair one of those unique scenes is the best cutscene in the entire game, and there's plenty of new dialogue considering how the part one story revolves around Lions characters

She's a dog, she will do what her master says.

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Edelgard did nothing wrong

Honestly both have neat interactions in different ways, the GD crew are like friends and BL crew like relatives. The GD crew always look out for each other and encourage each other while the BL crew always correct and nitpick each other.

I really prefer the BL childhood friends interacting, you can tell they know each other a lot throughout the whole thing and there's some fucked up stuff in there that's always interesting.

She is made for Catherine.

I can live with that. As long as we both agree that BE house is pure shit.

I guess you can't compete with crest futa cock.

No, she's the brilliant Ted Kaczynski dropout. She's not just trying to destroy a school, she's trying to overturn society in general.

I fucking love Ferdie, Linhardt and timeskip Dorothot but other than that I agree, I don't like BE.

You do get Seteth glued to you. He's not the most exciting person but I don't see why someone would dislike him.
Just wish he let me help Dimitri


But Catherine is for Byleth because it plays out like an NTR doujin.
>Rhea tries to fantasize sleeping with Rhea
>every time she tries, Rhea gets replaced by the Big Sensei Cock
>she dreams about it so much she eventually submits to it

She's thinking about Shamir every time she's with Byleth.

Pretty bad, it's mostly re-used Deer content without all the cool shit like WUBWUBWUB and Foxy Grandpa.

>illuminati sympathizers
Edel-chan, the Church spent over 1000 years fighting Slitherers while your country befriended them, including your own mother.

BL = Boy Love
>mfw FEbros was faggots all along

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It's just genocide route? Wow lame glad I'm not touching it

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>that sidequest where both of them go "you, give it to me now, I want it bad"
It's bullshit that there isn't a Byleth/ Shamir/ Catherine threesome ending.

You figured it only now? There's a reason why there is most guys in BL house. It's a route for faggots.

Yeah shes thinking about how Shamir would enjoy that dick aswell

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I did BE (edelgard), then BE (Church), and finally BL. That was a wild fucking ride.

Any downsides to just recruiting anyone and everyone who says yes?

But I'm a waifufag and even I love BL. Felix has some of the most entertaining supports in the game, Dimitri's redemption is kino, CHADUE's survival is great and more. I just poach the Golden Bro's girls since Golden Chads are the quality waifu house.

And yet you only get a lesbian in the whole house.

Less part 2 drama with killing other students. I went recruiting crazy on the first playthrough and Gronder Hill 2 was boring because it was all generics.

Keeping the best as the last one, i can understand that.

Not really

If you also want to be a real cunt, you can also ask characters you never intend to recruit to serve as suicide fodder for monthly missions. They don't die, but you'll never be able to recruit them if they get nuked on Classic

you miss out on depression kino

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>this forced meme again
She doesn't light it until Bernie dies. Also Bernie's tile (the Balista) doesn't catch fire, the surrounding area only does.
>hurr don't defend edeltard
I'm a golden boy baby. Blue Niggers are just as bad. Blue Lions are only like here on Yea Forums so much because it's le ebin pol pick (owo my edgy white guy:OOO) While Claude will get shitted on just for being brown and poltards will call him a queer when his house is the only one without gays.

Really sad how /pol/ can make everyone here such dumb mindless cucks. Dimitri is just as retarded as Edelgard

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is dimitri a natural cuck?
ferdinand cucks him from edelgard and dedue will DUSCUR'D anyone who he marries
maybe that is why he is so angry in part 2

Didn't feel too bad about Ferdie or Lorenz, what with their the whole "hurr I'm a noble" thing going on

Speak for yourself, Blyleth got that BOAR PRINCE hard in my game

>played Blue Lions first time round
>beat both Deers and Eagles equally in the Battle of the Eagle and the Lion
>played Golden Deer second time round
>fucking NPC Pegasus Knight Ingrid murdered like 90% of Black Eagles before I could reach them, including Edelgard
>my Pegasus Knight Hilda with the forest's protection and a NG+ B-rank Battalion still got steamrolled by THE BOAR and had to by Physic'd constantly
>Dedue took 0 damage from everything including Byleth
Jesus Christ the Blue Lions are terrifying as enemies.

Lorenz I get because hes a cunt, but Ferdie is a sweetheart even with his nobility thing.

But Dedue is more likely to DUSCUR Dimitri than Dimitri's wife.

>She doesn't light it until Bernie dies
someone post the burnie webm

But Lorenz is a sweetheart too, both of them really shine in their supports.

>Lorenz I get because hes a cunt
Hello speedreader.

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This. Everyone knows Claude's the best and open borders is good for Fodlan. /pol/retards just use the excuse of injecting real life examples into a fucking video game. It's really annoying because FE never had a /pol/fag problem until 3H

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>only like here on Yea Forums so much because it's le ebin pol pick
Yes, that's probably it, nevermind the story, character development or writing, it's all pol memes.

Noble gentleman

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That he's a retarded thirsty nigger who's throwing a tantrum because the girl he gave a knife to is trying to cut her own future like he told her to?

That he's such a retarded faggot he has to literally see his mentor get killed for his retard switch to be turned to off?

t. bootyblasted edeltard

Yes user, that's exactly it, perfect representation of the route.

>Accidentally locked myself into the Church route when playing blind on my first run.
>Enjoyed Blue Lions so far as my favorite,and wished I saved it for last.
>Golden Deers was an eye opener, fairly similar the Church route with so much exposition crammed near the tale end.
Now that I’m going full Empire route with Edelgard now as my forth and last play through, what minimum amount of characters should I poach to maximize my Black Eagles Relic Paralogues?

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>Lorenz I get because hes a cunt
>Ferdie is a sweetheart

Confirmed for a tasteless Shit Eagle.

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Do we have one of these for Three Houses threads?

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You are a massive idiot with a horrible judge in character, and I hope you are ashamed for it.

Also open borders has nothing to do with immigration in Fodlan, it's to improve relations with foreigners to reduce misunderstandings since the isolation has caused Fodlan problems with foreign relations.

>locked myself into the Church route when playing blind on my first run.

People who don't make sure to exhaust every conversation in RPGs give me fits

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>whorothea cries about ferdinand
>calls him a bootlicker when she attacks him

If you've done both church and GD, just pretend Edelgard is an idiot with the stuff she actually believes about the setting.

>the girl he gave a knife to is trying to cut her own future like he told her to
She also sort of cut lots of innocent people in the process. Also, does Edelgard ever accuse the Church of something they actually did wrong? She throws a lot of vague accusations their way and a fake history written by her ancestor. The Church actually did some bad things and Edelgard never once manages to accuse them of that. hell, even Claude learns of some of the Church's crimes through his investigations of the Church.

Since you already did Church, all you need for post-timeskip is Leonie. Pre-timeskip is the same.

I wish I could find a template for that.

Everyone who's route you're not in acts like a retard. Are we forgetting Dimitri rushing head first and getting killed by fucking generic lancers in GD?

The west just got done with 10 years of jerking off Danaerys. Of course they're going to YASS QUEEEN her anime knockoff to hell and back.


That's in line with BL, he himself admits as much.

meant for
Does it matter in the end when they're corrupt regardless? The point was the Church is bullshit.

Edelgard and Claude say the same. Edelgard goes "tee hee if you weren't with me I might have burned Fodlan to the ground" in BE.

Also you should know by know to recruit Lysithea, Lorenz, and Sylvain on all routes, but definitely recruit Lysithea for her Edelgard supports.

Seiros is corrupt, the church itself does a ton of good in the continent.
That's why it survives literally any route but Edelgard after getting rid of Rhea, get rid of the psycho at the top and they were good and helpful.

What's Lorenz best as?

>Does it matter in the end when they're corrupt regardless? The point was the Church is bullshit.
It sort of is when you claim to be "freeing people from the tyranny of the Church" with extreme violence and threats. Edelgard's ending slide has her trampling on everyone's country's flags while disarming it's people and brandishing her axe at them.

>It's okay to be retarded when the character admits it's retarded
So now it's just 'okay whenever Dimitri does it".

Exactly. Everyone's retarded when you're not in their route. Acting like Dimitri isn't as much as a dumb fuck as Edelgard when he goes on a msssive innocent killing spree is retarded.

Only Claude really avoids the massive edgy warcrimes.

Benched. You just want him for Thrysus. But if you want to use him, probably Dark Knight.

Who did it best?

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>when he goes on a msssive innocent killing spree is retarded
How are Imperial invaders "innocent"? They came to his country, killed his people and destroyed his home.

>It sort of is when you claim to be "freeing people from the tyranny of the Church" with extreme violence and threats. Edelgard's ending slide has her trampling on everyone's country's flags while disarming it's people and brandishing her axe at them.
Whoa... it's like it's a war man. Maybe they should have just asked nicely sounds like a fun game.

>It's okay to be retarded when the character admits it's retarded
He's completely self aware about how fucked up he is, and knows he'll get himself killed eventually. How is that bad? He's insane, he knows he's insane, but can't stop being insane.
>when he goes on a msssive innocent killing spree
He kills invading soldiers.

>rank and file soldiers following orders deserve to be toured and maimed because of what some did

>"sensei, you misunderstand me, I don't want to rule Fodlan, this is for the greater good"

Convince me to get the game anons.

What are the best doujins involving fembyleth? Preferably involving a bunch of bandits.

Based as fuck.

"it's nice when edel-chan does it"

It sort of is when they are the ones doing it. Edelgard started the war but they are the ones doing the killing

>you should bend over the invading army
Yes, that makes sense. It's a medieval war, they came to invade, you are free to do whatever you want.
What was he supposed to do, disarm them and send them home to mommy El?

>Church has an inhuman immortal God Pope oppressing everyone
>Edelgard is a tyrant trampling on everyone against her
>Dimitri is pretending to be peaceful when he's actually a psychopath
Claude is the best by default.

>Edelgard invading Faerghus is an act of heroism
>Dimitri killing invading soldiers that attacked his home is an act of terrorism

you do know full scale wars don't usually happen without (failed) negotiations beforehand? edelgard is getting diddled by the slitherers off screen and believes the bullshit they tell her, which leads her to trying to kill her classmates and dressing up as a generic evil overlord. she straight up starts a continent-spanning war without ever saying a word to rhea.

> play with Japanese audio
> Very low health Bernie starts screaming she is in pain and it hurts very much
> move her far away from the danger zone until her health is good again

Bernie must be protected forever and ever, she is so pure

>inhuman immortal God Pope
This will never be bad no matter how many times you post it, dragons aren't inherently evil.

Yes. Rhea "If you point your sword at the church you'll be executed" is known for being such a great negotiator. One of the first places she sends you is to literally kill a man with the intention of showing what happens when you cross the church.

The bearer of the Fire Emblem His most Holiness Majesty Bishop-King Byleth Eisner of United Fódlan with His Queen Flayn von Zanado.

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>hen he's actually a psychopath
That's post BL, no psycho Dimitri left there.

As usual when Edel-chan does it it's justified but when anyone else does it it's villainy.

Maybe they could have talked about the experiments the church is doing and why Edelgard is so mad
>but that's the empire

>dragons aren't inherently evil.
Have you ever played FE?It's a series staple that after years they go insane to DRAGON AIDS. Seiros is showing early signs of it. She probably wasn't there yet but she was gonna be. It's why Naga made Falchion in the first place. I know 3H isn't connected to the marth-verse but the only FE where it doesn't happen IIRC is Tellius.

Is Cyril our uncle ruckus?

I never justified Edel you dumb faggot. I'm saying Dimitri is just as bad. So many retards here act like Dimitri is a fucking dindu. Claude is the only one who isn't a retarded nigger.

edelgard could have talked to the other lords and tried to explain her perspective and rhea's corruption right before starting the war. she had nothing to lose, if they refused to help she could just go on with the plan. instead, she decides to invade their homelands and kill everything in the way. in GD claude literally says he agrees with her ideas but the way she's going about it is retarded.

>Claude is the only one who isn't a retarded nigger
>somehow becomes colorblind in gronder 2.0

But they aren't inherently evil, that's the thing.
Seiros is crazy because of the stuff humans did to Sothis, her mom, and is still butthurt, especially considering she has to protect them.

You're justifying the
>dimitri is just as bad
By pointing out he's suicidal in the battlefield and enjoys killing the people who are invading his country and killing his people.

>edelgard could have talked to the other lords and tried to explain her perspective and rhea's corruption right before starting the war.
Retarded. Dimitri's kingdom is literally called the holy kingdom and worships the church.

Claude is a scheming as fuck and nobody really trusts him. Why would she take a chance?

>muh three way battle
Blame the writing. It's incredibly out of character for him. and Dimitri does the same shit.

>western church invades the monastery, grave robs, tries to kill students guarding the monastery
>lonato starts an uprising, wants to kill rhea
>wtf why did rhea have them killed?

> Cyrill mentions he wants to practice swords after he finishes his cleaning duty
> Allois slaps Cyrill the room: Bitch, did I hear you wanting to become something?
> Desperate Rhea hugging Cyrill: OH LORD, MY BABY MY BABY...

I can totally see that happening

I see you're a headcanonfag then, Claude is retarded as well

>NOOOO Claude has to be retarded otherwise people will notice how much of a fucking idiot Dimitri is
Yeah no. Even on his non-route he's known as the Master Tactician. Dimitri and Edel are the same flavor of retarded nigger.

>killing soldiers that literally destroyed your home is the same as the soldiers that did the invading and destroying

Jesus Christ the non-MU pairings are unpredictable as fuck. I basically have to refuse to A-rank people just to control who they pair with.

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Actually play the fucking game you niggers, neither Lorenz nor Ferdinand are stuck-up nobles

She Lights thehill when Petra dies, regardless if Bernie is still alive or not.

Dimitri is never a psychopath, even Caim mode is a result of his kindness, he's trying to make things right for the dead and it drives him coo coo

It's when Bernie dies or if you bypass the field and go for Edel right away. Bernie's tile doesn't catch fire.

I don't think her empire's citizens would be agreeable to horrible human experimentation and using people turned into crest beasts to subjugate the other 2 nations but here we are.
also she literally works with the slitherers. if that's not "taking a chance" I don't know what is.

Just check their class book, it's not unpredictable at all.

No, just everything around her, good luck when you're surrounded by soldiers bernie.

Starting my second playthrough, playing as BL. Who should I recruit?

>The rest of the English-speaking internet does not.
just fucking off yourself

extremely true

Magicians, really, pick up Marianne and Lys.

Bro? I had Claude and Nuke-Chan see the other as #1 as mutual close allies, and they hooked up to some ofher random units instead.

You should do one playthrough with no recruits, or at least no student recruits

Did the random units have them as their number one partner?

Always Marianne for obvious reasons.

Dorothea for the opposite reason, her reactions to everything falling apart are the best

Casper, so you can finish Mercedes and the Death Knight's sub plot

You are speaking out of your own ass.

Nope! Not at all. Lysithea didn’t even have Ignatz on the radar. I hade Claude, followed by Byleth and then Lorenz. Yet she chose to marry him instead.


I was thinking Marianne, Leonie and Hilda because I like them and Caspar for the Mercedes plot.
I hate Dorothea so I'm not gonna recruit her.
I know she is a beast but isn't Annette good as a magician?


Yeah, but Lys is your nuke.

To see what it's like and for less faceless commanders in the second half.

If you hate Dorothea you should recruit her because she is peak suffering watching the Beagles get slaughtered.

Annette is a solid mage but she's outclassed by Lysithea and Marianne. She does get Excalibur to shit on fliers though.

Somebody should seriously hate-fuck this absolute thot. What does she think she is?

Attached: Dorothea.png (1200x1200, 864K)

Right. This was kind of a problem in my first playthrough, I will do a no-recruit when I play as GD
Isn't Marianne better as a healer than a attacker?

I had Felix do it

It worked out pretty well, she came to understand the blade was better than being a thot

>She doesn't light it until Bernie dies.



Attached: Bye Bye Bernie.webm (1028x578, 2.85M)

Marianne is objectively better as an attacker, her only high healing spell is psychic which is great because that's the one you want when you're not attacking.

Mercedes is your healer

They should have added fog of war for the Gronder battle so Claude's confusion would make sense

Does Bernie die after this? Is there dialogue aknowledging that Eldetits set her on fire?

It’s the designated queer route

>Bernie's tile isn't on fire

How do you suggest she escapes then?
>oh no I didn't set YOU on fire, just every single room around you

It's a fucking video game you dumb nigger
>air lift her out with a pegasus or wyvern
>she just walks through because that shit only does like 10 damage
stop being retarded for the sake of it.

It's also a story user
>oh yeah, I'm setting up evreything around you on fire just so you can't even escape and get murdered
But edelgard can do no wrong.

Don't Forget
>Intentionally leaving Bernie in a minimally defended Position just so she can die, drawing your Forces into a fire trap

Stay seething

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Who has the biggest tits in 3 houses?
Who has the roundest ass?

Female Byleth
Rhea (Special mention to her heavenly hips)

>MC canonically has the biggest rack


>I set your house on fire with you in it

its by far the most shilled house in the west. Black Eagles got shilled so hard people thought edelgard was the protagonist after the first trailer.

>it’s an edeltard actually rationalizes that despite every single noble in the game wanting the same thing, and taking peaceful steps to achieving them (sans edeltard), peace is somehow impossible and the solution to getting what you want is killing people who want the same thing as you

I heard this guy becomes caim-esque.
Is this true? Might pick up the game at somepoint if so

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>Does it matter in the end when they're corrupt regardless? The point was the Church is bullshit.

Why is the church bullshit? Because it’s founded on lies? So is the empire you establish in BE. Edelgard is lying to everyone about the church and even blames the nukes on them.

Does she really? Where is it noticable?

Goddamn it Edelgard

Attached: Feel the Bern.gif (600x326, 572K)


Tits is either Manuela or Catherine. Ass is RHEA

>Blue Lions are only like here on Yea Forums so much because it's le ebin pol pick (owo my edgy white guy:OOO)
what the fuck are you one about
oh ok you're just some ESL fuck trying to turn this into a race issue because ebin white man fug :DDDD


How does getting Rhea pregnant work? Shes your daughter, but also your mom, and then your child will be your own sister

>forgetting about Cornelia

Almost everyone in FE is a chestlet comparee to her

>You are part of her mom, making Rhea part your daughter
>Your mom was created from Rhea, making her part your grandmother
>Rhea shared blood with with your dad, making her part yout aunt.

She's your grandmother-aunt-daughter. There, was that SO hard? Now grab those hips harder than bill clinton

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Talking about 3 houses here

I love how Claude starts metagaming with his special class.

What does he do?

Hes pretty awful

>that first actual bossfight against a monster
holy shit this is cool, finally actual bossfights. I hope they utilize this well over the course of the game


Yeah. Cornelia. From Three Houses. Don't you run into her in all routes?

So; no?
Or do they get really obnoxious?

Not going to spoil anything, but he seriously does. Make him a wyvern lord and it’s perfect

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Its iffy, the first one is well done, but some just feel tedious. Marianne's paralogue is literally YOU CAME TO THE WRONG NEIGHBORHOOD MOTHERFUCKER with beasts, but is also one if the better use of beasts

Aw man you can't just make a new dialogue box with different text, you gotta cut out the original and slap it on a pic in ms paint. This has no charm.

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Fighting Monsters is always fun and the final bosses are pretty cool. I do wish there were more bosses in the story that are like this.

>when you find out who his artist in Fire Emblem Heroes is
It was intentional, I swear to god

what a fucking loser

You fight a lot of monsters, and there's a surprisingly large variety of them, some you don't even see on specific maps outside the story. But there are only a few that act as bosses, most of the time they're more like a big roaming problem in a stage.

Claude feels a literal who in his own route (still great tho) and Edelgard is nowhere as close to based as you say, she's retarded
If it wasn't for Dimitri, Seteth would be the best Lord in the game. Sad!

I think I forgot about this bitch or I never met her. Where do you see her tits?

BL, the cunt Edelgard makes proxy queen.

>Lorenz I get because hes a cunt
Fuck you gutter trash

i did BL -> BE -> GD and am now doing church route. I am obviously biased but I feel like this is the best way to play this game. With each playthrough you steadily learn more, particularly going GD. I would've probably been kinda disappointed if I went GD first.

The church really doesn't tell you anything new, a couple of bits but it's a copypaste.

>doing GD then Church
Oh no no no...

Only issue with doing church and GD back to back is how similar they are, but otherwise agreed

Church is shit tier bro.

>After the showdown with her they talk about how she used to be a great hero and she seemed to suddenly change after the King had appointed her head sorceress

They never mentioned it, but she's a Slither right? The real Cornelia died and got replaced.

>siding with literal lizard people deep state
>best way to end things

Lizard people are cool tho

Lorenz x Ferdinand is the most comfy support in the game... Only after the timeskip though

For good support/endings, Marianne for Dimitri and Bernie for Felix

The best is Church->BL->GD->BE

This is literally the shit you guys bitch about IRL with double standards. If Edelgard was male nobody would like her.

>BE last
If anything they should be first so the truths are revealed to you on further playthroughs. You just feel like a dick doing BE last

Best would include skipping Church since it's the tacked on copy paste route.

I'm gonna get Marianne but I'm the one who is gonna dick her

Obviously, it's all slithers.

Duh. Now here's a queation: would people still like Dimitri's character arc if he was a woman?

I did church after selecting BE so it was a nice twist

>literally wants to destroy fodlan because he's a mutt and was treated like one
>not a retarded nigger

Just make sure you marry Marianne.

>now she's waifuable
She's demolish the competition so hard it's not even funny.
>healing the poor, tortured Natalia? as she takes back her kingdom from her cunt half-sister
>making an actual female undergo an honorable FE lord character arc

if i was a literal lizard person member of the deep state then i would obviously side with them. are you fucking stupid?

>Not marrying Marianne yourself
>Not giving Dimitri his Dedue end

Double pleb

I don't know, man. Angsty edgelordettes do not do that well on character polls.

Yeah, she would probably be more popular than Dimitri already is. Any character becomes more popular when they turn female.

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yeah they seem to be, but it's my 4th playthrough so I don't plan on wasting any time. I'm just beefing up Byleth and letting him solo everything and not worrying about any social links as i maxed out each member of each house in their respective playthroughs

>max out all 8 GD members' supports with each other
>marry Sothis so they can all be together
>Marianne stays single
>Leonie stays single
>Lysithea stays single
>Hilda stays single
>Raphael and Ignatz are bros 4 life
>Claude and Lorenz are bros 4 life
uhhhhh ok

anyways meant for

Not him, but I can't believe this forced meme is still around, pepe is a staple image on Yea Forums for like 10 years now. Get over it if you've been hurt by "le frogposters" in the past.

Marianne is way better as an attacker.
She's got better black magic and can be a crit machine.

I like Dmitri, but his house is terrible.
It just consists of fujoshit stereotypes and the most forgettable female cast out of the three.
Name a few qualities that can distinguish Ingrid or Anette from other characters.

"Don't worry we're liberating you from the Church of Seiros."
*cuts down unarmed peasant farmers in Faerghus fleeing for their lives*
"Stop resisting this is for the good of Fodlan."

How is Pepe not a forced meme?

Do you guys still have Hilda jump to the dragon?

Annette's dorky and clumsy (not like Marianne, whose clumsiness comes from her insecurity, Annette's is due to how overactive her mind is)

Ingrid is still grieving for her lost fiance and has combined that sorrow with a desire to become the ideal knight

>fujoshit stereotypes
This is only a problem if you have any fucking idea what "fujoshit stereotypes" are, in which case you should probably just kill yourself.

What is the best class for Leonie?
Planning on recruiting her

>Every support is HIlda telling everyone how cool her big bro is
>Everyone seems to know about him but not mention him by name just "hilda's brother"
>He's eventually revealed.

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Falcon Knight or Bow Knight

Does anyone else feel like every non-BL route kinda got shafted? Well except for BE getting all the marketing.

Did I hurt your feelings?
I'd rather you kill yourself. Maybe company's would stop making half assed shit if there are no retards to cater to.

>Best bro Dedue
>Ladies man who secretly hates women and gets with them to break their hearts on purpose
>Genki hardworking airhead

The only mediocre one is Mercedes, and she makes up for it by being the literal best healer in the game.

Dancer obviously. Might as well play the meme.


Why do people act like dragons are jews when that’s the dubsteppers, flayn and seteth control JACK SHIT and weren’t even in public until like very recently (jeralt says seteth wasn’t around when he was at the monastery)

>tfw excluded from the group all the time

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I hate to ask but what is the name of the song that plays when you go up against the slithers in GD? I'm trying to look for it to no avail.

Imagine not liking Felix

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Area 51 - Redub (rain)

Why is Nintendo so autistic

Shit, I forgot he's even with BL. His best support is with other houses.


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Ost gamerip

Is Rhea more or less evil than Edelgard?

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Arguably less

A little less. She does a lot of stupid evil shit, but she does see the error of her ways before the end and tries to make amends, which Edelgard is incapable of.

What exactly has Rhea done other than the heart experiments and killing rebels? If it's just that then I would say less but I don't know if they mention something else in Edelgard's route.

Punished Lions is kino.

Purposely making a society to control people

She founded the church and its fucked up shit like "Stealing and killing is ok as long as it's in the name of the Goddess". The whole focus on crests of the current system was because she twisted the story of Nemesis and the bandits into heroes rather than the villains they originally were. In general as well, being a superpower who helped bring the other countries into existence but ignoring everything else while keeping the continent in a medieval stasis. It's no wonder the dubstep snakes were at her front door in the game.

Dimitri is a pleb filter. If you don't think that he's the best Lord in recent memory, let alone one of the best Lords of all time, then there's no hope for you.

> Hilda always tells me she is lazy and wants to be left out of the action
> Force her to every physical labor available in the academy and confronts possible in battles

God I love this game

>Rhea is responsible for mediaeval stasis
Stop posting that disinfo, Almyra is just as low tech as Fodlan. She also has Hanneman doing his tech research and she isn't stopping him.

>The whole focus on crests of the current system was because she twisted the story of Nemesis and the bandits into heroes rather than the villains they originally were.
user. Think about it. What is going to happen if Rhea doesn’t do this?

Who is going to end up on top of society? How will they do it?

Rhea is less evil, and funnily enough has a lot of similarities to Edelgard (family trauma early on that shapes them for most of the game, is not above lying to keep/gain power, whitewashing/working alongside their true enemies, etc.). The difference is that Rhea knows the full history, can recognize something is wrong with her, and tries to step down. In contrast, Edelgard clings to the propaganda her greatest enemies fed to her, never once truly contemplates if she's going too far, and strives toward having absolute power over everyone and everything, even if that makes the Slitherers more powerful in turn. The final point results in a long, bloody war in her epilogue as opposed to the Slitherer's quick defeat in every other route.

The problem with the crest system is that if one even bears a crest they are automatically considered a leader even if they are as shit as Edelgard or others. The nobles system will always exist, but just basing it off of your birth is not a good way to go about it. It's best exemplified with how 90% of the noble students don't even like the crest nobility system.