are you a wasd or an esdf type Yea Forums?
Are you a wasd or an esdf type Yea Forums?
>not RAGE
WASD. I don't play tac sims, I don't need that many buttonz
>that one guy that uses the arrow keys
>moving one step to the right
Why not use TFGH to maximize reach
Ctrl and shift are too far and Alt is in a very awkward position with ESDF.
ESDF Master race checking in.
Right hand: arrows keys
Left hand: Every key left of the arrows.
I don't think I've ever said, "Oh shit I need more buttons" while playing vidya.
>Not SZXC master race
>not QCapsLockAS
i have never seen the tilde key used for anything except opening the console, why is it orange
What the fuck is this, some macfag "I prefer to be different" bullshit?
hello zoomer
It's for fingerlets who unironically complain about not being able to reach the 60% of the keyboard from the wasd position.
>tfw half of games don't auto-map to dvorak for me
I laughed at esdfags until I tried it and touched G*d.
>his keyboard isn't alphabetically organized
` 1 2 3 4 5
tab q w e r t
cap a s d f g
shift z x c v b
alt space
Any left-handed IJKL bros here?
ITT there are """"people"""" that don't use R to reload. Just like I'm telling you
I use it as select all army in SC2
My fucking nigger, RAGE is the best thing ever after the initial learning.
>not using IJKL
How does that work?
I fucking love it but everyone IRL i've gotten to try it says it feels unnatural. Are they just handlets?
>he doesn't use 1234
>thought this was a joke
>put my fingers on RAGE
>it feels fucking amazing
holy god, thank you based user
>being an edgy faggot and using something different than the standard
>get BTFO when a game ONLY lets you wasd and nothing else
ESDF is an uncomfortable meme.Just stop using tranny mice and you won't be desperate for more keys.
I'm left-handed so I manually rebind everything
how am i suppose to use this?
esdf makes it to awkward to press c to crouch
>c to crouch.
>c to crouch
>not using xwinaltspace
I don't have enough fingers for all those letters.
Please someone explain, searching 'rage keyboard' just brings up videos of angry kids smashing their keyboards
>not using z num lock pg up and 7 to move
pinky on A
ring finger on E
middle finger on R
index finger on G
fucking retarded which letter is down
gaben uses ESDF
Whichever one you want , but you might not want any more downs compounding your syndrome.
So then R is forward and E is backward, and A and G are left and right, respectively?
But now your pinky isn't free to press other buttons. How do you crouch or sprint for example?
I mostly use it for mobas because its way more comfortable to hold your hand there than qwer for 45 minutes. I guess use your thumb on c/v/b?
what are you, left handed?
True and only way to play coming through
If you don't use this, you're not a cool kid like me, hahahaha
what a worthless setup. what games benefit from this?
i'd experiment this on skill based games where you have lots of skills and you need to be smart with your bindings but most of the time its faggotry
vlc media player
How the fuck do you crouchjump with C
Serious question
How about you stop using skub to get rid of your faggotry
I've been experimenting with something similar:
ring finger on R - left
index finger on H - right
middle finger on T/G - forward/backward
With this I have shitloads of keys I can press with my pinky and anything that doesn't require maintaining character's movement can be bound to keys around H.