here is your hammer for tonight
Monster hunter
yikes, what a fucking gay hammer, give me the Grongigas.
It was the best hammer in MH3U, also the best GS. But I seriously doubt they kept it as OP
garuga confirmed btw
Guys, yian garuga is in!!!!
holy shit Garuga!?
>final upgrade rank of the Brachy hammer line in World looks like an early mid-tier upgrade in every other gen
>rest of the weapon line is the default iron/bone with some monsters bits slapped on the part that isn't even the hitting side
World is actually a poor mans Monster Hunter for normalfags.
>Best hammer
Hahaha... well fuck, here we go again.
All i need is the valstrax and zinogre and I'll for sure get this game
keep saying it
Garuga got shadow dropped like Kirin, Godddamn
Also I thought everyone hated Garuga
choo choo motherfuckers
oh my fuck
> 1st appearance is it bitch slapping Jho
Jesus this guy has no chill
>hating ridley birb
Wow, whoever does has shit taste
So, with the OG bird wyvern skeletons is now(?) in, can this lad be in too?
Guess what I'm farming
Jho ate all the Pecos.
I have a love/hate relationship with it.
It's weapons and armors are top fucking tier both design and power wise, it's fight is challenging and keep you on your toes but the fucker is also quite literally cheating, the son of a bitch cancels it's own fucking animations, applies poison extremely easy and on the top of that it can burn you, it's attacks are fast, hit hard and have a huge area of effect, it can even do chip damage to fuck around with you, the monster is a complete clusterfuck of annoyances and cheapness, it intentionally uses it's roar then cancels into a flying tail spin when you are still affected by the roar.
This armor tho.
Not when Japan dislikes it so much.
Anybody familiar with mods like this?
Its kinda gay, yeah, but i have been playing for hours i need but one more or two more pieces of material and cant be fucked to play anymore
Apparently it can get you banned? Have any of you guys gotten banned because of it?
>Raw damage
Pretty great, but I really enjoyed exploding monsters, giving slime attacks to the shakalalas, one with the Melynx mask, the other with the one that denied damage was fun as fuck, seeing Brachy BTFO by his own attacks was satisfying.
Capcom literally do not give a shit about modding
Name one person that has ever been banned in MHW.
Grongigas just need to awaken to go fucking wild with the explosions.
idk bro i just wanted to ask first, just to be safe
fuck this asshole
dead eye was a fucking cunt
bring zin back
fuck this shit
Hot dog does World run like absolute ass on my 970. Optimizing really is a lost art, huh?
What do you mean? I play MH games blind.
It has hidden slime power, if you use the awaken skill then it gets 400 slime to nuke even harder than ever before.
Bing retards BTFO
Retard, you don't even know the origins of Jinouga.
They do
But props to capcom for including it anyway
And here I am picking armor for their aesthetics, I think I should stop with my autism and start looking at tips about MH.
The skeleton was always in. Pao and Pukei both use it.
Its appeared in mostly Nintendo games.
Garugachads won.
You just got Plesioth confirmed for Iceborne. Hope you're happy.
It originated from the PSP tho and so did Garuga, learn your fucking facts, consoletard.
Plesi is based.
I do that with generations ultimate. In all honesty, do both. It worked out well for me in gu and 4u
Runs at 60 on my 970, so idk what to tell you.
>fighting with a combination of rathian and yian kut ku is better
based brain damaged garugachads
I seriously hope his armor is the X set from 4U, best cape in the series
Kulu needs a garuga variant. Also, how the fuck do we have Garuga now but not Kut-Ku? Did someone just smuggle Garuga in Argosy or something?
This is the coolest sub species so far. Armor better like wicked.
Call me when the event quests aren't rotated and are available all the time so I don't feel obligated to fucking play MHW every goddamn day
Stop replying to people who say "bing" it's almost exclusively listfag.
I started World 2 months ago and I seriously don't know what people do when there aren't any events, 90% of endgame content is locked behind event quests.
>Odogaron weapons aleady have great sharpness and affinity. All they needed was element
>dragon element sub
I cannot wait to use those weapons. I don't even play CB, but goddamn if Odium isn't the coolest looking weapon in the entire game.
Yeh m8, with all settings turned down to absolute minimum except maybe texture detail and plant sway. Even then there are big hiccups.
You can't fool me.
>Nintendo origin
Armor has already been shown for quite some time.
if my shitty laptop with 950m can play it on everything at the lowest, a 970 can
>Dragon Odium, Vice, and Sin
>natural white, 30-45% affinity, and high dragon element
Fucking amazing
>Ebony Karma
>low ass raw
>low raw bowgun with nerfed dragon shot
>not ivory colored for the DMC reference
It's shit
I am, however, looking mighty forward to Ebony Odogaron's lance as we have yet to even see the base Odogaron design.
never said it had nintendo origin.
it has appeared in mostly nintendo games, and isn't suitable for iceborne.
Garuga is a much better choice.
Summoning might be a thing, who knows...
That applies to Rathalos/Rathian though. Probably Teo and Luna, too.
>appeared mostly in Nintendo games
>despite P3rd selling more than 3U, 4U, Gen, and GU individually
Wrong again, nigger.
5 out of 6 of Zinogre's appearances were in Nintendo games.
Also, 2nd gen and World grew the series sales by the most copies.
Garuga's weird-ass roar was the only one I learned to dodge consistently in 4U for the sole purpose of not dying on the spot in 140 GQs
Iceborne is already starting to surpass tons of MH games in roster count and its not even reusing PS2 models. How many fucking monsters do they have packed into IB?
The more they show, the more hyped I get. Call it shilling, idgaf, Iceborne is looking to be fucking awesome and I'm ready to spend hundreds of hours again. Literally 2 weeks people. 2 WEEKS!!!!!
what was that monster fighting brachydios?
Are we so used to dlcs with barely any content that an expansion pack that might as well be a new game feels fresh?
>Are we so used to dlcs with barely any content that an expansion pack that might as well be a new game feels fresh?
G-ranks actually used to be new games until MHW. What's even funnier is that despite being cheaper, it packs more content than any G-rank expansion
Even more funnier, we still haven't seen everything yet. This is gonna fucking double the roster at this point
Does he still have instant attacks or did he basically get dead eyes moveset
I'm still half and half on the map. If the map is as big as they say it is then it'll be fine, otherwise they really need to expand the other maps and add new areas to them.
>What's even funnier is that despite being cheaper, it packs more content than any G-rank expansion
Freedom Unite wasn't 60 dollars was it?
Give me Gore as DLC and Iceborne's perfect.
put this moth nigga in the game
Previous games had expanded village questlines as well as the G guild stuff, since World took away the divide IB won't have as much as previous game's G expansions
fuck no, you 3DS zoomer
you may never know
>Poison tree is now absolutely confirmed Garuga
>Water branch off Zorah more than likely is Nemi
time to fill in the blanks, we still have our mystery thunder monster and ailment branches off elders
It still has a full blown main quest
>village questlines
I'd rather just go hunt big dick monsters instead, it's a lot more entertaining.
Fuck off, console-war nigger.
With him confirmed hwo can the anniversay image be in doubt any more
I doubt that they would rework the entire quest system that they already reworked for the base game
Now all I want is Qurupeco and Gigginox to be in and Khezu to be out.
They already have the main questline for IB. What more do you want?
vaal subspecies for para weapon
everywyrm is fatalis
Nice, will be rocking his set all day erry day.
>not wanting a Gigginox/Khezu scream war
Fuck off, shit taste bingtard. The 3DS games were shit and thankfully Iceborne is avoiding their taint for the most part.
All three are out.
Are there any elder subspecies other than oroshi kirin?
Just reveal Zinogre and It'll be the best MH game for me
Its heavily CPU dependent. Thats probably your bottleneck if you're running a build with a 970 still in it.
Imagine being listfag
>Vaal branch if any returning monster would be Dalamadur. It is the only one that would make sense since Dala weapons were Awaken Para and it is probably related to Rotten Vale
I forgot to add
>materials match color with Dala materials
>Pink material could easily be Shattered Omens
Zinogre is pretty much in, if not in iceborne then as a monster dlc later on. They said they were adding fan favorites in and he's one of the most popular. Besides we already have his skeleton with Behemoth.
Get the Special K injection for it. The dev is a complete twat fuckwit but his work is good and improved performance for me greatly
Fuck man, you're explanation makes sense, but I just can't imagine them bringing back dalamadur.
I want him back so bad tho
I will fucking nut if Dalamadur is in.
Imagine calling everyone listfag
imagine calling everyone worldsperm
I would have liked for them to have never combined the village and guild questlines in the first place, but that's out of the question now, I'm just saying that IB isn't going to have more content than previous G games if it keeps the systen
Name ONE fucking time you got hit by a tailspin attack in World. No fucking seriously, the minimized hitboxes and the unleveled geometry makes that attack practically a free time to get a hit in.
are you saying the quest system is what makes the content, but not the fat roster? Suuuuuuure
world is great. thank god gore isnt in and we dont have more 3ds trash staying around.
MH: Rathalos, Rathian, Diablos, Kirin
MHG: Azure Rathalos, Pink Rathian, Black Diablos
MHF1: Yian Garuga
MH2: Kushala Daora, Teostra, Lunastra
MHF2: Tigrex
MHFU: Nargacuga, Lavasioth
MH3: Barroth, Uragaan, Deviljho, Barioth
MHP3: ???
MH3U: Brachydios
MH4: ???
MH4U: ???
MHX: Glavenus
MHXX: ???
Who will the P3rd, 4, 4U and XX reps be?
Glav represents X and XX
Not for ones already in World, typically the only Elders to get subspecies are the big gimmick ones who don’t get carried over to future games. Kushala has a variant though.
Let me dream you fuck
>muh brand loyalism
I doubt it 100% that Gore and Valstrax will be in this game.
This, they already said it.
>no lagia
>not even my main man, agnaktor.
WAKE UP user
>actually wasting money on the crappy 3DS games
>thank god gore isnt in
That "gore" is a 100x better fight than basically any monster in World. You've clearly never played the 3DS games.
Val I get it, but Gore/Shagaru could get in solely because both their skeletons are already used by Nerg and Xeno along with their animations. Plus they have a high quality model of Gore from that animation
>implying i bought them
wait for the next game next to the monkey, crab and bug fags. you guys have the highest chance of being represented imo
The monhun threads will lose their shit if Valstrax gets in
That user is retarded, but so are you for this entire statement. He jobs even more than Nerg
Also, can you fucks stop replying to blatant console-warring bait? report them
Obvious shoe-in for the next merry go round.
If it isn't a new monster then it's probably White Fatalis. Two of the parts are a dead ringer for the fatalis old horn and cortex.
They had issues implementing Lagiacrus because he was so goddamn big so they scrapped Leviathans for fifth gen, but the Iceborne director and producers said he was a top priority for the next game. So breathe easy user, they’re basically confirmed for MH6/World 2/whatever it’s called.
you have 4 and 4U reversed but I'd still be okay with this
i like gore as much as the next guy but he is a punching bag. tripping him is easy as fuck and flinchlocking it is no issue, dont pretend like gore is pinnacle of monster design when monsters like AT Nerg can at least provide something other than "this monster looks cool"
Only one autist will lose his shit. Everyone else would just rejoice
everyone hates Val you turbo nigger
Wouldn't fatalis have its own separate branch like Xeno?
>Garuga reveal is knocking a Jho the fuck out
Do you think they're foreshadowing buffs?
They’re not that far fetched really, they both have skeletons already in game and Namielle supposedly has a wing transformation gimmick just like Valstrax so there’s that too. I’m not convinced either are in but it’s not an impossibility at all.
its not one autist and there is no "if" since hes formally been deconfirmed by them making glav the x and xx rep
Who knows how they're doing it honestly, but those parts don't match Dalamadur.
However you could easily match it to the Fatalis horn(dark gray), old fatalis horn(white), and old fatalis cortex(white.)
So far which monster was the least expected? Glav?
Gore maybe but Val has been deconfirmed when lagi was, when they stated they chose glavenus to represent the anniversary games
MHFUchad here, if you don't like every single MH game regardless of console then you are cancer and should go die in a fire.
Some MH games are better than others but REAL MH chads agree that all the MH games are good.
yeah, there is a video of him where he was on the game, look it up on youtube. they had problems with the animations, plus the size on the current maps. that is one of the reason we really only have 1 water monster.
>he jobs even more than nerg
>he is a punching bag
We've had one game where monsters genuinely, canonically interact with each other. I'm sure he'd get his ass kicked by the likes of Nerg, Rajang, Deviljho, etc but I really don't understand why this apparently makes him trash as the user I responded to stated. Besides, if Gore is in then Shagaru SHOULD be in, and he would kick all tons of ass.
>AT Nerg
So, bullshit?
I don't think anyone expected nami
>its not one autist
It is though because I can see his IP address every time he posts.
>REAL MH chads agree that all the MH games are good.
Even MH1?
You do realize that Yian Garuga uses the Rathalos skeleton right? Malfestio and Qurupeco are the only flying bird wyverns you can argue don't share a skeleton with Rathalos, and even then they resemble him a lot
valstrax is shit, fuck off
Meant to respond to as well.
Monster Hunter (2004 PS2) chad here: Generations / GU is the fucking worst.
4U is the best on the series so far, up there with FU. World is pretty good, but lacking in content.
>Kut-Ku didn't migrate to the new world because they're not strong enough
I like how he just fucking destroys Anjanath in that alpha footage though.
you alright m8? wrong post but I'll reply. Gore is great, but they need to stop making him stagger so much. AT Nerg will and always be a bigger challenge solely because atleast it fights back
>all the MH games are good.
No, the 3DS games had terrible graphics and mechanics. And controls.
If you don't agree then you're a poorfag or mad because mommy only let you get one console
>best fights
>coolest designs
Where are my bugbros at?
Why do people even hate Yian Garuga, anyway ?
Was Devil Garuga in FU, just too much for shitters ?
Still Glav for me.
It's possible. It's an old i5-2500k, so far there's been almost nothing it can't handle so I've never felt a need to replace it.
Thanks, friend. I'll check that out in the morning.
Apparently living in delusions like you.
You can genuinely tell how good someone is at monhun when they call AT Nerg BS, Gore is the jobber monster and isnt even the hardest elder in his own game. Gore literally flails on the floor for more than half the fight.
>((hunting)) anything that isn't niggergante or an oldfag monster
>stunlock it to death in a minute as it struggles to find its asshole
>try GU after
>it's a fuckfest of bullshit moves, big health pools and the environment wanting (You) dead instead of a gook mmo "walk to boss room then kill boss" design
The only reason I give a fuck about Iceborne is because it has a bunch of old monster names. Those are less likely to get skimped on
Yes, even that piece of uncontrollable shit because it was the genesis of what we have today and that is more than enough to like and play it, even if it is truly a nightmarish experience.
>Even MH1?
Not him, but especially MH1.
1 and Dos are legitimately great games. The PSP games were a step down in quality honestly.
This series never should have went to handhelds.
DLC raid monster is a Seltas hive, y/n?
Thats because the normal endgame sucks ass. Which hopefully will be fixed in IB
>friend said he had a review copy and that he was in
>tfw didn't believe him
holy fuck guess that means rape ape is in too
that doesnt change the second part of what i said
>shoots/hits it in the face
>repeat and watch it literally stagger back 10 - 15 feet
is your friend your nintendo dad?
You play on pc and download the
>unlock event quest
Should I buy this game for $30 on Steam right now?
Do I need friends to play with or is there group finder/matchmaking?
>it's a fuckfest of bullshit moves
It's really not. It's just faster which apparently you're completely new to.
>big health pools
G-Rank monsters can, for the most part, be beaten in 15 minutes. Are you attacking the wrong spots, user?
>the evironment wanting (You) dead
I've had the environment fucking me over more in World than anything. I really don't understand your problems.
Then you are not a REAL MH chad, you are just the big gay, a pathetic excuse of a MH player, we all are ashamed of your shit taste, kindly fuck off.
You may as well hold off until IB at this point, unless you have the cash them sure.
Just annoying. I actually didn't mind him in FU, he's weirdly easy in that game, but with how good Deadeye is, it just makes me salty that normal Garuga sucks
>people think it's Dalamadur or a Fatalis
>the paralysis monster ends up being Yama Tsukami
>people think the thunder monster is Zinogre
>it ends up being Rajang
Brazenbreak is pretty close and the diablos hammer is the spiritual successor.
I seriously hope they're scaling up the difficulty for some monsters.
I seriously need some big bad Mon that really makes you want to run away when it invades your hunting grounds. So far in World none gave that feeling. You know, sort of like the Tigrex fight in MHFU?
There’s an SOS system where someone sends out a flare on a hunt and other ransoms can drop in to help out on the hunt if you don’t have people to properly party up with from the hub. And yeah I’d say it’s worth $30, but if you wait 2 weeks you can get the edition with the expansion included for $60. The expansion will be $40 on its own so you’ll save $10 overall if you’re a cheap bastard like me.
Best monster is in and on top of that it fucking bitchslap a Deviljho, pack it up boys. Hope they haven't nerfed him too much.
Impliying that be bad
behemoth uses nergi's skeleton
>tier 2 monster rarity branching off Vaal
That's gotta be Dalamadur. Dalamadur weapons began high rank and G rank at rarities 6 and 9 respectively. The only other elder that does this is Kirin.
>I actually didn't mind him in FU, he's weirdly easy in that game
Uhhh wtf. Freedom Unite is the single most difficult and complex game ever created.
I admire your optimism, but Yama Tsumaki is never coming back.
but i want yama layered armor
Lunastra came back.
A man can dream
>use endgame equipment on Seltas Queen
>"wow this is easy"
user, you are not going to stagger a monster every two seconds if you're fighting Seltas Queen with equipment that is balanced at the level that you fight Seltas Queen.
>faster which apparently you're completely new to
Playing World kind of gives you that problem
>in 15 minutes
15 minutes is a lot longer than even ATs
>all these people celebrating Garuga getting in
I fucking hate you all. I HOPE they slow his ass down just to see you all squirm
Fuck Garuga
There is no need for those GAY hammers user, Brazenbreak will evolve into Grongigas soon and every monster will fucking die, because no one scapes the Grongigas, no one.
he was fucking aids on 4U as well, 140 Lv quests. hit like a truck and too fast for shitters
>but with how good Deadeye is
I doubt it. Nothing could possibly top FU Garuga.
The devs have said that Iceborne will be a lot harder than base World, and that Barioth will supposedly be the first wall players face. Judging by how long it took reviewers to get the trophy for beating him I’d say he does actually put up quite a fight, and he’s only the first MR3 monster in the game which goes up to MR6.
>Playing World kind of gives you that problem
Yeah, they've definitely fixed that problem with G-Rank, or so it seems. The Tigrex fight was pretty fast-paced.
guy who thought power is the most important stat for kinsects in the last thread if you're still browsing I wanted to let you know you're really stupid
I fought a G-rank Seltsas Queen with G1/2 & HR mixed armor and weapons, shes a pushover and so is her boyfriend.
>comparing an HR to a G-rank
u fucking wot?
I want monsters that don't fucking die in 30 seconds after running away twice
this, also it's hunting horn is my favorite design.
That user never specified what rank he was in when playing GU. I assume he was AT LEAST talking about High Rank since it seems like he quit pretty fast.
more like comparing [the best game A has to offer] to [the best game B has to offer]
world doesn't have g-ranks
Hidden para LS is acid glav. We’ve seen regular glav stuff and it comes from the iron tree. But the hunter here is using an acid glav GS and it’s bone.
But Barioth was an easy ass monster in the previous titles. Besides, reviewers even had trouble beating fucking anjanath in vanilla world demo.
Wait till Iceborne comes you flaming faggot
If you plan to get ahead yeah. There's also a login bonus till the 29th
Lunastra is a literal recolour, was probably only brought back to serve as filler for World's lackluster monster roster.
So uh why is no one outraged at the fact that they’re selling G-Rank as DLC instead of it being in the game from the start???
>since it seems like he quit pretty fast
I enjoyed getting fucked in that game
stay mad
>both weapons have para and start off at non endgame rarity
I can't see it well enough. Can anyone clarify if the weapon requires awaken? That's the deciding factor as Dalamadur's LS needs awaken.
Well, you're obviously more skilled than the average player. I think a lot of people playing 4U G-Rank would have an issue with her. Doesn't make it not a great fight regardless. Seltas Queen is basically a tank with legs and it's very neat.
Does anyone else think that World feels clunkier than the older games?
I found my PSP and started playing Freedom Unite again and it just feels so much better to play than World. Is that crazy? Am I so used to jank that World not being jank feels janky anyway?
In the game files theres double element dualblades. There is only 1 in game (Fire and Ice) so which one is the other one? Alatreon?
They've been doing this for every game
It definitely can get frustrating. I've been basically playing World and World only since it first came out last year. I recently bought GU for the Switch about two months ago and it really fucks me up. This is coming from a person who basically reached the ends of G-Rank of 4U with very little issues.
monster hunter fans just accept this for some reason because they've been doing it since the series began. it's kinda weird t b h. if it were any other franchise, people would be pissed.
You’re retarded. White fatty is dragon element
Lunastra is more different from Teostra than Rathian is from Rathalos.
So? Lunastra, a monster that hadn't been featured in mainline since 2G, came back in World.
>Does anyone else think that World feels clunkier than the older games?
i can roll backwards
Hell no
another uninspired addition to the iceborne monster list. garuga is just another flying wyvern skeleton, classified as bird wyvern. i bet the fight will be similir to pukei-pukei. so we have the same monster in the game 3 times already pukei, coral pukei and garuga. good job capcom.
>lUNastRA Is A LItERal reCOLoUr
Because is the same shit.
Go play any base MH game and then the G rank game of that base game, you will find out that all the way to late HR everything is pretty much the exact same, except for some small tweaks in weapons and mechanics.
If we find that the DB tree has ice+para, then Yama Tsukami is instantly confirmed.
For series veterans it’s supposedly more of a gear check to make sure you’re actually using MR stuff by that point, but from what I’ve seen he uses the environment a lot more than most monsters in World which adds new elements of strategy to the fight. I doubt he’ll be super difficult but Barioth is supposedly the point at which they stop babying you and expect you to actually get good.
So happy for you garuga bros but Is there still a chance for zinogre and rajang?
Noiro Wakamoto makes everything sound so damn good
What the FUCK did they do to Garuga's roar
Yes, the para LS that branches off Vaal needs to be awakened.
ICEBORNE ROSTER: 20 Officially Confirmed
Yian Garuga
Coral puki puki
Ebony Odo
Viper Tobi
Fulgur Anjanath
Nightshade Palomou
Acidic Galvenous
Shrieking Legiana
Ruiner Nergigante
Unrevealed Monsters: 3
Mystery thunder monster uses bugs in longsword
Mystery Para montser that braches off Vaal tree
Mystery new Siege Monster
Monsters that are probably gonna be in:
Metal Raths
Savage Jho
Raging Brachy
New Bazel Varient
New/Old Variants of Narga,Tigrex, Barioth
New Variants of New world monsters
Monsters people want that have a skeleton ingame and have chance of being in:
Iceborne could have around 25-30 monsters on release
Do the Raths even really tail whip as much anymore? I remember Pukei-pukei doing it but I remember Rathalos in particular being fucking spinning machines in previous games, but I do not register it as part of their pattern in World.
Depends on the weapon. The LS is thunder.
>like pukei pukei
You have absolutely no idea of the brutality that is Garuga, oh my sweet summer child, that bird wyvern will drill you to death.
Zinogre is very likely, Rajang not likely at all until MH6.
Dalamadur confirmed. It's the only elder that has an awaken para LS.
Actually I'm on board with mystery para being Acidic.
>facebook meme
That aside, it's shares way too many similarities with Teostra to consider it incredibly distinct design-wise. As far as the fight goes, it's pretty different.
Lunastra should have been designed similar to how a female lion is to it's male counterpart. They have the "alpha" personality of a female lion but not the design for some odd reason.
>garuga similir to pukei pukei
It’s a hidden paralysis weapon and it’s fucking acid glavenus. You retards are setting yourselves up for disappointment
It's not the full roar. That's actually just a copypasted noise they used for a few things in commercials I think.
In FU I found Garuga very easy, don't remember even carting to him. Apparently he's harder in 4U
Fyi, the para monster in the vaal tree is literally just acidic glavenus. Also there's no new siege monster.
I understand why they couldn't get Lagi to work on Ancient Forest, but Agnaktor's home would obviously be Elder's Recess and I can't think of any areas that would cause issues with his size. The volcanic areas are sizeable enough that he ought to be able to move around without causing much trouble.
The pathetic attempt at bait ITT has to be a new low. It's like the quality goes lower the more we're closer to IB release
Why would Acid Glavenus branch off of Vaal instead of Glavenus
You’re fucking brain dead if you think the big snake is in. It’s Acidic Glavenus like every other person with at least 10 IQ is saying in this goddamn thread. You’re just begging to be disappointed with assumptions like that. It’s not a fucking elder weapon.
it's mostly used by rathian and pink rathian in world. i think azure does it sometimes and regular los i can't remember ever doing it.
>Ruiner Nergigante
Excuse me what?
Plus Dalamadur's the only monster we know of that causes the kind of damage we see in the trailer.
Because Glav is iron and Acidic is Bone.
I doubt they’d go out of their way to remake Dalamadur, but the Rotten Vale is made out of the corpses of Dalamadur and the weapon branches off the Vaal Hazak tree (Vaal Hazak is the resident Elder of the Vale). I could see it being a Vaal variant that gained some of Dalamadur’s power somehow or something.
trophy list
>he doesn't know
>non elder weapons branching off from elder weapons
I-I don't think that has ever happened before.
>the fight will be similir to pukei-pukei
nice b8 m8 i r8 it 8/8
Why would acid glav have bone for a base instead of iron like the regular glav weapon does
a nergi variant leaked in the ps4 trophy list
>comparing Yian Garuga to a fucking Pukei Pukei
I'll take the bait, you could have said a Yian KutKu at least. If you had it to put on levels you clearly see it fighting a Deviljho.
you can't buy standalone Iceborne, you need World first. unless you know there's a cheaper bundle coming, this is the time buy.
god i want zinogre so bad
>all these people underestimating Garuga just because it is a bird wyvern
All of them are so fucking dead, Garuga will have no mercy, no forgiveness, he killed millions...
It does now apparently. Everyone thinks it’s a variant or a new monster or fucking dalamadur are just kind of asking to be shit on at this point
it's a given that they'll slow him down though
the devs said in a chinese interview that there is definitely a new siege monster. unless that meant velkanha and that shitty lil repel she has, if so then fuck the devs
>Yian Garuga
>similar to Pukei
Alright, you got me. Here's your fucking (You) now get out.
yiff in hell fag
No one want to see this boy in Iceborne ??
no, fuck off
Variant of Nergigante leaked from the trophy list. We know nothing about it other than that he’s the end boss of an area called ‘The Guiding Lands’ which people are theorising to be like the Tower from older games.
It's frustrating in a memorable way. I don't have much recollection of a monster I farmed in minutes runs, but the asspain some shit gave me in FU and GU is eternal. I heard some styles break the game but you still have the option to keep it simple so it's the perfect difficulty step up after I put hundreds of hours in World.
lamest of the fated four
I wouldn't mind but it would feel weird to have 2 of the fated four and not just all of them. And Gammoth and Mizutsune are problematic to put in Mhw.
I wouldn't even be mad he's the only other fated four that would be easy to implement
He’s gonna make Dundorma look like a fucking joke.
He is 2cool4world, Glav give me hopes but I don't know m8.
>people actually think they're going to add Gore when all his gimmick frenzy shit would likely be too much work for them to implement
>Cyberpunk Nergigante
Seems we’ll have some news next week? That’s what this famitsu thing says.
The only difference between Glavenus and Acidic is that Glav's requires a tail while Acidic looks like it requires probably a fang and horn.
I need to know if the colors are blown out in that picture though because that one fang/claw part on the para looks greenish.
The only good part about Garuda
Subspecies weapons have branched off from a completely different monster exactly one time - and that's because The Abyssal Lagi weapons that did combined the designs of both Lagiacrus and the Zinogre weapons they upgraded from. This will likely never happen again.
I don't care enough to want.
>no hermitaur
>Capcom will never just overhaul the Rath monsters so they're not god awful archaic bullshit from the janky old days of MH
how are this many people getting baited by the khezu poster
garuga actually
Pretty sure that's beta related. They're running it from the 30th to the 1st. Then they've got a stream on the 3rd and patch on the 5th.
They've done that mutiple times, once in Tri and again in World
Fuck you, I'm a Khezu poster and I'm not baiting anyone today.
God Iceborne's main theme is so fucking good
Proof of a Hero eat your fucking heart out, this should be the new series theme
>is made out of the corpses of Dalamadur
it actually isn't. Those are ancient relatives to dalamadur, which is also why they are much larger.
Yian Garuga is in the house tonight. Everybody just have a good SKRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW
I remember there being more unaccounted for weapons on the long sword tree.
>fangs and claws required
Glavenus has no claw drops.
Since tigrex and narga are in and it's an ice themed expansion they really should include Ukanlos
Honestly I think Seregios is more likely than Gore just because he’d be easier to implement.
>better than proof of a hero
desu I don't get this hype for Yian Garuga, it has always be an ok, pretty simple fight for me.
Am I confusing it with something else? What's so special about it? Isn't it the poison tail + avoid traps birb?
>Garuga in but not best boi
What did they meme by this?
OK but where's kut ku
Where the fuck do Dalamadur even live normally where they can breed and remain undetected by human civilisation?
>Grinding away at GU
>Take a break to check the ol internet
>Garuga is in
Well hot damn. Kind of funny he got confirmed the same way Kirin did, plopped into a commercial.
He's great but they might wait until MH6 to get the rest of the Fated Four in.
single frame charges
It is the bane of bladecucks, we Gunnerchads just look at it like a regular Kut-ku but faster.
I know right? It has to be nostalgiafags. Yian Garuga has never been difficult or memorable.
>we will never see Peco again
>quadraped uses a 6 limbed dragon skeleton.
What would this hidden sleep be? Are there any confirmed monsters with it?
Then maybe they should get someone who knows what they're doing to fix it.
Is the thigh window still in
it was a big deal back in the first generation and it's a t2 bird wyvern for investigations and bounties
plus it smacking jho is cool
new tiggy sub maybe
Back in 4U and GU he was my favourite monster, able to do all sort of things from roar,charges,stun, poison,fire, all sort of combos. That's why he is memorable.
>so they're not god awful archaic bullshit from the janky old days of MH
Why do shitters hate Rathalos so much? I genuinely don't understand how can you suck so much.
One of those is still labeled as maybe being Brachydios despite being hidden sleep and there being another weapon that is much more obviously brachy (and labeled as such).
He'll be the first post-launch monster.
Gotta come in the same way as his best bud Jho
I like to think that the known world in MH is only like a tiny percentage of the full planet and like 99% of it is still completely unknown, and that there are places where monsters like Dalamadur are commonplace but so ridiculously far away that only very rarely does one accidentally stumble across human territory.
they have the exact same run and roar animations. do you think it's hard to just delete the wings or something?
mh6 bud....or never.....
>u hate it cuz u suck
I hate it because it's a garbage fight.
P3rd only original monter was jhen and amatsu right?
Both sounds impossible
its super cool and unique as well, i feel like they just need to make it more aggro or something since if you stick to its legs it basically cant hurt you
>sleepy tigrex
>instead of fighting it sleeps
>you can hit is a much as you want while sleeping but once it wakes up it goes apeshit mad and becomes 3 times faster than normal and chains 3 super roars.
Could be a new Narga or Tigrex really. If that para monster is Acidic Glav they might be doing the thing where one weapon gets a unique model and the sub/variant doesn't.
It isn't any more garbage than the rest of the roster.
Nightshade Paolumu, but that has its own weapon tree and having to awaken the sleep element on a monster that uses sleep from the getgo would be weird.
Where in the fuck are they gonna put yama
All they'd have to give him is the status ailment to inflict on hunters. EDs virtually never inhabit the map with non-EDs, and EDs are immune to the frenzy virus. It would be really easy to dance around not wanting to add frenzy monsters while implementing him.
I hope nightshade is fun, I love paolommu's armor, it's so fucking fluffy.
Duramboros, Great Wroggi, Amatsu, Zinogre, the three bears
If the Guiding Lands is a new Tower? The Guiding Lands.
Yeah, I know some of these words...
zinogre was a new monster in P3rd, if i remember correctly
Your hate boner for MHW sticks out all the time. Take a hike and cool off
>Reveal Yian Garuga by him uppercutting a Deviljho with his tail in a cutscene
>meanwhile, Kirin doesnt even get his own cutscene and is relegated to LOW RANK
Imagine being a Kirin cuck
They said he is not in iceborn base (fatalis)
If he is going to be, he needs to be integrated into the story more, or be just post launch content
What the fuck
>you will never live in a world that is is roughtly 200 times the size of planet earth
>will never have the life expectancy to survive countless trips overseas to hunt a single monster
>will never have the common physical dexterity and strength to hunt massive beasts - some of which rival actual gods
>will never have the stomach capacity to eat a meal the size of a chest of drawers
>will never be able to fall asleep immediately upon hitting your bed
why can't the monster hunter world be real?
No? For new monsters it had lagombi, nibelsnarf, duramboros, volvidon, zinogre, arzuros, and amatsu. Other new stuff was subs and whatnot. Jhen is tri.
>take Vaal's effluvium
>give it frenzy status
Wow. Hard. You're not one of those idiots that think they'd actually bring back it affecting other monsters when X and XX didn't do it do you?
Zinogre and a fuck ton of others, like Wroggi and the third gen Fanged Beasts.
But I don't hate World, I'm just pointing out that calling the Raths trash while liking the rest is idiotic. I actually like both, minus a few shitters here and there.
>all the crab variants
>all the piscine variants
But what DualBlades have 200 Paralysis and 600 Dragon?
They could just say that the gore/shagaru is old and has its frenzy weakened only working on small monsters and hunters
isn't he usually just a secret post-game super boss that isn't connected to the story at all in the other games?
Is that a MHF menu translation?
I'd feel so braindead if I ever played Frontier. It would extremely difficult learning the new names.
jho got knocked the fuck out
Post Frontier monsters that need to be brought to the mainline
Calling the roster trash while praising one of the most hated monsters is a sure sign of autism.
Worst right next to gammoth,
>lmao aoe
>giant fucking popo
its hard to tell which takes the cake
They haven't said anything about Fatalis. They've only deconfirmed Lagi, Khezu, Zorah, Kulve, Leshen, and Behemoth.
The Fatalis family have been secret bosses since Portable 2nd.
I literally just told you I don't think the roster is trash user, you seriously can't be this bad at english.
So... is nobody gonna mention that the scene with garuga in the trailer seems to take place in an entirely new forest?
this looks like a new area, too. wonder if they're going to extend the existing maps.
You mean the forest section of the Wildspire?
>It isn't any more garbage than the rest of the roster.
>I don't think the roster is trash user
Sure m8
No it doesn't, it's on the little path inbetween the giant rock and the nest(?) where you first meet Tobi.
Nope, that's not it. Look closer - it's new.
yeah, past their introductions, where they were final bosses, the three fatties and alatreon get relegated to post game super boss status. If Miralis ever came back, I imagine the same would happen.
This guy is pretty good. I also like the one monke that carries a baby monke its back.
It's a shitty fight and it has been forever
They should remove retard charge from its kit entirely
desu looks like the Pukei Pukei nest area to me
>It isn't any more garbage than the rest of the roster.
And the rest of the roster is not trash, hence Rath is not trash, which is my point. This is basic english for fuck's sake.
Look closer, user. It's new.
Thats cool, time to check it out more before it closes.
I was too brainlet to deal with the moonrunes.
but the point is that Raths are fucking garbage and should have been shelved a long ass time ago
it's way too flat to be that area
Last time someone said an area was new it turned out to just be the nest in the Coral Highlands but with the lights turned down to rave.
previous interview in famitsu i think they where talking
or it was ign
I distinctly remeber they where talking that while they did make good model for fatalis with new clay model and what not, they do not intend to use it, cause they want to reintroduce Fatty with better questline , or he will be post launch at this point
i remeber that /mhg/ was assblasted a bit because of it
Even with all the returning and new monsters this game still has less than 4U which was on a tiny shitty handheld.
Kinda disappointed that they didn't nerf more things but that they buffed stuff instead. It was already too easy...
I'll still play it though.
your mom is way too flat to be a woman lmao
Nope, there isn't an opening to an area without dense trees from the Pukei area.
I actually have a review copy, the forest pictured is new.
Is this new? Why now? Did they bypass the anti-cheat or does Capcom not give a fuck anymore?
and why, pray tell, would we get another fucking forest
my mom actually has pretty big titties
>They should remove retard charge from its kit entirely
They removed the instant charges in World, if you seriously get hit by the new slow-ass charges then you seriously suck.
These threads are always full of people calling them trash and none ever bring up any valid complains. You're seriously all shitters.
The only thing they said about Fatalis was that we shouldn't confuse 15th anniversary stuff with confirmations.
Nah I think is right cause I'm pretty sure you can see the little decline that you take on the mission where you escort the cart and fight Barroth.
Only one question remains now.
How does Ruiner fit into all of this despite there being only one G rank Nerg upgrade?
Everwyrm leak
but Chameleos is mainline
It's not just a forest, but that's all I'll say for now.
>game that had to remake almost everything from the ground up has less content than a game that reused shitloads of models and animations
>no Rajang in MHW
>tfw no DBZ cross over content featuring a SS3 Rajang doing an electric spirit bomb
>tfw no Goku and Vegeta armor sets
that area doesn't have a bunch of flowers like that
>How does Ruiner fit into all of this despite there being only one G rank Nerg upgrade?
Probably the new endgame wall that unlocks the other variant monsters like what Tempered Kirin guessing on what the dumb World devs like to do.
honestly suprised hes not in
his design looks like it belongs in world
Dude Grug is going to kill us all now
>They removed the instant charges in World, if you seriously get hit by the new slow-ass charges then you seriously suck.
Calm your angry ass down i just hate the fact that they fall over like fucking retards sometime 3-4 times in a row, the attack looks and is stupid as fuck.
Fuck dbz
Old areas might get new areas to them. Doubt we'll get more than one new map outside of an arena for Everywyrm and maybe Velk
>tfw no DBZ cross over content featuring a SS3 Rajang doing an electric spirit bomb
Just hop on Frontier and fight Red Rajang. It's literally this.
mhg lmao
May I see them?
Probably the cutscene render adding in shit that consoles couldn't handle in actual gameplay.
>Around HR500
>Have several hundred hours in the game
>Kind of want to just save edit myself in max consumables so I don't have to harvest or grind useless shit anymore
Am I a fag for wanting to do this? A lot of this shit feels really tiresome after so long.
>THE exploding hammer
Iceborne is being developed by a different team, so hopefully they aren’t as retarded about that.
So I just beat Behemoth and finally figured out why he irks me. He's too unique.
MH is all about improving your skill; fighting one monster automatically makes you better at fighting another, because you train your reflexes, positioning, aiming etc. which can be applied the entire rest of the game. BY the time you get to Agnaktor in Tri you already know how to deal with his hipcheck because you've been forced to deal with hipchecks before.
But fighting Behemoth just makes you better at fighting Behemoth because he's nothing like anything else in the game. My current ability to pull out a flash bomb, hide between rocks, run to a desolate corner of the map to bait that wind thing, combine ammo on the spot and hit the broad side of a barn with Clusters has no other application. I wasted my fucking time.
I know, I want it on mainline tho, I mainly just want Rajang in world.
>feeling the need to screencap obvious sarcasm
Are you okay, user?
Hunting diablos for dash extract is horrid but if i cheat i'm not going to want to play the game
>Velkana is just Kush with ice armor
>Water elder will probably be lame in gameplay as well.
>Weapons are more "dude bone/iron with monster bits on them" crap
Don't get your hopes up, user.
no, I had McDonals night shift
The only thing I don't like about Behemoth is that he was never tuned for solo.
Fuck Behemoth, Fuck Kulve, and Fuck Ancient Leshen.
dbz is gay shit for children
I'm more embarrassed for you that you screencapped that as if that user was being serious.
I'm starting to see why trolling is so low-effort on here these days.
He's shit because his fight is nothing but aoes
Have you seen the full hunts of Velkhana yet? It fights nothing like Kushala.
Great Jaggi was hunted to near extinction, the Guild is currently protecting its population.
Your shit taste is showing.
>Is this new?
Yes, fresh off the presses. The guy's website hasn't added a link directly to it but it's been linked and ready for use through the MHF TW Discord server.
>Why now? Did they bypass the anti-cheat or does Capcom not give a fuck anymore?
It's a bit of both. mhvuze, who did extract a good deal of Frontier assets and imported them into MHW, decided to release his tools to the public with the game closing down. Since the guy making it already did a good deal of legwork with sussing JP/CN/EN item names into a database, he just figured he'd have a bit of fun and compiled a patch.
The TW server honestly hasn't given a fuck since March or so but JP (who still has a considerable content lead but less English players) is still taking money so it's going to be more risky.
>He's too unique.
thats the point, he brings a different perspective to monster hunter players
when they added rathalos in ff14 a lot of players also said the same thing since wasnt designed as a typical mmo boss
That's understandable. The only reason I'm thinking about doing it is because I just want to play the game with other people and it feels like the grinding for extracts and mega drug shit is getting in the way.
Nope a lot of people do this, i have done it since the very first game, resources (minus traps and bomb) shouldnt have to be grinded for imo.
his fight pisses me off because it reminds me of all the time I wasted playing shitty mmos
My friend also has a review copy and said that Godzilla is a new Elder Dragon.
>Velkana is just Kush with ice armor
Actually wrong as fuck
>Water elder will probably be lame in gameplay as well.
Sure thing
>Weapons are more "dude bone/iron with monster bits on them" crap
the only correct statement
I didn't say I didn't like him. He just irks me. And people who play online irk me too because there's a chance theyre not getting better at the game. If you were carried past Lagiacrus then Agnaktor's hipcheck will catch you complete off-guard and rek your shit.
It's so different from my personal experience that I can't even compare it to what I'm doing.
Glad that they're getting more liberal with the design in world
Who the fuck gave them the idea "oooh the gaijins only love rearism"
Looks like the time I spent making this wasn't in vain after all.
Whoever designs the weapons in World needs to be fired. What fucking retarded is approving this shit?
>Rathalos carting shitters in an MMO.
>Ignoring all those unique weapons that have been confirmed
It's ok other than the eyes. Why the fuck do you guys make their eye color so bright? Looks like a god damn alien.
>Who the fuck gave them the idea "oooh the gaijins only love rearism"
Look at every game, movie and book and westernfags rave about. Not to mention Sony probably influenced how Capcom designed the game.
It was probably time constraints, the few unique models in the game look great and Iceborne looks like it’s adding a ton of unique models back in.
No homo tho.
Weapons seem to gte more unique the more you advance on their trees, so final versions of all weapons should look unique.
>>Ignoring all those unique weapons that have been confirmed
Those are end tree weapons and it fucking sucks that we have to go that far for good ones. We've seen Glav's CB and it's the same shit.
To be honest their complaints aren't without reason. MMOs use server side hit detection after all.
What's he like in FF14? I fought him in Peace Walker and he was pretty much the same as the other bosses in the game.
You can't ignore the amount of weapons that are just iron or bone with monster parts slapped on though.
I'm in no way denying that there are unique weapons either
Tempered monsters were confirmed a while ago. The endgame is a confirmed crapshoot as they are unbalanced as fuck on purpose. The best we can do is enjoy the expansion before we hit tempered monsters.
Friendly reminder: if you put a few nekkers in your room they try to attack you
you told me reddit
Aren't people going to use the same armor set and meta-approved weapon regardless? I always thought fashion hunting was a joke, like something people who don't take the game seriously would do.
Can't wait to farm some weird Kulve variant all over again at endgame. Sure do love RNG weapon drops in my monster hunter game.
None of them. Doesn't exist until the tree is leaked.
To be fair only a few of those weapons were good and worth the kulve farm.
so zinogre IS in, right?
Better accept it now because thanks to normalfags Monster Hunter is gonna be a "games as a service" MMO-lite game for the rest of time.
Super Highrank monsters have been around for a while. Kushala in MH4. Hypers in Gen. And yes, they're usually harder than G-rank. It's a shame, but people keep asking for G-rank despite the concept being pretty outdated and pointless. DId the monsters in World even get any new attacks in High Rank?
And then AT Kulve replaces Kulve again and everyone goes back to wanting to shoot themselves in phase 2 because half the arena becomes an OHKO hitbox whenever she rolls over.
our hearts yes
If they do another Kulve, I am legitimately cheating in all of the drops. I wouldn't even care or feel bad about it at that point.
khezu is decomfirmed?
What the fuck capcam i wanted the fucking khezu armor REEEEEEEEE
Nigga, skinnerbox endgame has been around since vanilla 4. 3U was the last game to have a fun endgame because it was all advanced quests and arena gauntlets.
>Aren't people going to use the same armor set and meta-approved weapon regardless?
i don't and i don't know what others will do
>I always thought fashion hunting was a joke, like something people who don't take the game seriously would do
Why is Frontier closing anyway?
Kulve is currently the owner of the single best LS, Hammer, CB, Lance, and HBG. She also has the majority of good elemental and status weapons due to Kjarr.
JPs are abandoning it, and video games in general it seems. Pretty sad.
everything COG works on is getting the axe. They haven't said it but it is pretty obvious either a reform or shutdown is happening
The short answer is that the devs are fucking idiots and their mistakes finally caught up to them. The correct answer is that World printed so much money that Capcom has absolutely no need for any other monhun media and has begun a purge of pre world Monhun.
Large crab
Whole thing is falling down. Frontier is just going with it.
is the 9K HD texture pack worth the disk space?
will they give you a free character edit voucher when iceborne launches?
>Top 10 photos taken just before tragic events!
XX didn't have any system like that didn't it?
Cause I want the eyes to pop god damn it. And these folks might as well be aliens. They brutalize monsters and fall from mountains unharmed, they sure as fuck ain't human.
Tempered gotta be the most boring monster buff there is,
>frenzy made them stronger but it also gave you the ligma virus that could either fuck you over or help you
>hyper made them stronger but also completely changed the speed of their attacks and allowed you to get more aggressive with the arts if you hit the correct body parts
>apex was shit but at least it had it's stupid stone gimmick
>Tempered/AT is just plain boring and shit
ive only heard stuff about it
theres the typical mmo rule of tanks facing the boss away from the party and dps needing attack on the on the rear of the boss because attacks can get parried on the front
ff14 rathalos has moves that basically breaks the MMO norms that people are used to
like his tail spin, which breaks the aforementioned rule and dps needs to attack him in his face because thats where his weakpoint is
FU Garuga can't be topped in shittiness. Luckily based Ryozo might actually take cuea from Deadeye Garuga and make it an ok fight, with tells and such
Sounds like Phantasy Star.
I hate Phantasy Star.
You forgot all element dependent weapons such as DBs, SnS, Lance, and Bow. Oh, and it has the best gunlances and Swaxe in the game too.
I’m only HR400 and i’ve already maxed out all the resources you can harvest, no need to save edit.
FU has 2 very different variants of Garuga.
Tempered I agree doesn't add much but AT? AT added new moves and changed the fights enough in my opinion. They could've done a better job on some of the monsters but in general it was a good idea.
>I hate Phantasy Star.
Shut your whore mouth you faggot.
I have a ton of everything except Mega drugs and Dash Juice. I just do not feel like farming out the extracts at all.
If Kush and teo weren't so hot garbage, ATs would have been mostly good.
COG got too cushy with Tencent so they’re getting shutdown. COG were the ones working on Deep Down, Capcom’s flagship title for current gen, and it’s rumoured that Tencent we’re poaching staff from COG and even getting them to sabotage Deep Down’s development so they could buy Capcom on the cheap. Monster Hunter Online was a Tencent production and was closed because Capcom are cutting all ties with Tencent, and that includes anything related to COG which is being reformatted into a new studio free of Tencent’s influence. Also they completely dropped the ball with Frontier and DDO support because the higher ups got lazy expecting to be poached by Tencent. The company is still being ‘purged’ of their influence as we speak, and COG is basically a skeleton team now.
COG as a whole is practically failing, which is why DDON is going down too. Overall though they did make a good deal of mistakes in the long term as the game has been in decline since their fatal mistakes that happened during G1 (which was apparently so ridiculously grindy). Honestly they also did put themselves into a corner with content and balancing decisions, and outside of any 'drought' periods, the game at best had ~5k players daily. Which obviously isn't exactly 5k subs at a given time but it's not exactly Iron Man numbers.
Still a pity to just let go of 12 years worth of stuff at the drop of a hat.
>That fem armor
Just tone down the saturation. They'll pop just being by being light compared to her skin or makeup around the eyes while not having to go full neon.
I don't mind harvesting in World. Ain't all too bad, especially if I mix in the beating of any monster that comes across my path during my flower picking/ rock smashing crusade.
I better be getting my brachiodos dual blades that look like boxing gloves I swear to god!
Can you hunt ATs on a pirated version of the game? I see there was a quest pack once but it's gone now.
Phantasy Star is what spawned MH zoomer
AT would be fine if every goddamn attack didn't deal 80-100% with endgame maxed out defenses.
My biggest gripe with World is the stupid amount of damage inflation. Both the hunters and the monsters deal too much damage now.
Cute hunter boy!
Wait, I was being serious. Is he not?
>every goddamn attack didn't deal 80-100%
Not every attack, there are some that are supposed to be pretty much autokills, but it's 1-2 per monster.
That's not how Brachy DBs look, dumdum.
He's IN.
all we have to hope for now is a private server
I thought it was Tencent who wanted to cut ties since COG was being autistic about their monsters in MHO.
Here's hoping for a compacted Frontier Complete sort of release on Switch or something, or a private server. What a shame.
It's the worst kind of MH gateway though. Focusing on the "stand back and watch someone much better than you beat the monster".
I couldn't care less about a token OHKO move. The problem is when a simple slap is almost enough to kill me and guard lancing gets you torn apart by chip damage. This is why we had subspecies to begin with - to make the fights harder without artifially inflating the damage output.
Tigrex.... I don't feel so good.... I think that I won't make it to Iceborne.... tell user that I love him........
>simple slap is almost enough to kill me
What even does that? you can survive a few normal attacks pretty damn fine, like when nergigante starts playing with you with its paws, the wing flap, the back attack, they take off 40% tops.
Obviously with health 3 because it's a must for Ats.
Sometimes you don't know what you have until it's gone. This is the first game in the series without a penis wyvern.
>qurupeco reintroduced to World
>gets buffed to endgame strength
>gets a bond with deviljho
do deviants sleep?
There was the cookie leak thingamajig with Zinogre and other flagships that looked like his other leaked map icon which was removed for copyright so it’s safe to assume it’s back in.
But where’s Saiyan Monkey?
Legends tell that he is still dicking hunters in MH4U's online mode.
>But where’s Saiyan Monkey?
MH6 user
It takes time to style that hair right.
Why don't you fucks understand that they aren't going to confirm every old monster in a trailer. RYOZO SAID MANY OF THEM ARE GOING TO COME POST LAUNCH OR IN SECRET.
el threado
fuck off lil dick
Rajang was the easiest Apex Monster of the reward tier. There is a reason people abused Monster for style points on Relic drop + Rajang and not Deviljho
You first jobber
You forgot to mention deviants.
I have no special feelings for Yian Gargua but they better not mess around with his awesome roar.