>Looking through lists of games to get on this
>%95 of it is shovelware or mediocre garbage
Looking through lists of games to get on this
Other urls found in this thread:
BREAKING: user discovers Sturgeon's law, rushes to make a stupid thread about it.
>the other 5% are games that have better versions on every other console
zoom zoom
What are some actually good games for it?
>if you have a ps3
simpsons hit and run
spy vs spy
timesplitters 1, 2 and future perfect
>if you don't have a ps3
god of war 1 and 2
marvel ultimate alliance
devil may cry 1,2 and 3
sly 1,2 and 3
metal gear solid 2 and 3
>Tie in
>Tie in
>Tie in
>Already played GoW
>Capcom garbage
>Kiddy shit
>Kojima trash
I said good games
>Tie ins and capcom garbage are worth playing
This board is a fucking joke
Look up Yea Forums's recommended ps2 games
That list is awful though, I've seen it
5% of the PS2 library is 120-40 games I think. It's probably more games than most people will own.
That is not even counting all the hidden gems and quaint games that get looked over by lesser people such as you.
>Lesser people
I've played more than enough jank and flawed games, I just wanted a proper library of physical games.
Janky games are for emulation, but it seems there's barely anything worthwhile to own in physical
The PS2 has the largest amount of GOAT games out of any single console, bar none.
What kind of taste do you have? Do you think the 6th generation was shit?
No, I just want some actually excellent games instead of mediocre jank
>mediocre jank
Almost none of the best ps2 games are jank
We've all heard the story before.
"This ps2jrpg is almost nearly as good as chrono trigger if you squint."
"Try timesplitters, sometimes it almost makes you think like youre playing perfect dark instead!"
PS1/PSX had the best game library from all playstation consoles. Prove me wrong
Protip: You can't
Say some games that you think it is good
Zone of the enders
but the ps1 and psx are different consoles
Thread should have ended here, desu.
I get the gist that many of you guys are bored, and instead of just nuking a shit thread, you want to boredly participate.
oh fuck thanks, just started trying out pcsx2
Whatever I mean Playstation.
Then get the N64 and buy the seven games it has, join the hivemind discussion and obsess over these games over and over, complaining about every new game in their series, all of the competition and ignoring all the less known games. It seems exactly the sort of experience you want, and no console does that shit better than the 64.
Thanks for this, I know what to nab as guaranteed games now.
What the fuck are you dribbling about? I just wanted excellent games for PS2, and instead I get a list that seriously thinks DMC 3 is worth playing
Again user, if you want to deal in universal concepts of good instead of developing your own taste you should pick up the 64 instead.
But I have my own taste user, I like games with depth, so I don't play Capcom shit
>Still not answering what types of game you enjoy
>Action games
>Anything with an interesting atmosphere
>Games that are different in some way
Pretty nice chart, was Onimusha 3 multiplatform back then?
Also I hard recommend Twisted Metal Black. It's easily the best car combat game I've played and it has some of the best maps I've seen for the genre. Just don't do the drive in map, shit's 2 hard.
Do you have anything like this for other systems?
>Oddworld game locked to xbox
It truly is not fair bros
Can't believe everyone is falling for this bait.
Every single good game people will say, OP will just go "LMAO GAME SUCKS TELL ME GOOD GAME"
kys OP
based retard
If a good game comes up I'll check it out, but I mean this thread has had people saying fucking movie tie ins are worth playing
Yea Forums recommendation of the decades
What's wrong with DMC3?
>Phantom Crash
>looks exactly like S.L.A.I. for the PS2
Odd, was it like a sequel to it?
I was honestly so god damn upset when I heard about that. Fucking loved 1 and 2. Eventually found out Munch's got a steam port, bought it and stopped playing within like an hour.
>hasn't played game
>questions quality without basis
Try harder
>Movie tie ins are good bro
I just looked this up, is this fucking gothic shooting DMC? That sounds fucking amazing.
SLAI was the sequel
why do you need/want a ps3 for the first few?
It's an anime game. It's closer to a third person beat em up than a third person shooter, thanks to the heavy lock on ability. It's okay if you can play it for free.
Just see Also play Twisted Metal Black.
I think all the games on the bottom half have HD versions on PS3
Well, my aiming is shite so that could be for the best, how much of a moveset do you have in it?
>All these games that are just "ok"
Exactly what I didn't want
Not a ton, you're pretty sluggish overall. If you mash the shoot button you turn in place and can shoot super fast.
Alright, sounds fun but probably more worth it for less than it seems to go for. Thanks man.
Shit dude, if you can't look at that list and see at least 10 amazing games then you just have shit taste.
Any list that seriously recommends any capcom game as worth your time isn't worth reading
>edgy zoomposting
go to bed Hunter
Console gaming isn't for you I guess.
>If you don't like capcom garbage then console isn't for you
Fucking hell capcomniggers are literal NPCs
King's Field: The Ancient City
>Also known as "Atmosphere: The Game."
This is pretty bad shitposting desu. You're clearly upset that the PS2 is held in such high regard and all you want to do is shoot down any games listed towards you with some Yea Forums buzzword. Reminds me of that time some guy tried to dismiss Super Mario Odyssey with "bing bing wahoo".
The console wars are over bruh, relax.
>Don't like movie tie ins
>Don't like shitty games made by awful companies
>Bro you're just shitposting
fucking this
This is one of the best JRPGs on the system
Valkyrie Profile Silmeria is also bretty good.
I am serious. You're asking for general console game recommendations, you are bound to have Capcom games one way or the other.
Is this the same as Minstrel Song? Thanks for an actual suggestion, I'll check it out
Yeah, that one is Minstrel Song. Fucking awesome game tbqqh
>every console game is a capcom game
I wonder what could possibly be wrong with this logic
>never played any of them
>hate them all anyways
Seems you don't like video game
zoom zoom doesn't understand games in 6th gen were way over his cognitive thought processes, so in his eyes they were shit due to not being able to grasp what he was looking at while he shat himself and rolled around in it.
>Wasting time playing fucking movie tie ins to see "if they're good"
>Movie tie ins and capcom kuso are high IQ
Fucking hell
>buffy the vampire slayer
>wasting time bitching on a forum about hating everything
I'd rather play video games
There's easily 10 great games on that chart that aren't movie tie ins or made by Capcom. Romancing Saga is literally on that list.
I've rarely seen this game talked about, then again Yea Forums seems to neglect 90% of PS2 RPGs for some reason.
I remember someone posting that years ago and the shit still blows me away.
I unironically watch MetalJesusRocks (expecially with the fat nigger) to find hidden gems. The black dude sure knows his obscure japanese underage panty quest games.
Is Ar Tonelico good?
Reggie is based.
Maybe video games aren't for you. Perhaps try one of Manu other hobbies, such as reading or horse riding.
That song sounds like generic Ys rock shit.
Imagine not liking videogames