Death Stranding

>Massive map
>Your objective is to travel to the west coast of America, while delivering packages and making allies for Bridges
>You must safely travel across rough terrain while managing things like keeping your BB safe so you can maneuver around BTs safely, your health (which is measured in ml, so you can bleed out possibly?), and the durability of your packages and boots
>You can use various tools such as ladders and climbing rope (and more i've seen in menus, but can't identify) to maneuver around the terrain, and you have a limited amount of them, so if you get distracted by BTs or human enemies, you might have to leave something behind, which will hinder your travelling capabilities. There are going to be various exoskeletons that you can use, probably with different benefits and different cargo capacities. We only know of the "speed" exoskeleton, which judging by game logic is probably going to move faster than normal speeds but can only hold less items. The Ludens armor might be an end-game or secret exoskeleton/equipment
>Extremely varied locations like easy to traverse plains with small hills, rocky plateaus with claustrophobic crevices that you have to traverse past, and probably in, ruined cities, areas with lots of small mossy mountains and rivers, mars-like wastelands, massive mountains peaked with snow, snowy mountains, dense forests/swamp forests, and most likely more. According to leaks and speculation, possibly even the moon will be an end-game area. I wouldn't be surprised if there's even caves
>Various types of BTs, like the floating umbilical cord ones, based on cutscenes some that appear to be quadrupeds, when BTs catch you they can bring you to various miniboss-esque enemies that are dangerous
>When you die, you get transported to an ocean-like realm where you search for your body and items in first person, to come back to life

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Other urls found in this thread:

>When BTs eat a corpse, a voidout happens and leaves behind a crater. Possibly an aspect of gameplay as it is shown you can also deliver corpses and there was a cutscene showing a corpse being cremated, so you might also have to bag up and cremate any corpse you find to prevent craters that could interfere with travel.
>There is also Hades, the WW1 realm, which others also say you go when you die. Though with the confirmed ocean realm, that doesn't make much sense. If you fail to find your body and come back to life in time in the ocean realm, then perhaps a voidout happens at your corpse, you lose all the packages you were delivering, and you get sent to Hades where you have to fight/find a way out to restore your disintegrated body and come back to life
>A part of one of the trailers shows you breaking open a case for your rifle, and in the menu when pulling out a ladder in release trailer, there was a rifle, so it is possible that the rifle is something you have to opt in to bring along if you think your path is going to be especially dangerous, and it will add onto your weight so you don't always want to bring it, but your handgun will always be with you
>There are multiple delivery companies, the hazmat looking people probably one of them because they were trying to steal packages. Will most likely also have to watch out for rival delivery companies trying to hijack your packages, and they will probably also have varying equipment to attack you, but most will most likely not use guns because they don't want to damage the packages. You most likely will also be able to steal their packages and deliver them
>You might get to temporarily use superpower things like the golden mask later in the game

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This game sounds like one massive chore where everything is done to intentionally impede progress in a boring and tedious way.

cant wait

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Shame they used that souless fluoride stare girl.

>Wow this game has real long-term decision making and consequences stemming from those decisions that actually affect the world and change gameplay
>Sounds boring LOL
Don't worry, you can keep playing Fortnite

The concept of the game is no game over or no total death

You get caught by BT= you get dragged into hell or the otherworld were you have to fight mads and skeletons in word war settings with with al the equipment from before you got dragged

You die from explosion=you go to the ocean world were you have to work your way back to the real world naked with no items

Homo Demens= Neo-Yea Forums redditors with double masks, don’t believe their shitposting and lies.

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Outside of that I'm interested, it will either be great or a trainwreck.

You can have that without making it painfully slow and not just "about walking".

Here's what I'm wondering: If the game is about a linear journey from the East Coast of America to the West Coast, then why make it Open World?

Also, if being killed by a BT means that a crater will appear I wonder if that can happen anywhere in the world or only in specific scripted areas.

Who is this bitch, I’ve seen her somewhere before but cant put my finger on it.

You actually can't

>>There are multiple delivery companies, the hazmat looking people probably one of them because they were trying to steal packages. Will most likely also have to watch out for rival delivery companies trying to hijack your packages, and they will probably also have varying equipment to attack you, but most will most likely not use guns because they don't want to damage the packages. You most likely will also be able to steal their packages and deliver them
This is less "Amazon prime the game" and more "Rival Chinese Food Delivery Men the game "

Yes you fucking can.

This game will cause Video Game Crush 2.0

>sharing a youtube video

Either put it on bitchute or video webm it and link me

In one trailer the BTs take you to hell and in another trailer they cause the big dude to show up and create an still doesn't make sense to me.

Oh I remember now. She was in Netflix’s death note.

You missed the third one and didn't even post the images. And most importantly you missed ">mamas milkies" at the very end, how could you do that?

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>delivering packages
Amazon wagecuck

"Either this is going to be a mediocre game with extreme potential that gets underutilized, or it's going to be one of the greatest games ever made. I think the scale leans towards the latter , but nothing is set in stone, anything can happen. Take a look at pic related, how the station in the distance is so far yet so detailed, that also hints at the map being massive because it looks like you can go there."

Attached: mapsize2.png (782x550, 575K)

Sam is Ludens

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That image wont bring people to the thread, sex sells..learn marketing

And anyways, what else do we know about the game? I need more for the pasta to BTFO walking sim posters.

If sex sells, you could have left in >mamas milkies bro..... It was the best part of the whole thing.

Sounds boring. This type of shit is why konami kept kojima on a leash and focused on the product. He has wild ideas but no ability to refine them into something worth a fuck.

the sick fuckin motorcycle

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We saw some short previews of the combat in some teasers in-game, so we can expect melee hand to hand, melee with weapons and long distance weapons

Based Mobile-Gacha promoter

^Homo demens

You think there's going to be nonscripted chase sequences sometimes? That truck looks pretty cool too.

You can use a fucking briefcase as a weapon, that's badass.

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You probably think that MGS was all Kojimas work solely.

>muh fukushima, the literal who codec writer and programmer

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>You can use a fucking briefcase as a weapon
Oh yeah, this implies that you probably can use other objects as improvised weapons

Dude what? I agree with you, having choices and impactful gameplay is boring. What you need is lootboxes and a BR mode.

At that scale the two maps don't match up though, even though the markers do.

Fine, I'll fucking watch this.

It's mostly lies and fanfiction, make sure to leave a dislike

fukushima Faggots need to kys

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I wonder what would happen if you drop a ladder on someone.

Unless i'm being retarded, it just looks that way because one is zoomed way in for player use, and the other is the whole map.

Is Kojima a piss fetishist?

>Remove Kojima
>First Konami move is to make the most bland and cheap use of the engine with a generic zombie third person game
Yeah, Kojima didn't made any difference /s

I wonder what would happen if you EJECT the fucking ladder into someone


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>Codec writer
>codecs being the best part of MGS
What did he mean by this?

Post moar mama

>thinks he was responsible for all of codecs, and not a small few that just got approved or guidelined by kojima

>codecs being the best part of MGS

Attached: kojumbo.jpg (1082x564, 25K)

Here's a question.
Is it coming to pc?

So does that mean with the online features other players can cause craters to form in your game? It's gonna look like that old 2b minecraft server

Worst case scenario, 1 year of exclusivity

Sounds like a snorefest

>trying to make a walking simulator sound exciting

I need help anons.

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Looks like a suicide rope for a quick kys

Homo demens

I'm already a homo demon, Kaz. Take me to Edge Nut City

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but is it fun?

The "extinguisher" looks like a flash/gas grenade

I'm not familiar with climbing tools, but the "noose" looks like it can hook onto things, so maybe you can rock climb with a pick?

Yeah. I want to play because while I don't know if Death Stranding will be good, I think it will be interesting. It's Kojima with a blank check from Sony and no rules holding him back, and I really doubt we'll see a big name director get that sort of setup again anytime soon.

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What did you have to say in the mic to progress again? I forget but man was that fucking cool

What's the point? Everyone can tell it's not a "walking sim" as it's usually understood. I.E. a narratively driven first person adventure game about exploring a linear or semi linear environment while taking in exposition, environmental storytelling and solving minor puzzles. It's a third person action game about safely reaching waypoints while overcoming or avoiding environmental hazards and enemies. The only thing it has in common with walking simulators is that it involves "going somewhere" which can be said about literally every game to some extent. Mirrors Edge is all about getting from one end of an area to another and it's not a walking simulator.

>mirrors edge
A running simulator

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I can't imagine it not being fun but then again I can't see it being fun. We just have to wait and see.

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Meaning? It's confirmed? I'm willing to wait if that's the case. Worst case scenario is it not actually coming to pc

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I mean PS4 exclusivity for one year, because it's something that make $en$e

>reminding me of the kino silent hills reveal
Fuck you

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Reminder if you dont find this interesting am afraid that your IQ is too low, go back to your pew pew pow boom

I was already pretty sold on the game from the unique premise and concepts alone, but the moment I saw that god damn fucking ladder go into his hands... The only people not excited are people who aren't benefiting from Kojima's success (Konami) and contrarians.

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There's just nothing to really see or discuss anymore, he's still hiding everything from us.

Have kojima ever mentioned how much the silent hill series have inspired him? Especially in the last few years...the mist unit, silent hills, the hands..etc the influence is everywhere.

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Tokyo Game Show, this September, he's going to "show us the real thing soon", for real this time.

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Not going to buy a game from a homophobe, Kojima has been described by some friends and colleagues as racist. Colleague David Hayter described him as "Nazi-esque", saying: "Every once in a while there'd be something about Jews and I'd be, 'But Hideo, I'm Jewish,' and he was like 'Yes, yes, I don't mean you.' He had a definite racialist streak, [the belief] that he was physically, spiritually and creatively superior", a view he appears to have continued to maintain throughout his later years. According to Konami executives, Kojima once attacked a mixed-race woman in a restaurant with a smashed wineglass, saying "I hate black people". During a conference at the 1998 Tokyo Game Show, the audience rioted after the trailer for Metal Gear Solid included the German national anthem "Deutschlandlied", including a verse omitted since 1945 for its nationalist associations.

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You won't know shit until you're playing it and you know that much.

>During a podcast with Dan Fogler, Norman Reedus revealed that Sam "has got this phobia of being touched, and as you play the game the phobia leaves you
I think thats the main reason for the hands, and there is also the huge hand monster in P.T. files and concept trailer.

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The Jew Fear The Samari

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If you read the pasta I wrote (OP), it sounds like we know a lot of shit, considering how little we've been shown.

First of all nothing wrong With hating jews second there is no way kojima would joke like that with david when he cant speak english in the first place, homo demen

I know that's just a copypasta, but Kojima does know how to speak English. He started using a translator out of embarrassment after all the "did you rike it" memes.

I wonder how mandatory dying will be in this game. Like will you have the option to beat the game without visiting the other world? And if your death causes those explosions will you be able to get rid of enemy settlements or landmarks by dying nearby and exploding or will those ghost thingies simply not spawn there?

>I want people to realize that when they die in the game, that isn’t the end.” This means that Death Stranding will not include a traditional game over screen and players will instead be taken to this underwater level. "At that point, you’re not dead or alive. It’s the equivalent of that screen that says ‘Continue?’ and a counter ticking down towards zero," explained Kojima.

>Death will never pull you out of the game,” said Kojima, who also revealed that players will be able to explore this underwater section in first-person. Players will be exploring outside of (Norman Reedus' character) Sam's body thanks to his "unique" abilities, then they can re-enter his body and continue with the game.

>Kojima also revealed that "So as you saw in the trailer, you saw the crater, and when you come back, it’s still there," unlike other games which may take players back to when the crater was made. This means that "depending on the player, you might have a lot of craters all over the place."

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>Kojima also revealed that "So as you saw in the trailer, you saw the crater, and when you come back, it’s still there," unlike other games which may take players back to when the crater was made. This means that "depending on the player, you might have a lot of craters all over the place."
The way that important locations are spread out actually sounds like a good design choice in this case. You can fuck up your environment without fucking up your gameplay big time.

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I know BTs appear when timefall happens, but how else can timefall be an obstacle outside of story? Sam appears to always be wearing clothing that protects him from it, so it's not like you can be caught in timefall and get aged when you can't bring a hoodie with you.

>So what about the guy that gets really old, then? That’s the rain. Except this isn’t rain that we recognise from our world, it’s called Timefall, a slippy substance that alters the flow of time. “Most people in the game are aware of the rain – and well, Norman is quite unique in this regard… I think I should stop there,” he laughed.

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It is a good video but do you really need to shill it so hard

I'm gonna assume that there will be at least a few scripted setpieces where you have to enter the Afterlife world for story reasons. Probably at least once close to the beginning for tutorial reasons. I also assume that the BTs will only spawn in specific areas, I kinda doubt that a crater could appear just anywhere at any time. I feel like that could too easily break things. Chances are, places where craters can appear are predetermined. Maybe there'll be sections where you can use it strategically.

>underwater level
a fate worse than death itself


I just hope that the game doesn't have a lot of shitty fillers like mgsv like for example the gap between starting your first Afghanistan mission and rescuing Huey

Delivery Boy Sim™: A Hideo Kojima Game©

I don't understand the point of your thread. You clearly don't know anything about the game and are just posting random shit you think happens. The game looks neat but I'll wait until it comes out, hype ruins everything.

Nah you are just stupid, everything mentioned in OP is from everything we know so far.

So Extreme UPS simulator?


Real solid info you got there son

We haven't seen a lot of unedited gameplay footage but what the game is about and what you do is relatively clear at this point. That "briefing" cutscene journalists have been writing about pretty much spells it out.

Here's a better question, why would you want it? It looks terrible.

lmao BASED im buying death stranding now

Jews and blacks hates humanity so it's natural to hate them, also pre order confirmed :)

I see everyone talking about the copypasta, but I kek'd at the image. How did that FBI faggot make such an evil looking face? That shouldn't be humanly possible.

So guys what if the other world is a alternate earth with war and shit and like your character has to travel between the worlds to get to the other side of the US

>almost all of the first few words of each greentext are objective fact about the game
>ignores that speculation only happens after the fact is established

I like this theory
>There appear to be two post-death worlds in Death Stranding - there's the aether we've seen before where Sam is floating naked with the dream catcher and the hand prints, and then there's the realm of Hades, Cliff's domain which appears to be full of his tortured memories of war. I can only imagine this will be some kind of gauntlet the player has to surpass to get to the rebirth state and start playing once more. Again from the official site, the copy tells us to choose combat methods "carefully, as killing your foe is almost never the solution" within the so-called upside-down realm, and that "every death carries a consequence," whether that's Sam or the enemies trying to take him down. Cliff's realm is clearly where the effects of the fast-forwarding temporally dangerous rain, Timefall, have been felt heavily.

It seems like his shift from a well-to-do scientist with all his faculties to the lord of hell will be integral to this gauntlet and a result of too much Timefall exposure- the baby dolls he's surrounded by are perhaps Cliff trying to atone for whatever happened with the first BB he engineered. He's tortured by his past then, or even more vague, the horrors of the past in a general human sense, given that there are World War 1 trenches and tanks as well as Vietnam soldiers roaming around at his command. This trailer also reveals that he has the same c-section scar as Sam on his tummy, which looks to be the power source that allows them both to live and dwell between worlds, potentially connected to the BBs that Higgs and Sam own - what if Higgs stole his from Cliff and that's why he's turned demonic and vengeful?

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>I wouldn't be surprised if there's even caves

No. PS4 exclusive.

Nigga it's literally a walking simulator. The walking simulator to end all walking simulators. Look at how many mechanics are in play for WALKING.
There you go, faggot. Enjoy.

You forgot if you die your equipment or packages are left behind and other players can find and finish the delivery for you.

British soldier, right? Nice that it wasn't a German that he made into a some evil looking ghost thing. Maybe Kojima is redpilled.

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Reminds me of The Secret World where certain puzzles could only be solved while the player's dead and having an "out of body experience". Hopefully it'll be more than just a gimmick mechanic.

Cringy cope from Konami leadership.

So then we will just emulate it. Hah suck on that, consolefags.

So BBs could just be people exposed to rain so badly they regressed back to babies? Ah well pointless to speculate at this point.

>souless fluoride stare
I know that stare. I have seen it in women. Some got the stare from taking SSRI antidepressants (those drugs are based on fluoride molecules).

Thanks, but I don't really care.

The "noose" are metal tools for mountain climbing that the rope goes through.

>Massive map
When the fuck has this ever been a good thing? It just means it'll be empty as fuck, which we already knew from gameplay clips

Gothic 2.

Maybe, bodies of water don't match up between maps, even then if that's the map size it's quite small, I thought the point was to make it big, apparently not. This game is very interesting, my main interest is in seeing what it actually is.

t.konami shill

based kojimbo, dabbin' on dem niggers and kikes

This is going to be one of the worst games in history

You left out some stuff.
Pic related is the terminal menu.
>Take on Orders
Receive quests from npcs
>Make Delivery
Complete quest; delivery item
Notice it also says deliver cargo dropped by others. Multiplayer aspect of completing other players' quests.
>Claim Materials
Claim scavenged crafting materials
Break down items into crafting materials
>Entrust Cargo for Delivery
Multiplayer, leave cargo for other players to deliver for you. Reverse of deliver cargo dropped by others.
>Share Locker
Store items that can be accessed in multiplayer
>Private Locker
Store items only you can access
>Fabricate Equipment
>Red Bar Heart icon
Life bar. Units are mL of blood
>Yellow Bar Small Face icon
Baby stress status; rock baby to sooth when stressed and crying
>Blue Bar Big face
Sam stress status
>Green Bar Foot
Shoes wear and tear
>Scales icon and numbers
kg carrying over max weight
>Thumbs up icon
Currency Sam got some for delivering the Ludens fan's cargo
>Hand icon
Amount of connections to the chiral network
>Chain link icon One Star
Info about the NPC Ludens fan. How relavent or important connecting him to BRIDGES was.
>Q icon Q-pid Lv1 FRAGILE
Relation strength with character Fragile

Attached: menu.png (3419x1951, 2.13M)

I guarantee this will be a wildly polarizing game and I can't fucking wait

After November 8th, I'm not going on Yea Forums again until I beat it

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Judging by the uniform and shotgun, American, which fits given the WW2 world has Americans as well.

now thats a solid BASED & REDPILLED right here.

Attached: kojama.jfif.png (828x1792, 1.51M)

this isnt a game that you beat

>After November 8th
I guarantee you there will be early leakers, I'm going to vacate the internet 2 weeks before the game's release just to be safe

She is so pretty. Im so lonely

>Imagine being this insecure

Stay poor

You fuckers have forgot the single most important piece of info about the game.
Sam Lake has a high chance of showing up in a cameo role.

Attached: its payne.jpg (900x1200, 132K)

It's in every single game he made, sometimes multiple times. Probably.

Hiking simulator

and most likely Gaben too. hope he's a plumber or something in the Half Life suit.

Also the Volgin torture scene in MGS3 where Naked Snake wets himself.

Attached: MGS3-Volgin-Tortures-Snake.jpg (800x445, 49K)

stupid marketing person go away

Game looks really cool but I just can't handle games with extremely tense/oppressive atmospheres and this seems like it will most definitely be pretty tense. I will have to take a look at gameplay when it's finally out.

I guess there's a safe protocol to keep story relevant area from getting destroyed, most likely gonna be a "safe" area free from BTs

fuck you, paperboy is NES classic game

Unfortunately, Kojima and Gaben met when Kojima went to Valve where there would not be the scanning equipment to put him in the game.
Pic related did happen though at Kojima's studio.

Attached: he's in.jpg (1200x802, 109K)

That's exactly why Kojima put in pissing and baby shaking, user. Also interdimensional breastfeeding and NPCs doing the YMCA. To break up that tension and oppression.


I wouldn't hope for something that big.

Attached: studio.jpg (2048x1536, 244K)

>yfw the female character is playable and the pissing action is replaced by lactating.

Attached: gud pizza.gif (392x400, 1.33M)

Fuck you the last thing that great dead franchise would have needed was Kojima's pretentious ass cancer. Literally never getting a single Silent Hill product ever again is better than ever getting a single Kojima Silent Hill thing.

Where was it said that she's playable? I think I heard another user say this too.

still, it's the BB emptying the tank, not Sam pissing. i doubt that he even got genitals or organs.
got some major Westworld vibes from the Ludens Fan video.

Either an interesting fun time or absolute shit. Either way greatness is not in the future for this title.

>I think I heard another user say this too.
eh i think it was written in the leak, if you bothered with it. wouldn't mind at all if Story/Quests play out a bit different too

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Great. Can’t wait to play this on my PC.

What kind of fucking drugs is Kojima on?
Or is this just how the normal Japanese brain functions?

Attached: Death-Stranding-GamePlay-Details.jpg (1280x720, 188K)

It's not on PC.

I used that word for a reason, user.

fuck off.

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And regardless of what happens, there will be millions who praise it as the second coming of sliced bread and will retroactively define Kojima as the person who invented babies like how P.T made him the mastermind behind the Silent Hill franchise.

The experience will be lesser

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Hope it comes to PC eventually as that's where it needs to be for longevity with PC not requiring multiplayer to cost extra or rely on console servers.

>Cult member forgets the order of application of cult's tactics
>Skips a step and goes to false accusation of dissenter belonging to a heretic group
>Doesn't realize that the heretic group is against the dissenter too and ends up blatantly fucking his own position instead
Right on cue

fuck no, you guys would kill the community.

>fuck no, you guys would kill the community.
spot the homo demon

Attached: mads.png (864x1230, 1.09M)

Look. You can either have what happened to Demons Souls community but faster or what happened to Dark Souls community.

Oh no PC bros...

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Is this photoshopped?

why do you think that?

I don't know

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It is far too late to consider Silent Hill a sacred franchise that shouldn't be defiled. It's been whored out multiple times, Kojima having his way with it would change nothing.

Absolutely not. The less this disease spreads the quicker it dies. Let it be an exclusive so its mediocrity makes everyone forget and Kojima can finally an hero.

What an odd question. But no, you can reverse image search it. It's real.

Exactly. Kojima's terrible outing with Konami is more important than a good video game at this point. I mean it's just terrible how they treated him with his over budget and sudden vacations. But screw the facts, this game is gonna be good because it is already decided.

>his over budget and sudden vacations. But screw the facts
The irony.


Attached: 293392.jpg (640x480, 31K)

It's real.

Attached: remedy.jpg (770x513, 75K)

>Kojima having his way with it would change nothing.

Fucking wrong. Conceptually you might not like what Kojima does with the game but as for the gameplay itself, Kojima's track record proves the game would have at least been fun to play.

Nobody gave a fuck about the American devs who made Homecoming and Downpour. Kojima is a cult leader with millions of sycophants who would redefine the franchise as his, just like how Kojima himself replaces specific names in the credits of games with his own using some kind of contractual fuckery when downsizing at the end of production. There are thousands of people already who think he is the mastermind behind the Silent Hill franchise because of one 3d-scan of a hallway that had nothing to do with Silent Hill. Kojima wouldn't be making just one shitty game, his inability to produce anything of value or quality transcends time itself and he would retroactively ruin the rest of the series.

>just PS4

>as for the gameplay itself, Kojima's track record proves
I wasn't aware Kojima was involved with the 90% cycle. I sure hope you have a citation to go along with that claim

>Kojima himself replaces specific names in the credits of games with his own using some kind of contractual fuckery when downsizing at the end of production
Goddamn you faggots just keep on coming up with crazier bullshit everyday.

no, bb's are from "still mothers", who are brain dead because of the death stranding. this allows the bb's to see the bts or something i don't remember it was the cutscene shown with deadman.

Uh how do this brain dead women get pregnant?

it wasn't said, i think they were already pregnant when they became brain dead, this is what is giving the bb's connection to the other side or something.

Literally no one thinks Kojima is the "Mastermind behind the Silent Hill franchise". We already saw the worst case scenario of Kojima messing with a series he didn't understand with Castlevania, and it had zero effect on the series legacy or people's perception of it. And no, Kojima did not kill off Iga's games, they were already dead at that point, they canned his Hail Mary 360 PS3 entry in the series and had him make the ultimate in asset reuse, HoD.

Cringe jerrytard detected

There is this caretaker there whose name is Buck.

>Konami is cooked without Kojim-

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-23 at 2.03.03 AM.png (1926x1072, 186K)

>you're at the club
>you slap some celebs ass
>This guy turns around with raised fists
What do?

Let's be fair here. Kojima usually only takes producer, director and then makes an extra spot later on where he claims to be game designer/writer

Funny enough game level design is by other people and event scripting is also by a different group. UI is typically done by one person who isn't him, so "designer" must just sound good or something. I'd also imagine "writer" must be something other than event scripting although what I don't know.

He makes pseud trannies seethe like no dev I've ever seen.

>literally 75% down from ATH
>LMAO everything's fine lads
Not even /biz/ is this dumb, and they're the benchmark of stupidity

>"writer" must be something other than event scripting although what I don't know.
Big Boss instead of snake was his idea that is probably what "writer" is about

His bosses name is chuck

It's still almost double what it was at the time they fired Kojimbo

Kojima is such an inefficient troglodyte. He should know by now that he only needs to excrete something abstract into a 3d-scanner and make millions. But he still insisted on producing this elaborate piece of shit as a system to bypass an NDA when he was finally being fired? And now he's creating something that even he himself probably doesn't understand even though he has to do literally nothing to make bank because of the backing of his cult.
He should take a lesson or two from Marc Laidlaw and Epistle 3.
That reminds me, has there ever been a single name of a major MGS character that isn't some juvenile simplistic two-part cartoon name that sounds like something invented by a 7-year-old in his make believe superhero games in the backyard? Revolver Ocelot, Skull Face, Grey Fox, Psycho Mantis.

That's his old boss. Got replaced.

He left in... 2017 was it? Thats about 25% above, which is still a weak showing considering their move to pachinos that should be raking in the Benjamins.
And if we TA this bad boy, it's clearly on a downward trend.

>That reminds me, has there ever been a single name of a major MGS character that isn't some juvenile simplistic two-part cartoon name that sounds like something invented by a 7-year-old in his make believe superhero games in the backyard? Revolver Ocelot, Skull Face, Grey Fox, Psycho Mantis.

MGS 1 Foxhound names are cool

Attached: MGScover.png (1132x900, 877K)

You're trying too hard user. You lose believability when you're so desperate to shit on something you're claiming that it's a bad thing they've put in effort.

>And if we TA this bad boy, it's clearly on a downward trend
How do you figure? 2017 Resistance line is intact.

I really don't think the names were his idea. I could be wrong. I keep thinking about the picture of him and his board of people working on the project. I'd like to know if someone knows something about this. Would be interesting.

>Every once in a while there'd be something about Jews

I realize Kojima is considered gaming Jesus by some, but to me Death Stranding looks so fucking boring. Literally nothing that was shown was exciting, however everyone is pissing himself. I bet if Kojima did some really shitty game (DNF level of shit) people would still gobble it like candies.

Downward peaks alongside dying volumes, with no project known coming in any time soon
>Actually implying TA isn't just tea leaf reading

Well I happen to believe that Kojima putting effort into anything is a bad thing because all his products are embarrassing trash and the more effort you put into something like that the more embarrasing it becomes. When you don't try and something ends up being shit, that's understandable at least.
If I was a MGS fan I'd probably want to believe there was something more behind the names as well but somehow I can't bring myself to believe it was anything other than a bunch of Japanese people opening an English dictionary and picking simple words they knew they could barely translate and not fuck up. If I were to hazard a guess I'd say that Kojimafags have some theories about the names having much deeper philosophical meanings in Japanese and they were simplistically mistranslated for the Engrish cringe international release and that's why they sound like elementary school play character names produced by 2nd graders.

>I realize Kojima is considered gaming Jesus by some, but to me Death Stranding looks so fucking boring
The bible is pretty boring

>Stop investing money

I've seen bitcoin do the same shit over and over again literally means nothing. Volume does not predict upcoming changes in market value.

>Actually implying TA isn't just tea leaf reading
I wasn't the one implying it was an end all to the graph.

>literally a walking simulator (ADV), but you have to avoid enemies (survival) and keep your baby and your deliveries safe (simulation)
I don't understand. What is the target audience for this game? Did Kojima just threw everything into one product and hoped they went well with each other?
He can just make a normal walking simulator, and that would still attract plenty of people that wanted to chill.

Why not become a mailman irl if you want to deliver packages so badly

I kinda agree. I didn't see anything in the latest gameplay that really looked interesting. I'm still interested in the game because I'm sure there has to be more going on, and at the very least it'll probably have some fun visuals if the trailers are anything to go by. I am getting worried that the actual gameplay will just be tedium though.

When I look at this gameplay I don't get the exciting sense of exploration of a Breath of the Wild or Gothic or whatever, it just seems like a beautiful landscape where all you can do is walk/climb to scripted story sequences. And God knows the first gameplay trailer did not make combat look like anything remarkable.

Can't legally drive due to bad vision in left eye, and driving is a requirement to be a postman.

I've looked into it already

samefag with goalpost moving


Kojima doesn't need to worry about target audiences. He can just make whatever he feels like and people will buy it.

>using THE volatile speculation pretend money with no real usercase as a basis for comparison
C'mon man

>map literally the size of the US (if Mad's claims are true, that there are 300 people working hard on DS, i believe it was for making this somehow possible)
>kojima productions trademarks two cellphone apps
>one of them might work as companion app
>the other one is a free to play game where, using GPS like pokemon go, people from key specific points on the US will be able to influence game map and maybe even the story wich will develop slowly and in real team based on everyones choices, like a global interactive tv game show
>all this talking about connecting people and shit somehow makes more sense now

Attached: demens.png (512x556, 444K)

Sounds very atmospheric. Sounds good.

He left at the end of 2015

Gambling and fake money have a lot in common. Sue me.

I'm just telling you man, you're being too obvious that you're just baiting thread bumps. You're not even trying to sound rational, you're acting like Kojima fucked your wife or something. No one can take that level of bitchiness seriously, you're just coming off as a joke.

>kojima productions trademarks two cellphone apps
thats new for me, thanks user.

>kojima productions trademarks two cellphone apps



So let me get this straight. First 20 years it's "Fuck you GTFO underage you just don't understand it" then the next year it's "WTF r u babbling about I can't understand you lalalala..." and now when nothing works it's just "you're baiting".

The only "bridges" being built here are the ones between Kojima and Hollywood, bringing the former ever closer to his inevitable switch to moviemaking.

That sounds fucking awful. I just want a good single player game, not pseudo mmo bullshit with crappy mobile tie ins that will be unplayable in a couple months.

>As for when the game will release, many were expecting the game to launch in 2019. However, Hideo Kojima has confirmed that Death Stranding won’t launch in 2019 as it’ll take a while.
I don't think this is a very reliable website user.

That's better, but it doesn't do a whole lot for me since it's totally unrelated to anything I said. Even if you were being genuine, which I don't believe for a second, you were so over the top in your hatred that it just comes off as comical. Just stop pretending already, it's embarrassing.

i'll pick it up after it fails and its worth like 90% of its original selling price
it can be a nice distraction between actual video games releasing

Tbh i would have agreed with if we were still in 2018 and i would've been (and was) pretty meh on this game previously but after having played Rain World i feel like Death Stranding might kind of just be an experiencial game just like that and i can appreciate that after having played Rain World.
Honestly, ever since i've played Rain World i've been thinking about how much the game comes across like a 3D Rain World to me.

I'm just worried about all the cameos which will undoubtedly just break immersion.

I'm from the future and gamespot ended up rating it a 83. Metacritic had a score of 85 overall from reviewers. Users rated it a 79. Most hailed it as Kojima is back. Funniest thing to come out of the game was the ladder glitches, imo. Pissing while the ladder took you into the air was funny as hell and became a meme.

I'm also expecting ratings around 85 across the board. Good ratings but too weird to get everyone on board.

Was there more revealed or are people coming our with stuff they saw at gamescom?

PT's 10 minutes was better than any horror game I've played including Silent Hill. Why are you so butthurt that Kojima made it? Surely you should judge the game by its merit and not the name on the box?

tinfoil hat bullshit for people who still has an hate boner for a company that did nothing in years.

Hardly tinfoil. There's a similar mission in Ground Zeroes that's even more overt in it's message.

Attached: You-Did-It-Gif.gif (480x270, 1.05M)

>What is the target audience for this game?
Not this type of audience >Zoomer just want to progress fast in game and finish it in a few days to get back to his shooting online game
Kojima should start making Zoomer games

>Didn't reply "your suck Kojimas dick"
Shils are learning to write

there was a additional clip called 'BRIEFING' behind the scenes, it sure will be uploaded soon enough.

Attached: briefing.png (637x367, 65K)

Of course he is but this just raises more questions, I guess Low Roar exist in the Death Stranding world? Why the fuck did he speak to the poster as if it isn't him pictured?
The only me is me, are you sure the only you is you?

Attached: I'll Keep Coming poster.png (912x526, 681K)

>>map literally the size of the US
Doesn't seem like it if this image is correct

Just my theory. But I think that the logo video of ludens on the moon is a scene from the past. Sam has a photo of a younger him meeting the president with his pregnant wife. Sam was probably a celeb astronaut, Ludens, in the past with the fame and hero calling of someone like John Glenn or Neil Armstrong had in their day before the global cataclysm.

Kojima named his company Kojima Productions.. in Death Stranding you play as Sam Bridges working for Bridges to protect their baby.. coincidence?

>kojimmyfags are hyping themselves up beyond measure again, making wild speculations and overstatements
>will inevitably experience even more phantom pain

No, MGSV was great, instead of focusing on the garbage plot like previous MGS games did, it put that to the side to focus on gameplay.
The only MGS that I had actual fun with, mostly because I wasn't skipping cutscenes and codec calls every 5 minutes.

phantom pain was a really great game disregarding the botched ending that was due to Konami's meddling.

not in 2020 they wont, gotta suck up to them jews for the olympics

That would certainly work as an explanation for the poster.

Yeah, people are saying it'll be the end of the game and we go to the moon, but I think it's a flashback to before the game starts.

>MGSV was a great game
not rly

as long as we can play wearing the Ludens suit, i don't mind how they'll pull it off

Some people claimed that was the name of the Del Toro clip they showed, though that wouldn't fit with Kojima calling it an exclusive sony booth trailer.

When you lay it out like that, it really does sound uninteresting.

I'm saying I don't think we'll do that.

course he could have been an astronaut in the past and also put the suit/armor back on later in the game and go to the moon. The way he addressed the poster by his name as if it was someone else just felt deliberate.

If I wanted to be a delivery boy I would ask for a Futurama game.

Do you really want Futurama existing in todays modern western environment? In the modern western cartoon environment? Think how bad it got just several years ago in 2013.

Of course not. Does not change the fact that if I wanted to be a delivery boy I would ask for a Futurama game.

>Massive map
already a huge red flag for me after MGSV

I'm beginning to believe all the shitposters flooding Death Stranding threads really are Konami anti-shills instead of just miserable former MGS fans.

Why would you shill for konami then?

>It is just a walking simula-

What do you mean?

Is she another celebrity?

Honestly, it looks The Surge but open world.

Why would you side to ko money if you are not shiling? Would rather play MGS and DS or mobile games?

I think you misinterpreted something about my post. All I'm saying is it would make sense for the posters who come in and try to ruin every Death Stranding thread to be from Konami.

Have you guys not watched The Postman? This is basically that with goo ghosts.

I never played a metal gear or a silent hill and didn't know who kojimbo was before this game. I just think it looks like pretentious garbage and would put real money on it bombing

>people from key specific points on the US
yeah, lets leave out the rest of the world, brilliant idea you dumb retard


Attached: rachel-aldana-dripping-in-gold-set-1-009.jpg (2000x3000, 1.27M)

>Urinating is a weapon that can be used to defeat enemies and bosses and create items

>didn't know who kojimbo was before this game
I wish you would stop posting.

All part of Kojima's genius plan to have his fans travel to america from around the world to get shot.

konami fired him because this was supposed to be how you beat the man on fire

I'm unironically excited and theres probably nothing that could change it.

Attached: piss standing.jpg (540x517, 62K)


I sounds good on paper. I'll wait for release tho

Heavy Rain was built for PS3.
It's on PC.

So like pathologic 2?

No quite, because Pathologic 2 is fun.
Think RDR2.

user both pathologic and RDR are fun. You do not need to pretend something else is the case

Attached: 1556137479840.jpg (632x635, 70K)

The kit is all wrong. Nvg like that wasn't available at the time. Helmet mounts and that style definitely wasn't a thing. Also he's not wearing an alice lbv, but I guess maybe you can explain that away? So either not vietnam (era) or the attention to detail really slipped.

are you retarded or something?

Attached: Decima (game engine).png (515x255, 15K)

Cliff wears that general outfit in various setting. I think Cliff is supposed to definitely be more modern than Vietnam. user probably just say tropical trees and napalm and thought Nam.

There's the obvious Apocalypse Now reference too.