What games you recommend getting with it?

What games you recommend getting with it?

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mario odyssey
smash ultimate
fire emblem actually turned out decent for the first time in 12 years
if your computer blows get BOTW, otherwise its better on PC
Dragon quest XI S

I got the REmake today since it’s on sale. Just as good as I remembered


splatoon 2

in4 peasants begging you to hack it

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Over cooked

Don't get Xenoblade 2. It's garbage

>Don't get Xenoblade 2. It's garbage

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Crash N Sane Trilogy
CTR Nitro Fueled
Attack on Titan 2
Turok 1 and 2
Wolfenstein New Colossus
Tropical Freeze
Dragon Ball FighterX
Dragon Ball Xenoverse
Dark Souls
Diablo 3

Get Ys VIII instead

None because switch has no gaems

>None because switch has no gaems

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T.furfag snoy boy

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Dark Souls
Splatoon 2
Fire Emblem

These are the ones I've liked the most out of all the Switch games I've played but then again it's personal taste

I can picture myself in bed on halloween playing this game. Spooky stuff



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>wojak reddit meme


All of them

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PT: youtu.be/yr4RvdREwl8

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Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker

You pay for switch games?

It's on switch?

Wow that shit isn't even modded. You legit paid for all that shit.


If you want a single game to swallow all your time get hyrule warriors. Good game with way too much content
Also Tingle best char no contest.

How do you have Link's Awakening already?

Not him but I do.

At least tell me you got your memory card super cheap if you paid for all those games

>Astral Chain
Wait what

Ys VIII plays like shit on the switch, get it on Vita or PC

it is up for pre install, cant launch it

Not OP, but does anyone here recommend getting Hyrule Warriors?

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do you like zelda alot? because dynasty warriors is a very mediocre series of games that can become fun if you enjoy the skin they put on that particular version. for example i hate zelda, so that one is bad to me. But i love dragon quest and enjoyed the heroes games

kid pix

If you're down for mindless mob killing absolutely. Great Zelda fanservice to boot too unless you're an oraclefag.

Is it still worth it to get Splatoon 2 with the last splatfest being over, or should I just wait until the sequel?

anything good if I haven't friends and if I'm not going to take it up the ass and pay someone to give me back my own internet connection

>Okami physical import finally comes in
>Plays better than the original PS2/Wii game
It's weird that they put so much work into the port and never bothered giving it a physical outside of Nipland.

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Hyrule Warriors for the larger, varied cast at the expense of shitty bosses constantly being spammed. Fire Emblem Warriors for useful AI partner management and better map design at the expense of the most shit musou cast in existence, where even the season pass just adds a bunch of boring clones.

Yes, I like LoZ though I'm fairly new to it.
The thing is I'd always spend time playing old/new Fire Emblem, Legend of Heroes and Final Fantasy games instead of LoZ, slightly regret it to be honest.


Fuck yeah I do. I get the impression musou gameplay definitely isn't for everyone, but if you're asking I assume the idea doesn't put you off and the game's fucking great with a SHIT TONNE of stuff to do.
Pretty sure Splatoon 1 still has players user, the sequel is a long way off.

Wait, F.E Warriors doesn't have Sigurd, Seliph, Leif, Hector, Ephraim, Eirika, Ike, Micaiah as playable characters?
Does it at least include bosses like General Hardin, Grima, Duma, Arvis, Zephiel for example?

The ones you want to play.

Well if you like Zelda and Musou games you will love Hyrule Warriors.

Your post belongs in the garbage.

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Like I said, the most shit musou cast in existence. It's almost entirely Fates/Awakening. BUT the gameplay is so much better. Your AI generals are actually useful in taking forts or defending positions, as opposed to you doing literally fucking everything while your army stands around like retards in Hyrule Warriors.

donkey kong country tropical freeze

Better AI sounds great, though why the hell did they give the DLC characters the same moves as a few of the base game characters?
It sucks that they didn't even add interesting, well known bosses like the ones I've mentioned (just as an example).
I've recently seen the roster: it's a few Shadow Dragon, Gaiden (only Celica), Blazing Sword (only Lyn), Awakening and Fates characters who mostly and literally share the same moves...
Damn, even the support conversations are somewhat lackluster (especially Elise's).
user I appreciate your help, though F.E Warriors seems disappointing.

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who from shadow dragon? just marth, or dudes like barst, ogma. shadow dragon is my absolute favorite

Truth hurts huh

Marth, Caeda, Tiki (base game).
Minerva, Linde and Navarre (these three are DLC and share the same moves as a few other characters that are already in the game).

Hell nah, Ganondorf is a beast.

hmm, might give this a look around the holidays when people ask me what i want.

Botw and smash are must haves
Odyssey was disappointing but is still good
Zelda warriors and Travis strikes again were cool
If you didn't own a wiiu - dk tropical freeze, mario maker are good
Don't buy pokemon or Kirby, they absolutely suck
For non-exclusives hollow knight, blaster master zero and shovel knight kick ass
Peach ball sucks though
Blade strangers is alright but probably dead online
Astral chain and animal crossing aren't out yet but look sick
Switch online has some great nes games if you want a portable emulator
Haven't played Xenoblade 2 or that Castlevania for girls yet but they look cool
Anything in particular I'm forgetting?

just got monster hunter gen ultimate, okami and dragons dogma

hack it and never ask this question again


this thread is proof there are 2 games worth having. God this console sucks

I'm a little biased since I don't really game on the pc, and the last 3 systems I owned were PS3, PSP, and N64. So yeah, I have no problem with the Switch being an indie/port machine; I love it. Obviously if you've played a ton of the bigger ports you probably wont care about having them in handheld (back when I was really into Oblivion I thought the dream would be having it on my PSP, but I've barely gotten into Skyrim on Switch, because it's just not the same).

If you're are getting a Switch the one game you have to get it BotW. After that my favorites are,
>hollow knight
>the messenger
>tetris 99
>shovel knight
>ff vii/viii/xi whichever you haven't played or want to replay
>disgaea 1 and 5
>golf story
>mario + rabbids
>stardew valley
>south park the fractured but whole
>into the breach
>danmaku unlimited 3
>valkyria chronicals 4
>tropical freeze
>katamari damacy
>octopath traveler
>ace attorney trilogy
>baba is you
>battle chef brigade
>katana zero
>axiom verge
Fuck, there's too may games.

This. Everything else is shit



yed on other systems
another 50% of that list is pure garbage that's neither memorable or mechanically engaging (i.e. Fun)
10% of that list is alright, but not even inherently "worth" purchasing your $300 Zelda/Mario machine.


Super Mario Odyssey
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Breath of the Wild
Tropical Freeze
Splatoon 2
Astral Chain
Link's Awakening
Cadence of Hyrule
Bayonetta 1&2

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>Astral Chain
>Link's Awakening
Why do people always list games that aren't even out yet? Is it meant ironically?

Mario Odyssey
Smash Ultimate
Splatoon 2
Mario Maker 2
Xenoblade 2

Wii U Ports:
Mario Kart 8
DKC Tropical Freeze
Captain Toad
NSMBU Deluxe

Multiplat games:
Ittle Dew
Hyper Light Drifter
Gato Roboto
Dark souls
Ace Attorney Trilogy
Sonic Mania
Stardew Valley

Pic related is my library thus far. I wouln't recommend Gungeon or Nuclear Throne on console, they are way less fun without KB+M
There are a lot of good multiplats on the eShop that you'll recognize, good system to blow through your backlog with.
I could also recommend FE, Bayo 2, Octopath, Mario+Rabbids, and Yoshis Crafted World but I don't have them.
Oh and make sure to avoid ARMS

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Chain and Awakening aren't out

How is Dragon Quest and Rayman Legends

Smash, Splatoon and Mario Maker are Wii U ports as well.

Maybe post some shit that isn't on every other system next time you retard.

I got the new Yugioh game and it's pretty decent. Gotta play with the new rules, but there's a huge pool of cards to play with. Also comes with 3 promo cards

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DQB 1 sucks. 2 is much better though I didnt bother with it.
Rayman Legends is a good platformer though I just assumed everyone has it at this point seeing as how its been released on every platform since the PS3

Maybe try reading the post before replying, dum dum.

True, just mentioned these because they seem worth to be worthwhile exclusives:
Though Link's Awakening is fairly short, don't think it's worth $60 to be honest.

stop being a poor faggot and buy a pc

If you like Musou and Zelda you will like it. If you just like Zelda but don't care for Musou, don't bother

links awakening has been out for 26 years

Some people don't find sitting at a desk fun or comfortable.

Meant for too

Labyrinth of Refrain

How did you merge those screen captures?

posted them to twitter dump acct and used paint.net

>not sorting by play time

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Im usually playing the same handful of games so I rarely have to use the all games menu, forgot you could even sort.

Does nintendo do digital sales? On PS4 I almost always just buy games on sale, my local retailers have 3 year old games that are still full price.

>Hyper Light Drifter
why would you actually recommend this piece of shit to anyone?

I really enjoyed Golf Story.

The Switch doesnt even keep track of all the playtime for every game like the 3DS did.

Dragon Quest Builders 2

It does. You just don't get a full list with your detailed play times.

It does, but it's a pain in the arse. The parental control app tracks your time, and your profile tells you your playtime as well, but only in five hour installments ten days after first playing it.

They should bring back the play log.

that game is boring as shit
I bought it because I liked the mario golf games without realizing a golf game in 2d takes away all of the appeal
the dumb writing doesn't help either

I unironically brought RE4 and DMC during the sale.
I feel like I can justify 35$ for both games compared to 30$ just for no gyro RE4

If you reference dunkey as a reason to not get Xenoblade discard yourself plebiscite

Well, thanks for paving the way for 3 or 4 on Switch. I'd actually buy those.

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I work on a pc if I’m gonna be gaming it’s on my couch or porch swing
If I have to send a another moment in front of a computer I’ll fucking lose it

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No problem I just want my DMC-Bayonetta machine

I unironically wanted RE5 on Switch I just wish Capcom would listen to fans and patch in gyro controls

Who don’t care it breaks the game shooting is way more accurate and fun.

RE4 Wii is still the definitive edition thanks to pointer controls.

pokken is shit, torna is not a whole tier above xb2, sf2 isnt exclusive

Fuck off with your shitty list Eric.

I find big G a bit slow (but hella fun) and I end up taking hits. Zelda with the wind waker or Lanas book or spear are my favourites.

Yoshi deserves better.