ITT: Games where you play with the English voices over the Japanese voices

ITT: Games where you play with the English voices over the Japanese voices

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xenoblade 1
anything dragon ball related
the new fire emblem

None. Dubs are shit.


That's literally cheating seeing how the game literally takes place in Europe.
Fire Emblem is cheating too.

Bayonetta since the "dub" came first and japanese voiceover happened years later.
Wonderful 101 has a really nice dub also.

Is this a trick question? Anything made by and written by people who speak English. Why the fuck would I listen to Japanese voices then?
I have considered watching the Star Wars Prequels in a different language though

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Same with Dragon Quest 11. English version is technically the original while Japanese is the dub.

But how will you get British accents and authentic experiences if you play games set in Britain but they're speaking Japanese?

literally every game ever
i'd rather mute the whole game if the english voices are THAT bad which has never happened since i'm not an aspie

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Not enough. Paying $59.99 for a game with no English audio? I don't think so! I prefer my characters to not sound like yapping dogs.

I am playing BoTW in Russian since the English VA, and the Japanese VA are kind of shitty. The Russian isn't bad, for some strange reason.

Games where the lead language is English. Stuff like VC written in Japanese that has a half assed translation and mediocre English VAs certainly doesn't qualify.

>game takes place in Japan
>Game takes place in Europe
>Game takes place in America but has Japanese option
Fuck Americans and their retard version of English.

I don't remember any Japanese voices bothering me too much in BOTW, although that game is ninety nine percent Zelda talking so I could just be forgetting them.

Why do the characters have no accents whatsoever? Isn't Gallia supposed to be a Nordic country and yet they speak perfectly flawless English.

But the European setting.

Finally a rational person

yeah but it's what Japanese people think Europe is like
which is to say not like Europe at all

I assure you, VC is WAAAY better in English than Japanese.

Doesn't matter. All that matters is the language it was written and originally cast in. The intended game language is still Japanese. It's not like Bloodborne or Resident Evil where the game is actually intended to be in English. What you're saying is akin to saying MGS is intended to be played in English.

All of them. I don't hate my ears.

Cold Steel

Dynasty Warriors.

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all of them

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Dragon dogma DA because it's better

I know for a fact that it's not, given that I actually know both languages and have played in both.

It's not about muh grorious nippon, it's about the original language. You wouldn't watch foreign films dubbed would you Yea Forums? I'm sure some of you do, disgusting.

DMC and kingdom hearts are all that come to mind
oh yeah and ace combat

This is the correct answer. Voices follow a script and you have to go with the original script.

Is there ever an authentic Mandarin dynasty warriors? Japanese dynasty warriors is just weird especially when they try to say Chinese names.

why would you play it in a language you don't prefer, especially when you know Japanese to begin with? Just to look down on plebs?

Crispin Freeman got complained at at a con for saying "Alucard" instead of "ARUKADO" in the hellsing dub, even though its a european myth and set in London.

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Dragon Quest series

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Because I played the original many years ago in English when it came out, learned Japanese sometime after that, and then played the remaster in anticipation of VC4.

Persona 5


What does that have to do with my post? People are crazy, though.


Persona and to a certain extent the Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm games.

Objectively wrong as wrong can be.

I haven't played Dangan but I much prefer the laugh that sounds like season 0 Yami Yugi.


They all take place in Japan and are culturally very Japanese. Why would you play them in anything but Japanese?

Haru, Morgana, and Ann are all very annoying in the English

>t. Only did dub Persona 5 due to a downloading error

The original Xenoblade Chronicles is the only correct answer and everything else ITT is just wrong.

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Persona is way too unnatural in English. And why do they pronounce so many of the names wrong?


Most games unless the dub is exceptionally bad. I'm probably gonna play DQXIS in Japanese, for example.

I think 9 got support for Chinese, but look how that game turned out.

I say it depends on the setting. If it takes place in Japan, then Japanese otherwise a more fitting language.

Xenoblade Chronicles.
So refreshing to hear quality voice acting with accents other than "GENERIC AMERICAN VOICE #27".

>So refreshing to hear quality voice acting
It helps that they're actual actors.

None because I'm not an americlap with fried neurons who can't keep up with subtitles.

None English VAs for the most part are terrible and have no range despite being cast in multiple roles in the same product. There are vocational schools for voice acting in Japan and generally they just take the job of voice acting more seriously.

>Dragon Quest series
theres only like one game with japanese voice overs

god I wish alicia would shit in my mouth