What's the one thing that keeps you coming back to TF2?

What's the one thing that keeps you coming back to TF2?

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The steady stream of content updates and constant support provided by our friends at Valve™.

It's like being a werewolf, except once every fullmoon I turn into Engi.

Random crits

solid core gameplay

Being able to yell nigger at the top of my lungs and not worry about being banned.


Debilitating loneliness.

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nothing i haven't played it in years


I've spent over a thousand dollars on crates this past year

That one day we'll get the proper end to the Comic series and the fact that Scout will never have this

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I stopped playing when they brought in matchmaking.

Fun. Not just the gameplay, but the community, the general attitude, it feels like Im playing with actual people rather than the feeling I get from everything else these days. There is nothing else like it left.

I gave up on valve a looooong time ago.

Hitting direct pipes in one match and then hearing erotic Mario fanfiction micspam in the next.

Matchmaking all but killed 3rd party servers
A surf map with a full house is something I'll never experience again.

prove it

diaper fags deserve a rope

Minigame servers.


The amazing maps


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stop spamming that shill, not related to the thread

the characters

I dominate as sniper

I bet you jerk off to the horse show


the game fucking runs like shit for no good reason

So her rectum is still full of sausages?

Capped a point as an Engie.
Bless the Gunslinger.

>no reason
Valve keeps adding Unusuals, UHats were a weird addition, UMiscs were a stretch, but fucking shinning weapons with special particles was too much, then skins, unoptimized models, 3 cosmetic slots. They should optimize it, it would even get a player count boost after that.


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friends that also play this game

you documented evidence of your faggotry, very nice.

You can fit like 5 more unusuals in there.

Came here to post this. Complex movement, weapons that reward getting close and aiming accurately, it's what's made TF2 compete with the popular games of its time and even now.

Also this. The game facilitates interaction with teammates and even opponents so much more than any other multiplayer game.

Try turning mat_phong back on and playing in dx95, ironically that got me from 40fps back up to 100fps.


Nothing better to play

>Full moon appears at night
>lose all hair on head and shorten by a feet or two
>howl 'YEEEEEEEEEEE-HAAAAW' into the night sky as you grab a wrench from a tool shed to beat people with

I want to swap the rifle for a scattergun unusual but no luck so far

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>You can paint the Bonk Boy
Is this new?
I only have one unusual and just 5 professional Killstreaks, RL, Cowmangler 5K, Righteous Bison, Half Zatoichi and Disciplinary Action.

>Amazing characters
>Amazing and silly lore
>Solid as fuck gameplay
>Great artstyle
>High skill ceiling
>Community servers
>Rocking the test of time
>Huge Community

It's just fun

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casual play, it's actual casual.

the van

Im trying to relive the days when my friends and I got out of school and played TF2 for hours and talked on skype. It hurts just thinking about it.

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Why don't you give the other classes a try? Don't you get bored only playing sniper?

You could try to join the party van tho


You too, huh?

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He has 3 days as Soldier, 1 as scout and Medic each, I think he already gave them a "try"

that’s why TF2 absolutely deserves a rep in smash

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I sometimes quit for a few months but always end up coming back because there's nothing else like it being made today. The chill nature of TF2 pubs reminds me of the early 2000's era of PC multiplayer games.

going extended periods of time without playing it, long enough to forget why i stopped in the first place

Honestly I've loved playing Engineer since Team Fortress Classic and I still love playing it. No other game can give me a similar experience.

>chill nature
>Servers are all 33 year old neets with strange weapons that have over 100,000 kills
>The rest are preteens to 16 year old kids all non-stop spouting shitty memes in a desperate attempt to get a positive reaction.

Then I play him for five minutes and the entire enemy team goes engineer and pyro and I remember when I uninstalled this shit game

this but pyro

Is it even active?

Yes, I can find local server 12v12s at 4am in about 30 seconds.

If you want to play on official servers, yes.

The memories.

community servers are for trannies

No like how can you play over 2000 in game hours of TF2 and play spy, heavy, pyro and engineer a combined 13 hours? Seems odd to me

And furfags, though some were good like [MiT], official maps and no abusive mods, haven't got into one for years though, maybe they are gone now.

birthday time

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It's my go-to casul game where I don't give a fuck. If I'm tired, inebriated, want to listen to music or a podcast; TF2.

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the game officially kicked the bucket around 2012-2013 for me when community servers started to die off because of valve's retarded solutions, communities began to dissolve and the massive influx of retards and spinbotters ruined whatever fun it had left in it
gave it another chances in 2015, 16 and 18, all lasted for around a week, then i finally uninstalled for good
took me too long to realize this wasnt the game i once loved and the magic was all gone

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Community servers killed themselves, "members" loved circlejerking people they didn't know, some servers had stupid shit like moderators that kicked for no reason, some even had perks for paid members.

i didnt mean those massive shitbags with !premium or !rtv enabled
i mean smaller, chill communities with 1-3 servers

You better have cashed in on exploit night nigger

i grew tired of upward after constantly getting harassed by the shitty sniper sightlines

Nothing better has replaced it.

Gee man, I dunno.
>The most lovable cast of characters in all of vidya
>The most epic and hype storyline that is still going on, via the comic
>The most intricate and most well designed shooter ever
>The options, you can go from playing a dead fuckin serious match to a trade server with your bros
>The sheer power of friendship, some od my best friends I've met were from TF2, thank you Foreskin.

yeah, pretty good

>>The most epic and hype storyline that is still going on, via the comic

Quake-like DM mechanics in a team based, class based, objective based shooter.
The competitive scene keeps me playing. Pubs have degraded. I miss community pubs.

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Matchaking killing community servers and also lack of valve servers.

Placing down a level 3 teleporter to help my braindead team actually get to the point will never get old. I am the shepherd of cp_steel

God I love teleporters.

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Fun to play, even 10 years later.

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If I had the patience to use SFM, I'd start working on this.

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fun classes
the speed and crazy movement
great variety of fantastic maps
meeting cool people in games here and there is nice

Not CTF, that's for sure
Hoping you got randomly placed in a team that has the coordination skills to infiltrate an enemy's base and steal the intelligence is a silly hope indeed.

Pushing the cart makes me feel alive.

I need my daily dose of filfs


>game rewards you if you put time into practice (jumps and such), the big one
>ability to choose your playstyle completely
>godly mobility options
>can be played as casual as you want, or you can roleplay tryhard
>there is always a chance of something fun happening
>custom servers with their own set of rules (nocrits and whatnot), too bad that 1.0 servers are forever gone, but oh well
>voice acting and the lines are stuck in my head all the time, those are remain unmatched
>lore is pretty fun
>no retarded e-sport push

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I think I remember there being a command that hides cosmetics/particle effects, making the framerate skyrocket. Does it still work?

nostalgia. then after one or two matches, i realize how bad the game is and quit playing again.

>Im trying to relive the days when my friends and I got out of school and played TF2 for hours and talked on skype. It hurts just thinking about it.
Fucking this. Every time I play, it's because I'm secretly reaching out wishing I could replace the friends that have disappeared over the years. Their memories will never fade, but I just want to make some new goddamn friends to fuck around with. I don't care that I'm 10+ years older than everybody, I just want to connect.

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>mossrock this low
disgusting, aside from retarded stairs and bugged train it's a top tier map

they pretty much hate each other in the canon, that gif is inaccurate

The sensation that follows a successful backstab chain.

They don't hate each other, they're just very blunt towards each other. The comics show how one minute they're yelling at each other and the next they're smiling and getting ready to fight.

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Only spy and scout hate each other and I'm pretty sure no one actually hates Pyro. Most of them treat it like work friendship

i miss that old menu

i have an issue where hitsounds raise the bass everytime it plays but it doesnt go back down, so after a minute of fighting it becomes a mass of "BMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM"
changing audio from headphones to speakers and back resets it.
Any ideas for a permanent fix?

>no one hates pyro
They don't seem to like him in the Meet the Pyro video

turn off hitsounds. only tryhards and compfags need hitsounds.
i even recently turned off damage numbers and things feel a lot more relaxing while im destroying everything

I'd say they appreciate each other's help on the battlefield but it's very clear they aren't very fond of each other on a personal level.

i need the damage numbers because my aim is dogshit and use them to gauge how to adjust the aim

That was BLU team fearing the inhuman thoughts that lie behind that mask. Comics is all the same team so it's just lovable Pyro.

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I feel for you, user

you need to watch it again. it's red team talking about him.

one of few games left where I can insult people without getting banned

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Demo and Soldier are best friends, the team helps out Scout when setting up the date with Ms Pauling, Heavy and Medic goes without saying, Engie gets along with everyone, etc. Spy is the only one who you could say actually hates his team but let's not forget that in Expiration Date, he's the one who decides to set up the bucket list for the team, so he clearly cares for them, specially Scout for obvious reasons although he'd never voice this, other than wearing a Tom Jones disguise.
They're blunt, specially Soldier with his undying patriotism but they're all incredibly loyal towards each other.

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Pretty much everyone is treating him like a child while being cautious about the violent psychopath part, so no hate there.
I think it was "so, what can you tell us about him" interview that was taken by miss Pauling or someone from the stuff sometime after first couple of jobs when no one really knew each other and all they could go by is his bloodthirst with no remorse or any ability to express himself aside from that, that's why in the comics they are more fond of him.

spy keeps himself distant so that if he dies, his team wont be too sad
of course he does actually care and in the last comic we saw how he and sniper talked over scout

You're right, never thought of that. I guess it's just because Pyro has gone from this menacing character to more of a joke character whose humor comes from that juxtaposition of extreme violence with unicorns and sunshine.

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he is also a talented business man

Whoever's Pyro this is, that loadout is easily the best I've seen.

I wonder what the company sold.

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Hitting those pills as the demonstration man. God it's so satisfying.

holy fuck, I've never realized that from his perspective the paper is empty

It's fun.

the table is also bored

I left long ago when the hat frenzy started and I haven't looked back.

I still read the comics back to back every once in a while, always find some new detail.

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You've been tasked with giving Ms Pauling a backstory. How did she come to work for the Administrator?

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I have been thinking about making a comic of my own with the backstory in mind that starts with the formation of the team where it will be one of the first big things that she is tasked with. I don't think it really matters how did she ended up working there but I was thinking about her being a relative of Helen in one way or another.

>with the transformation complete, the Were-engie hops onto Yea Forums fast as he can
HEY Yea Forums!

bro you look like gay Freddie Mercury but gayer
you look like you are about to show up to a gay porn studio

I don't play shit with microtransactions

Nice although
>her being a relative of Helen in one way or another.
I don't think that's as interesting, plus it goes against the entire idea of Helen. She's completely self-absorbed, she wouldn't care for Pauling as family. At most, Helen taught her from a young age to be a servant to her, but not as a family member.

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That's interesting. What if Pauling is an orphan that Helen picked up?

Rocket jumping is too much fun
Why tf are modern games afraid to put in skilled movement mechanics, like imagine playing Pharah with actual rocket jumping and air strafing shit would be so cash. Instead Blizz changes it to 1 button press and a dismissive voice line.

my headcanon is the administrator posted a shitty ad for an internship in the back of a newspaper and Pauling was the only one who responded due to being kicked out of school for running guns or drugs on the side. Or working for drug/illegal gun dealers but in an admin role.

You could say it was one of the eagles from the Eagle Scourge that dropped her off from the Pauling family, Helen saw the opportunity for a life servant and decided to raise her.
You could even say that Helen never bothered to giving the baby a first name, which is why she's just Ms. Pauling.
And you can have fun by drawing a baby trying to do some complex orders. Really capture that TF2 humor.

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start voicechatting and if a cool guy responds back add him to your friendslist. thats how i did it. went from 2 people playing to 15 if they all would be online. just know when to cut someone out when he's rude

I like the ad part, something innocuous despite the obvious violence behind it and goes along with the absurd ads that TF2 has, but maybe not the kicked out of school for running guns. Ms Pauling is a follower, through and through. I think it'd be funnier if she was kicked out of school for taking some work assignment too far. Like the work assignment being "Learn about Australium" so she breaks into Mann Co., steals some australium, tests it on animals, really raise the absurdity to which she'll take a task.

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Everything after natascha.

I'll never stop playing it and you can't make me

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Is it bad I play pyro unironically? I have worst aim than a trench ridden wwi soldier with Parkinson's disease. Is that justification enough Yea Forums? Am I the shit stain of tf2 forever?

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faglord whale

Ow my heart

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It's a shame the guy who did that comic never did the same for some of the other characters.

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>used that quickplay feature that finds you a server automatically once
>join koth_king server
>saigns.de on the bottom right

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>playing hat fortress when Overwatch exists
lol peak contrarian

>Playing Everyone-is-Gay-because-pandering-Watch

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Kill yourself

I can play with other people without being censored in what I say or constantly feeling like we're losing solely thanks to 2-3 retards.

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triggered af
have fun playing your dead game and giving your mom's money to gaben

Did I give you permission to reply to my posts? No?

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Bait harder next time user

>muh bait!
enjoy your idlers lol


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its the only multiplayer game i find fun

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you know there's like 5-6 idle servers right

Why did you post a soulless pic tho?

you know 80% of tf2's "players" are furries, right?

Its humor

>kill "friendlies"
>they ironically get angrier and more aggressive than anyone in the server
>"time to get serious"
>they leave after you get a domination on them after they "get serious" and try to target you with soldier/heavy

It's almost heartwarming that this is still a common thing, perfectly the same, after all these years

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It's the only multiplayer shooter (that still has a playerbase) that realizes that assault rifles are cancer.

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Nothing. I get absolutely steamrolled every fucking time. Is it too much to ask to be put up against people with around your same playtime instead of 5000 hours T-800s?

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the memories of times long gone. This game is not what it was but I can't let go.

This shit will never fail to make me laugh. Or how if they get a revenge kill, usually by an assist, they start typing something along the lines of

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>Why tf are modern games afraid to put in skilled movement mechanics
Because games are designed around dual analog controls now and they can't handle it

>implying it's not worse in overwatch

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Not even fucking Overwatch players defend Overwatch

That's how fucking boring and dogshit this game is

>let them get one kill in so they think they're hot shit
>stand around near popular corners and taunt spam until I predictably kill them
>IMMEDIATE server disconnect
I did this to a guy on 2fort and when he left the server I looked up his profile, saw he was still playing and just switched servers, so I changed my name and join his server.
Did the same exact shit, destroyed him while he was being friendly and got him all riled up really quick. Taunt killed him twice and then changed my name back and said "ha ha" and he left at the speed of light.

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nice cope, hatcunt

the party van

Jesus Christ

if hatfags were brave, they wouldn't be hatfags

lol what a faggot
you that is

its GOTTA be da poop jokes for me

Incorporating math algorithms to perform calculus airshots.

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Play on custom 32 player servers with people I know.

It's fun.

Never thought it would happen but I actually stopped. Haven't touched the game in a few weeks.
Might go back to it though.

We all playin' tf2 while this nigga be playing f2

My reasoning for the relativity is that I don't think Helen would pick up someone random and that's pretty much it.

That's the point lmao
It's funny

I do not, and I don't know why you'd think that.

Spit my coffee.
Thanks asshole.

>leaves his house and builds a sentry outside of it in the middle of then night
>runs flails around his wrench in the air shouting "SPAH AROUND HERE"
>neighbor comes outside and shouts for him to shut the fuck up but the sentry kills him
>engi says "And another thing, you're ugleh"
>other neighbors leave their homes to see what's happening outside only to see the first neighbor's mangled mess in the streets
>the sentry proceeds to target the rest of the neighbours and kills whoever is in its sights while they run in panic
>Were-Engi says "I built dat" and starts dancing

Honestly, watching STAR_'s old tf2 videos gets me in the mood.
It's a shame what valve did to tf2. They didn't need matchmaking, thats what communities are for. I temember back in high school there was a Saxton Hale server I'd use to frequent. The server would be packed to the point where admins made two more servers for the overflow players. Those servers are gone, only the main one remains. Only 13 max whenever i go there to chill. Now its filled with the admins oc's, hale isn't selectable anymore and is locked for donaters, you can't mic spam, and worst of all, the server admin became a tranny.
I hate current politics.

It's familiar and easy to play without really caring if I win or lose. It's also a great drunk/podcast game when I don't want to play anything serious.

can I join your team

>Saxton Hale server
I hated how they choked it with ocs

Which is the most offensive?
I was thinking of making one of Hitler

Weapons where they didn't try in the first place and then stopped giving a shit entirely

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Nothing. Meet your Match killed whatever enjoyment I had of the game back then.

dude, mom's gonna freak.

hoping there was a feeling of 2009 spy vs sniper update

Competitive 6v6 (not that comp MM garbage)
its fun, simple as
if there wasnt such a skill gap i bet pubbers would be able to enjoy it too

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The art style.
Fucking hell the game looks good. I'm not immensely into the game's community but I heard they simplified the game to run on lower end computers, which pisses me off.

the fun

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It's not the skill gap it's the finding a team thats a problem
>Have to apply to a forum post
>Have to "trial"
>Half of all medics are trannies look for any excuse to complain
>"You can't say the n-word!"

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this for me. I hate the ridiculous game modes, hats, and weapons, but you can always play vanilla classes and man handle other players. all the other shitty tf2 stuff aside, they really don't mess with the core gameplay. The two biggest changes were probably the kritzkrieg and the wrangler.

Maybe the Pauling family was some enemy of Helen which would make turning their daughter into her personal assistant a sweeter victory. It's just that them being related kinda loses something. Helen is this ultra self-concerned character who's likely killed or organized her own family to die in some way. Her having any sort of family that she cares about kinda makes her lose that edge. See here for what could make sense as well.

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Team Fortress 2 Classic and the hopes that Robot Destruction v1 will be portable to it.

>finding a team thats a problem
you can play competitive without a team
>newbie mixes
you can meet a lot of players on lobbies and mixes, wich will help you join a team
ooor you could just make your own team with a few friends for some newbie cup or UGC
just dont let it get to your head. if you're not having fun, its not worth playing. you're not gonna win all matches.

I don't have friends

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you will meet people on tf2center and mixes as i said
you can just recruit people that are not your friends too, but it might be harder if they dont like you
but as i said, just play lobbies or mixes, you dont need a team

>Robot Destruction
That's still around?

okay med

Play Medic for a long period of time. You'll either make friends from the people you've healed or you'll be so sick of people being inefficient and getting you killed that you won't want friends anymore. Win-win.

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I have never had a game where I can so reliably extract shitter tears as tf2. After thousands of hours as pyro going into a pub and collecting up all the
>d-d-dubya em waaaannnn
nourishes my soul like having holy communion any day of the week.
for maximum butthurt I rollout 0 cosmetics, stock shotgun, stock fireaxe and a Strange Collectors Professional Killstreak Phlogostinator (with Killstreaks ended, unusual wearing player kills and crit kills parts)

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hope your parents shit on your grave

certified homo

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Fucking stop it user, stop it right now :(
>ywn relive the days of one shot ullapool cabering your buddy's medic gf and hearing her call you a faggot in mumble
>ywn relive the days of shit talking with a friend and using up a dueling minigame while fighting with the dumbest subclasses possible
>ywn relive the days of running a 3 man gunslinger engie on hightower and collecting salt with your friends
>ywn relive the days of going pyro with a friend and hunting down dead ringer baddies and taunting them with binds
>ywn hear about game breaking map bugs and exploit the jank with your friends, absolutely emptying a valve badwater server

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>his teammates actually take the teleporters he builds
Some of us aren't so lucky to even have teammates with DOUBLE-digit IQs.

someone post a fucking server

Yeah, pretty much. Also, you guys caught the latest Dota hero reveal?
It's literally Engi but as a granny with a pet lizard.

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>Sniper was completely willing to torture and kill Demoman and Pauling
>Pyro severed Soldier hand for pushing him
>Soldier snapped both of Scout's arms for no apparent reason
>Pretty much no one is at all concerned about what might have happened to the Engineer
They actually are friends to an extent but you gotta admit it's a dysfunctional friendship that goes beyond just unfriendly banter between each other

>Once met a triple digit IQ pyro that let me take my tele before him
Nobody ever believes me but I know what I saw he was real

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mind posting the counts on your strange? just curious

It's dysfunctional and they'll openly attack each other but mostly cause pain seems to be part of how they communicate, like how Heavy punched all of Scout's blood and broke Soldier's spine just for the sandvich. It's part of their banter.

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Just play payload like me, no children, no "friendlies", just people having genuine fun playing the objective.

I've seen just as many, if not more friendlies in payload as I have in other game modes.

Do you play on American servers? For some reason I am suspecting most people here don't play in Europe.

>aims pistol in the sky and starts running in circles
>torso shrinks and starts dancing at Australian immigrant neighbor's corpse
>destroys his lawn by riding a jackhammer on it
>says "Packin' up!" and moves his sentry in said Australian's basement and sets up a nest inside of it with teleporter to "troll the enemy team"
>Were-Scout materializes from the teleporter

You'd be pretty unconcerned with injuring your friends if you had a healing machine nearby too.

It’s fun

Exactly. A little pain is worth it for the sake of a joke.

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I do play on EU servers, pretty much exclusively.

The killstreaks part is a strage problem. If Im doing well they arent getting killstreaks. If theyre getting killstreaks they probably arent bad enough to die to it.

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I love competitive shooters but will probably play tf2 until it dies casually because it's the pinnacle of fps fun. Tons of user created content, maps, gamemodes for when you want to play something other than the main game modes. Each class plays differently while mostly enforcing fps fundamentals, thus allowing you to play while practicing your fps skills. Timeless artstyle that fully embraces the utterly silly and repetitive nature of deathmatch. Fun to taunt, fun to play, never really gets old because of smart unlocks and class identity.

TF2 will never be a serious competitive shooter for me but will remain the best fps on the market purely for the fun aspect for it. Modern tf2 wasn't as good as its heyday but with esports being sucha meme these days its rare a good fps comes out period. Especially one about having multiplayer fun.

retards think pauling is lesbian because allegedly some writer said so

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>one thing that keeps you coming back to tf2 ?
i have 2 trophies and i wanna show them to my trader "frenfags" that i am chad anarchist

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I`m good at it. I know all the tactics and meta of many classes and I'm good at stomping in pubs, that is quite relaxing.

On down note, the matchmacking made symmetrical control points maps quite useless since people just leave the server in stalemate situations.

Just watched it.

Incredibly soulful. Genuinely makes me miss all off the side content Valve made for TF2. Gave me massive nostalgic TF2 vibes as well.

The more I look at this the angrier I feel

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>Start hearing the timer
>Oh wait

Even the desert landscape reminds me a lot of TF2's general level aesthetic.

all my friends playing it

If she wasn't a goblin midget thing in a fantasy world I'd swear her character would fit right in tf2.

I consider it the best multiplayer game unironically, especially the best FP2. It has balanced classes which promote team work and it's easy to pick up but hard to master. It's unlike other shitty FPS games where everyone minds their own business or games like Dota/Lol where you need hundreds of hours to start to have fun and know what's going on.
It also has a large playerbase so the risk of dying out anytime soon is small. I find this to be a problem in most multiplayer games. They tend to have a life span of 3 or 4 years before the developers mess it up and/or players move into the next iteration. You spend 4 years getting good at that game and then it's gone unlike TF2 which has been going strong for 10+ years.

It's a shame I can't get the interest in Dota, both gameplay or character wise. Just seems like random, sometimes generic, characters with no rhyme or reason thrown in.

Copy pasting what I wrote elsewhere

Playing scout in pubs is a slog sometimes
>a/d and pl, you can't walk past THAT chokepoint, you might get a pick here and there but your role is limited to pushing/capping after other people have finished the fight
>that leaves koth and 5cp
>oh there's a minisentry on mid I can't do anything
>the other team has 3 pyro mains with pink fox hats, my life is a living nightmare
Sometimes I understand compfags.

Do all pro scout use the boston basher just for uber building and the occasional jump or am I missing something?

50k concurrent players according to Steam.

>last played 2015
do I re-install bros? I was shit then too

jump? no they melee with it

>brazil right down the bottom
As it should be. What the fuck were they thinking with that shitty map?

Vanilla viaduct is shit. They should replace it with the community version.

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>problems with that as a scout
Pyros are super easy to deal with as a scout wtf

Playing as sniper the worst pyros are friendly ones. Ever since they changed the flame particles into the godawful eyebleach they are now friendly pyros seem to exist for no other reason than obscuring your vision.

Pyro is not a problem
3 Pyros is always a problem no matter the class

The thing is you have to hit 2 meatshots and then you have a chance of escaping with

>3 pyros is always a problem no matter the class

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I'm pretty sure the pistol has a higher dps and a non existent reload time.

Not him but killing someone with the boston basher and surviving leaves you feeling satisfied.

No offense but you're a goddamn scout, use flank and elevation to your advantage. If you can't get two solid meatshots on a slow moving class like pyro I suggest hitting up some mge. Or you know, bring milk.

>switch to FaN
>blast away pryos and finish them off with pistol
>taunt every time.

>not just using the soda popper and killing them

I don't claim a good scout by any means but there's a difference to skill required and those death feel the worst.
I don't complain when a soldier airshots me or I walk into a trap.

addicted off and on since 2010

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Nah man, I love using FaN to bully pyros and heavies. Watching them fly into the stratosphere is too good.

I like bullying heavies with the soda popper by bouncing all around their heads. Soldiers too.

Anyone here play Slender Fortress?
This gamemode is complete bullshit with certain map/ boss combinations. That one hedge maze with any boss that runs after you is complete bullshit because 9 times out of 10 you run into a dead end before he catches up to you.
And most maps in general feel bland and unoriginal, except for the adventure and SCP maps.
Seriously, the SCP map with the guards, multiple SCPs, etc. is god-tier.

>not last


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I do this all the time in 2fort because it’s funny to watch Snipers give you a cold, dead stare when you block their scope with fire

the gameplay
I also still play team fortress classic

Nothing. Hats, the Mannconomy, and F2P killed it for me.

Porn sprays.

How is TF2 these days? I left around when they had the robot mode in full swing, went over to Verdun for a while, got banned from that and I haven't had a good team shooter to play for a long time. Is TF2 good again or is it still shit?

It's not in a good state. Lots of cheaters and noobs.

>thunder mountain
>anything but first
who is the real retard HUH
I bet I have around 600 hours on that cursed map I love so much

Shitter detected

I want to name my Strange Overdose, but I can't really think of the perfect name. I like to use it to get to my targets quicker and of course to escape with ze papers.

Please no meme shit. I'm thinking "A Speedy Recovery".

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Le Redditor's Overdose McOverdoseface

Hasty Healer's HIV Harnesser

Im glad lakeside is winning traction over Suijin, Demo, soldier, and engi gain free control of the point by being above it in that dumbass pagoda while the other building is rarely used except for the rare sniper or engie that wants to fuck off there to set up. Meanwhile Lakeside is a barrel of laughs every time.

>That Mia Khalifa Deepthroat Rape-Shoot Sign
I can't be the only one who finds her incredibly hot (despite being overrated), right?

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I've completely ignored mannpower except for playing like 3 rounds since it was released, is it any good now? It seemed like a meme with maps too large and unpopulated even back then.

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How'd you get banned from Verdun?

The ridiculous shit that still happens sometimes.
>badwater offense
>random heavy with Stalin cosmetics starts micspamming the USSR anthem at full volume
>entire team goes heavy and pushes the kart while RED can't do anything to stop it
>some guy does the kazotsky kick on top of the kart the whole ride from spawn

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the gameplay and high skill ceiling.
there's always something to learn and i enjoy improving at the game.

Because there is literally no alternative.
Name just ONE good multiplayer shooter that has come out in the past several years or so. Not two. Not three. Just ONE.

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I pointed out that the Steam moderators are not devs but actually from a PR company that the devs hired to run the forums. I was banned from the Steam forums and muted ingame (no text chat) for 87600 hours, so I stopped playing.


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Killing medics and snipers with crockets and backstabs

how do i get the noise maker

Balances being one of the best shooters of all time with being one of the most unique
Overwatch can have 40 characters but in the end they all just project force in slightly different ways, I've never seen a gameplay style like Spy in any game before or sense

spectacular weapon bait

I don't come back because they killed class balance and any semblance of pyro being fun

Are anyone else's contracts broken?
I've completed all of Pyroland, but the tablet won't let me activate any one of the other contracts. What do?

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Noobs are part of the ecosystem, specially since the tutorial in-game is terrible. A few months ago it seemed like bots were constant. Has Valve still not cracked down on that?

The fact a good amount of my friends play it so it’s a good choice for a night of gaming.

Doctor Ludwig's Malpractice Delivery

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Did it happen now or is it a constant thing? Cause it might just be the item server being down for maintenance, which affects the contracts.

It's always been that way for me.

Try contacting Valve if you can't find some random post on the steam forums that might have a solution.

Bots are still around

Fuck. Can't say I'm surprised though. Valve's reaction time is that of a sloth.