Are porn games only for losers?

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Only if you pay for them.

My ex gf used to play hentai games on newgrounds so as much as I hate to say it, "no"

Unironically came here to say this.


What exactly makes your ex not a loser

No, games with no sex or nudity but you have to pay full price to look at skimpy outfits, those are for losers.

I'm a girl btw

post tits

Is this 2015 Yea Forums?

Yes but stop calling them losers. They need help finding love and need some bros in their lives to show them the way.

Nah it's the opposite.

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Well she gave great head and let me do her doggie style. I think that counts for something.

If you play porn games then you are not a Muslim

The fact that you're spamming this is making me take Konami's side

No, they're just for idiots who waste their time. Just go look up a gallery of the game's CGs instead, that way you won't have to slog through the fanfic-tier trash writing.

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If you're under the age of 18 no. If 18 and older yes.

UAB is my favourite game and I pretty much look like Henry Cavill

>chad here

Yes, but if the have zero chance of having someone that is not a complete fucktard at home, they're better off with porn games.

I’ll admit it
I’ll admit it

Yes and they keep creeps like me away from real women.

Porn games are not for losers only. There are fuckton of men who are unsuccessful only in dating stuff (aka they have money, good job, is independent, but he can't find a good girlfriend/wife).
But these games also don't help much to cope with struggle of lonelines, it only works for short time.

If we want something that will allow lonely men to don't feel lonely is something what will fully simulate cuddle with cute girl.

Not everybody is born high and being rich worked in past when woman HAD to be fully loyal to you and be with you if she wanted you to be her provider, but today if you are rich, gold-digger can use law and court system to be provided by you while she fucks other guys.

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Only if you fall for the marriage meme. You're not that dumb, right user?


No you’re not tranny

i am talking to a woman right now who uses Yea Forums

This,fuck these patreon faggots

Many countries have de facto relationship laws.

Here in australia if you live with a girl for more than two years she has almost the same rights as a wife.

Shit, my condolences.

I've had sex 5 times this year and I fap to lolis and rape.

Who normal falls for marriage meme?

Remember also when she gets pregnant she can force you to provide so you have to be careful with your cum.

But still femminism corrupted lawmakers are trying to bypass marriage and child support requirement. I heard that some places already have law that says when you live with woman for some time then she is entitled to your money like she was your wife.

Not to mention, this shit will go further. Like for example if you slept with woman once then she is considered by law as your wife.

And shit can go even further. Imagine, being a lone virgin, and then be legally forced to pay alimony to some woman seen your face when you took out trash, and she wasn't even closer to you than 100 meters
