>maplestory 2 has the cutest graphics
>nobody plays it for dress up, it's all hardcore raid neets
What gives?
Maplestory 2 has the cutest graphics
Other urls found in this thread:
Dress up involves fucking expensive lootbox shit, it's a shame, the CBT was the best fun I've ever had in any MMO.
Cock and ball torture?
That middle one is definitely cute as hell
It is cute as fuck. Too bad the game itself is just not fun.
I fucking hate MS2 because that art is way worse than the original and grinding is nowhere near as fun.
What's the one on the left?
The art is great are you retarded?
The visuals in the original are better. All the visuals in MS2— ESPECIALLY the skill effects— are way fucking worse.
whats the left most one
Blame Nexon for pandering to raiders even though MS2 is a casual MMO
Ragnarok mobile
Lolis are not secured by beauty, common decency, the terms of service, or the intent of the developers.
Lolis are secured by FORCE OF ARMS. Which can only be guaranteed through bloody combat and phat lewtz.
Because >merits
well thanks either way
You can make premium currency ingame though, it's rather easy
The internet has changed. People now use Discord to talk instead of in game chat.
MS2 being a game about shortstacks is good shit but it didn't keep my interest at all and I got buttmad that the Edelstein character/class featured Maplestory classes (Mechanic, Battle Mage) that I would've thought interesting in a 3D space but aren't playable.
None of the classes are 1:1 with ms1 they are all completely different even if they share names.
The game takes almost nothing from the first besides setting, music, and charm
Would have been nice if the game wasn't so dungeon instance-focused. The entire overworld is fucking pointless because everyone teleports to any exact location whenever they want.
Should have made travelling to the actual dungeon entrances a requirement and remove air taxis but of course reduce the need to visit them so many times.
Exploring the world was one of the best parts about classic Maple. But seeing how it is now It was inevitable that MS2 would also skip that.
>MS2 was one of the best beta tests I've ever been in
>MS2 was one of the worse MMOs I've ever been in
It was a great little MMO that ended up being ruined by the poopsockers who wanted devs to make the game a super serious raid simulator. The custom clothing was nice and was also ruined by the market.
You missed archeage alpha
Before all the pay to win shit and bots the game and was fantastic
I play Tranny Fantasy XIV for that type of content my dude
this shit is not very cute desu
We're going home bros
it's nexon's fault for pandering to raidfags and ignoring the social aspect, the most succesful part of the game
What MMOs do you guys play besides WoW or FFXIV?
I got in the closed beta, and making a cute guy_ was the most fun I had with it.
Maybe I'll come back to it someday, feel like I should really get into a MMO eventually just so I know what it's like.
Shit, didn't mean to reply, sorry user.
>Think the tranny thing is just a meme
>play only for a short time before seeing LGTBQRSTUV bullshit
>co-worker wants me to play with him
>join his FC
>notice the leaders are "female"
>they have their own social media accounts
>said accounts are dedicated to nothing but their character
>they have a shit ton of followers
>tons of people including my co-worker think they're actually women
>look up their account names on google
>old forum accounts and what not come up alongside the social media accounts
>same birthday too
>forum posts obviously show they're male
>don't have the heart to tell my co-worker
OG Maplestory and MapleRoyals, mainly. They fucked up my man Kaiser on retail Maple and severely slashed his DPS, survivability and fun by making the class put in commands like Aran instead of just being able to hold and mash.
Hold the fuck up, they nerfed Kaiser? That's my main too. Good to know I'm never touching retail again, although I was already hesitant since the rampant hacking made me quit last time. I doubt that's been fixed.
How easy would it be to borrow the captcha system from the Korean version? Is Nexon America just that incompetent?
(closed beta test)