How do you deal with anxiety while gaming?
How do you deal with anxiety while gaming?
pet a doggo
Bet you any amount of money one of those spergs is going to Lenny the shit out of one of those dogs.
the fuck do you need dogs for to sit and play a video game. how do these people even manage to exist on a day to day basis
>Anxiety while gaming
I don't understand this. That being said anxiety fucking sucks in general, kinda makes it hard to live your life at times when you get panic attacks. I wish I could have my dog at work, that might actually help a bit, but she would just bark all day so it wouldn't work.
i just shit my pants on the spot
based doggos
hope the smell doesn't rub off on them
My school had therapy dogs, they were nice and very well trained. There’s no extra to it they were just good dogs
It's obviously just an excuse to have cute and friendly dogs at your tourney without any health code violation shit from the hotel people
everyone hides away in their house and doesn't face their problems. anxiety goes away when you start doing social activities.
t. dealt with this shit for years
sounds about accurate
I don't mind people at all, it's just a sound thing. Too much sound and it all muddies together, then I can't think straight and start to shake, sweat, and my chest gets heavy. It sucks. If it's a busy area, but it's fairly quiet, I do fine.
I usually try to lift heavy weights if anxiety is bothering me or I feel like it will bother me, usually helps throughout the rest of the day, so I try to do it early in the AM
Dogs will smell better than the players desu
If I ever get anxious, i just bottle it in for the day then take it out on my dick to degenerate porn
It works.
The therapy dogs are gonna need therapy dogs.
what the fuck is anxiety anyways, do these faggots really just go mental and start crying because they lost in a videogame, what a bunch of fucking pussies lmao
how about showers
those poor dogs noses..
I think that smash has pretty large groups of both younger kids and people with autism in the fan population. They don't want either group spazzing around the whole tournament annoying everybody else, and honestly having a bunch of dogs who are trained to deal with that bullshit is a good way to prevent it.
My own doggy has seriously helped with my agoraphobia and anxiety because I am forced to look after her properly. What's good for my dog is good for me, re: Keeping a consistent schedule and exercising outside of the house. Arguably the best thing that has ever happened to me.