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What a weird moment in the game.

.....action. Orson?

And there are still people who believe Kojima is anything but the hackiest hack who ever lived.

fuck every mgs after 2

mmmmmmmmmm. The Vocal Cord Parsite......

It's all Konami's fault that $80 million and 5 years of development time wasn't enough for Kojima to finish his game

i think the music was supposed to start playing when they got in the jeeps or a little before. the game probably shouldve faded out and emerged at the sahelanthropous area.

Was originally going to be a grandiose moment underground showcasing the massive bases and armies being constructed, letting the player move the camera around to view everything and narratively leading to future chapters in the game. When Kojima got fucked and all of this was cut from the game, it resulted in a long drive above ground with nothing to look at. Thanks Konami!

Can't wait for another shit scene like this in DS.

He had 5 years.

This and WHOOOOO were some of the most idiotic shit I've seen in any vidya not relating to gameplay itself.

Even if you disregard the fact that V wasn't a finished game, the entire thing was a mess of 'decent idea terrible implementation', with no real substance or bedrock to the narrative. That's what happens when you have someone who isn't capable calling all the shots. Doesn't matter if they have some nice ideas for particular scenes; that isn't what makes a high quality product, they need setup for a payoff, and this game was just a string of nonsensical payoffs that fell flat because there was no actual development in the narration to engage the player at all.

Real hack job.

>Want to replay MGSV
>Remember that one part aka literally everything
Amazing how a game can be great and bad at the same time.

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i wonder how much of that 5 years and 80 million actually went into the final product we got. the game certainpy doesnt feel like 80 million and 5 years. looks like 10 mil and 2 years.

> Be Skullface
> Bio-Warfare Bandito
> Have captured a legend, a god, the perfect soldier
> Having a flair for the theatrical, I take him on a scenic tour to explain to him how well and truly fucked he is
> The entire time, he drums on his thighs and just stares at me
> I tell him about my backstory, my plan to eliminate the English language
> I tell him about the WMD's we have developed, the PMC at my command.
> He just fucking sits there, staring at me
> He doesn't argue with me, doesn't contradict any of my points
> He doesn't even gasp and call me insane
> I stare back at him, truly terrified, like he's just here to wreak as much havoc as he can because he likes it
> I'm in awe
> Finally, some movement. He handles a device at his side.
> Hear Wagner, very faintly
> Guy didn't listen to a damn thing I said.

Actually genius
>Lay out plans, motivation, and reasons against nemesis
>Revel in your own genius, can't wait to see his reaction
>He just sits there with a bored look on his face
>Sit silently awkward across from him until you get to base

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Like tears in the rain

I want you to know that nobody ever had a source for that claim you fucking moron.

>*plays diarrhea sounds tape

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I was expecting Skull-Face to get mad for not reacting to his plot.
>I'm here explaining my grand plot to get rid of you and take over the world, and you just sit there nonchalantly.
>Can't you at least say "you're wrong" or "you won't get away with this"?
>Oh well.
>They're playing Sins of the Father on the radio
And then he proceeds to sing-along off-key.

>...and I am done talking so.
>so... are you seeing anybody?

That song would have been better on any other point in the game.

Yeah Fuck Konami for having Kojima focus on his stomach rather than on his own game

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>So this is my scheme impressing huh
>Are you ignoring me? How rude do you have to...
>[TAKE ON ME intensifies]
That was an awkward ride.

70% of that probably went towards his lunches, taking pictures of his lunches, and fucking joost. The guy is a hack.


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It seemed like Venom agreed with him to me. He still hated him because of what he did to MB, but I don't think he disagreed with what he wanted to do.

You can say he had his fill burning all that money and stalling the whole developpement longer than necessary

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Does Kojima seriously doesn't know what fucking instagram is?

>Those stupid behind the scenes videos he did with Stefani Joosten hosting
>It was Konami!

Obviously not

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Pepe? What was it? I don't even know. That game was such a mess.

I still don't get why they changed this scene from first to third person at the last minute
It actually makes sense with the old camera perspective, kojimbo is a hack
Still fun game though


Race. Not fucking kidding



MGSV is one of the best games ever made

Why race though? I never really noticed much about race during MGSV except for I guess some parts in Africa.

>That part where he looks directly at the camera
They were so self aware when they had him do that.

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He wasn't


You hype for demon edition?

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this is literally me when talking to anyone, specially women

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It's really sad how much MGSV was lost on its target audience

assuming the ?s aren't literally letters, could be parasitE

Elaborate, oh enlightened one.

Learn Japanese and play it in its original language
Actually do that for the entire series not just V

I said elaborate, not to recommend me to do something. I've played MGS1, 2, 3, and 4 more times than you ever have, I promise. I'm not going to play them in Japanese. Just elaborate on your point, else it's really not a point worth making.

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Raiden doesn't sound Homosexual in Japanese.

How is that relevant to MGSV?

>Play MGSV in Japanese because Raiden doesn't sound homosexual

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i dont understand, what's the problem

Kojima can direct but he can't write for shit

They're gonna fix this scene in demon edition, right?

wait..what?He boned Joost?really?

You didn't know? She later claimed his dong is "like an evian bottle."

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Five fucking years.

I think my biggest complaint with V is I have a hard time replaying it, I usually just boot it up and listen to my favorite tapes while running around MB for 15 minutes. Where as I have replayed 1-4 so many times.

He needed more time to fully motion capture in Joostens skin pores. Guy is a fucking hack and a stereotypical sexually repressed and perverted Japanese virgin