Is there a more garbage questline in any game than the companions?
It's like they made this shit in a day
Is there a more garbage questline in any game than the companions?
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Way worse than the college of winterhold
Sucks you cant join any of the anti factions besides killing the brotherhood.
How in the fuck do I get the talk to the companion leaders for work out of my quest log?
I'm the fucking harbinger of the garbage guild
>want to rp as vampire
>also need early game xp
>this questline forces you to go furry
>le 'is that hair in your ears?' line from every guard for the rest of the game
I toss it up to the hircine rang idk
There should be a model to remove that
I have been playing a chaotic neutral vampire character and kinda regret companions
I did it for muh completion
>Can't join a silver hand faction to hunt and kill Werewolves and Vampires with overpowered weapons blessed with high grade Silver
WHEN i saw how pointless being a vampire or werewolf was, I was ready to go to war on these jackasses for wasting my time.
The "Thieves" Guild
>Dude that guy who literally joined us just yesterday... I dunno man.
>I'm gonna make him the leader because I dreamed about him or whatever okay thanks fuck the rest of you
Way better than companions
Really why in the fuck was vilkas not made harbinger
At least thieves guild at dark brotherhood making you leader made sense
>guy approaches you in broad daylight regardless of reputation and tells you all about his secret thieves club
>only two quests are thievery; the rest are falmer dungeons
>the woman shoots her paralysis arrow at you instead of Mercer because
>you have to pledge your soul to Nocturnal because
Never done an honest days work for all that coin you're carrying, eh lad?
>>guy approaches you in broad daylight regardless of reputation and tells you all about his secret thieves club
I mean they run the town and everyone knows anyway so yeah
IMO its just Bethesda's retarded themepark RPG mentality.
A smart RPG uses the character as a vehicle for the games world. What you said would have happened in a game that took this approach. An established universe moves on with your influence.
In a Bethesda RPG though NOPE YOU GOTTA BE THE DARK THIEF CRUSADER BROTHER MASTER MAGE VAMPIRE (FORMERLY SLAYER) DRAGONBORN BARD MASTER CUNT PUNTER 3000 JOHN EVERYMAN motherfucker. You're 100% responsible for everything, you're the leader of everything, literally nobody else is capable of having a role of merit because you exist and you're special sweety just like mommy always said.
I mean you are kinda a legendary super nord but yeah they take it to far
And they wonder why their guild's turned to shit
They have to hire a literalwho from the street to collect some debt money. Really Bethesda?
You don't. Enjoy your never-ending cycle of dailies, fag.
Looking back I'd say that Skyrim's only claim to fame is being the best diy porn game on the market thanks to mods.
Even in the lens of open world stuff it's painfully mediocre compared even to Bethesda's other games.
Or you could just not be member of every fucking guild in Skyrim. I don't know any singleplayer RPGs that has that many joinable factions.
Super Dunmer*
Daedra's Best Friend.
Fucking put a bullet in my head.
I'm actually not sure what your question was.
No. Companions is hands down the absolute worst faction in the entire game with the most bullshit nothing questline. Anyone who says otherwise is completely full of shit. At least College of Winterhold has one or two interesting characters, but everyone in the Companions is absolutely insufferable and incompetent. They literally couldn't even defend against maybe a handful of Silver Hand members going through Whiterun, despite Farkas having been shown being able to quite capably take care of several of them in a few seconds earlier. Granted he became a werewolf, but for fucks sake, at least do fucking something instead of standing there and letting your leader get killed, and then try to blame it on the fucking player. It was infuriatingly bad, and not a single mod exists that actually makes werewolves any fun or interesting to play. It's pure bullshit.
I would still say its a problem with Bethesda titles, you arnt defined by what you do, you are defined by what you dont do. I do agree you dont have to do anything but there doesnt feel any weight to your actions in the game world.
>80 magicka
>can only do 2 spells
>been in the college for a few days
>lol you archmage now, lead us
At least the companions are supposed to be retarded
I mean why though
Or because it's the best game of all time
Wouldn't be a problem if they weren't stuck in the fucking quest log
I solved a captcha code
To get this answer
Fuck you
Kodak and Farkas have cool personalities
If only they actually did anything
I see you havent played fallout 4
Companions quests are unlimited it comes back after you finish a quest
>literally couldn't even defend against maybe a handful of Silver Hand members going through Whiterun
And the silver hand are basicaly a bunch of thieves who stumbled on some silver, but still managed to btfo not only the city guard, but the motherfuckers whose sole purpose is to be good fighters
Really there where more companions there than silverhand
>At least the companions are supposed to be retarded
How so
>The Silver Hand are objectively the good guys
>No quest to purge the companions of the Hircine cursed filth masquerading as the companions
If they ever make TESVI it is just going to be a garbage fire.
>Go to this stupid copy pasted dungeon in the middle of nowhere
>Go to the other end of the map to get this thing
>lul, just keep it or take this helmet for walking around
I'll concede it's probably not so bad if you play the game as intended and use fast travel. I only play wothout using fast travel though, so it's a fucking pain in the ass.
So there's no way?
That's fucking retarded that it keeps that in the quest log
No fuck you faggot
Why do people like that stupid bitch
>objectively the good guys
How do you quantify this?
I mean, they're murderers.
Silver Hand are literally bandits that hate werewolves
>Silver Hand are objectively the good guys
>attack any travelers passing them by too closely
Sure thing man.
I don't think good guys torture people to death and put their heads on spikes
They are warrios who value battle skills above all else and you do kill all their enemies almost by yourself, so kinda makes sense that they respect you so easily, especially after Kodlak himself names you harbinger.
But the people in the college are scholars and supposed to be smarter than this
I mean the previous arch mage was a complete moron so yeah
The dragonborn is an Orc
Every guild leader is a fucking moron.
Promoting some stranger who showed up a day ago is better than whatever retard they had in charge before.
Why can the Dragonborn be the leader of all the factions. Why aren't the companions against a Dark Brotherhood member in their ranks.
you should really include your autistic rules when complaining about something so anons know not to trade a few posts with you
Muh dream
>setobjectivecompleted CompanionsRadiantMiscObjective 10 1
I assumed they didn't know you where a assassin
Doesn't mean it isn't a shit fetchquest with an annoying fuckin dog and bad voiceacting.
I think honestly, less choices would make for a more fun game. Only being able to join one faction per play through would be better. And having factions actually be useful.
Bethesda retard proofs their games these days.
It's why it's almost impossible to fail any quest and why so many characters are labeled as essential.
console command setobjectivecompleted CompanionsRadiantMiscObjective 10 1
Why in the fuck didn't Bethesda fix that
Clearly a game breaking bug to anyone that has OCD but not a pc
Ty fren
Thanks never going to talk to those faggots again
Do this guys ashes ever disappear?
Forgot pic
Arjborn was in the companions but joined the dark brotherhood
>Hey man, sorry I can't follow you further into Ysgramor's tomb to return his axe, even though we're shield brothers and all
>it's just those fuckin' spiders, man
And what in the fuck is up with the companions ghosts dialog
Like middle schooler fanfiction
>>it's just those fuckin' spiders, man
imagine being scared of little cute bros
> wolf bro made that up just to leave you alone with redhead waifu
Garbage character
I really found it annoying that they made you an arch mage tho. And that's not just for Skyrim but for other TES games. Arch mage, guild master is meant to run the whole thing because it's an organization. But instead you get leader that is on world saving adventures and dungeon dumpster diving . They should give you some honorific title instead.
>They should give you some honorific title instead.
>wtf why doesn't anyone else want to be a shitty werewolf
Sex must have been wild.
the thieves
That reminds me of something...
Nothing wrong with thieves guild
Except everything dealing with the Nightingales.
Wrong, the Nightingales's only saving grace is that their armor is one of the best looking in the game.
I guess. Too bad about literally everything else.
Nightingales where kino you pleb
Says someone that hasn't done the questline in seven years. It's legitimately fucking awful. Everything to do with Karliah and Mercer is so fucking horribly done.
The Thieves Guild.
Companions questline was kind of dull.
Thieves Guild questline was so offensively stupid I deleted my character that got halfway through the questline in disgust and avoided Riften for every subsequent playthrough.
>Guy just randomly calls you a thief and gives a test to get in the guild.
>Fuck up test
>"Well you fucked up the easiest test ever but you got that spark in you so I'll let you in anyway."
Nightingales don't even make sense as a name for a group of thieves, they're songbirds.
Every faction quest in Morrowind.
Oblivion's Fighters Guild
though it's a close thing, Skyrim only wins out in the end because it has brawls included in its radiant quests
In the thieves guild quest you pledge your soul to serve for all eternity without even having a choice to say no.
>can't keep skeleton key
Why even bother.
Literally just wanted to kill everyone and keep all the loot, like a real dickass thief would.
>become vampire hunter, get a crossbow fuck yeah
>go check out some tomb or something
>holy shit, it's a vampire with a god damn Elder Scroll
>can't kill her
>but I'm a vampire hunter
>I have to escort her home?
>hmm no, I'll take her back to the Dawnguard!
>they tell me to escort her home
>maybe I can kill everyone in their big ol' castle?
>b-but I'm a vampire hunter...
>end up at the opposite end of the map from the Dawnguard castle
>quit to desktop
Based Bathesda dabbing on downguard shits.
>never completing the questline to keep the skeleton key indefinitely
>ywn have crazy werewolf sex at midnight while aela howls at the moon during her climax
It hurts so fucking much bros
>the vampire DLC made werewolves more fun than vampires
That's not The Klub 17
is stealth archer really the only way to squeeze some enjoyment out of skyrim? by level 10 im already bored with swordy boardy
every guild seems waaaay more logical and fleshed out in Oblivion, yet the fighters guild, which is pretty much the equivalent of the companions, is just as abyssmal
What did you not like about fighters guild?
i recently made a destruction mage
magic is generally a lot of fun, however you're gonna be very squishy and reliying on potions a lot until you can make good gear with enchantments
i ended up with 100% spell cost reduction, so i could spam any destruction spell
the whole guild is just a medieval pest control and it's fucking stupid and pointless
I actually liked that you had to do jobs like that. Granted, it would make more sense if they fight bandits, but maybe pest control could symbolize the fact that imperial province got pacified so much until daedra showed up. Did need more job variety though.
i can kind of excuse the thieves guild in skyrim, because the "main quest" is relatively short even if it is required for you to become guild master, everything after that is just doing small jobs for Vex and Delvin, which is trash, but at least you get money out of it
they are braindead barbarians, which is the same as a regular nord, i realize now that im typing this
we can all still agree that werewolf form is more useful than vampire, right?
The Thieves Guild, where half of the shit doesn't even make sense plotwise. Never tried the Dark Brotherhood though, but Companions are just lame while the College barely even requires you to use magic.
Skyrim is the most redditor neckbeard game, take this trash off this board
At least the thieves guild quests are fairly fun and they have a cool location
No idea why the Companions are in whiterun in the middle of the prairies instead of the northern coast where Atmorans would have landed, like dawnstar
Only reason is because the game railroads you to head to whiterun asap