Are you excited?
Are you excited?
Never played a Gears game before but I'm considering pirating this one. Looks like it might have a tiny chance of being good, but not probable enough to justify spending 60 bucks
No but I hope its good because it seems like it has some potential.
No. Gears 4 proved the entire 'new' cast to be dull characters, the first half was against an enemy that was boring to fight (the robots), introduced story ideas that provide more questions than answers, and the only part that was mildly good (the banter between the two friends) won't exist in this game because for some reason he is an asshole who isn't a member of the squad.
So I don't trust this studio to take a shit, let alone make a good game.
I can't wait to play this politically enriched piece of content. It's been my hopes and dreams that one day we would get to see a game about things that matter in life, life liberalism, and doctors removing our genitalia so that we can commit suicide within the year of the empowering ordeal.
Truly, we're living in an amazing timeline.
Yeah. The campaign looks good and the MP/Horde are going to be better than ever. Also, in-game Kait is still cute.
For the porn? Sure.
lol no
>what game should we make lol
>i know. Lets take sad face bro cheese sausage chest and make the main character a dyke lmao GAMERS
Not really. Gears 4 was kinda decent campaign-wise and fucking terrible multiplayer-wise.
The decision to go with more personal "muh feelings" storylines was jarring when you just had 3 whole games about military meatheads fucking shit up. And then you had one of the most unsatisfying endings of all time. 100% guarantee they'd pull another terrible cliffhanger in Gears 5
>Manly franchise turned into feminist powerfantasy
Lmao who would be exited for this shit?
>Horde will be better than ever
If you're going to pirate a Gears game, just pirate Gears 1
Only good one was the first
don't know what he's on about. they put fucking hero characters and ultimates into horde. it's ruined.
I'm only interested in watching the cutscenes on youtube, from what i could tell she's some kind of half locust hoe or something.
Yes... or the SM or Blender porn.
Huge gears fan here.
>Microsoft "exclusive"
That should tell you enough
ITT triggered retards who feel offended by a female protagonist
I dunno man, Kait does look kinda cute. She isn't a big tittie'd anime waifu like most incels want she's just a young chick in some gears armor.
I want to look at muh pretty 2019 AAA graphics and setpieces though. That's half the reason I wanted to play it in the first place. If I wanted good gameplay I would get an indie game
it's on steam
This is one of those franchises that i'm not sure why it still exists.
You pick one Gears game to say "it was the only good one" and you picked the wrong one.
Looks like Ben shapiro
>Its on Steam
Put Gears 1 through 3 on steam please.
More power to you, but I don't see anything but a she-beast.
Whatever setpiece shown off at Gamescom looked awful. The one where they're driving away from something chasing them and this monster is just clipping through objects. Genuinely looked 360-tier.
Actually I think this was the good one yeah, my bad, it was so long ago, I just remember one good one on the 360
The problem isn't the distribution, it's the fact that Microsoft hasn't made a good game outside Forza Horizon this entire gen.
last 2 digits are this game's metascore
maybe. is this like call of duty where the campaign is 90 minutes long?
How are the retro lancer and markza still in the game? They don’t make sense lorewise.
> Cuphead
> Ori
What are hero characters/ultimates and why is that bad?
Too high. Here it is.
Both too low. Here's the real score this masterpiece will receive
Both second-party and on Switch
>it's political when it doesn't agree with MY politics
>but when it does it's just normal
>yellow score
There we go, now it's a Microshit game.
Pretty reasonable
Patrician choice, senpai.
High point of the series in every way.
Trust me, Gears 1-3 somehow manage to look better than Gears 4 and the upcoming 5.
>women women women women women women
lol fuck off
>incel can't handle a game without a boring white male protag with a crew cut
Remember to dilate
Why does this game cost 70€? That's like $80.
>"I have no argument"
Cool, I'll take that W then.
Kind of bored with Gears. Glad its free with xbox game pass. Will most likely enjoy the campaign. And do a few rounds of multiplayer.
porn is degenerate shit
inb4 Queers of War
Microsoft seal of approval.
I agree
It's gonna have some awful microtransation practices. I also think plastering the strong womyn on the cover was a dumb, almost spiteful move.
But my bro I've known forever and I have always played the Gears campaigns on Insane, ever since the first one, and it's one of the few things that "take me back", so I'll probably give it a shot anyway.
Fuck I wish I had low standards like you, it would make getting laid so much easier.
As a long time gear head, no i am not
Ill tell you gears 3 is the better game all day but the funnest memeories i have all come from 2
Honestly I’m iffy about it and I’ve been playing since the og gears but it just shifted into something else and I’m not really into it. I’m just glad it’s on game pass cause I wouldn’t pay full price after the shit show that was 4’s multiplayer. Lancerfags took over when the multiplayer was always funnest with gnashers even with wall bouncing fags. I’ll play the story and hope it redeems itself but it’s no longer about four bros going through hell to stop the locust. Now it’s about some girl who needs to find out what she is and I just hope Marcus or the og’s don’t die for mug emotional moment. Tldr I’m ehh about it.
Nothing could kill my excitement more than that renaming and that protagonist. I don't even have a problem with female protagonists but when they're these cocky activist looking bitches that are supposed to be cool and independent but only come off as juvenile then we've got a problem.
I thought this was already out
Wasn't/v/ sperging about the ridiculous trailer a few years ago? It's only being released now? A shitty generic fps taking years to make? Lmao, are the devs women?
Im excited for more shooting games, yes. I hope it doesnt suck and still has local split screen. If it does i will probably buy it
It was the trailer from E3 2019
Gears tactics looks more interesting
hundred dollar pack of random upgrade cards
They swapped main characters and are trying to tell a serious story about emotional trauma for a retarded chick e everyone hated in gears 4. Rod Ferguson also has stated in multiple interviews you have to push for social justice.
>I don't even have a problem with female protagonists but
Not really
lmao wtf why do they have a lesbian on the cover now
I'd advise you to finish the sentence and take your dumb reddit memes out of here.
jesus christ. you do not belong here
Nah, probably get on game pass for the multiplayer though
>t. election tourist
The election was three years ago. Get over it.
Also, this board is for video games.
The election was years ago mrs. dated memes
She really isn't. People shouldn't be playing Gears games for cute women. They should be playing it for over-manly dudebros.
>female lead
its gonna bomb
based hivemind bro
I don't think you're quite picking up what I'm putting down.
I love female protagonists. Especially in third person games.
They're ruining the female form with this corrupt personality type. They're taking every lovable aspect away from women and leaving behind the rotten parts.
>it can be construed as vaguely political
>it's blatantly pushing contemporary politics that the author agrees with
Fuck off tranny
some user told me once a secret that ruins pretty much every modern day female protagonist
take an empowered womyn protagonist and just imagine they're a manlet with little man syndrome
90% of these quippy, chip-on-their-shoulder, tough gurl protagonists become absolutely insufferable and really lets the writing show how terrible it is if you pretend an angry manlet with little man syndrome is saying their lines.
>contemporary politics bad
>traditionalist politics good
>abstract politics = traditionalist politics
Why did you post an xray of yourself
>90% of these quippy, chip-on-their-shoulder, tough gurl protagonists become absolutely insufferable
But 100% of those are already insufferable.
>yet another male oriented franchise trying to pander to a female audience that literally doesn't exist
God I can't wait for this corporate meme to fucking end. How many flops does it take to realize that twitter SJWs are a super tiny minority in the market?
i can't imagine what an ugly freak you are. I bet you tweet about how straight people have no idea how much water bottoms shoot up their assholes.
Liberalism is a fucking joke, and I'm saying that while I don't support Conservatism.
You fucking libs are zooked.
I played a lot of gears of war 1-3 back in the day and in our in-group of like 50 people were three actual females. I know for a fact none of them would like this new direction the series is taking.
No because gears 4 was fucking gay
>progress is a joke
i have gamepass on pc so i'll give it a shot.
Sunset overdrive
I genuinely am, Horde looks quite fun. I'm gonna ask a full week off work and everything. Kait still is a shitty character though.
they are super lucky that gamepass will save their ass otherwise this would flop hard. im not interested enough to pay full price but i have enjoyed every gears game and have gamepass. i could tell that canadian sjws got their hands all over the series though.
This talking point by projecting redditors is a dead giveaway. Just fyi.
>gamepass will save their ass
How, wouldn't the game be making less money?
Progress towards what?
Same way netflix is a success.
because they will have more players in general and those might buy into whatever loot boxes they have cooked up. i dont know why but a lot of companies look at "player activity" as the most important metric now.
I don't know that they're doing lootboxes this time around, probably more direct MTs. But yeah, that could work.
4 days Yea Forumsros until official release. I'm guessing the queues and technical difficulties will extend the wait time a bit though.
Not excited but I'll play it.
Gameplay looks good from what I played and I like the fact they put Halo Reach characters in.
Why did they drop the "of War" part of the title though?
>4 days
Bitch, you got a time machine?
it doesn't have lootboxes but it still has in game purchases cancer.
>4 days
What's time travel like?
A cancer no one cared about 8 years ago.
Cautiously so, beta was fun despite me not really digging the new modes, but wall bouncing and shotgun duels were better than ever. not interested into whatever they turned horde into, hope the SP is good, gears 4 was alright but played it too safe so i dont mind all the changes
I got gears 4 with games with gold, and the multiplayer is identical to every other Gears. Nothing I was missing out on for all this time it was out. I assume the same of Gears 5.
Did you live under a rock 8 years ago? People who actually pay attention have always hated microtransaction bullshit, and they knew from the beginning that games including it would negatively impact the game itself by making the gameplay try to drive you towards the mtx. There have been articles about this for fucking ages.
Most likely reasons:
>Easier calling, players always referred to it as just "Gears" since the first game
>Avoid confusion with the now more popular God of War
Less likely theories:
>TC trying to make this new saga its own thing (they also tried the renaming thing with 4 but dropped it after the announcement)
>They want to truly embrace the Halo/Gears/Forza meme
Retarded theory:
>Gears 4 was the Force Awakens
>Gears 5 will be the Last Carmine
Probably thought removing “of war” would freshen up the series. Of course it didn’t though.
Literally no one cared about purchasable skins in Gears 3 or TF2. It was only once lootboxes were normalized that that changed.
>Retarded theory:
this is the one Yea Forums shitposters are going to roll with isn't it?
There were robots in gears of war? Ahhhhhhhhahahahhahhahahahahahhahahanjbababababbababanananahahahhahhahhhhaahahahah
But seriously imagine if Xbox had an actual IP hahahhahaha fucking faggots just necro shit devs have abandoned bc muh shekels
dude i'm so hoping for that to happen
Grow up kid. Overpriced DLC, disc-locked DLC, season pass, pre-order bonuses, lootboxes, etc. There's always been greedy shit and it will never go away.
Of course, Yea Forums loves latching unto the stuff that make it angrier.
This fucking thing makes me crack up laughing every time I see it in Gears 4.
It's not supposed to be threatening is it?
>always been
Gaming pre-1995 would like a word with you. Just because it's accepted by the masses now doesn't mean it should be. But it's gonna be anyway because most consumers don't care to think. Fuck everything.
I'm not excited after the awful tech test. It's just Gears 4.5 with Core tuning. And it's even slower than Gears 4.
i hope rod "the rod" ferguson doesnt do that
>Gaming pre-1995
>no greedy practices
cute boy
Of course not, it's even a recurring gag seeing her getting destroyed over and over.
>mom says it's my turn on the power armor
What are yearly re-releases for glorified patches senpai?
>what are arcade machines literally designed to eat quarters
>what are two hour games made incredibly, obtusely difficult so publishers can justify charging $50-70 for them
It looks like one of those photo stands you stick your face through.
especially this gay SJW SHIT
Weimar Republic, we will definitely be seeing a resurgence of actual nazis at the rate of social decay we're going down
Only reason to play Gears is for the actually good versus. Story was always garbage and Horde was only good in 2. But the versus multiplayer has remained as the best third person arena shooter ever made. Halo babies need not reply.
Shame they went for SJW shit on top of the bunk story which will just make people shit post about it which has been true with each Gears thread since it revealed.
There's no way someone is actually excited for this game, the new multi-player is terrible and gears 4 completely fucked the story
This and the developer is canadian so that's a major redflag
haha oh fuck i thought i was still in the wow classic thread. Idgaf about Gears 5 desu.
>Hero characters
It means you can't play as any character you want anymore for that class,example Engineer, Soldier, Scout etc.
Literally Overwatch ultimates shit with long cool down.
literally the worst entry in the franchise
Honestly the only way for that to happen is if they do Gears 2 and Gears 3 Ultimate edition in the future.
4 was a snooze, and the E3 trailers, but I'll admit that the NIN trailer got me a little interested. I was afraid it was going to be "bitch and black go on an adventure", but it looks like that's just one segment, and Delta will be playing a larger role than expected.
*fuck the E3 trailers
Knowing that stupid cunt and his fat fuck Ryan Cleven, they would.
Hope WoW is as you expect it then, user.
Have fun.
holy shit lmao genuinely laughed out loud at that
Looking forward to playing many many many months of horde.
Sure am. GOTY!!! Xbox Won!!!!!!
Not really. But I get to play it for free because of xbox games pass.
They took out the testosterone fuelled game and replaced it with their sjw agenda. So fuck no.
Excited it'll be on Gamepass, maybe. Not excited about the game itself. The story continuing after 3 is stupid and the multiplayer has always been complete trash.
Reminder that they don't even have confidence in their own title and branding that they had to ditch Gears of War 5 for Gears 5 because everytime you google for GoW you're probably going to end up with God of War which won a shit ton of awards that year.
Gears multiplayer has always been trash, and you are also trash if you think otherwise.
you mean
what are you even talking about lmao
The only reason I'm curious about this one is that it seems like it might be getting into the history of the Locust a bit, especially the Locust Queen, which none of the prior games even attempted to get into. They teased something interesting with the Sires in Gears 2, but then did absolutely nothing with it.
reddit bugperson who cant get into the shotgun groove detected. your monthly soilent order is coming next week, hang tight buddy. youll get a special case when death stranding comes out
Fresh waifu is always good.
That trailer they showed at E3 was maybe the worst trailer I've ever seen at any E3. Literally showed nothing about the game at all, just utter nonsense for minutes. I bet someone thought it was really impressive too.
>claiming progress whilst denouncing science in the name of identity politics
>hiring brown skins in intellectual fields based on their skin color not their intelligence
just kill yourself
>Queers 5
most likely hipster minimalist naming convention from some new faggot at the studio who's trying to make a franchise more catchy a name to throw around
The new one's a bit better, just because it focuses less on her being a bitch, and more on Delta.
I didn't watch the new trailer, just the E3 one. I don't care about the series in the slightest I just thought I'd point out how laughably bad it's marketing is.
>that face
not anymore
Who? Where? Examples, not just clickbait hysteria, please.
No fuck gears and fuck Microsoft for making a load of shit games. I don’t trust them enough to buy anything with their label on it anymore.
>what are trannies
>what is affirmative action
you retarded?
That's nearly impossible since MS wouldn't sign off on that reason to just give away your brand power
So no examples then, got it.
It’s probably Chinese.
72 genders is "progress"
>horde enemies were just fucking generic humanoid robots in 4
>same thing in 5
fucking why
Is there even the slightest chance for gears 2 to come to the pc game pass?
Unless there's a Gears 2 UE most likely
dont count on it, they're barely able to bring their mainline franchise halo to pc
>say word
>money stolen
If I can't fap to it it's no good. I can only fap to the manliest of masculine men and most womanly of feminine females.
Anything in-between is just disgusting Slaaneshi heresy.
Microsoft is LITERALLY retarded for not using this trailer at E3 and probably wasting bux on Billie *industry plant* Eilish.
Is it progress when it's pointed in the wrong direction? No. Not it is not.
Is gears 5 part of he pc game pass? 70 bucks is way too much.
been playing gears consistently since 2008 but all this kait pandering is killing all my interest in this game.
If she was naked with big tits, wide hips, big firm ass and sweaty abs, maybe.
It's part of the Ultimate gamepass if you want it on PC, normal gamepass is Xbone only.
>Emergence Day map Horde Mode as Ben
Take me back
What if I like heresy?
Heh should've read the ToS when you signed up for society
I like that the guy asked for an example and just vanished when one appeared.
Can I refund? I'm not even enjoying it.
Gears 2 fucking sucks. It was the epitome of "TURRET SECTIONS" that plagued so many shooters for a while. Gears 1 was fun though desu.
gears 2 was the best in terms of multiplayer and campaign. If you remove the annoying host advantage and server isssues it had for awhile
Sure but your service may be terminated if you uninstall properly and you won't be able to reinstall
t. sits behind a sandbag lancering
gears 2 multiplayer was very broken at launch. like battlefield 4 status. they had to push out a few big patches before it was more stable and then even redid the entire ranking system. i remember because i was one of the first colonel rank in the game based on the leaderboard, then an update came and it was regular number ranks. gears 1 had the funniest multiplayer cause of the glitches, atmosphere, voice chat, and execution was nailbiting with just one life. gears 3 was then a lot better, and gears 4 is just 3 but in 60fps.
no, it looks like hot garbage and the series should have ended with 3. too bad Microsoft has no interesting exclusives, so like Halo they milk this dead horse.
oh boy i can't wait to learn more about this woman's journey, proud warrior, such inner conflict. so glad i won't have to see any gross smoking while i'm chainsawing aliens
The Noble Culture Warrior, everyone.
fuckin ragdoll smokes at launch lol, fuckin miss that game and all it's bs
I can't be the only one
am I the only one that thinks she looks kinda cute in a way?
Give it up you fucking faggot. You know damn well that what he is saying is perfectly valid.
I remember playing Blood Drive when the smoke grenades would send you rolling around helplessly on the ground for an easy shotgun death. What a shitshow that was. Everyone just lobbing that shit at the centrepoint of the map every round
The best one, with Karen from The Visit
Made by Insomniac, who also own the IP so now it's Sony property
I haven't played any of the previous Gears games and this one looks even worse than those
I will happily pass on this one
The fact this franchise is still alive proves consolefags will consume any shit they are given.
First game was funish at best, maybe 6-7 stars? Entertaining, sure, but hardly a memorable game.
Still, somehow, it continues releasing mediocre game after mediocre games.
Let's hope this turn to a lesbian erotic fantasy kills the franchise for good.
>Let's hope this turn to a lesbian erotic fantasy kills the franchise for good.
You do know we're not talking about TLOU2 right?
Lesbian butch erotic power fantasy, then?
They want to make it more onions friendly to sell you shit like gears pop.
>extremely unwilling to show long string of unedited gameplay
>pushing side content far more than campaign
>marketing is all tonally dissonant to the rest and looks farted out on a budget
>devs looks suspicious at events like e3 and gamescom like they know they are selling a car that will break down a month after some rube buys it.
Gears 4 was a monumentally desperate "IT HAPPENED....AGAIN?!?" to try and get a system selling exclusive to push the xbone during its catastrophic early period it never really recovered from. This feels like brand life support and they know its going to be received poorly.