San Andreas considered best game of the series

>San Andreas considered best game of the series
>black protagonist
>GTAV considered 2nd best game of the series
>black protagonist

Attached: SanAndreas.png (1680x1052, 2.38M)

>GTAV considered 2nd best game of the series
I made a typos, I meant 2nd worst game.

I hate nostalgia shitters so much.

t. played almost every GTA since the 90s.

It's a game where you commit crimes the whole time. Who would you think the protagonist would be?

A jewish person.

inb4 seething gta iv zoomers

But 2 out of the 3 protags in V are white and the black one is the least interesting and least liked of them all, though all the protags are shit. 3 protag idea was retarded and I hope they don't do it again.

Sometimes it's fun to let loose and channel your inner based black man.

OP here
disregard him because I




I own all the 3d gta games and I have no memory of four then again I only played through the Gay Tony expansion

4 is the best in the series and I am not just saying that because I am a serb.

4 is decent but the story isn't all that remarkable and it's sandbox is beaten by V

>I am a serb.
You must've had a fucking blast playing as Niko.

Creating a big nig with tattoos and dreads and doing drive-bys on random people in online is one of the few good things about GTAV.

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2 is better than both combined you disgusting millenial/zoomer piece of shit... whatever the fuck you are.

Happened with TLAD, although Johnny was an anomalous jew.

>GTAV considered 2nd best game of the series
Wow that's a good one

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Not that guy but I still have a shit load more fun dicking around in IV's open world then I do with V, and this is from putting hundreds of hours into both games.
V's shit physics and horrible ai ruin any fun that can be had.

Doesn't matter about the skin color, Franklin is just boring, And V sucks for other reasons.

>GTAV considered 2nd best game of the series

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GTA V has three protagonists and the black guy is arguably the one who's least important to the story.

san andreas, gets censored. /pol/ nowhere to be found

do a flip

Isn't the main protagonist of GTA V Michael?

It's almost like doing nigger tier things is best done as nigs.

Played every main-series GTA except V, starting with when I bought the original GTA at release. Here's the official ranking:

1. GTA Vice City
3. GTA 3
4. GTA 2
5. GTA

>>GTAV considered 2nd best game of the series

You forgot Grand Theft Autos 1, 2, Advance, Liberty City Stories, Vice City Stories, Episodes from Liberty City, and Chinatown Wars.

You also forgot to put Vice City Stories at the top.



>I have no reading comprehension

CJ is funny because he's so stereotypical. Franklin was such a boring character. He should've been replaced with his friend whose name I can't remember right now. Lamar?