I'm about to marathon the splinter cell series. What am I in for?

I'm about to marathon the splinter cell series. What am I in for?

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3 incredible games followed by mediocrity

I thought Conviction was pretty good, it would've sold a lot more if it were called anything besides Splinter Cell.

1 is pretty jank and barebones
2 steps up the game but still falls flat in a few places
3 is top tier (except for character models)
Double agent is hit or miss depending on version and expectations
Conviction leans too heavily into action shooter territory and I personally hate the black and white detection filter
Blacklist is either one of the best or one of the worst depending on who you ask.

Blacklist is better than it has any right to be, but it sure as fuck is not one of the best.

Objectively speaking, Splinter Cell games are ranked as follows:
Chaos Theory > Splinter Cell 1 > Pandora Tomorrow > Blacklist > Conviction > Double Agent

Double agent would be higher if it wasn't nothing but a character assassination of Sam.
I wanted to like conviction because I have a gigantic boner for vengeance stories, but they somehow regressed Sams age by 20 years, removed the actual detection mechanic in favor of 'lol ur invisible in dark no matter what' and there's no actual KOs or non-lethal or pure ghost options.

Blacklist at least actually has stealth.

Sitting in shadows a lot, nonsensical mechanics and the bleakest maps you can imagine. Play a good game.

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>mfw i forced my way through the entirety of splinter cell 1 on PC without realizing the lighting was totally fucked and i couldn't even see where searchlights were pointing

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Splinter Cell was never good. These games were depressing as hell even. So dark, so generic. Very mediocre games. The first game has to be the most saddest game I have ever played. It is such a product of its time. I struggled to get through it. Everything is so dark and drab. Just made me want to kill myself. I've never played any other games that put me in such a low mood like Splinter Cell games did.

>stealth game
>surprised when its dark
You must be new to video games.
If it matters aught, there's a section in Pandora Tomorrow where you have to stay in a spotlight so a goon with night vision goggles won't see you.

Blacklist is alright. Not AMAZING, but competent enough for a stealth game.

>Able to ghost about 99% of it, the only one being the stupid fucking train level that you have to glitch to ghost.

More than can be said for Conviction or Double Agent 360.

One of my favorite game series growing up. Loved them all really.

The series kinda changed a little at Double Agent which I didnt like, but still enjoyed the game.

Blacklist is a completely different game from the rest of the series. They made the game more fast pace, probably due to the climate/style of games being released at the time which also made the game more "casualized".....also they changed the voice actor which is super tilting. Its like the Hitman Absolution of the Splinter Cell series, except Blacklist was still a decently good game..just not a good Splinter Cell.

Double Agent > Chaos Theory > Pandora Tomorrow > Splinter Cell > Essentials > Blacklist >>>>> Conviction

Don't remind me about those lights

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So why can't I buy Pandora Tomorrow for PC? I got it for xbox instead.

it uses out of date and now unspported technology to render lights and shadow so its not for sale. if you can find a copy on your favorite file sharing whatever thing its fixable though.

>double agent
How is it possible to have taste this bad?

mfw my pistol never would aim in so I cheated the rifle from mission 1

don’t get frustrated, it’ll screw with the stealth

The OG Xbox and PS2 versions are different from the 360 and PS3 and PC versions.

This is amazing.

1 is quite barebones like , though I think jank is a stretch. It's maybe my favorite in the series but I admit it's because of extreme nostalgia. Almost every level is memorable and the CIA Headquarters is a god tier stealth mission from gaming history.
PT is better in the gameplay features category but ultimately not very memorable. Still qwell above average.
Chaos Theory is god tier.
Double agent and Conviction are a pretty huge bastardization of the original trilogy and I wouldn't bother playing them to be completely honest.
Blacklist is a solid game, but sadly still below the original three. It has some unfortunate design choices carried over from Conviction. (Yes, you don't have to use the Mark and Execute pretty button to win feature, but that doesn't change the fact every level was designed around it.) It also has a super fucking odd forced first person shooter level with another character, no idea what the fuck they were even thinking.
Ignoring my own nostalgia for 1 I'd rank them as
CT > 1> PT = Blacklist > Conviction > Double Agent.

Which Splinter Cell would you guys say is the comfiest to play? The one that makes you want to wrap yourself up in a blanket with the AC on and some hot cocoa to drink while you play?

1 or CT, no question.
>mfw I got the original game for xmas as a kid
>spent most of the break from school playing it down in my room with nary a light on outside of my festive string lights as snow gently fell outside
>mfw I can close my eyes on a cool night and still hear voice lines from that game, manly from my main nigga Lambert
Take me back. God I wish this series could go back to its glory days.

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3 for sure
that bathhouse mission was pretty damn comfy.

When you get to playing double agent, play the PS2/Xbox version. The story is a lot more focused and it doesn't throw you in the tedious "hub" area in between missions like the 360 version.

This, the hub area in the 360 version really killed the pacing for me.