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wait so does it still have battle royal mode? so confused.

Is the single player really that bad?/spoiler]

Yes it does.

I didn't even care about the evil womenz and all that shit, it just felt like shit compared to bf1.

Wasn't feeling it i guess.

Battlefield has been shit since 2142.

It was a mistake to make a WW2 game right after doing one about WW1. Should have had a modern one in-between or something.

ever played WaW?
it feels lackluster when you compare it to other ww2 games from the past
And why do they have a hit ping when you kill an enemy like it's multiplayer?

inb4 BF4 zoomers shill their garbage console shooter.
this user is correct

BFV is such a travesty, I really can't fathom how they could've fucked up so badly. I know the series has been in decline for years but BF1 wasn't nearly this fucking bad. Fuck DICE and Fuck EA

>make a game about guns.
>make shooting the most frustrating part of the game.

You know that family guy skit where the cops are trying to shoot Peter and the gang and the cop says “man these guys are elusive!” It’s pretty much that.

It still made millions of dollars more then what pol incels will ever make.

It's not the wokeness, it's an actual shit game. Battlefront ruined Battlefield, the focus has been 90% aesthetics and 10% gameplay since then


They should've went modern. No one gives a fuck about some gayass war that happened like 150 years ago. There's so many new, good guns now - I want BF4 part 2.

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>putting a weapon on the floor like its a toy truck

It happened because Dice has a lot of people with leftist, feminist, communistic and multicultural beliefs, which of course affect game development. They do diversity employments, which spells doom for any company.

holy cringe

Talking about BF5? The gun shoots at where you aim it. So get better at aiming.

if im honest i dont feel that was the case, but it does feel weird that the chick with the Hook for hand only appeared on trailers and they never explained who she was, what was the point of her whole squad or the fuck was she doing post new arm at a battlefield
Or the fact the nazi campaign had a black MC

It went on a 50% sale two weeks after launch. Pre-orders were very low.

No. BF5's core gameplay is fine. This is just something people say when they want to fit in.

The problem is the lack of content. BF5 has had THREE DLC maps. At this stage in its life, BF1 had SEVEN, with six more just around the corner. This is on top of BF1 having more base game maps. The game is shit but people are so dishonest about why, and it drives me insane because DICE could get the wrong message.

Attached: bf5 review.png (743x378, 34K)

pls dilate

What they really shoud've done is 2143

This is what incels actually believe.

whatever happened to their battle royal thing, did they cancel that too

>Or the fact the nazi campaign had a black MC
Fake news, the French campaign has a black MC (which is actually accurate considering France nowadays)

rip in pieces

how do you think it fares vs battlefront 2?
even that mess of a game recived 6 maps like 6 heroes plus some ships and new story missions
And that's not their big franchise is it?

t. Andrew Wilson

Is this argument based on some sort of study or is this just reactionary philosophy dreamt up by failed men who'll never see a six figure income or be given any real responsibility or respect

They released it, it's dead as fuck
I hate BR so I don't play it

BF5 felt a little too soon I think. People still were playing and really liked BF1, hell they could've squeezed some more money out of that one if they chose to and people seemed to like that one. Though because of that it made BF5 feel unwarranted.

No lie, CoDWW2 was a better game than this.

Seething you dont know anything about game development. You idiots think everything is muh women and diversity fault.

Good, keep that trash esport bait out of Battlefield.
Every fucking time they try to add some sort of competitive mode and it fail because no one plays BF to have a 10 player match.

BFV maps are liquid shit, unequivocally the worst in the series with horiffic flow. Progression is trash. And they didn't pull off the WW2 package very well so it doesn't even have the historical appeal. BF1, Hardline and BF4 are better in every single way. I would argue that Hardline is a better WW2 game than BFV. It has NOTHING going for it.

According to Dice, who said they wanted to show historical battles and missions that are less known, the mission to destroy the German's production of heavy water in Norway was done by a 16 year old girl and her mother. In real life it was carried out by a two teams of Norwegian soldiers who were all guys.

Hardline was the best battlefield since 4.

It was a failure in the eyes of EA

You do know that France had colonies and that some of these were populated with blacks that were de facto French.
And when at war they came to France to help in their own units.

lol of course it does, cant let go of the only trending thing the game has going for it

Here we go again with the triggered incels.

This game wasn't made for you.

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Yes. The competitive mode (5v5) was the one that was cancelled.

And they cancelled it during BF1's time as well.

DICE really should just give up on making the series an eSport and focus on what it does best: Sandbox shooter.

At least it still has better vehicles, movement, and gunplay than BF1. The core gameplay designers are the only competence left.

It's been nine months. Are people still trying to wrap their heads around the concept of dramatization?

Why employ and promote people who spend their lives "opening dialogues" rather than having innate talent and passion? How could these elements affect team cohesion? You mean to tell me that corporate environments are not conducive to artistic expression or clarity?

BF1 and BF5 speak for themselves. Women and minorities everywhere where they are not supposed to.

>please give us $8 for a mermaid skin goy
dont forget that that there is literally no way to get those cosmetics without paying money for them, even though they said you could just play the game to unlock them

>trying to pass off intentional misrepresentation as "dramatizaton"
You could be a politician with that much egregious dishonesty

BFV's core gameplay was and still is NOT "fine". Everyone has been complaining about almost every facet of it left and right, and DICE keeps changing it for the worse with all sorts of retarded elements like only spawning in with close to no ammo.

>You know that family guy skit
Lemme stop you right there.

>intentional misrepresentation
that is called dramatization

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This game was ok. God anti-SJWs are jut as bad as SJWs for getting so angry at this. Both sides are evil.

Who cares? You anti SJW guys need to relax. Who cares? Not a big deal. You are just as bad as SJWs

ill be honest with you user, my problem iwht it wasn't about the girl, that's fine, some glamour to sell a story works every now and agian
the problem i had with the Storymode is that you are not A soldier, you are THE soldier
instead of a team who had to risk everything and workes together, a girl and her mother completly wrecked a heavy fortified building without a problem
some games in the past had you as one of the foot soldiers taking missions with a whole squad
Tht one mission in WaW for example, the first russian one where you have to kill a Nazi general
You dont bet him in a cinematic knife fight or destroy his tank with a lucky shot
You let a team die at German gunfire so he can escape from his building in fear and you Pop his head while hidding in a building
it lets you know there was sacrifice for what you didand that a whole team worked together to get to a goal, the mission would have been worse if you survived alone and had to defeat the fuck in some over the top movie way while you escape valiantly and return home for a medal and some hookers

>to express or represent vividly, emotionally, or strikingly:
A dramatization of the event would be to depict a group of Norwegian soldiers doing what the little girl did, albeit with some hollywood-esque flair. However, insinuating that a little girl and her mom did everything is an intentional misresentation and is neither authetnic nor genuine, and trying to pass it off as "drama" shows how little you know about anything.

Crouch running and manual leaning are things I never expected in a modern BF game.
Attrition is good, or it would be if people were to play as a squad.

Okay tranny, I am sure the massive negative reaction to the trailer was a pol campaign and not the genuine reaction of the potential playerbase to a game that looked like a jumbled mess that made a mockery of its setting. That, Dice's reaction, and the typically sloppy release, they deserve all of this and worse.

Do you mean to say that people who make less than six figures should have no voice? Following this line of thinking, why promote campaigns that engender illiterate niggers from welfare houses to ruin public discourse with their self-loathing and externalized zealotry?

Why are you such an elitist despite having such a profound lack of insight and reasoning? Why do you even bother to burp out your meaningless observations?

We changed Ion Fury and there is nothing you can do to change that =)

Yea Forums is pol+b but somehow shittier. fuck this board.

I oughta play some BF4 again. BF3 had better maps but the hitboxes pissed me off a lot.

And every day more and more people hate you lot.

good riddance, tranny

holy fuck that skin makes me want to vomit.

Same with the apex skins. Back in the golden age, trash like that was clientside and free so it wouldn't show up on your end.

>Everyone has been complaining about almost every facet of it left and right
citation fucking needed

attrition was never a bad thing, it was desperately needed to avoid incentivizing death/ticket waste by rewarding players who die and skip revive with a full refill on ammo. I see more praise for the system than criticism.

>dies behind cover
Hitreg was and is still the main issue in BF3
Reminder that the servers in BF3 are running at 10 ticks, and in BF4 it's 30 ticks min and can go as high as 144.

thanks for proving my point. god forbid we talk about video games instead of circle jerking over a hatred for fortnite

The replies of poltards actually attempt to get their ideas across

Trannies talk like angry, snide teenagers

really makes me think....

“Projects fail because of women and brown ppl”
-Peter Drucker

i cant believe people think bad management boils down to red scare boogeymen in 2019


V v. V

The year where Bethesda, Activision, and EA all raced each other to the discount bin

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wait did that mode come out?


>red scare boogeymen in 2019
But muh (((cultural marxism))) user, it's true, they redpilled me on /pol/ and the based e-celebs I watch are all talking about it!

The politicization of workplace culture in entertainment, and video games especially, is well known, and plays a big part in these failures. Look at the reviews of past employees for Dice Sweden for this to be said plainly for you.

Oh and a strawman, well done fag!

All of the guns feel like absolute shit unless you’re playing support. We need a modern BF with customizable gadgets and guns like BF4. I don’t give a fuck about the attachment overload in that game because you could personalize a lot of stuff. BFV has no maps, no good guns, vehicles, gadgets.

It's a giant fuck you to the REAL men who fought and risked their lives. If it weren't for these men, Germany would have been a big step closer to making nuclear bombs.

Grouse/Swallow Team:

Jens-Anton Poulsson
Arne Kjelstrup
Knut Haugland
Claus Helberg
Einar Skinnarland

Gunnerside Team:

Joachim Ronneberg
Knut Haukelid
Fredrik Kayser
Kasper Idland
Hans Storhaug
Birger Stromsheim

But no, let's forget about them and say it was done by a 16 year old girl with no weapon or combat training.

yes and it's shit

>Stab a guy 3 times from behind, he just turns around and shoots me
>Shoot a guy at a mounted gun in the head, hits an invisible wall and alerts him of my presence
God that shit was infuriating.

> it was desperately needed to avoid incentivizing death/ticket waste by rewarding players who die and skip revive with a full refill on ammo
Now they just die, respawn for HALF ammo! Same shit, worse problem.

Your not gonna use that on defenseless public places are you user?

There you go nigger, too hard to type it all out so you can just click on it.

>You now remember that cringe reveal event with Trevor Noah
>Half an hour of "authentic" ww2 word salad
>Though cool concept art that looks straight out of medal of honor
>And then that fuckin' trailer drops

They fought for kikes, now their legacy is buried by kikes. Its poetic.

They were nordcucks
They'd probably approve being erased from history in favor of females.

An all you poltards can do is cry on the internet about. Grow the fuck up.

If you try to make a game for everyone you instead end up with a game for no one.

Oh, so you have no argument, and were being disingenuous? Why is it always so easy with you people?

This but unironically. Make contemporary BF, BF:MW or anything and I'm fucking there, but miss me with those grandpa wars.

>5v5 on Battlefield
Isn't the point of BF huge battles?

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Only smoothbrains like modern settings

Futuristic > historic > modern

>However, insinuating that a little girl and her mom did everything is an intentional misresentation and is neither authetnic nor genuine
No shit. Every AAA WW2 game is drastically fictionalized and has single soldiers representing entire platoons and mowing down hundreds of soldiers alone. This is such a nothing criticism.

2143 WHEN?

it's pretty funny really, you risk your life for a bunch of treacherous hook-noses, then 80 years later you see the fruits of your labor bite you in the ass

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>It's a giant fuck you to the REAL men who fought and risked their lives
They risked their lives for this.
Every single person who died in WWII deserved it, and I hope they are burning in hell.

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>Red Scare
Brown Stink is more apt. The corporate coalition of mudpeople, homosexuals and migrants are working toward Brown Communism. Apart from this they are devoid of purpose or talent, and so they linger (like a bad smell) with their "conversations" and "dialogues".

Im telling you us liberals run video games while you incels cry on the internet.

>Every AAA WW2 game is drastically fictionalized and has single soldiers representing entire platoons and mowing down hundreds of soldiers alone.

Except no you fucking zoomer. Even CoD up to WaW was you almost constantly being in a squad or platoon. That one man army rambo shit didnt really start till MW, which is still beyond your zoomer ass years.

>screaming redundant bullshit no normal people care about from "game journalist" mouth pieces means you run video games


>Up to WaW
>World at War
>World at War releases after Modern Warfare/4
>Complains about MW
Really makes you Think.jpg

Get the fuck off of my board pol. You nazis will always be hated.

>military shooters
Who the fuck cares?

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Yes, but apparently DICE doesn't get that.

Same reason they got rid of full ammo on spawn.

>Even CoD up to WaW was you almost constantly being in a squad or platoon.
And Battlefield doesn't. It fictionalizes more. If you don't like that, then don't play it. Oh wait, you can't say that because it triggers people apparently

Nice goalpost moving. I'm not talking about every AAA WW2 game, I'm talking about BFV in specifc.
Plus I think you are misrepresenting the games. While you do play as a single soldier and mow down scores of enemies, it isn't done implicitly so. You're not the Duke Nukem or Doomguy of WW2, you're just a soldier. This is true for basically all the big WW2 games. Medal of Honor, the older CoD games, World at War, Brothers in Arms. The list goes on.

What games do you play faggot?

I seem to recall the older MoH games having you lone wolf it a lot

>die on purpose
>get rewarded with full ammo
great system

It started in MW, yet nearly every mission in WaW had you in a squad or larger. Keep proving you're too young to be here dipshit. MW2 is where it went full rambo.

Platformers and Puzzle games

Okay faggot, since you don't play WW2 games, i will spell this out for you. Lets look at Medol of Honor Frontline
>Indianan Jones style single man adventure against the Nazi war machine, no pretence of realism
>you effortlessly massacre the enemy even on higher difficulties

Now lets look at Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway, or CoD 2
>general theme of tragedy and heroism in the terrors of combat
>large numbers of npcs, friendly and foe
>you are always part of a squad
>you kill more enemies than realistically possible, but your mates and allied NPCs help
>you die much more easily than in MoH on every difficulty due to hitscan and regenerating health

Now which tone would you say V leans towards? Its the bottom, but has the gameplay of the top, and thats why its inappropriate

Mil sims, arcade shooters, RPGs, RTS games, and third person shooters.
COD and Battlefield have always and will always be cancer, and i'm glad to see that BF is dying and that COD has no idea where to go.

Seriously, where's the anime shooters? I don't mean anything special but just make a technically sound shooting game with cute anime girls in dresses with frills and shit instead of just men and more recently women dressed like men trotting around in the mud. It would sell trillions.

Yeah, but that was because of the story. You get seperated from your squad, it still isn't trying to give you the impression that you are John Rambo.

>If you don't like that, then don't play it

>Oh wait, you can't say that because it triggers people apparently

Because its unironically a stupid ass thing to say. Its just as stupid as when idiots say "hurr you cant do better" when someone criticizes a movie. What, should we not criticize things? What a gutless fucking pussy you are.

All game devs are liberal you dumb fuck have you ever been to the twitter before?

my dick is inappropriate
all of this sharia law rulefag bullshit about how conflict has to be portrayed is in your head

>and BF doesnt
What is Bad Company 1
What is Bad Company 2
What is Battlefield 3
What is Battlefield 4

While I had some fun with BF3, but you are absolutely correct.

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Never got into platformers.
COD is pretending to be more "hardcore" now.
I still want a sequel to 2142, and I disagree, BF has been shit since they switched to frostbite, the refractor games were fine.

Don't be argumentative if you're going to duck out like a bitch, you stupid homo.

Ive been wondering this for a while, why is there no Battlefieldlike with wafiubait characters. You faggots would eat it up like flies on shit.

I want cold war with exotic weapons like g11, who cares about all those M4 variants, i want m16, FAL, etc

I haven't changed my stance whatsoever

And the gutless pussies literally dont do anything with it other than an occasional "fuck drumph"

Thats some serious power there, i totally believe the left are running video games lmao.... sit down faggot.

Yes, you haven't supported it either. You are making strides for a tranny, you are thinking like a woman now too.

That actually looks like shit

Pretty sure DICE tried to prove your theory and got completely BTFO so hard EA wont even mention battlefield. Go WOKE go BROKE

'83 will do that
it's being made by the rising storm guys

>thinking like a woman
>this is what /pol/tards incels believe

I wanted a Battlefield: Vietnam game, but they probably would've fucked that up too. I'm sure they only did WW2 because call of duty had just done a WW2 game and the higher ups were thinking they could easily ride the wake of cods success.

what the fuck is this zoomer shit get it outta here stupid ass nigger

people paid for this...?

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My mistake, you clearly aren't thinking at all :)

>Keep proving you're too young to be here dipshit.
Bro, I'm older than you. I'm nitpicking your WaW cut-off and then complaining about MW1 being non-Squad rambo. Keep up.

>die on purpose
>get half ammo instead
great system. Same shit, different answer for the real problem: People not using their kit items.

Hardline, for all it's problems had the solution: Steal that shit. DICE never wanted to implement that shit because it'd make too much goddamn sense to make the classes WORTHWHILE for yourself if your teammates weren't going to be TEAMMATES.

Man I hope that game is good
I also hope that means RO3 will be made soon

Who’s the fucking retard at Dice that thought it was a good idea for all the classes to share the same customization instead of class exclusive. How the fuck am I supposed to know if an enemy poses a threat to me in my tank anymore.

You trumpers are really fucking retarded and in denial. Indie devs tons of liberals. Major gamdevs like dice,valve,2k,blizzard all employees are liberal and proud.

They've already done Vietnam twice

you new here? School starting soon?

>belittles half the population
>why am I being seen in a bad light
>why aren't women having sex with me

Im not even from America moron, fuck you and fuck Trump, god forbid someone other than a "trumper" things you're an obnoxious faggot.

if being an incel is not playing shit like this then im an incel

2142 was great fool

Who are you quoting? Having an episode, tranny?

I bet you watch that incel the quartering. Battlefield 5 made all its money back and a profit. It just wasnt as large as battlefield 1.

It's just a skin dudes, don't be so upset.

You don't have it buy it, I have the money so I gladly spend my money on these things.

no. i just want to talk about vidya instead of sjw click bait.

I think their reasoning was probably more that WW2 comes after WW1
BF1 was the best selling BF game so it only made sense for them to do a historic setting again

>Same shit
No, it's not. It completely fixes the problem.

No he's pretty spot on. If you've done any research into the matter or read/watched any Dice interviews you'd know he's hit the nail on the head. Seems to me like you're just a bitch faggot.

jokes on you, thats a ceiling

>Major gamdevs like dice,valve,2k,blizzard all employees are liberal and proud.

Hardly matters when the majority of those devs stay publicly neutral whenever controversy arises, and anytime some lefty faggot dev gets uppity, they get shit on and shut down every single time. You morons aint running shit when the lefty devs "running" the industry dont do fuck all political wise.

1943 was the last class shooter with simple, pure mechanics, and it was a joy to play even with limited maps.

Liberals are by nature in a state of shame. They then appeal to social constructs to uplift themselves out of this shame.

Lol the incel is trying to move goal posts after being btfo with facts.

Not everything is minorities or women's fault, there's a lot of spineless white men like yourself too.

This catchphrase is not always correct, because the truth is
>Hire woke, go broke
The woke shit is just a symptom of the disease, not the disease itself.
Its the difference from someone with the flu, and someone that painted the nose red to look like he got the flu in an attempt to fool the actual disease.
When you hire woke, the most likely white female person will use her powers to fire everyone that she dislike, which is most likely everyone with any talent in your studio, then she will use those same powers to hire her mostly white but untalented friends, and they will fuck everything.

Bring back Domination, get rid of Firestorm

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your mom's pussy game

>I bet you watch that incel the quartering

Are you stupid americans incapable of entering a political argument without 100% assuming every single position of their opposition? This speaks volumes about you and your fragile ego.

> It just wasnt as large as battlefield 1.

Thats literally the point moron. Go woke go broke doesnt mean literally you daft cunt.

Female players is just too fucking weird and annoying. It viscerally makes no sense, it's so particularly out of place that it's difficult to pay attention to anything else. Hearing some woman scream she's reloading takes you out of the moment every single time. Women are not frontline soliders for fuck's sake. I know it's a video game that is not striving for realism but even just accounting for the soundscape, wherein a huge amount of detail was put into weapon sound effects, bullets whizzing, directional gun noises etc, it's all painstakingly crafted to put you in the moment. Women soldiers completely ruins it, it's preposterous.

Does anyone play firestorm? I mean, most free BR games struggle to get lobbies and die because they can't, so does it work for BF? I know Yea Forums isn't really representative of people who actually play video games but...

So? They also already did WW2 and one of those was a DLC with like four maps.

Everything is political you fucking idiot. You cant even prove any of the shit you just wrote your just making shit up now.

And leftfags wonder why they can't make any headway on this website. Look at how they are embarrassing themselves itt, Christ these fucking posts they are making.

>should we not criticize things

Correct. You take what you are given, and if you don't like it too fucking bad. Your opinion means nothing in the face of progress. The 'history' you claim to cherish can be made better. The games you enjoy can do more than be simple distractions- they can be tools to correct the thinking of young minds before exposure to the outside world can take them down the wrong path.

The world is moving in a wave. And you're either part of the wave, or you're the stone that's eroding away. The ocean will endure. The stone will not.

They're somewhat competent, but they deliberately make bad weapon sounds for normalfags.
Couldn't be worse than bf sounds tho, so i guess i'll play it anyway.

>10 IQ american has to 100% assume every position his opponent has due to the stupid americans inability to adapt mentally or emotionally to viewpoints that dont adhere to their strict echo chamber approved narrative.

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>they deliberately make bad weapon sounds for normalfags

All you incels are acting like ea is going bankrupt and laying off all their employees. But every time you get called out you say thats not what we really meant.

Everything is a failure in the eyes of EA, they don't eye profit, they eye growth. They don't understand that they'd reached market saturation and that their userbase will not grow any longer.

It's why they're turning to other forms of monetization to force growth further.

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Explain how anything Blizzard or Valve does refers to modern politics? Oh what? You cant cause you're a fucking liar talking out of your ass? Oh surprise surprise. You have a point about DICE, and look at how it bit them in the ass lmao. Take your L.

Your so seething its pathetic you cant even give me a proper answer.

You've used the word incel 3 times now. Obsessed much? Maybe projecting kind of like how most male feminists (ALL lefties btw) are usually rapists and the ones sexually assaulting women? Funny how this works out with you american lefties.

They forced Soldier 76 to be gay

>literally queer baiting with their """lore"""
>bunch of libertarians that think everyone's got a place on their store as long as it makes them money
There retard.

>retard cant fathom someone that isnt a trumpy or a right leaning american calling them a stupid faggot

Sounds like you're the one seething here lmao.

>You know that family guy skit
What the actual fuck is this ....

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>blizzard's shallow queer pandering and Valves open market approach means the left runs vidya.

You poltards are incapable of seeing the tiny drops of progression in new games you really are retarded.

I’m not upset at you for buying it I’m upset that fugly shit like this ruins the whole “WWII” aesthetic

It never really bothered me that much there were women, what bothers me is why they did it. I've known a few girls (emphasis on few cuz not many girls like fps games and you know it's fucking true) that played battlefield games, one of them being my cousin. The thing is, I never once heard ANY of said girls bitch about not enough "representation" in any of the games where you could only play as a guy. That's because they didn't give a shit, they just thought it was a fun fps.

The only reason they put women in the forefront and made such a huge fucking deal about is because the developers really thought that if women see that they can now play as a female character, then more women will buy the game which is fucking stupid. They don't give a shit about "representation", they care about making as much money as possible from as many different groups as possible. Even if it doesn't make any sense.

Have you played Rising Storm, Killing floor?
Red Orchestra was not as bad, but still "meh", i'm sure they make sounds not as "harsh" so people won't cry about sounds cutting their ears.

>hey guys we made this character gay, how progressive!

Ya ok, let me know when your keyboard activism makes solid ground kek

Are you having a stroke?

Bans for naughty words that not acceptable by modenr politics
Promotes LGBTQUSIADJLASJDLASD+ games in Steam.

Still not answering my statement the poor putin shill is still seething.

Nobody watches family guy here, faggot.


Shouldnt known your dumbass would have shit reading comprehension.

Yeah it sounds off, I prefer the sound design of Insurgency Sandstorm

>everyone's got a place on their store as long as it makes them money
How is that political? That seems like an entirely logical stance for a company running a store.

>explain to me politics of these companies
>there you go
>huh and what about your supposed claims of the left running the media
What the fuck are you even on about retard?

Stupid AND blind. Or just mad as fuck and skipping every reply unless untill you see (You)s.

I literally responded to your bullshit here above.

>corporations are forcing 'representation' and 'inclusivity' not out of any kind of altruism but rather just view it as a new avenue to exploit people

Stop speaking sense. You're standing in the way of progress.

>family guy skit

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Then it should be easy for you to provide empirical evidence to support this conspiracy

It's funny because garbage ass games and failed franchises existed for decades before SJWs were around, but now all the sudden if a game fails it's because muh diversity hires

You responses are just you seething at my insults you still arent answering the real statement.

>explain to me politics of these companies

Already wrong, you dont even have the discussion topic right. Its whether or not the left RUNS the industry, not whether devs in the industry are left or not. Sorry faggots,
Sorry losers, symbolic acts that are more akin to pandering than real political statements is a far cry from the left running vidya, but for a bunch of fat morons who think getting people banned on twitter as some revolutionary stepping stone i could understand why you think 76 taking dick is a big deal.

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Everyone who pushes the representation nonsense think that women and non-whites are subhumans who don't have a theory of mind. The idea is so entrenched in their beliefs that they simply cannot fathom treating them as humans, no matter how much money it loses them.

>Game released unfinished with zero content for $60
>In a setting that was already oversaturated
>Coming from BF1 which was already WW2 lite
Having women in WW2 doesn't make up for the lack of factions and maps.

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> 2/2 for Bad Company

I hope it never comes out, cause you faggots don't deserve it. BF1942/1943 XBLA 2142 and 3 are the only other good ones

BC2>>>>>>BF2142=BF1942>BF3=1942>>>>>>>>>>>>>BF5 =BF1

And those dilating trannies were hyping up "free dlc maps" when it was obvious that it means that we get barely any

It was one of many contributions. Also, didn't help that Dice and EA calling fans uneducated and that they shouldn't buy the game.

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BF2 is the last good bf game.

I hope those dumb niggers at EA never try to appeal to women again. If there's a genre women don't care about, it's multiplayer military shooters. Those retards tried to pull a Disney Wars where they shit on their main demographic in the hopes that a massive surge of female consumers will appear out of nowhere and make up for any lost interest in the fans. And it always fails every single time its attempted.

Shit man, those masks would be cool if they weren't for literal furry queer gimps
They should be robbing a bank instead of whatever the fuck is going on in that pic.

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My grandfather landed at Normandy. The Philippines. Okinawa. If he and the men he fought with could see what was made of their sacrifice, they'd have turned those landing craft right the fuck around and sailed back home.

It's because they think half of the world's gamers are women, and that's because women prefer free games on their phones and such. By trying to appeal to minorities you distance yourself from your main target group, which is (white) males from ages 12-40.


>You know that family guy skit

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First if all dont use the nword thats offensive. Second women play video games yes i know thats hard for an incel to believe. Third some women dont like to have men know that their a girl in fear of getting insulted or threatened. Now you the truth so please be more sensitive when playing video games. Lets make gaming fun and safe for all.

>You know that family guy skit
I have friends who are like this how do I make them stop.

a gun

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>these are the kind of subhumans you share a board with

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>You know that family guy skit

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If you don't want guys to know you're women maybe you should tell EA to stop putting women in their WW2 shooters

Yes it was, and it's been shit since then.

>family guy skit

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>ww2 game
>force 2010s leftist shit into it at every opportunity, ignoring actual gameplay improvements or an immersive realistic feel to such an obsessive degree that the game no longer resembles ww2 at all
why is anyone surprised the game sucks and why do retards here act like this isn’t the exact reason it sucks

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which is a real achievement because bf1 felt like shit compared to bf4

>nihilistic shitposters
>political agitators who vehemently defend any corp they think is on 'their team'
Pick your poison

>but max rank is still going up
Bruh, I get to do more levels of the same content

Is this a gun from Far Cry 4?

2142 > 2 if only because the hitreg was improved

You can't even go prone in bad company.

doubt, dilate

>this is a ww2 game in 2019

>comparing a giant company to a bunch of random guys

Does anyone even care? Who plays battlefield for 5v5? Anyone who wants that has CS and siege, both of which are better than battlefield

Do you know how many pol incels their are? A shit ton i think comparing hundred of thousands incels to a small company of less than a thousand is fair.

Hurry up and make Battlefield 6 a failure too so I can celebrate them double downing.

This explains the shill threads and why they are so jumpy tonight.

>all these people pretending that they've never even seen that picture from old memes or anything
newfags, all of you

i just want a good fps to play on pc
like what the hell am i suppose to play


Next BF better be Gulf War or I'm fuckin out

>anthem was such a fucking disaster half of bioware is leaving
>BFV flopped so hard they have to cancel their plans for post release content
>governments all over the world are up in arms to ban loot boxes so fifa will probably suffer greatly

One of the only things in my life that still makes me smile is seeing EA suffer.

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Video games, as an industry, are on their death bed. Unless your idea of a video game is a virtual store front where cash money overrides skill, you might as well sell your consoles, because that is the future, no matter what genre of game you play.

Everything is going mobile, and even the games that aren't mobile are trying to emulate them.

Crash unironically soon. The state of the industry is beyond fixing.

What are you into when it comes to first person shooters. If you like arena shooters you're kinda fucked

This shit right here is the problem with nu-Yea Forums.

Not the post btw, the replies. Bunch of "PUT ME IN THE SCREENCAP" faggots trying too hard to show that they fit in and don't like that "disgusting normie shit"

anything that isn't battle royale trash

The mistake was making a ww1 game where everyone has full auto weapons instead of bolt rifles and then going to ww2 and still have everyone with full auto weapons instead of bolt rifles.

Campaign is split into four short stories
Under No Flag War Story - It's ok, Kinda bad.

Nordlys (You play as a kid saving her mother) - It's painfully bad.

Tirailleur (You play as a black frenchman) - Definitely the best story. I even found it enjoyable.

The Last Tiger - It's fine. You play as a nazi. Nothing special, tank combat, shoot and repair.

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There are dozens of shooters that aren't battle royale you halfwit, if you don't actually want to discuss video games why are you on Yea Forums

What the literal fuck.

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>wrong side of history, incel
Fucking Christ you’re so boring.

WaW was good for the simple fact of competetive co op 4 player. that was the most fun campaign hands down because of that

It's kinda true though. Not the whole 'wrong side of history' thing, but the vague threat that anyone that isn't with the trend is against it and will be removed. The world is moving in a dangerous direction, and we're within spitting distance of some real shit going down. And when that conflict ends, the people on 'the wrong side of history' are also going to be on the wrong side of the death chamber's doors.

Why does that gun have a magnifying glass on it?

>You know that family guy skit

this is anime board my man

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It was made for everyone. It is a consumer product and I am a consumer.
I also pay hookers who will let me rough them up (below the neck only) and pay exclusively black hookers for this.
It isn't as hard to find them as you'd think.

>implying family guy isnt the best anime

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The entire global economy is going to crash soon user. Forget fucking gaming.

the way you type reeks of 85 IQ

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>family guy skit
Fuck off reddit.

Fuck off back to your normie website you fucking shitstains.

i'm going to play bfv and you can't stop me!

your loss

People should be aware the game has far worse issues other than not being authentic, it was in development for 18 months, just let that sink in.
And also, it's not the first that this happened.

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i got it for free anyways

you could still use your time better by playing almost any other ww2 shooter desu


nordlys is based fuck you

and Battlefield 2 Modern Combat on ps2

I played this high as fuck and it was very comfy. I liked the autumn palette a lot. Only got BFV because it came with my GPU, wish the campaign was full length following the African guys.

Hell let lose? shit I would even recommend playing heroes and generals over battlefield 5

Bad Company 2 has like 3 servers above 20 people, and the rest are below 10. I want it back.

>tfw the only aus server went offline because of discord drama

Bad Company was the beginning of the casualization of the series. Only consoleshitters who needed a babby's first Battlefield actually want another Bad Company game.

I dont want another Bad Company, I want 2 to return to prominence.

I looked up the clip just out of curiosity and it's from fucking Season 10, in 2011. I know a lot of people don't want to admit they used to watch Family Guy, but who the hell still watched Family Guy in Season 10?

>I dont use emojis
can GH be anymore based?

state of gaming in 2019
scary to think how its going to be in 2025

>You know that family guy skit

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Normalfags a lot of them still do, when I was a senior, people were still posting these

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there aren't even 100 people playing that game

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>AAA combined arms fps games are fucking trash these days
>indie studios and fat larpers pump out combined arms soldier-larp-simulators no one wants

People want them, but theyre always trash in some way. Usually with shit performance and really buggy.

Resetera, plenty DICE people post there daily.


>all these replies from zoomers pretending they were even alive when Family Guy came out trying hard to fit in

Earlier today I saw a thread where a guy posted that old pic of a guy supposedly sewing dog parts to his face (it's actually a replica of his head) and it had like 20 replies from impressed zoomies saying how scary it was. The average age of this board is probably something along 14~16.

I just looked it up and damn that's a funny skit haha

I agree it was crearly made for retards.

I didn't even know there was going to be a 5v5 mode and I play the game religiously

looks like a gun from borderlands

Got bf1 a few weeks back after the joke that is bf5.
BF1 is pretty but I'm missing more vehicles, very infantry focused game.

But the weapons are some of the most interesting in the series so far, especially support has some crazy gun designs.

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Breathtakingly based and refreshingly redpilled. Redditors and sjws BTFO.

They really do, this faggot's account is now set to private, prior to that, everyone in the AAA industry on Twitter was clapping going 'YAAAAS QUEEN SLAAAAAY'

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Did you know Peter Jackson owns 60 functional WW1 planes?

>always have to make more money which doesn't fucking work
>everyone should have the same which also doesn't fucking work

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>do what i say faggot
its perfect

BFV is an example on how to fuck up your franchise.


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