New servers are up. Will you be switching?
New servers are up. Will you be switching?
Other urls found in this thread:
Why would I? I can just log into Herod immediately and keep myself logged in.
>I can just log into Herod immediately
Going to Bigglesworth
>meme name
>meme spec
Bring back drakâthul
>3 subscriptions for me, my wife, and her son to Classic WoW please
hey does anyone else think that hill looks kind of like a penis
like look at it closely and think of penis its uncanny
No because I'm not a fucking impatient child. In 6 months when all these other shit tier servers are dead, I'll be on the best server.
>and keep myself logged in.
Good luck!
30 minutes and you get booted from character select.
Idle in game? Booted.
Basically be ready to game 24+ hours straight and even then expect hours to log back in after your first sleep
Nah I will stay on Stalagg
Nah you're just a faggot
Are they going to make changes?
Like shams paladins for ally / horde?
Because if they do, it wont be legit, or any other change for that matter.
I'm not playing till layering is gone
No? Why would they.
I'm staying on Pagle. It's listed as full but PvE servers will not be nearly as populated as PvP servers. Herod and Faerlina were the 2 servers in particular they singled out as immensely over populated. I'm not worried about how long the login queue will be.
Good luck you an thousands of other people will be spamming login the second servers go up the login queue just by itself will probably be immense. If servers are still up how they are now though I would just prepare to login to the character select screen hours before launch. Not sure if that will be an option though.
the left can't meme
Macros bruh. Sleep for an hour now and then, have the macro randomly move about now and then.
Hi /wowcg/, I'm an autistic manchild with an important public service announcement.
It's come to our attention that a group of SJW babies from retail collaborated and rushed to create subreddits and Discord servers for each respective game server as they came out. Then, they proceeded to merge with every other group they could in order to get their subreddit and Discord servers large enough to get their community partner status with Blizzard and become official communities.
Worst of all, they're compiling a "blacklist" of people they're banning from Discord servers and subreddits for activities they deem unacceptable. They plan on using this list to block people from guilds, groups, and activities in game.
TL;DR sjw cucks are attempting to consolidate power and push people out of the community so that they can get actiblizz shekels and enforce their views and make safe spaces
No there are no changes to racials, talents, class abilities or which race have access to which class. However it was in 1.12 is how it will be in classic.
you'd need to use something against TOS to keep yourself in like autohotkey/etc macros wont work
Horde or Alliance? Warlock or Rogue? Want to just do dungeons and world PvP shenanigans.
So? get enough autist from pol, jsut tell them that they will fight evil jews and nigegrs and make a guild that would be ironically more diverse than any sjw guild
Rogue is insane for wpvp
im NOT gay I was just thinking of penis and saw the hill and they look really fucking close in shape, look up penis and compare if you must
im not thinking of penis all the time just at that moment
What's the fucking point if in 4-5 months there'll be only two high pop servers that everyone will be rerolling into
That wont be the case. Its going to keep growing and become the one true king mmo.
Meanwhile EU got Flamelash, Gandling, Razorgore and Mograine.
So basically your average megaguild. How is this news?
literally going to be the biggest launch in video game history
Enjoy 2019 and your cheetoman, because it's the last year a right winger will EVER be president
It is just absurd to me that if it is just 1.12.1 or w/e, and they still charge monthly fees for no active developement.
Also, some things with classes are broken as fuck, say, druids or paladins doing anything but healing. It is a complete standstill. If they fix the problems, the game wont be the same, but if they dont, people are playing a sort of a meta'd game without progression to expansions.
EU got so fucking screwed. NA names are perfection.
in short, they are in a creative standstill.
Don't need AHK. Just strap a soft piece of plastic to the blade of a fan, turn it on low and let it hit the space bar.
I often look at my crotch and think myself to be gay for seeing a penis.
you guys think bluemoo will die off because of the shitty name?
im doing this
>Firemaw still only on medium
Oh fuck guys please, i dont wanna play on shazzrah (tranny realm)
Good job guys killing another xiv thread
If anyone needed proof that Whitemane is going to be the cancer discord server
You made this, didn't you?
What is the best Tauren class? With PVP in mind.
Nah, if i did i would've killed myself
Tauren are objectively the best PvP hunters, due to their extended melee range essentially negating Dead Zone kiting.
Who /stalagg/ here?
>no cancerous communities
>not full enough to have 12 hour queues but not empty enough to be dead in a year
>literally the perfect population
Can you guys stop ruining xiv threads? Fuck you wow shitters.
You seem to have it a little bit wrong there. Hunters are the ones who kite, not the ones who are kited. The extended melee range makes it much harder for Tauren Hunters to properly kite, should the enemy make it into melee range.
Likewise, stop sending shitposting trannies over
I wanted to, OP, but why is the fucking subscription so damn expensive?
you can't control classic players. none of what they do will matter.
People will only reroll on new servers when layering is removed. Prove me wrong
Retailbab detected. Hunter ranged abilities have an 8 yard range, and melee abilities have a 5 yard range. By getting into the gap between those you can prevent a hunter being able to do anything at all. The dead zone wasn't removed until WotLK.
Tauren however have an 8 yard melee range, so you can't dead zone them.
The deadzone was a stupid idea, why did they implement it? Casters can cast in melee range, why couldn't you shoot a gun in melee range?
No, if a melee get into melee range of a Tauren Hunter, they'll have a much harder time getting away because the dead zone is simply extended too. It'll take much longer to get into range for your ranged attacks to work again.
Thats funny. If a left wing faggot ever gets back in expect to be exterminated.
Who arugal horde here?
based. Arugal hit High population today, I hope they don't add another OCE PVP server though, since Arugal is almost dead even 50/50. The last thing we need is another Barth/Frostmourne faction split.
I'm rolling human lock. Honestly both are great in pvp, but rogues will always be best if you get the drop on someone
how does this matter ingame? No one that is actually playing is gonna give a fuck.
What's the best realm for alliance on east coast? I hear herod was reddit server, and it's full anyways
incendius, skeram, stalagg, thalnos, herod, and faerlina are all of the east coast pvp servs
herod is full and faerlina is the designated streamer server
What are the horde-dominant servers? I need to know what server needs to be crusaded by my pally.
Ok I did name reservation on stalagg; will see how full incendius and skeram are at launch
whats the most boomer class and servertype to play on? I need to crack open a few cold ones and listen to other boomers with kids screaming in the background
Prot warrior or druid
It's unofficial, but it's still interesting.
super-casuals will probably play on normal (non-pvp) servers, but people who played the original game in its prime might be more interested in pvp servers
idk if older players would be attracted to any class in particular, if i had to guess maybe warriors or paladins due to perceived simplicity
did you even have a sub in 2004? consider inflation
i'm most likely rolling on fairbanks, grob, or stalaag
which one will have the most even population
>Can't walljump
>therefore can't go under ironforge / stormwind
lots of people will level professions and character to 60 on normal server and then transfer to pvp servers
thalnos confirmed spic server
>transfer to pvp servers
transfers won't be allowed. they already discussed this.
peak cuckold.
Holy shiiiit
What a bunch of fags lmfao
You can jump through the underpass in trade district and still go under stormwind.
I tested and confirmed it is possible during the stress test.
It's also the unofficial LGBT server.
Sounds like a blast desu
I had a human lock on nost . The undead players make it unbearable at times. I recommend against it and say just go rogue
Transfers were in vanilla. and if you really think blizzard won't monetize the fuck out of classic, then you're dead wrong.
You misunderstand
Classic transfer rules were that you cannot change from a PvE server to a PvP one
PvP could go to a PvE server but not the other way around
Bros i'm going crazy. We're so close but it feels so far away. Switching to Druid at the last minute because my guild has a slot and I might get to play Feral
No, but i'll see you in Hillsbrad m8
We'll see about that. This is 2019 not 2005. We have social media to bitch directly to devs and harass them 24/7. we'll get transfers to pvp realms, it's only a matter of when.
Old Ironforge is the important one
>Fucking Bigglesworth
>A server that's named after a cat AND it's a PVP server
This is gonna fill so fast, but I suppose that's what they needed in order to convince people to move off of Herod.
I expect it to be where new players start their WoW journey, because it's a familiar name even if they don't know it's the name of Kel'Thuzad's cat they'll still associate it as a cat name nevertheless.
And they thought 2 English PvP realms was enough for Europe. Holy fuck this is annoying to deal with when there have been tens of thousands of players setting up their guilds the past two weeks, and now you really don't have any idea what the populations are gonna be on each realm. Fuck Blizzard is out of touch with their community.
>needing to kill your political opponents to stay relevant
is anyone as mentally fragile as right-wing fascistcucks?
yeah, the mentally ill left-wing terrorist sympathizers
If you really want to see Old Ironforge so badly, you can literally walk down there as it's opened up in retail.
But in all seriousness if you want to go out of bounds, use levitate on a priest, it's fucking busted and you can climb blackrock mountain with it.
I'll probably switch to it to avoid login ques. Might give it an authentic feel having retards that don't know what they're doing questing around.
Im curious if theyll see the potential in classic and support it in the same way Jagex does with OSRS
>playing a suboptimal DPS class
cause you definitely aren't tanking. I think a lot of current players are going to be a little disappointed in how pigeonholed everyone's raid specs are
This sucks, everybody thinks i'm a gay loser because i want to play a male nelf spriest
Too many zoomers asking for BC and Wrath for Classic+ to ever happen. They're going to make the same mistakes all over again.
lmao dilate harder, tranny
this, they can start with rmt and lgbt parades like osrs
that is pretty fucking gay bro, not gonna lie
>sheer desperation for a comeback
Clowns is the horde /vg/ guild on Grobbulus RP-PVP
We're open to any and all who browse /vg/. We plan on weekly raiding, PvP, and world PvP. New to classic? Come and chill while you level up. Played in vanilla? Perfect, we need people with raiding experience. If you are a GDQ streamer or a FFXIV player, fuck off.
No trannies
>Horde guild
>No trannies
Feral DPS isn't nearly as low as you think it is. Enough to surpass every dps check in the game.
The fact of the matter is that Feral isn't bad, but Rogues and Warriors are just so much better.
Everyone knows there are going to be plenty of Rogues this time around, so a Druid that chooses to stay Feral is going to come off as selfish and inconsiderate to everyone else.
now all you have to do is convince an entire raid this and you're good to go
most raids should be fine, especially if there are a decent number of new players joining classic who haven't done all of the minmaxing math
hopefully there will only be a few extremely autistic raid groups who demand every single slot be filled with only the most optimal possible class
So Why is every single fucking server discord owned by the same fucking person?
nice meme lil zoom, i'm sure you'll get a lot of upvotes on reddit for it :^)
i like dwarves too user but you don't have to be so biased
you talking about MikrRice?
Political agendas or some crap like that.
The only discord channel worth your time will be the one your guild uses for voice chat.
The community discords are aids.
This image is awful. Is it really that hard not to spout memes every 5 words?
>things I like
>things I dont like
Kill yourself. It's pretty much
Very epic image friend I love memes too
Is Herod really going to be filled with pserver autists? Should I switch?
extremely based and redpilled
>less than a week away
>still can't decide between priest or shaman
assuming you're planning on playing horde, priest is objectively stronger in vanilla but shammy has a more unique playstyle and will likely be less common
Cheapass undead rogue cunt reporting.
Where the STV bitches at
Priest is less common than Shaman on Horde
P server autists are going to be evenly split across the realms, most actual hardcore p server autists are going to want rank 14 and eventually, black AQ mount, farm world bosses, etc. They will be evenly dispersed as to minimize competition with each other
why not both?
>Might get to play feral
You wont.
Because I'm 30 and have a life now. Okay, maybe not a "life", but responsibilities that prevent me from playing 16 hours a day.
I heard there was a large group of private server players who had all agreed to play on Herod. I realize what you said is true, but I'm trying to avoid any concentration of them that I can.
I mean he might. If there's already a resto druid than any additional druids could dance around in tuxedos for the entire raid since there only purpose at that point is innervate and battle rez.
Sham or pally on rppvp server. Dont forget to say gratuitous racist shit often but only about the opposing faction. Say you are roleplaying.
>God damned hook-nosed shits. Go back to your own country and grab more gold and gems you greedy maggot dwarf.
>I will cleanse the world of this undead filth by bathing them in holy fire. Put them on the tram to Ironforge and throw them into the fucking forge!
You see? Dont forget to be a straight up nazi as paladin or a redneck as shaman.
P server autists are going to be a relatively small portion of the population, unless you are EU. But you're asking about Herod, so you're not. You probably shouldnt roll Herod because the queue times are going to be insane.
NA p server autists are small in comparison to EU neets.
>NA p server autists are small in comparison to EU neets.
Thank you user, that makes sense. I might be willing to endure the queue times on launch. I'm just worried about dead servers.
>>NA p server autists are small in comparison to EU neets.
Do I have to explain everything to you? Europe has a heavy tax rate and a generous social benefits program. And also a netcafe/PC gaming culture. So basically while Americans are funneled into intense college programs, internships, jobs etc; Euros are free to be NEETs and quasiNEETs living off benefits, they take their time rolling through free/cheap classes and housing, getting masters degree at a leisurely pace. Then they might even decide after graduation to just stay on benefits away. They dont have to obsess over GPA because theyre guaranteed internships through their uni anyway.
Basically those foreskin having bastards work at most 4 hours a day, if they even work at all, then spend the rest of the day playing computer games and they literally do this starting as soon as they can walk and talk. EuroNEETs put koreans to shame.
>Old Blanchy
At last they added a server name that's pure kino. Too bad it's PvE.
>we will remove the limitation on only creating a total of three WoW Classic characters per WoW account.
uh why was this a thing?
to prevent people from name-camping
wtf why do trannies hate classic? it's just a game
I love these beta males who base their class choice on what is less popular, since they know they can't compete with their performance they need to rely on literally being the only person of a class available to get a raid spot.
>tfw you're such an absolute chad that you pick night elf just because he does flips and human because the balding hairstyle is funny looking
40 - 60 shazzrah thats unplayable
This is exactly what I used to AFK bgs in TBC. I just had a program click in the same spot repeatedly which would queue me if I was out or accept the queue when the popup appeared.
The only gigachad play is to pick a non-human warrior knowing how contested the warrior spot will be.
I AFK in warfronts in retail WoW, nobody reports me as AFK because they're all AFK too. We still win in about the same amount of time when the NPCs lead us to victory.
>Why Yes i MT as Feral
see that mountain? you climb onto it
>Old Blanchy
Man, too bad my brother's gonna be at work or I'd reroll on there.
Myrzael is decent enough though. One of the more memorable Arathi Highlands quests.
imagine being a horde chad and RAPING alliance women
That's the plan my man
What makes you think there wont be any sort of resets prior to launch? the blue post said that in the final *minutes* the login button would light up on the character screen
Did he stutter?
This absolute madman. Unashamed of his place in the patriarchy.
>when you play orc and you get ambushed by a fem rogue
The blue post said there would be a reset, but if I remember correctly, it would be substantially before launch. The login button mention was just saying that if you were at char select when the world opened you would be able to enter immediately
imagine being an alliance bvll and impressing orc ladies with your skill in battle and handsome features
Because the servers will crash when Asmonlayer gets too big and everyone will get disconnected for 10 minutes while Blizz winds the hamsters back up.
Did I fucking say you could save this?
They dont really give a clear window unfortunately, hopefully there wont be a reset just before so I can login a few hours early and just chill on the char screen and dodge the queue
mages report in
"class identity"
Also, something about keeping people from using guns and melee attacks at the same time.
*hydrates for free*
Damn that's good water
I've been using Move Mouse on retail, you dont need to click on anything, moving the mouse on the screen is enough to not get dc
Are fem orcs tranny-tier?
Shitter reporting in. Couldn't ever kill anyone while soloing.
Femdead Frost Mage here.
Gonna roll on Arugal and dab on all these rogues.
according to Yea Forums, any female character and half of the male options are tranny tier
No. Female humans are the main tranny red flag. Gnomes and Night Elves can be, too, just to a lesser extent.
Rogue poisons do nature damage correct?
Would dampen magic reduce the damage dealt by them?
Arugal frost mage here too, alliance however. see you on the field
>Rogue poisons do nature damage correct?
>Would dampen magic reduce the damage dealt by them?
I would assume so
I am gonna level in fire and no one can stop me.
the absolute state of classic
What? how? Mages absolutely eat melee in vanilla, and as you get better and learn to fight in the deadzone you'll start farming hunters too, and if you choose engineering you'll be able to even the odds between you and other casters
Feral actually has some nice tanking items in the endgame, but you will oom your healers.
You will have some issues with dps itemization though. Feral could have done really well, but all the gear you'll get you'll steal from rogues.
except for the headslot
>already splitting the community
In a couple of months half of them will be dead
Probably not ideal but not the end of the world
cast him
>what how
Well, last I played on nost I was like ~30, and I played primarily frost with some arcane. I dunno, like I said I'm just a shitter I guess. I did have lower ranked spells slotted, specced for crits, used my cc and nova, and I just never seemed to come out on top.
>issue with retail is that 99% of skills are useless & you're basically just spamming one key
>it's even worse in classic
wtf bros u said it was good
You will be doing your raid rotation for
>>already splitting the community
the shards & layers already do that
>80% alliance
>alliance is the best faction for raiding
>having access to nearly the whole server pop for recruitment
i think we know where the world firsts are happening
It's fun enough. I did it in Nostalrius.
*for DPS
Meanwhile tanks are doing intense up to the millisecond threat calculations and directing entire 40-man raids and healers are compiling mathematical breakdowns of healing cost versus effectiveness for every rank of every spell in their arsenal to know how best to heal the single skill spamming DPS who's standing in fire.
If you play Undead, you are fucking based
>Meanwhile tanks are doing intense up to the millisecond threat calculations and directing entire 40-man raids and healers are compiling mathematical breakdowns of healing cost versus effectiveness for every rank of every spell in their arsenal to know how best to heal the single skill spamming DPS who's standing in fire.
>Heroic strike
>Stancedance (fear ward lol)
Good player btw
>You will be spamming frostbolt for
Jesus christ, the mental gymnastics this guy will do to pretend tanking or healing in classic is hard.
News flash buddy, it's as braindead as damage not hard.
Night Elves > Dwarves > Humans >>> Gnomes
Trolls > Tauren > Orc >>> Undead
tank here, can confirm this is what tanking is like, the hardest part of being the main tank is benching your friends because they keep fucking up on one of the 4 mechanics in molten core.
All of the names were already taken limiting it to 3, you really wanted people to reserve fucking 10?
you're genuinely retarded
I've had more fun in vanilla pserver hamstring kiting mobs while pooling rage to sweeping cleave a group for 30 levels than I did doing that retarded elesham stutter rotation in BfA for 2 levels.
Emergent gameplay is why vanilla is good.
and you're genuinely delusional
He's exaggerating a little but fundamentally right. Raiding is not the main focus of classic, it's just one of the things you do to get gear so you can stomp kids in WSG.
What are the best specs for warlock?
I'm retarded, I meant profs
so you go from spamming frostbolt to spamming blizzard? thats pretty cool
>If you are a GDQ streamer or a FFXIV player, fuck off.
talk about being insecure
Tailoring/Enchanting or Tailoring/Engineering if you are on a PvP server and are willing to buy ore/stone or farm on an alt.
>Undead fan
>Post picture that shows the only thing undead has going for it is the part where it remains human
Now I know you're just baiting. Congrats, you tricked me into believing you're retarded, but you were just pretending. Well done.
why does it look like I need to be an pianist with a severe caffeine addiction to play bfa? Who the fuck is their core audience?
>female gnome
>massive pvp tryhard that will be camping you for hours
>male dwarf
>irl chads that will spam laugh whilst camping you for several hours
yep not biased at all
>n-noooo mass pvp is not just blizzard you also have to drink your mana back!
is it free to play yet
>mass pvp
you better get goblin sapper charges or im going to shit in your mouth, nooblet.
Which realm are my scandiavian bros going on?
It'll be full before launch
Why can't dead females be real? It's not fair bros.
Well Classic is technically just a bonus added to normal subscriptions, if anything you should be surprised they don't charge extra for being able to access it.
>right clicks you
>you actually get banned because it's 2019
Finns on Gehennas, Nors and Danes on Firemaw, Swedes on Golemagg
Pick your poison :^)
Is eng really that necessary for pvp? I played a mage in vanilla and even with shit gear I could still hold my own
Since warriors /sit wont be allowed for fury procs, is it better to level arms instead of fury?
Sort of a shame desu, takes the fun out of playing fury a lot
what do you do during quests?
More like Finns fragmented on every server.
Is there a better Priest spec than this?
>blackout and silence for PvP
>shadow weaving so your raid doesn't have to waste a spot on useless Spriests
>decent enough healing for dungeons and raids
Firemaw it is then
Not him but engi has some key items for PvP
Its not make or break though
You tell them buddy, don't forget to remind them how bad class balance is with only a few classes being viable at endgame.
Not like retail at all, nope.
No martyrdom, those 2 points in holy for no interuption sucks.
You use cc to gain distance, you use cs to stop them from healing, you use different schools on mobs that are immune to frost. And, of course, you use full extend of your abilities on PvP server.
It's mostly memery but engineering is pretty useful. Not meta level useful though because if you're trash no amount of consumables will save you. The thing is everyone is used to their funservers with custom vendors selling stacks of grenades/potions/bandages/etc. Almost nobody except the most autistic tryhards will be wasting the time it takes to craft all that shit and clutter up their bags when, if you're good, you can win just fine without.
get out of here with this gay shit. i just want to play classic without your faggoty drama
So the normal WOW subscription also gets me acess to classic servers?
How difficult was it to level enchanting in vanilla? I remember people making ridiculous bank once it was fully leveled, but I also heard it was a huge pain in the ass to level. Is that true?
What level of graphic quality are you going to play at?
you dont even know what you're talking about retard
people pick rogues because of mass stealth, not because they're op
druids because of battle res, not because they're op
these guys are competing for the top ranks in dungeons, of course they'll go with the most viable comp
will they add draenei?
That makes sense user. I honestly cannot remember people using grenades or GDR in all of my time playing vanilla. I mean, I'm sure it happened, but I was usually getting shat on in a multitude of other ways
>They pick them because they are OP, not because they are OP
The absolute state of retail players.
What was the point of this post?
no, because they're more viable for doing mythic dungeons
you can have a better time by skipping adds with a rogue so thats normal to pick one
if the mass stealth was on feral they would pick a feral
800x600, most settings on low. The way it was meant to be played. I don't have a boomer wojack image so just pretend I posted one. The one with the low calorie monster.
you don't, its fairly simple, especially the example given, lots of downtime
it just looks overwhelming because they are explaining all possible "viable" builds and how to best utilize them
reminder that bfa has more class/spec variability than classic ever will
viable means optimal when it comes to mmos, the cries of "my class only does 10% less dps on this boss, please let me in!" fall on deaf ears user. You might as well be a balance druid trying to get into MC at that point.
Why the fuck would you launch your game on monday?
Right and if Paladins had taunt they might be viable in Classic but guess what? You're discussing some nonexistent scenario to pretend your game is more balanced.
sounds gay
I can't choose between human male and night elf male for my warrior tank, it sucks. I like night elf male more for animations, height, and build reasons, and he feels way less generic than the human, but I do want human sword and mace specialization for increased threat. I do like the night elf dodge racial, don't get me wrong, but if I remember right threat and never getting your attacks dodged matters more.
so that you dont get to play whole day and overcrowd the servers, plus to keep the sub rolling
the slower you consume the "content" the better :)
>dungeon runs
lol who cares
every class were picked for the world first on the last raid if you want to talk about actual content
The difference is Classic difficulty is trivial, yet in this trivial difficulty few classes are viable.
A better comparison would be the viability for specs in Classic's Naxx vs the viability for specs in retail's LFR.
>Put golfball on arrow key so im walking into a wall or something
>Come back whenever
Easy, no programs or macros needed
Human racial is exponentially better than shitty dodge. Take the humanpill.
>You're discussing some nonexistent scenario to pretend your game is more balanced.
the original post was talking about numbers of spells in your rotation, why are you even talking about balance for no reason all of sudden
>Tank (Brewmaster)
>Tank (Brewmaster)
>Tank (Brewmaster)
>Balance druid on top
Aw, good for them.
If the streamers are loud enough about it maybe classic+ will happen
Realistically we can expect alternate BC/wotlk
Night elf animations are dumb as hell on warriors.
Outrageous amounts of utility and rollface retarded cleave is precisely why they stacked outlaw rogues and why they were and pretty much still are OP. No one could compare, some people ran comps that weren't just a pile of buttfucking rogues but that doesn't mean outlaw wasn't OP.
dodge might actually be considered a downside, as in a raid environment TPS and smooth dmg intake is king, and dodge will lower the amount of rage you generate making your TPS slightly lower.
Listen to your heart and play that fucking elf
nelf is the worst race for warrior, completely useless racials
There is plenty of great metal, fag
Is there a Yea Forums EU group, how do I find them?
so warriors are still going to top the dps charts right? it wasn't just a private server meme, right?
>not causing hordelets to shit their pants as they see a decked out NE warrior charge out of stealth while they try capping an AB point
fucking redditors
Has to be a sequence of inputs
I'm going big dick Tauren Prot Warrior. Boutta get that niiiiiice health boost.
because you have to keep going back to uldaman to train is one reason it's a pain
nelf for shadowmeld otherwise human
>Frostbolt effective on enemy so you use it
>Epic anime piano rotation (except it's just 123 you cant actually fuck up)
for me, it's stalagg
Yes, fury warriors were great in original vanilla, too. They just scale with gear so damn well.
Personally, the one change I wouldn't mind is tweaking the numbers in order to bring some semblance of balance to the specs later on after phase 6.
>disregard stoneform, escape artist, and human PVE benefits so you can stealth afk at a node in AB like a retard and surprise charge people before dying instantly
based retard
>people are defending 1 (one) spell rotations
its funny because it was the total opposite a few weeks ago when everyone was saying that classic is so much complex than retail because there are more spells on your bars
Everyone has addons that tell them what to press and many of them have macros with logic, that make it so they don't even need to press more than like two buttons
I hate all these e-peen raidlogging faggots who act like a complex raid rotation somehow makes a game enjoyable
It doesnt, its just glorified simon says. Id rather have a braindead rotation in a 40man anyway, I want to play an MMORPG not some fucking simon says simulator
Only the most dedicated raiders will. Most of them will be kicked out of guilds because they can't be arsed to manage aggro.
I dont think elemental damage is magic by default but i dont know.
>recreating the classic experience by getting everything pre-booked and saved
turning up on day 1 finding a realm without a queue and trying out my 50 different names until i find a unique one
>Keep deleting characters and swapping servers
that guide on the right boils down to:
>make sure you put up your own buffs on yourself, retard
>use your 4 buttons in this priority order
>also use your cooldowns on cooldown
Yeah but rogues shouldn't be too far behind. Mages will be the best ranged until ZG comes along and warlocks can finally get some fucking spell hit.
/stalaggmite/ checking in
Eh, fuck it, fine, I think I'm doing this. Gonna roleplay in my head as a Lordaeron or Arathi human that's tired of the undead's shit and wants to take the fight to their doorstep, both in regards to Undercity and zones like the Plaguelands. Fuck bothering with the light, gonna shove a sword up their assholes.
All of the beyblade spinning when they use their hotkeys can be annoying, but I like some things like their block and dodge animations more. Still, given that the previous guy kind of convinced me, as well as and , I think I'll just skip the elf either way.
Meh. Gonna say fuck it and go tryhard minmax race. Plus then I don't feel like a hippie tree nigger, and my dude can still culturally enrich their purple women if he wants to.
the beta raidlogger fears the chad night elf pvper
>Everyone has addons that tell them what to press
I love it when retards spread nonsense on a game they never played
There is no perfect choice. There will be pros and cons no matter where you go. Just pick one at random if you can't decide, and accept whatever good and bad things that choice brings.
You're going to ruin the experience for yourself if you overanalyze to this extent before you even start playing.
and classic is
>use this spell to generate combo
>use this spell to use combo
woah brain overload
i read on a german news site they did make changes. They decided skeletons should not stay like they used to, to "prevent advertisements"
meant for
why did I never see tauren priests???
It is more complex than retail, just not in raids. Higher complexity/difficulty raiding is pretty much the only thing retail has on classic. Anyone being honest can admit that.
The difference is that vanilla is about playing an RPG, not an action game. You cast frostbolt on the fire enemy. Some people will be into that, others aren't.
What do undead blowjobs feel like?
stalagg is the patrician choice
whitemane is the popular choice
fairbanks is a reddit boomer retirement home
herod is the reddit choice
faerlina is streamers
thalnos is literally brazilians
cause they don't exist
So, no difference?
Reflectors and the 3 second stun grenade item are pretty good and rocket helmet if you're melee. All really good but wont secure wins
Fuck it I can't take this anymore
0-4 Female Orc hunter
5-9 Male Troll hunter
No I actually raided in WoW and theres always been addons that make everything so simple a braindead chimp could raid everything
>muh mythic
Just go back to /wowg/ already, cancer
SHHH dont tell people about this spec you fucking idiot
Depends largely on if she still has her chin or not.
>not injecting fake keyboard input from a hypervisor
never gonna make it
>chad pvper
>thinks a warrior would be guarding a node in AB
t. just farmed his welfare set in retail warfronts
>addons that make everything so simple a braindead chimp could raid everything
yep exactly, you never played it
show me your mythic achievements or fuck off
Is there any good guide that Yea Forums number-crunchers would suggest following for warrior leveling? I've seen a lot of conflicting opinions, like some saying two one-handers in Fury, a two-hander in Arms, or a two-hander in Fury, and they all give different reasons, like how the two-hander guys tend to say that the slow weapon speed wins out while others claim that even with like 40% misses in the off-hand that dual wield Fury is better.
Gonna watch these two for now and see what I learn from 'em:
>dedicating yourself to being permanently useless
Male trolls look like shit in the long run.
>fem orc hunter
You just fucking know
Shadowmeld is pretty good for warriors though, nothing is scarier for a mage than a fucking armored whirlwind suddenly charging at them from nowhere.
fem gnome is correct
if you want to be a dead weight to your raid sure
if you want to be useful you gotta minmax some stuff, especially on multiple targets
make troll hunters are honestly the best looking hunters, the t1 shoulders look godly on them and all that zg gear is a perfect fit.... they have the best bow animation too....
Hunter is the most fun class in the game so fuck off
Paladinchads, I have a question.
I'll be rolling on a pvp server and I intend to juice the most value out of my talents to survive (and sometimes engage) the pvp.
For the second row of Retribution: 5% parry chance or Improved Socrusader + -2s on judgement?
I'm arguing for the former to a mate that argues for the latter
FUCK you all I hope you all die
So, just like Classic?
You'll want to use twohanders until you get +hit gear. Missing most of your hits is the worst shit ever. Hamstring kiting was pretty useful on pservers too but I'm not sure if it's viable on Classic.
>Hunter is the most fun class in the game
tells a lot about classic
How about i rig 3 dildo fuck machines to jab at my arrow keys in tandem
>a warrior is a subservient bitch and does whatever his guild tells him to do because hes such an obedient gimp
like i said, the beta human warrior FEARS THE CHAD NIGHT ELF
I don't know what keeps pulling me to play a Spriest, I don't think I'll even PVP much but for some reason I just want to
>b-b-but fun xd
doesn't matter, you arent getting into raids and every class that matters bodies you in pvp, enjoy your deadzone retard
I'm going to be doing PvE autism, not so much PvP, even if I intend to take part in things like Southshore vs. Tarren Mill and the battlegrounds as they become available. Either way, one cheesy PvP scenario's potential isn't enough to justify an entire racial choice if you ask me, considering that's not even something all that universal like stun resistance or WotF.
based retard, hunter in PvP is the shit, there's so many ways to fuck with people, but shitposter-kun wouldn't know that
I'm a mage, catch me bullying you to death with level one frostbolts nigger
what do you have to minmax in classic
theres no need for energy pooling or anything because the only buff is snd and theres no pandemic
aoe is literally "press a button and it does it automatically"
what warlock spec should I play?
Do you know what's universal though?
Wisp Form. You're getting value out of it all the fucking time as a warrior.
I completely missed WoW when it came out, should I bother now? Can you play it solo?
>Hamstring kiting
Did this entail anything more than kiting a bit while Rend (and possible Deep Wounds too) ticked and you snuck in the occasional quick 2h weapon swing? If so, mind filling me in?
have fun autoattacking the enemy in pvp bro
Enchanting is the hardest skill to train. You need to spend a lot of gold disenchanting gear (or grinding it), you need drops for your enchantments, you need to spent a lot of time grinding this stuff and to top it off you have to get to some difficult places to train.
But if you want to commit it absolutely is worth it and you will always have people wanting their gear enchanted. For a fee of course.
People are also defending 123 rotations. You press multiple buttons to make one decision, fucking why.
Here's the thing about frostbolt, it does ice damage and it slows, no strings attached, shit is weak to ice in MC, so you use fucking frostbolt. Of course someone else might say that they need to press 4 more buttons just to do the same thing or they wont feel good. Those people are addled by their HRT
Class for pic related?
>fag grinds 300 eng for pvp and throws bombs at you mid duel + trinkets
>"haha sick duel bro it was so close!!"
>next duel drink my potion that I got from alchemy
>basicly a full heal and blow out the dude completely
For leveling? probably something like pic related
>implying raids
>No Dark Pact
You're right. My bad. There are plenty of enemies outside of raids weak to frostbolt for example though, even if just because they're melee mobs
>needing dark pact
do you even use your wand?
Fuck sake
Why is it so fucking hard to pick your class. I want to play warrior for that authenticate painful experience but also just want to be lazy, go warlock, and be both effective and filthy fucking rich.
Maybe ill just level proc warrior and give myself an aneurysm.
spellpower rogue with a bloodsail bucaneer hat
>what do you have to minmax in classic
Your race, your gear, your consumables, your profession, your talents. Especially the last one, considering how expensive respec is.
Basically just get a swing timer addon. Most enemies have faster attack speed than you so you lose a lot less health if you're able to avoid their attacks whenever your auto attack is on cooldown.
Rend is optional since it doesn't do that much damage.
why are classic fans unable to accept that some parts of their game is trash?
is it coping and seething or just straight up delusion?
It's hard to pick your class in classic because not many classes are even all that good, and i am not saying individual specs for a reason
Meh. Having played a night elf in Vanilla at some points, my main experience with Wisp Form was that I would get back to the dungeon a minute or two faster than everyone else and just have to kind of wait for them to catch up, which wasn't all that interesting to me. Sure, for solo content it's nice to be able to get back to your body faster, but I actually don't mind being penalized if I fail to learn from my deaths and keep getting killed. I remember how I struggled in Vanilla while leveling a warrior though areas like Ashenvale, getting overwhelmed by packs of tightly-knit furbolgs and things like that, so I want to try and be less sloppy this time around, and more methodical with how I pull mobs and handle my questing. If anything, some part of me welcomes being annoyed by the long runbacks of non-NE races, if only because I deserve the punishment if I let my healthbar drop down to 0%. That will help me build up a desire to die less often and prioritize my survival more, which is something I really look forward to compared to the mental autopilot snorefest of modern WoW questing where I shut my brain off, walk to the brightly lit spots on my map, kill things there with no risk of death to myself unless I pull like 15 mobs simultaneously, and then I'm done with no thought whatsoever. That's lame and I want to feel like dying sucks and can happen at any time if I get sloppy.
Why would you use a wand when you have a passive Mana Battery that lets you AoE grind without life tap or drinking? What the fuck are you even doing?
Dwarf Rogue
Na, its hard to pick your class because no matter who you are at least half of them look appealing as fuck and you want them all.
Maybe I should paladin...
>Simple changes could make bad specs good
>those same people (mostly warrior and rogue players) are the same ones that will laugh at you for playing an unplayable spec
Plenty of us admit it's flawed, we just like how it works more than how Modern WoW does. Different flaws for different people, along with different strengths for them to enjoy as well. Vanilla has more sense of world and community, but it does certainly have some issues, and anyone who says otherwise is either delusional, lying to you and possibly themselves as well, or just plain ignorant with laughably low standards.
Even with Death Coil? It's really that bad?
only a few more days until we can laugh at the classicfags who fell for the hype retailbros
also thanks for funding the next wow expac, even if you'll only pay for a single month
>AoE grind
Dude lmao just aoe grind there wont be any competition at the global release of classic wow
>go rogue
>when orcs have hardiness
Poor little white boy.
Nobody can agree on changes, that's why no changes, you brainlet
It's true but less parts of it are trash than retail
>people are unironically going to try to do stupid shit like go boomkin in classic
it's going to fucking suck ass putting together a raid that is going to make it anywhere in classic with all the oblivious retards you will need to decline.
It's not that bad he's just a shit cunt, all you need to do is wait one second from when will is casted, death coil, and by the time the coil is ending you can recast fear, its that fucking simple
Is druid worth playing if I just want to heal end game anyways?
I've seen multiple people on this board swear they'll be trying to make ret paladin work. God speed, I guess. I hope they post videos for us to laugh at, both of it failing and genuinely working out for them.
You're unkillable in PvP, but it takes ages to kill someone else. Paladin vs druid is like an hour long battle
people have been shitting on and calling the guy "troll" for pointing out how retardingly simple vanilla "rotation" is for most classes
its fine to say you like it that way but dont deny that its brainless
better hope you are the only resto druid healing that specific target bro
He is trolling. Nobody fucking cares about rotations in vanilla, if you don't like it don't play it.
>Your race
retail too
>your gear
>your consumables
>your profession
>your talents
there are more actual choices in retail
>b-but there are more squares to click on its so deep!
no, most of these are filler +1% chance crit, +1% chance hit that doesnt change your gameplay in the slightest
why not? its easier going healing compared to pala and priest (havent played shaman)
ff14 tranny detected
>FFXIV butt plug addon
>give paladins taunt/crusader strike and better mana efficiency outside of holy
>give balance and elemental better mana efficiency, also possibly wrath totem to make ele have totems worth bringing over enhancement/extra utility
>let cats work with Windfury and increase their dps, give bears parry or immunity to crits
All changes no one would argue against except people afraid of losing their raid spots because they picked something already good.
what would you go for first? affli or demo?
Cool now go back to retail and wondering why nobody else plays it
>t. one of those specs
Nah I like the game the way it is sorry.
Rotations have never been hard in mmos literally ever, obviously just hitting frostbolt isnt hard but that's not the point
We know there are a lot of dogshit parts of the game. The difference is the good and the effort outweigh the bad. The simple fact of the matter is that it's more rewarding to play a game where levelling and gearing is a journey and not an annoyance. A game where horizontal progression exists and content isn't immediately outdated. A game where you aren't on a perpetual treadmill of Mythic+ and 4 different raid difficulties and grinding. This is coming from someone who really fucking enjoyed Legion raiding, but it's just a different kind of enjoyment that some people prefer over the modern endgame focused loot treadmill.
Then don't complain when the main tank is a pally :^)
>inb4 90% of Yea Forums is too lazy to actually put in the time to farm all those consumables they claim is mandatory to stand a chance of winning in pvp
Sure, they're pretty good healers and bring some nice utility. Raids always wanna bring at least a couple for innervate and battle rez.
>and they still charge monthly fees for no active developement.
They are actively developing and definitely will be actively developing after the retail team becomes smaller than classic team because classic makes a new record on subscribers.
Some of the best consumeables are just low level potions though.
What do you mean? Like fire protection potions or something? The most grind I can think of is just leveling engineering.
How much am I gonna regret going prot after getting anger management on my warrior? How much do respecs cost in case I change my mind?
wanna know how i know you never played vanilla
Enjoy seeing nobody because they're phased
What lock spec fits well with a ud mage friend?
Other than FaP and engi items what else is there?
Has it ever crossed your mind that the people who want vanilla were part of all the subs lost after WotLK, in other words, a completely different audience with different tastes than what you have today in retail?
You know they admitted to change what designates a server as full/high/medium ages ago right? I remember my dead as fuck server Arathor EU randomly went from being Low for years to Medium mid-expansion without an actual content patch.
>retail trannies and normies having any concept of self-awareness or notion that other people don't want a dress up sim and want to play an actual MMO
that's a bold assumption
>it's going to fucking suck ass putting together a raid that is going to make it anywhere in classic with all the oblivious retards you will need to decline.
onyxia was literally 5 manned back during vanilla you dumb fuck every spec is viable if your raid leader isn't a sweaty autist who'll only be running the meta
>textwall on the right literally boils down to use your cooldowns on cooldown and press your 4 buttons one after the other at an interval
of 1.5 seconds(you can do this with just 1 finger)
and this is only useful for 1% of the whole game that is the last normal+ raids and mythic+dungeons because
>you can complete all the content from 1 to 120 and do lfr + get 90% of achievements with just mindlessly pressing your only 4(four) damage spells, try to not fall asleep.
You're 100% viable tank in leveling dungeons no matter what your spec is, prot doesn't help that much. Just grab a shield and remember to level up your 1h weapon skill. The first respec is free, but they'll quickly ramp up in cost.
>good loot drops
>the 5dps meme build needs and gets it over the people who carried his ass through the content.
Are you ready for the drama when that happens?
>point out fact that part of the classic wow is shit
ok so its seething and coping after all.
thats not true, earliest example I can think of in case of WoW is WotLK Enh shaman.
That thing has like 10 spells you constantly have to use in specific priority to do most damage. Its really draining.
There are lots of specs that are very simple on paper but tough to execute properly and punish small mistakes greatly, such as fire mage and its proc fishing
i didnt ask for essay, i asked why some of you deny that gameplay (pve) is braindead easy
nobody is arguing tastes, im arguing objective reality.
Demo lock
>tranny elf pic
of course
I'm not playing it for some sort of deep hotkey shit though. Who gives a fuck with that with MMO's? If I wanted deep input combat I'd be playing fighting games, not MMO's. I care about other shit in these games, like the shared feeling of group achievement when you overcome a boss that your raid group has been struggling against.
tauren shaman
can confirm
I will miss blood elves, goddamn
Fucking based
This is the most accurate one I have ever seen
Yuck, I would be sad if I was you
Sad part is thats more accurate than you know.
The three names I reserved are the three classes I plan to play. Priest, Warrior, and Undetermined Damage Dealer. You should always roll a Healer, or Tank class as it'll be easier to find groups. Being good in those classes and not an asshat will guarantee you some repeat familiar PuGs.
>playing a game that hardlocks you into your class instead of being able to switch on the fly when you feel like it
It feels like shit to go back to this ass backwards design after you experienced true freedom.
>g-guys stop talking about the flaws of classic in pve, it's a pvp game!
Start with affli then move into demo, if youre solo and want a tankier pet though you can get 3/5 corruption and then go straight for imp voidwalker in demo, then back into afflic
are you quoting the voices in your head, schizo virgin?
>give paladins taunt/crusader strike and better mana efficiency outside of holy
Shut the fuck up about Crusader Strike, the beauty of paladins is the fact that their autoattack playstyle never puts them in a GCD, which makes them the best class to answer immediate threats which plays very well into their protector/defensive mentality.
>give balance and elemental better mana efficiency, also possibly wrath totem to make ele have totems worth bringing over enhancement/extra utility
Those specs are built for burst damage and therefore pvp, deal with it. You want a spec built for sustain damage? Autoattacks are your best choice, which feral (along with their infinite Energy ressource) and enhance are supposed to cover.
>let cats work with Windfury and increase their dps, give bears parry or immunity to crits
If you want to fix cat dps, you make them not attack every 1 sec, but maybe every 2 sec, so that their instant attack abilities scale better. Bears are great for spell resistance unlike warrior because they barely sacrifice anything with resistance gear.
You're right, medium servers on classic are the equivelant of high/full pop back in vanilla, as confirmed by the devs. So this point doesn't work in your favor
Who are you talking to
>nobody is arguing tastes, im arguing objective reality.
Stop calling subjective things objective, it doesn't help make you sound credible.
i actually level my druid as balance with +arcane gear and the rest bear with a good wep
who are you quoting?
>it's cool that paladins never push a single button, that way they're always ready for incoming threats that they can't handle :)
These are pretty accurate. Always played Troll and Tauren. Was pretty pissed they changed the troll silly Sublime emote.
Christ some people need to go outside a little more
>sexy female body is tranny
don't project you homofag
>why is gameplay important in a game
really? might as well go on facebook
another homosexual tranny fag, now that's yuck
its not subjective that vanilla pve gameplay is braindead easy and simple, unless you have down syndrome
WoW Classic is everything that's wrong with gaming.
In a word, this is conservatism, plain and simple, and in a competitive field like software development, conservatism costs money. Look, I'm sorry that your Millennial life went to shit after the Great Recession, and that you mistake this economic nostalgia for a better WoW, but the rest of us aren't going to pay more money for less content, because, well, that's cringe bruh. You're spitting in the face of 13 years of technological and artistic progress for a false sense of superiority against the filthy casual "normies" known as Retail WoW players, or as I've seen us called on the chans, Retairds. Someone like me, who never played "classic" WoW can't feel the nostalgia, so I'm never going to buy it. For this reason, Classic Wow is a self limiting product that has probably already reached its maximum number of players.
This world don't give us nothing, Classucker. It be our lot to suffer... and our duty to fight back. This Horde be our family! We don't always see eye-to-eye. We come to blows before. But when we work together - ah - there's nothing this Horde can't do.
You ignored the people admitting that raiding in classic is pretty easy in terms of mechanical skill.
Also, as everyone has told you, it's more about the RPGish elements of your stats, potions, and the way you spent your talent points, and which classes you brought to your raid.
Why can't you admit that's what people in classic want, and it's not objectively trash? You can can still go play your ADD button smasher and pretend you're an MDI pro lil zoom zoom. No one is taking that from you.
>REEEEE how dare you roleplay in this RPG game!
have sex
>posters like this retard that say some dumb shit then flee the thread without even justifying their stupidity
that second link
>woah its so vanilla guys look haha its a tauren with hairs and stuff haha its like vanilla its so good
>race guide
>trannies trannies trannies trannies trannies dilate 40%
Rent free
He probably is having sex if he's advocating for going outside, retard
your point?
This is pasta, right?
>meanwhile in a classic pvp server you will be required to be aware of all your surroundings and intelligently manage your whole arsenal and resources for good efficiency to avoid getting easily killed by literally anything during your whole journey
have sex
I already am, now what
>all the content
oh no no no...
I'm so glad I'll never have to see those ugly tranny models again, not only that but bloodelves are always the biggest fucking snowflakes, thank god for classic
have more sex
no you arent
gain self awareness
Wont switch due to queues but im a bit worried about Shazz being 70% horde
Being able to play anything at any time is 100% dogshit, world ruining and unimmersive.
When you level a warrior to 60 its a fucking achievement, not some side grade to your super-duper-OP-other-class
>y-your point?
>really? might as well go on facebook
>All gameplay must be about the same shit, I can't understand getting enjoyment from more than one type of gameplay system, if I'm not mashing hotkeys like I have ADHD then the game is bad
Okay. Not interested in you or your narrow-mindedness. Plenty of game types don't have you spamming flashy moves constantly, and I play a lot of different types of games. I enjoy Modern and Classic roughly equally, just for different reasons, and I dislike different things about them as well, like Modern's heavy RNG and shit like titanforging, and Classic, as you're saying, tends to have weak rotations and awful, unplayable specs like ret paladin and balance druid. Every game is flawed.
only one RP-PVP server, so nope. Zandalar Tribe forever mon.
>you can actually go oom as a caster
it's amazing how this hasnt been a thing for the longest time, casters in raids/pvp have infinite mana and only spamming dispels can oom you
>all servers almost full
>majority of players didn't even created their characters because they ain't paying a subscription to retail
This gonna be gud.
I literally don't get it, I guess you need to be a virgin to understand
Actual list for raiding
Actually read chat and communicate without memes and zoomer talk
Help people while questing and end up forming 5 man groups
Dont leave, ninja or shittalk during dungeons
Be patient and finish anyway if mom and dad need an hour for some jump or manage to pull two packs ten times in a row
Make friends along the way to 60
Stay in touch with them via chat or voice and do some attunements
Get invited because one of those friends got into a guild and you are decked in dungeon blues and he thinks you are a cool guy
Show up in time and be reliable while also avoiding pugs or any association with twitchchat addon users and le epic memers
Do whatever the fuck you want during the raid (who the fuck is looking at 30 entries in a dmg meter anyway?)
Follow the established rules of loot distribution
Repeat the previous two until your guild has reached their limit
Apply to new guild via forum or ingame contacts
Use free boost or buy boost
You have no friends because who even talks in random dungeons
You want to raid so you need to increase the number in your character screen
Check if you rolled a class that that gets invited to M+ if not start over at step 1
Apply to M+ but dont get invited because some out of game score that says you are scum
Buy boost with gold
If no gold buy gold with money
Look for guilds (wont find any because your realm is actually dead and 99% of people you see are crossrealm faggots)
Buy realm transfer
Apply to guilds, dont get invited because no curve
Try to pug raids, dont get invited because no curve
Boost curve with gold
If no gold buy gold with money
Apply to guild again, dont get invited because guild disbanded due to content drought
Fucking awesome clip. Thanks for sharing it, I love this game.
It's so epic dude
he thought he was a rogue and wanted to avoid the AoE fire
Doesn't the cost go down if you don't respec for a week?
>Do whatever the fuck you want during the raid
stopped reading there. Clueless
dispels have cooldowns in retail
>classicfag buy boosts because hes trash at games that requires at least a single brain cell
Being optimal for M+ doesn´t make you useless for M+ or raid spots. You can go in as hybrid DPS, while in classic you have 5-6 viable specs. That´s why we need BC
what's up with weebs getting less and less coherent lately? like what does this even mean
Hydration? Why is she not collecting more battle pet creatures?
literally a retard if you base your opinion only looking at the top 20
we're all MMO players here user, why you have to be so mean?
He's trying to say that since retail pve involves pressing 5 buttons instead of 3 that we're all brain dead and playing a shit game.
Ignore him, he's just a retard coping with the fact that his guild is bailing on him to play Classic and he won't have anyone to play dress up dolls with anymore.
abilities like spellsteal dont, which is the only way you can actually go oom as a mage
I was pretty much set on going Warlock but now I'm getting some Shaman vibes, what to do?
>anime poster
>sentence written by a 12 year old
checks out
all of the content except if you are still interested in this pile of crap after playing for 15 minutes and want to try the 1% that is the actual "hard content" . and even then its not hard, you just need a group of people that can move away from the fire and do the following
>understand and copy what a guide says
>do what dbm says
>do what raid leader says
heck, even ragnaros-US can do it
it is brain-dead shit.
I miss when zoomers didn't just say tranny as their insult of the day
All the way back to subetafags
>classic raids
>bosses use fear 50% of the time
get those shaman tremor totems, warrior tanks, dwarf priests ready
>i've never done it but its easy guys!
>You ignored the people admitting that raiding in classic is pretty easy in terms of mechanical skill.
I didn't ignore anyone. I reply to anyone who replied to me unless it wasnt related to what we talk about (eg: nice pic)
>Also, as everyone has told you, it's more about the RPGish elements of your stats, potions, and the way you spent your talent points, and which classes you brought to your raid.
But nobody asked about that. I asked why are people lying to themselves that gameplay is braindead simple.
>Why can't you admit that's what people in classic want, and it's not objectively trash?
If you read my comments (all have elf pic, starting with alleria), i said its fine if you enjoy that but don't go around and lying.
Spamming 1 spell is pretty shit for gameplay. Facebook games have more.
>You can can still go play your ADD button smasher and pretend you're an MDI pro lil zoom zoom. No one is taking that from you.
See this is how you notice shit players.Only memes.
>All gameplay must be about the same shit, I can't understand getting enjoyment from more than one type of gameplay system, if I'm not mashing hotkeys like I have ADHD then the game is bad
Is this all you people can do? Spam "adhd" and "zoom zoom"? If anything you are the ones acting like zoomers with that type of behaviour.
So engaging gameplay that makes you think of the next move is ADHD?
Do you fags only play TBS games or what?
I already said its fine if you enjoy the simplicity. What is not fine is lying that its not simple and braindead.
why don't you go and be homosexual faggot somewhere else? mentally ill fucks
>zoomers trying to make 40man raids working
Getting rid of that kind of shithole was one of the best idea Blizzard ever had, and now it will be just so BAD
I miss when faggots didn't just say zommer as their insult of the day
All the way back to SA
>bug trio
>zg bat and bloodlord
are there others? I dont remember it being that big of a deal overall
Boo get better material
>Do you fags only play TBS games or what?
I literally said that I play tons of games in the comment you're responding to. Thanks for proving the ADHD comments right, but keep trying with that "n-no, YOU guys are the zoom zooms" shit while you cry about not pressing a button every single second for 7+ minutes straight.
Look, you have a point that modern raiding is more mechanically complex than classic. That's true. There, it has been admitted. Can you stop shitting up the thread now?
>autism: the post
loving it
Please for Christ's sake learn formatting. If you're going to shit up the thread with autism, at least learn how to make a post look like it was written by a human being.
>unironically thinking your dying trash game has anything challenging
*laughs in bearish*
Because he doesn't want people to admit that Classic is simple mechanically, he wants to shit on people for deriving enjoyment from the things that Classic WoW does better than other games, such as its sense of community and world, and he feels it is very important that you know he does not respect your tastes.
Quite an intellectual giant with many a point to make, I know.
retourne sur le 18-25 Abdoul
oh yeah magmadar too
Im thinking of waiting a few days to see how the servers fill and where the streamers decide to land. Also give time for the first mega rush to pass. Or would this be a poor idea for some reason? Also thinking of RPPVP or is that a bad idea?
>need that trinket from the arena chest in the jungle? No problem just switch layers until you find one with the chest up and free
>Need Black Lotus but can't find any? No problem just Layer hop till you find some
>I also love pay for a decade old game i technically own already
>vanilla has so many more buttons and spells than retail
>haha pruning
>s-s-so what if we only spam 1 button, its fun!
seethe and cope
not just raiding, but classes, dungeons etc.
You are the one who has admitted. Tons of others still deny it and throw memes around because they are seething.
If you ask me, its them shitting up the thread. kys
you have to be pretty autistic to enjoy spamming 1 button for hours
do you want me to double enter each sentence you fucking ledditor? its properly formatted
you can only benefit from waiting, less populated leveling areas, AH flooded with herbs and mining materials, wands and bags considerably cheaper than on launch day etc
my thoughts are you should kill yourself for making this garbage, newfag
Ill probably jump on like 2am thursday or something then.
0-4 priest
5-9 warlock
This is sick as fuck not sure why you think it discredits the game
I haven't played WoW since TBC. I want to come back but this layering thing is ruining the hype. Can it be turned off?
please roll a female toon so I can sniff your ass
Oh right, i forgot that you are the only person on the server who are going to want those things. Just you, all alone are going to be there, just freely jumping around layers to pick up everything, with nobody else around.
It's going to be an absolute shit show.
And whats guarrenteed is that a non insignificant portion of people are going to see the huge queues and full servers, and then wait even longer to subscribe.
>"I've waited years, i can wait a few more days for things to settle down."
Their server technicians must be shitting themselves about the flood that's going to fall upon them.
There is a cooldown on changing layers, and you need to be invited to group with someone on a different layer who is already there and in the same zone.
They also only activate when there is a large population in one zone, so unlikely to be layers in the high level farming areas and if they are both layers are high in population.
You don't need to buy it again, just pay the subscription, unless you are complaining about it not being free like a funserver.
it will be disabled after 2 weeks iirc
Ah but of course
>Cant even refute superfluous ADHD rotations
Sick. Way to prove his point
You'll have to be my paypig to get that privilege
I don't play WoW.
>retailers desperately praying for things to go wrong so their LFR dps queues go back to an hour instead of 3
And yours does?
They really honestly believe no one cares about WoW classic. Like thats really what they think. Worst part is they are probably gonna chalk this up as retail sales.
Nah, I will just gank you and then rape your dead body
Professional raider coming through
What extra fee are you paying for classic? It's the base sub that retail has and shares
>needing Yea Forums's validation
that's just pathetic come on
What, that is not what they are saying. They just believe, correctly, that 80% of the people trying out classic in the first week will be gone within a month.
>2 weeks
2 phases, maybe.
>literally Yea Forums
Loving every laugh.
None of them have.
Well you're welcome to try..
why would I bother? None of you are refuting the fact that you have down syndrome and are unable to handle more than 3 button rotation, so you go around "meme-ing" to cope with your own limitations
like this guy
Feel better now?
"i like rape"
It's more likely to be Even blizzard aren't retarded enough to look at their almost entirely full servers and say "People dont actually want this."
They just dont know how many people they are going to retain once the hype dies off, since a large portion of the people currently in line to play WILL drop off because they're just bandwagoners.
it will be gone before phase 2 they've made that much clear
Wow, I had no idea the hacker named Yea Forums plays a warlock.
Who are you arguing with? I'm not sure you can accuse people of "lying" when they enjoy aspects of the game that you don't care for. People are just mocking your aspergers for getting mad at people for liking a game you don't care for
Dwarf Rogue
Human Anything
Undead Rogue
Orc Anything
>and are unable to handle more than 3 button rotation
>thinking bfa class rotations require skill
actual autism
They also said nochanges many times, yet many changes.
>The Nicker
>Item stats
We want to play an RPG with our friends. Yeah, the dungeons and raids aren't as mechanically complex as modern wow, and classes don't need to use as many buttons in pve, but we still like it anyway for the other things it brings to the table that modern WoW doesn't.
I get that you prefer the more involved moment-to-moment gameplay in modern pve. No one here is trying to take that from you. You can go play and enjoy BFA.
Ok, now that we understand each other, there's no reason to argue anymore. Thanks!
that one sucks
>The Nicker
that was changed ages ago
sucks, but only temporary, as they have emphatically stated many times
>item stats
not sure what you mean by this
Layering is only for Phase 1/6 of Classic, and even then, you act like it's cross-server players or something when it's not.
Layering is the exact opposite of cross-server. Cross-server fills underpopulated areas on your server with players from other zones, while Layering divides overcrowded zones into their own versions, like if Herod US hits 500/500 possible players in the Barrens, Herod US will then put the 501th player into a different Barrens that will then be populated with the other overflowing players like #502, #503, and so on.
Layering fixes overcrowded lagginess, cross-server shoves literally whos into your zone to make Blizzard's Retail version of the game seem more populated than it actually is. And if 500/500 players are already in Barrens 1, fine, make a Barrens 2 for the server until the population dies down after peak hours every night. That's how Layering works, and even then, Layering will be removed when Phase 2 hits and Dire Maul, Azuregos, and Kazzak are all added in.
The Nicker was changed in Wrath.
Layering isn't zone based. It's server based. so its not when too many people are in the barrens, but once 3k people are in the same layer, it creates layer 2 for the next 3k people.
It's almost like undead are un-dead humans, you fucking retarded piece of shit
Ah, alright, server-based then, not zone-based. My mistake, but the sentiment all stands.
>The Nicker
based retailer pretending to not have joined in cata