Was it really that good?
Was it really that good?
It's Rainbow Six Vegas: Star Wars edition. So, no.
I like how the rifle transforms into different guns.
Except better
You. Bacta. Now.
I like how sev died in the end because he was one dimensional and everyone is still gay for him for some reason
Fixer is the thinking man's commando
besides nostalgia, it was absolutely fantastic. you actually felt like you were controlling a squad, each members having distinct personalities. level atmosphere was very well done, gunplay was satisfying and it had TECHNOLOGY up its ass for the time
some level design was absolute dogshit though (looking at you, infinite spawning areas), but the rest was clean
yeah that bridge level on kasshyk was really retarded but other than that great game
As someone who played it for the first time relatively recently, 2014 I think, It holds up too. I don't even like star wars. The fact that each member had personality also included the one you were playing. He occasionally thought out loud, he bantered when appropriate, he gave orders, it was really nice.
Level design was bad sure, but there was nice weapon feedback and combat was fun enough that it never became tedious.
the shooting was subpar and the guns felt floaty
>First level is a boring tutorial slog with a shit special weapon
>second level is perfection
>third level feels more like the first with less training wheel and suddenly ends on a fade to black out of nowhere 3/4s of the way through
its ok, definitely more than the sum of its parts
It was alright, nothing about it was amazing or anything. It's definitely way too short and the ending is abrupt and stupid. People get the biggest dick over Sev and are sad about being unable to save him but he was such a shitty edgelord that i couldn't care less about his death
How do I get Commandos to work on Steam, Yea Forums?
Install it, then click play.
No, sorry, retard, that doesn't work.
Then why don't you giving more information than none at all about your problem you donut.
so why is there only 9 cake per layer?
shameful media lies
It was competent, and clone related content hadn't been explored much.
When I click play it will display the icon in my taskbar and then it will disappear without any type of error message.
Remember the video about folly artists on the main menu? How they made the sounds of the enemies feet with chopped pineapples? Good stuff.
PMed you the fix. :)
It's clearly 10 per layer, you can see the 10th of the top layer falling off the back of the cart
It's one of the better squad based shooters, which should tell you everything about the genre and the game.
>Halo + R6 in SW setting
It was pretty neat.
Wish it had more varied scenarios, though.
It shows its age, but the game is thoroughly enjoyable and playable still.
It's not the best shooter ever but it's pretty good. I see a lot of anons comparing it to Rainbow Six but I never played those so it felt pretty novel to me.
my favorite part of the game