ITFT:we post vidya bees

Attached: 65545AC6-8EC7-459A-90D2-4A915D87F6F4.jpg (640x690, 81K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: Queen_Sectonia_Spirit.png (676x496, 490K)

Attached: HoneyBTooie.png (200x329, 71K)

Attached: Scornet_maestro.png (597x500, 1.14M)

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That's a wasp asshole

>muh cave update!!!1

what kind of autist wants a cave update?
what could they possibbly add?

people disliked the andesite, granite and diorite update, that was a cave update!

Attached: misifus_disgusted.jpg (1061x1038, 509K)

t. Kirby

Attached: 416Vespiquen.png (431x431, 145K)

>adding some variants of pretty colored rock
>adding new topography and mobs to the underground, arguably the most integral part of Minecraft

pick one

Attached: carlguts.png (1130x900, 383K)

>the moans she makes when you crawl all over her

Attached: SSBU_Honey_Queen[1].png (612x620, 586K)

all bees were made for BHC

Attached: Q Bee.jpg (728x963, 129K)

the surface gets new content each update, while the underground hasn't seen anything new in a long time, despite mining being part of the game's name

Attached: EN_news_banner_event_135_D_1[1].png (550x330, 90K)

why are bees so sexy?

Because the birds and the bees

Attached: E89D9357-88E4-4E4F-BEFE-1E01CFD8197B.png (1024x1410, 2.61M)

Why are there so few video game bees? and so few games where you can date them?

>and so few games where you can date them?
This is the real crime!

Attached: E4D65EA6-D779-4A30-914C-0512E03EE46A.png (400x400, 34K)

Because it's hip

Attached: file.png (458x556, 319K)


Caving is fun, there's not a lot of games that are about cave exploring, especially not single player. Deep Rock Galactic comes to mind, the caving in that game is fantastic. I want minecraft caving to be as fun as Deep Rock caving.

Why on Earth was this bitch in Mario Kart?

Attached: tumblr_odckbvrqEl1v3eumeo1_500.jpg (500x281, 65K)

Attached: The dream.png (1920x1080, 2.81M)

But user, there all girls

Bees are the reason you're alive right now you lil shit. What's wrong with you?

Attached: 1565496248953.jpg (1051x616, 410K)



Nice get


Young me was very confused, but kept coming back to her.

They're fuzzy, have big shiny eyes, and have fat little abdomens with pleasing colors.
At least that's why I like them.

If I only I was a million times smaller or they were a million times bigger.

Wait, so they're officially adding bees in?
After they've been in mods for years?

yes, they still do nothing much and their AI is glitchy as fuck

Fucking figures.

I made this 10 years ago.

Attached: BEEZ.png (848x452, 381K)

Attached: BEEZ1.png (841x447, 329K)

That's a big-ass bee, bruddah.
Cool shit.

Thread theme.

Attached: 1382337 - Banjo-Kazooie Banjo-Tooie Honey_B plasma-snake.png (808x1000, 259K)

Very little gets done to the caves even though mining through them is the main part of the game.
The surface gets updates all the time.

What a soulful image. I wonder whatever happened to Banana1015

No idea.
I love her, but she's not someone I would consider a "fan favorite".

What are some games with good bee characters?



Attached: IMG_2576.png (300x250, 21K)

Alternatively, any good beekeeping games?

The REAL theme of this thread

Attached: IMG_2577.png (400x400, 144K)

actual real thread theme

Attached: gfs_41832_2_12_mid[1].jpg (540x405, 27K)

tfw bees

Attached: maxresdefault[1].jpg (1280x720, 93K)

These are acceptable and ambient

+ you don't even need to go underground in modern Minecrap anymore.
>Shipwrecks have Iron (and sometimes Gold) among other resources
>Can also have treasure maps that lead to Gold, Diamonds, and Emeralds


Attached: miss sunflower and mr. king bee.jpg.jpg (1280x720, 87K)

>That map edge
God, I still remember when they gave everyone who had Premium a free Premium to give away.

>look up "Bee" on e621
>there's a fair amount of images of small horses getting stung in the ass by bees

Attached: image.jpg (480x480, 27K)

OMG did they add bees? Lemme check

those are hornets though

Caving is so fucking boring you’ve been desensitized to it. It could be 100x better. Even just more than ONE fucking cave type. Boring ass medium sized tunnel.

Fucking Hillary killed Trump's friend and got away with it

OMG They did add them. I made a bunch of baby bees. They so cute.

Cubic chunks.

cocaines a helluva drug

the game is MINEcraft
not surfacecraft
not villagecraft
not invasioncraft

Any sauce of a humanized giantess version of her?

>the version of 0.30 you could play for free on the website will never come back
i miss that version more than any of the others. i still remember the guy who showed me how to play it when i joined a server for the first time. godspeed senorJ.

Humanized, yes.
Giantess, no.

Minecraft bee is cute

New ways in which caves generate would be nice, like Worley's Caves mod.

Cave Biomes like Starbound

And fucking huge.
I mean, If the spiders are gigantic I guess it'd make sense for the bees to be that way, too.

Attached: bees2.gif (500x500, 1.5M)

>people disliked the andesite, granite and diorite update, that was a cave update!
It added nothing of substance, I want more cave monsters, biomes and ores. The game has so much focus on mining and yet updates focus on the surface because the developers are incompetent as fuck.

>Decent sized pools of water/tunnels that are full of water because swimming is a thing
>Could add special kinds of fish only in said bodies of water
>Better cave design in general
>Cave trolls
>Dungeon overhaul
>Making loose gravel prone to falling when you step on it

Attached: 58.png (567x505, 250K)

Meanwhile the bats are small. Surely they could have made the bees that size or even smaller.

But the thing is, bats aren't arthropods.

Attached: What the fuck.gif (800x732, 352K)

Bats also suck. They always get in the way of building and mining

Attached: 1518688663801.png (2026x1948, 1.08M)

Why are they so god damned gigantic?

How about giant underground lakes of lava and of lava? Stalagmites and the other ones. New cave mobs??? They can add bees too.

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those are tiny

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just googled that mod, i need to install it

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maybe it me but it time we finally have something better than diamond.

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>painting the target for a SRBM
Muh dick

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Who thought those flying assholes that come at night was a good idea

Is that how it currently generates? that looks fucking smooth.

>game is coming soon on consoles
Might get it then

Oh hey somebody used my art of Vi, I'm actually very happy about that. This game needs more love.

such a good mod. if you combine it with mods that add unique cave generation it becomes god tier

One of the few good additions of this expansion desu

Attached: 770784-honey-bee.jpg (1263x1017, 316K)

I want to lick it.

Nah its nothing like that, But its getting better on the surface, if it were to generate like that with the same build limit the underground would be like 30 blocks on desert or plains.

what? a thread full of bees?

Attached: PcheJ0G.jpg (587x327, 110K)


Lol no you lazy fucking bee.

>Angrily kicked out of Trump's club last time he saw him.

Bees can be aggroed, imagine little Timmys crying when he gets wrecked by a swam of bat-sized bees

thread theme

Attached: file.png (2400x1800, 2.75M)

wait are bees a thing now in minecraft? i havent played in years
beekeeping has always been my favorite thing to do in games like dwarf fortress and dont starve

Its in the current snapshot aka prerelease version

their AI is still pretty broken, literally get stuck in T pose in midair if they fly too far up or down from the nest

Attached: Hibachi.jpg (300x375, 21K)

Don't you mean a B pose?

Game where you play as qt3.14 bee-girl when?

Attached: received_386672005581024.jpg (500x397, 22K)

I'll do you one better

Attached: Screenshot_2123.png (175x84, 5K)

There is bug fables which should be coming out soon.

What the fuck?

>this thread
I have a waspgirl fetish but this is pretty close

Nigga that's an ant

>why do players want variation of the underground other than chasm and occasional dungeon

No Honey Woman?

Attached: honeywoman.jpg (500x630, 61K)

that's a wasp you fucking retard

Attached: 1518956573636.jpg (1024x1421, 167K)


Attached: serveimage.jpg (800x546, 109K)

Cave biomes.

Attached: peter-molyneux.jpg (463x372, 53K)

I have 11 bees working on 5 bee hives, they're going in and doing their business but the honey level isn't increasing, any ideas why?

Op here
I just wanted a thread about bees and I accidentally clicked on a cave update meme instead of a normal bee image

That's the original picture the alleged original is the fake

little bee is a cute

Attached: bee.jpg (280x180, 9K)

Imagine playing a game called Minecraft, and then have idiots, like this, defend the game for not having GOOD cave updates.

Using starbound as an example instead of terraria
Whats wrong with you?

i wish i could see bees around here
all i get is wasps making a home in my backyard or in the shed well i guess not there anymore since the spiders took over and fucking stinkbugs somehow invading my house no matter the amount of sealing and spraying done

Attached: 1562609358435.png (599x658, 270K)

>that shot composition
What did the russian mean by this

>cave algae that grows in. real. time.

>gaym is MINEcraft
Okay faggots, how about answering the question? What more do you want?
If you can't name specifics you're just throwing a bitchfit to fit in on Yea Forums.

It's gonna take me a while considering I can't fly from flower to flower like you can.

>Oh, bees in vanilla Minecraft, cool
>the things bees can do is interesting
almost as bad as foxes

New minerals, different mobs, underground biomes, more generated structures, a new type of mining tool possibly faggot

>this thread

Attached: not-the-bees.jpg (225x225, 16K)

Attached: king-bee-conkers-bad-fur-day-53.5.jpg (210x240, 16K)

Remember to always beelieve in yourself

Also they have a thin waist and a fat ass and all

Attached: pooh.jpg (1200x900, 86K)

Oh beehive.

Attached: honey for me not for bee.png (650x500, 368K)

>adding more building blocks IS a good cave update
Except not
Where are the new structures/dungeons? New mobs? Why not add some new mushrooms to lit up the cave naturally? When the fuck are we getting new ores?

Cringe image.

fucktard idiot shitter cunt bastard go die in a tiny cave with ample rats

honey for me, not for bee.

>expecting all that from swedecuck Mojang
They only pass out these shit updates with flowers, terra cotta and dye recipes because adding meaningful content with more than one or two mobs that isn't a reskinned zombie is too much work.

More like live safely in captivity and not die of bee killing virus out in the wild.

>1.15: Bees, Combat & Caves
Listed in order of how much work went into each aspect

Attached: 1555909083511.png (480x640, 667K)

pick one
those beasts are anrgy motherfucks in my country. if you see one you should run

>hive knight doesn't have any wings
>he makes all of those noises with his mouth
what a chad
normally I hate useless mobs being added, but this is cute

Attached: 73892476_p6.jpg (600x400, 129K)

Arma 3 has bumblebees if they count.

Attached: 3 a-10s a bumblebee and a seagul.jpg (1920x1080, 64K)

Some new mobs, new cave structures, different minerals, different types of caves besides chasms and dungeons, shit like that.

This is an interesting emotional response. There's games which do infinitely better at 1 thing or 2 things than your favourite IP, yet you constantly wish for the more popular IP to get better.

Unironically love bees. They’re cute and helpful.

Attached: 66208F81-6AA6-4B7C-A346-A7B0AF6F45F5.jpg (2457x1842, 885K)

>expecting that from nu-jang
Yeah i know, too bad i don't work for them

>Be me
>Plays minecraft
>1.15 incoming

Attached: tenor.gif (300x300, 2.96M)

What is the evolutionary benefit to an insect growing hair?

Is it the small buzzing in your face that does it, or the yellow-black color scheme? These bees are closer to birds in size and won't swarm you

Pollen sticks to it

>be insect
>grow hair
>humans find you cute and build you homes

Don't worry.
These are cute square bees that don't swarm you.
Or is it the buzzing and black/yellow color scheme that scares you?

I know they are hella cute, but this buzzing is a real nightmare for me

Attached: 32089666_359230904587958_3717799415985995776_n.jpg (482x427, 62K)

Why have they not added a single passive/neutral mob that does anything significantly useful in literal years and why are they forcing the whole "don't kill these new, cute animals we add please save the environment!"?

Doesn't resource packs support audio changes as well? Just replace the buzzing with this:

Terraria did it pretty nice right?
Doesn't have to be as obvious but at least some other form than grey tunnels would be certainly doable right?

That buzzing is just their way of saying “I love you”

phaggit more like it

Actually, it's their way of saying "back off or prepare for battle"
Ok this is just perfect.

Not sure. He was kind of an odd-ball clinger to be honest, a total rando. The context of the image was that the bee was pretty much complete by that point, but he decided he wanted to help in anyway he could. So I just told him to make it look like the bee was carrying a sign that said "BEEZ", since I figured it was the least intrusive thing he could add to it. He didn't really seem to get what I was describing though.

3D models aren't really good group projects with total randos, you know?

Attached: embarassing thing bee comic.jpg (625x336, 48K)

Same thing


Your pic reminded me of something.

Real thread theme

The kind of autist that plays Minecraft.

Actually pretty comfy looking.
>some have pollen on their abdomen
Nice little detail.

Why do actual autistic people crowd around bees, lizards and spiders?

Spiders are for the artistic NEET type, lizards are for the hyperactive type that can’t relate to people, and bees are for the autists

I just think bees are cute, brah.

My condolences.

Is there a game where you can play as a bee with this playing in the background?

>duck irl like an autist everytime something buzzes next to my head
fuck this

So what I get from this is that the cute fluffy ones will only sting when their life is threatened, while the not fluffy ones will sting you because you exist.
Also fuck hornets, they're angry little fuckers.

I wish to beecome the bee.

Attached: bee simulator.jpg (1280x720, 308K)

Why did Pikmin 3 enemy designs suck ass

Attached: bees are dum.webm (1280x720, 1.29M)

I wish to pet one without it feeling threatened.

Attached: bumblebee.jpg (390x285, 25K)

I feel like there are better ways to incorporate the instrument them into it's design than....whatever the fuck is going on there.

>bee me

Attached: fat bee.webm (1280x720, 2.37M)

It's cute how they're almost too fat to fly.

He's just big exoskeletoned

Attached: Bee buddy.webm (1280x720, 2.43M)

I hope the stigma from that one autist spamming the board with that game is gone

Attached: 1552397800035.jpg (1024x683, 108K)

Attached: Orchid Bee.webm (960x540, 2.95M)

What does Yea Forums think of Vulture Bees?

Attached: Vulture_Bee_01a-1050x700.jpg (1050x700, 79K)

Bumblebees are actually pretty chill. My dad actually has 'pet' one before.

look at this faggot with his glass armor

Big bee

Attached: Wallace Giant Bee.webm (1280x720, 2.62M)

I find it strange that a bee that looks so badass doesn't have a stinger.
But it does have those nasty jaws so I guess it balances out.

I mean, they also make honey out of flesh so they got that edge factor.

>more generated structures (underground temples, dungeons, etc.)
>underground biomes (slime, mushroom, jagged caves, ore-rich rivers/lakes)
>fossils (can be boiled for XP, arranged into skeletons, or revived into a new dino mob/pet/boss)
>cave troll villages

Yeah, that too.
They're pretty fucking rad.
Can't imagine the honey being too good, though.

It's actually a mutated spider or some shit like that

It being square almost makes it look like a little bug bus.

do you name all of your images tenor or something since you learned that word because I swear I've seen it alone as a filename about 30 times this year and it's like "what a weird coincidence".

Tenor's a site that hosts a bunch of gifs for people to save.
That's why so many people have pics with the tenor filename.

bro thats
that'ss fucking normie cringe
seriously though thanks

Attached: 1561341760462.jpg (992x1024, 233K)

Mmm honey

Attached: Gretchen_in_Honey_Trouble_part_1_by_BigAngryBeehive.jpg (1397x2047, 758K)

>cave troll villages
I'd actually really like to see more hostile civilizations that aren't just reskinned villagers.

Evolution: I don't give a fuck how you fuck, Just Do It™

I had no idea people had such bad taste

Attached: anatomy of a wasp.png (618x463, 111K)

Attached: bee_by_thenoodlegod2012.png (787x392, 18K)

>madara uchina, cripple hitler, the megane smart doctor from every anime, a 10:1 scale cutout of manlytears and the black guy with superintelligence
what meetup was this?

Attached: 1564248723503.jpg (604x604, 133K)

Attached: Blue Orchard Bee.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

Attached: Blue Orchard Bee2.webm (1280x720, 1.92M)

>purple playdough-crystal like structure

Attached: Blue Orchard Bees.webm (1280x720, 2.66M)

Attached: bumblebutt.jpg (1080x1080, 108K)


Attached: you_feel_woozy.jpg (1280x720, 107K)

You should get your eyes checked user. The egg is the little white thing next to the purple play-doh. The play-doh is the food.

Attached: Carpenter Bee.webm (854x480, 2.62M)

Attached: mantis bee.webm (768x432, 2.96M)

Caves are the only way to progress yet see no updates

Why are they called carpenter bees? I don't ever see them building wooden furniture.

well really they're more like termite bees


Attached: 1227746365277.png (812x540, 97K)

yeah, i really should stop browsing without my glasses

Best bee coming through

Attached: buttonbee.png (179x160, 1K)

>tempting fate

>bees are biggwe than parrots
>if there are bees, there are wasp
>wasp arw bigger than bees
>wasps agressive

Is this a wasp update aswell??

Attached: 1563732122331.png (399x333, 238K)

i miss partridge

I hope so, hopefully the datamined wax blocks are for huge hives

I hate you

>steals your boat

Attached: sailor bee.jpg (483x381, 49K)

>on my way to page 10
Man, these things are fucking cute.

Zing zing

Attached: queenB.jpg (390x400, 32K)


Just dig one out of a mountain you lazy piece of shit

Attached: Beeshit2.jpg (728x546, 63K)

Attached: 4896410872_5100802795_b[1].jpg (666x800, 121K)

the only people that are mad about bees being added are caveupdatefags

A hornet made this post.

What's buzzing bois

Attached: g3mHT6cEvG.gif (326x434, 66K)

Sup Beega

Attached: chrome_82BP1CmCe4.png (137x330, 107K)

Do not bully bee.

Attached: Bee Hives.webm (1280x720, 2.66M)

I'm considering helping my parents install a bee hive in their backyard. Is the HOA of their neighborhood gonna fuck with me?

Attached: 1546761041707.gif (880x655, 162K)

Moth was here. Bee is a loser!

Attached: B158A9C2-126D-41F2-A765-EADA249F8C90.jpg (500x374, 30K)

you/your parents were fucked from the start

Fucking read it. It’s in the papers.

Bees and moths are both cute.
No need to start a rivalry.

Attached: Beeshit.jpg (3200x2400, 322K)

What about the Bee Moth?

Attached: 0A6B490E-478C-4D08-93FA-A58603D281B5.jpg (768x1024, 134K)

A sweet fluffy baby.


has science gone too far?

Where are these from?

Perfection has been achieved.

Attached: ya like blocks.jpg (1280x720, 97K)

>giant wasps
That's actually fucking scary.

No! Bees are friends!

Shame there's not much good r34 of her.


Attached: rumor honeybottoms.jpg (1020x1090, 96K)

Guess Forestry is dead, what a shame

Echidna Wars. First thing that came up when reverse image searching

Incredibly graceful things aren't they?

get a load of this no imagination nigger monkey

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Attached: dancing intensifies.jpg (835x470, 127K)

Not getting swallowed by droplets of water. Pretty much always repels water too so it doesn't stick to its fur.

Attached: queenette.jpg (1200x937, 261K)

>mostly harmless
t. hornet

Attached: b.png (95x60, 5K)

There's this gal, I guess

Attached: 1540158466468.png (1168x1056, 14K)

Nice bee sounds

those are hornets

That's why they're attacking the city.
They're assholes.
If they were bees they'd just go raid a flower field or something.

He literally answered it in the post you replied to you autistic retard

Fuck Mojang and fuck the people who lap that shit up like honey.


Attached: get fucked.gif (191x188, 163K)

At least he scored.

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>Hurrr bees are fluffy and nice
>wasps and hornets will sting you for existing no matter what hurrrr mean bugs
Being and entomologist is pain.

Nah, that's a mod someone made for terrain generation.

>he wants it so bad his drills just straight up pierce the wall behind her

This the daily /van/ thread?

Attached: not_the_bees.jpg (300x225, 20K)

You'd want it too if you got a boost in competitive play.
Have a cutedrill.

Attached: 1293724625651.png (695x653, 125K)

Underground biomes, more minerals, more varied cave generation, more dungeons that aren't a single room with a spawner, more mobs that only spawn underground. Just take a look at what any popular mod does to the underground and do that.

If that's what you desire, old chap!

Attached: fancy bee.jpg (720x480, 30K)

cave salamanders

Attached: bee with top hat.jpg (683x580, 35K)

Beedrill is best girl!

Attached: C6248324-1DB2-4DF5-BDD4-04C17BBE5691.png (1000x1038, 342K)

thread theme:


Attached: Beedrill_anime.png (1280x720, 1.1M)

Can't wait for matpat to steal your pic and use it as proof that bees were planned from the start


i nursed a bee back to health once, found a queen ( i think) on the ground in the garden struggling to move so i gave her a teaspoon of honey and after a few minutes she flew off.

Contrasting colors

They're THICC.

Attached: bumble-butt.jpg (1024x1024, 171K)

>Ywn be a bee

But user, she likes it when you finger the stinger.

Attached: D7F8D1FD-02A8-42B7-852F-F7318715213D.png (600x600, 114K)

Attached: fancy_bee_by_befishproductions_dddrikn-pre.jpg (760x1051, 67K)

I don't get it

New ore tiers, revamped cave generation that makes it worth bothering with instead of just digging straight down to the lower Y levels and branch mining for diamond, new underground-exclusive mobs and structures that actually mean something instead of just being another alternate version of an existing resource, basically ANYTHING to put the MINE back in MINECRAFT.

Look's like a badass. How do they keep their eyes clean?

would you fug a bug?

Attached: 857685768570912.png (2026x1948, 1.08M)


Don't Starve is beekeeping kino.


Attached: Dark_Taranza.png (284x301, 77K)

>AYY im buzzin' 'ere

When I was a kid I didn't know they could sting, so me and my brother used to catch them with our bare hands. They never did anything to us.


bees are cute


Attached: 94B25047-A0D3-41FB-94DE-32C05E54C526.jpg (2135x877, 373K)


Why wouldn't I fug a bug?

blue board user BLUE BOARD

Bees are absolute bros that love having their picture taken.

Attached: _CAG6149.jpg (4288x2848, 1.22M)

Pretty sure cuddling her belly gave me a fat fetish

Enjoy your vacation with the bees.

>no industrial update
I guess I will stick to mods

Attached: netherwart farm.png (1920x1080, 526K)

what the fuck

Have you heard of the upcoming Hytale?

Attached: hytale.jpg (655x368, 47K)

>be a huge wasp
>call yourself bumble b rumble

Attached: 9446347D-0886-4DCB-A93B-975E890CA168.png (256x224, 21K)

Attached: japanese hornet.jpg (400x250, 29K)

mod name?

Why are hornets jerks but bees are chill?

People would complain that they're ANOTHER useless mob

big BEEhinds

Keep in mind, The last thing added to caves, besides some different looking rocks, was Emeralds.

hornets dont hug each other like bees do

dont forget the fucking dumb as shit RTX update

If the andesite etc. were usable like stone in recipes (like the different types of wood) then no one would have complained about it

Same here brother. Even worse that i live with a garden full of flowers so tons of bees and the like. Wasps are the worst though, absolute fucking cunts

Those bees should have been 1 pixel not nearly big as pigs.

If that were the case spiders shouldn't be humongous either.

yep they shouldn't.

fuck you and your hornet kind

what mod is this

Thaumcraft for the golems.
It has some industrial elements despite being a magic mod

> What could they add?
Well for starters they could add a tameable mob that lets you scall walls and mine while astride it so you can mine out ravines and go up and down long drops while caving.
But they could also improve dungeons and add more spawners for shit like drowned (for tridents) and creepers (for gunpowder), and they could also improve generation of mineshafts and they could make caving more viable than branch/strip mining by including a cave biome that drastically increases odds of generating iron, diamond and redstone. Also they could add stalactites/stalagmites and slabs to the generation pallets so they look nicer, and finally they could introduce a source of wood that grows underground since that's the only thing keeping Caveworld from being a viable play through.

What's going on in this thread?

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you fucked up

Hahaha fuck bees, right?

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You fucked your spoiler up that's what.

I'd say it hasn't gone far enough.

>sometimes attack beehives
As if they weren't assholes already.


Attached: aay yo i found some bomb-ass flowers out there.gif (500x267, 2.05M)

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They should just copy from terraria

That’s pretty neat. Why do we need more caves?

>let me give negative feedback and throw insults but not say anything else
>when you do give a suggestion its garbage and you get no replies because noone agrees with you
>have thousands of people like this attack every game

when did you realize that the common man you hide from in real life is playing with you in video games

>stalagmites that grow in. real. time.

Vanilla Vistas

>wasps added
>tame spiders to keep the wasps away

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i want catacombs and underground cult woship churches or something

Paper Mario ripoff with bees? What’s the name?

That would be rad.

I’ve seen a lot of hentai with ants, spiders, Mantis/manti?, but not a lot of wasp/bee hentai. What gives?

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He still makes videos

RIP Bee thread

still no bee mount

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Nice try, commie apologist.

>No one posted these guys yet
Slightly disappointed

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I didn't really get into Digimon growing up.
Je suis désolé.


Attached: The Pain sells his truck.jpg (584x447, 46K)

>starts twerking for the camera
lewd bee

I was going to post him right now. Digimon fans always show up at night

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why not add cavemen? More civilizations would be fun, mix up the normally boring villager trades. Cavemen only trade in surface items like meat and wool, but with more a randomized inventory based on what day you go to them (as they are scavengers)

>urist mcanon likes honey bees for their buzzing

Attached: bee.png (656x338, 33K)

>Spiders defeating wasps
In your dreams, arachno-pleb

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You poor bastard. I hope it gets better.

bees are cool though. except carpenter bees. fuck carpenter bees.

Why are cats allowed to post on Yea Forums?

What's wrong with carpenter bees?
Not familiar with them.

Bees and wasps would be super cute if they weren't pokey little shit heads. Especially wasps. FUCK wasps.

they're big flying termites

Oh, so they eat a lot of wood?
Yeah, that would suck.

wanna know how i know you're a hornet?

Would make into a queen/10.

Come on, Hornets and Bees just want to get along.

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>Ywn pleasure a giant bee

If you're still lookin, Forest of Blue Skin

>New ores
>New gems
>Underground biomes
>Enhanced cave generation
>Improve old structures like dungeons, mine shafts, and the stronghold.
>Add new structures.
>Cave mobs. Friendly, neutral, and hostile.

I didn't even know T posing was a thing in MC

they increase the growth speed of crops and also honey is a mediocre food source.

>get along

Damn, nature. You scary.

Mmm, pleasant.
Thank you.

Attached: honeyqueen.png (497x451, 115K)

they dont eat the wood, they burrow in your wood and make a home out of it.

That still sucks shit, though.

Things can T-pose in Minecraft?

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Autists want the caves not to feel like caves.
They'll eventually cave in and do it and there'll be a clown college of caves down there ruining the entire game for people who aren't adhd freaks.

Stalin had paintings with a few of his buddies and whenever he stopped being friends with them or killed them he had new paintings be made without them.

>this thread

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Mobs exclusive to caves
Underground biomes
More structures
More minerals
Different types of caves
Items useful in caves (minecraft lacks an item to move down in a drop, so something like a rope you could throw over a cliff wouldn't hurt)
Some underground boss

For fuck's sake retard, why consider those pitiful rocks a cave udpate?

I really hope it's good, but my trust has been shattered the instant I heard they were taking advice from riot games.
I'm not worried about gameplay, but mostly about how they'll handle chatting and stuff, I don't like games where you get banned for calling people niggers.

My queen.

>My dad actually has 'pet' one before
That's cute.

Thanks, bruddah.

What is a bee?

A miserable pile of honey.

A happy little pile of fluff.

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wont it have servers ran by other people like in MC?

I came in this thread looking for exactly this. You are a true patrician. Fuck these other gay bees

They definitely said you could host your own servers, but they will provide "main" servers as well if I recall correctly.
There was an interview in french a few months ago with one of them, I can quickly resume what has been said in it if you wanna.

Well, I couldn't find it, but I found something even better.

>why yes I am Satan how could you tell?

A fuzzy little ball of friendship.

underground biomes

i'd like it if caves were a lot deeper, so when you look up you basically just see darkness. caves are claustrophobic irl too, but i wanna see more of those caverns where they open up a lot when you get inside. basically ravines with a roof.

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Ah, the caves that make you seem insignificant and tiny in the looming darkness.
The best ones.

Threads theme

Trump is a gun grabbing faggot

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>Can get a bee gf
>It is straight up a human sized bee that requires to do normal bee activities
Wat do?

That's Microsoft's millions for you.

We just don't know

Let her do her thing and then when she get some free time hang out with her.

OVER 9000 GET!
Bees are sexy confirmed

more like mojang's incompetence, the reason why the java version is still going is because notch only agreed to microsoft's terms if the original team stayed and was autonomous, otherwise they would have been fired years ago and the game would have way more monetization than it already have

> it's a bug thread

Attached: BUGZ_000_0_u18chan.jpg (1280x915, 233K)

give me the sauce, since fireden is fucked right now

I haven't played Minecraft in years, which version is the updated one, there are like 3 different versions of Minecraft now when I look at the wiki.

The dogshit AI in this game is pretty fitting for the bees.

And it still runs like ass because Java is unholy garbage.

Minecraft is literally the last thing keeping java alive, it's been depreceated everywhere else.

>the thread is still alive

>fuck all to do underground

Reminder she was in Mario Kart 7 for some fuckin reason

ok what game is this


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>you dont even NEED to mine BRO just use the 3 ingots of iron that spawn in some chests scattered around
