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Games Literally No One cared about but You
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I want this game. I hear it looks amazing for 3ds.
It's rare as shit. The lowest price i've seen on Amazon (Canada) was 65 $. Luckily I managed to get it use for 15 $ at my local Gamestop.
Didn't the cover used to have a pantyshot?
I have it and I like it. Just don't turn 3D on because objects in the stage will go through your eyeballs.
Ah yes.
3DS launch window.
What a time it was.
>tfw smashfags ruin all discussion of your characters with their shitty headcanons and the game can't carry a thread by itself
my favorite game of all time, to bad it's impossible to discuss it.
Sequel for the switch when?
I have this game. A shame it’s dead because for a handheld fighter it’s pretty good.
The japanese cover shows more of her thigh, but no pantyshot.
>open up my case after seeing OP
Shit I completely forgot 3ds games came with manuals.
I still regret clearing my save file for no reason, the dlc for this game is gone and was tied to that save file.
Afterburner II is arguably the best arcade game of the 80s and this port/remaster for the 3DS is just a plain upgrade. There's unlockable stage select and variables about the gameplay and all that, but where it gets crazy is that there's a full-blown soundmixer in the game, the game will emulate the look of every single cabinet that the first two Afterburner games were built into in all regions, and the 3D effect is fucking perfect.
And THEN you unlock Extra Mode, which might as well be Afterburner IV (counting Climax as AB3 because the "actual" AB3 was a shitty Sega CD port of G-Loc and Black Falcon on the PSP was Afterburner in name alone). Whereas ABII was more like an expansion pack the original by adding a new mechanic and like 40% extra stages, 3DABII's Extra Mode adds two new mechanics that completely change the dynamic (a Burst meter that's like Climax Mode but without the larger reticle, and having extra lives tied to your score), creates entirely new and harder stages with the existing sprite assets, gives it a totally new story, and through that story adds fucking boss fights where you're dogfighting a single enemy ace that's just as good as you are, something that the original games and Climax don't have at all. It's so good that just calling it "definitive" is an insult.
>buy the game used at a garage sale for about 5 bucks about two years after it originally came out
>can never get the DLC outfits because they were StreetPass only and up for only two limited time windows
>could never find ways to just download them to my hacked 3DS either
So glad they stopped doing that limited time only shit with games that came out later in the 3DS's life.
Most literal one I can find. Gleam of Force is made by French Bread as their very last 100% indie title.
Has the best sense of impact and pacing I've ever seen in a fighter. Actually makes simplified controls work with all directions having command normals/tilts.
Stun meter affects your recovery frames throughout, not just when you're dizzy (heartbroken in this).
No grabs, but merely dashing up guard breaks and allows chains on heavy attacks.
But the super cutesy puppet doll look got everyone to avoid learning it in college or my fighting game discords/ircs.
>game responsable for allowing early 3ds hacks
>not cared for
Shit I remember when everyone was scrambling for a copy for that reason alone.
No one ever talks about this game but I loved it. Other than this and Recettear, are there any other games where you run a store like this?
Where can I download it
Reminded me of how much I loved QoH99SE back in the early 2000s. Even got me to look into the original works the characters were from.
there's pic related, but it's never been translated.
Now that's the kind of fucking poverty I want to see, a game by the Melty Blood people so obscure that even the people willing to run sets in bathrooms and at the nearby Denny's don't play it. Who's the grappler, and is the game freeware like Melty/Blitzkampf?
DOAX (1 & 2) > DOA fighting games >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DOAX (gacha edition)
This is a power gap below Ninja Gaiden right?
that's a different franchise so I didn't have it in mind
Seriously? I have two copies.
after burner aged terribly. most classic arcade games were good because they were simple to play. after burner was ambitious for it's time, but there is literally no reason to play it over ace combat now.
Kasumi in Smash!
Virtually impossible to buy legally outside auctions, and it's a ten year old Japanese indie game.
Just find the program anywhere with nitroblog or abandonware sites.
Also Yukie is. Idol heavyweight.
Can get it loose for below 20 on Ebay and with case for around 30-40. Don't know why Amazon's price is so insane.
Then again you never know if you are buying a bootleg on Ebay anymore.
Neat. I'll be trying this.
Ace Combat exists as the midpoint between Afterburner & Flight Sims, not as a a substitute for either. Afterburner is at its core a rail shooter, just with the speed cranked way up, and rail shooters are good shit. II completed an idea, Climax polished it and added to it (the shorter campaign is made up for by the greater variety in level design and occasional branching paths as well as Climax Mode and the variables you unlock), and Extra Mode was the first real attempt at a story & bosses besides Black Falcon (which again I don't really count) while having mechanical improvements on par with Climax.
Also, I'd rather get into that gyroscopic cockpit cab for the original Afterburner and spin around in that shit for a dollar's worth of quarters than play 95% of other video games that exist, even to this day.
You can barely see their pantsu in this game, fuck nintendo
That game is banned here in Sweden cause Kasumi and Ayane was 15 in that game. Guess it counts as childporn when youre able to take 3D pictures of them in camera mode.
I love Eternal Fighter Zero myself.
It still feels being officially past that era where feels-heavy modern fantasy romance was king.
But if you make a thread about, plenty of people will come to talk about it. I've been in plenty of amazing KI: U threads. And yeah, I definitely think it's probably among the best handhelds games of all time, at the very least. Probably a 10/10 for me
This is what I needed today, thanks user
There were some weird fighting game ports to the 3DS.
I wanted to play this, but there wasn't a .cia on freeshop and I didn't care enough to take out my SD card and install it.
Also, fun fact, Fighting Layer Ex began as a 3DS tech demo
For that matter, "aged terribly" is a term relative to the player. I fired up Super Thunderblade the other day, and simplistic as it was, it was entertaining. It wouldn't hold my interest for days on end, but I can play it and have fun. Same with shit like Space Harrier and other ancient arcade-type games.
There's an entertaining simplicity and pace to them that the "retro arcade style" games people make today utterly fail to grasp.
I find the shitters bitching about the controls more annoying than the smashfags. I don't know how many times it's been said that a twin stick layout simply would not work because the game is too fast, yet every thread there's at least 5 retards insisting it should have twin stick controls.
People had difficulties with KI:U's controls?
I bought this game as fap material when I went traveling.
>bought this when I got my 3DS
An unbelievable amount of people did. It started with >reviewers before shit like cuphead or 2016 doom happened, where the game was near universally panned because of the control layout. People listened to them and either didn't buy because they heard the controls sucked, or did buy with that mindset and confirmation bias. Normal people like you and I are a minority in this case.
It's still my most played 3DS game, the game that got me into DoA, AND saved the 3DS' dismal early months alongside OoT 3D. I even got every free costume on the rotation. I fucked with Dimensions back in the day, man. Game was good as fuck.
I'm a lefty and found the controls weird, but fine after some adjusting. I think it's a lot like gyro aiming on a pad - lots of console only players think that twin stick is the way to go and refuse to consider anything could be better
Forgotten 3DS games thread? Forgotten 3DS games thread.
Resident Evil the Mercenaries 3D is more fun than it has any right to be
How's Tekken 3ds? iirc I heard it didn't review very well.
Why was it so fucking short?
This one. I feel like im the only one hyped for the remaster.
Because it was initially part of a collective of smaller games. Liberation Maiden wasn't initially released on its own in Japan but it was here. Can't remember the name of the collection offhand.
Everyone cared about that one though. It's just not something that's been relevant in awhile.
P.N.03 has never gotten a rerelease for any system. Ever.
First blade is the most based weapon in the game and you can't convince me otherwise
i have more issues with how shit pit feels to actually move around with the circle pad and the dash than i do with the aiming controls honestly
Cool little game, found out the other day Suda made it.
Breathed new life into the dead series and everyone I've talked to about it didn't know that it even existed.
You could add half or more of the 3D Ages titles to this thread, really.
I remember her ass in the cutscenes.
is it just me or does the girl look like it was made by the same artist that did the 3ds fe games
The best DS game very few people played.
Zangeki no Reginleiv
>best motion control game ever released
>better than EDF
>no knows about it
>grind for decades to get the thong suit
>you die in one hit
I should have destroyed my copy that very same day.
This game was bad because the 3DS d-pad is a pain to play on, while the thumbpad is terrible for trying to pull off specific directions on. It would probably be very good if you could use a decent controller with it.
You also have all the Energy Drives unlocked. And if you have played it for that long, you should find it easy to avoid all enemy fire.
Plus you can see her ass bounce when she runs.
The Devil May Cry of kart racers.
Probably was.
DOA Dimensions got them in trouble in a few countries and it was never placed on the eShop so you're still restricted to piracy or the used market
>PS2 version is heavily censored
To my knowledge:
Magic Pengel, and Graffiti Kingdom
No One Can Stop Mr Domino
Jumping Flash
Silhouette Mirage
Time Hollow
Stretch Panic
I used to say Fairune but now its on the Switch. So... Synopsis Quest?
Crystal Towers 2 XL
Void Pyramid
Brave Hero Yuusha, Soma Spirits
Why Am I Dead At Sea? (and its original build Why Am I Dead)
same artist as No More Heroes/Fire Emblem/ Daemon X Machina
also game is by Suda51
I would try these games if freeshop was still around
Oh freeshop how I miss you so
Looking back on it, this was the first proper survival horror game I played. Not the first I was exposed to but the first I played for myself. I don't think I was 17 when it came out so I wasn't buying them left and right for myself just yet, but I really enjoyed it at the time.
pretty good cover artwork
It was a fun beat em up that looked alright and actually made use of the dual screens. Not amazing but not the shovelware you'd expect at first glance.
holy fuck I completely forgot I own this game.
I did. It's weird. I also had this problem with the Vita while playing Shinovi Versus. If I used both sticks at the same time in opposite directions I'd lose control
Can you ogle Kasumi in 3D?
yup. game has a photo mode.
you can even get a few shots of Irene
But of course.
Moonlighter was pretty good.
don't die
Old Yea Forums loved the original, but I feel like I'm the only one that cared for the sequel
Because the price was very low iirc. Great OST though
They also released a visual novel sequel.
i remember back in 2015 i could not find this at any shops here in australia. ended up finding it in another state when on holiday
try being left handed. you had to buy some special right control stick for the game
I liked that game, made this shitty thing when I got it
Still hope they'll add picture related to 6 eventually.
>Could had samus as guest.
>Instead it's just a ""cameo"
I don't know who to blame.
I wanted to play it
I hope it runs well on Citra
Nintendo probably didn't let them because they needed people to play smash
I couldn't play it for more than 20 minutes at a time without my hands cramping up. Still beat it, but what I mostly remember about the game is hating the controls. A remake on Switch with twinsticks/gyro controls would be neat.
I'm still pissed you can't get the DLC anymore.
Music waa kino same for the mantra system, too bad the gameplay was repetitive
It's not my fault it was physically painful to play.
The DLC is gone? What the fuck does that even mean?
Link was in SC2 tho.
It was a different time
Is it too late to get into 3DS?
State of Decay
To play the available games, no.
For new games, yes.
I've bought it at amazon uk in 2013 for £1.5
I remember this game mainly because it got banned in some European countries because Kasumi and Ayane were underage.
What are the lewdest 3DS games?
Recently dusted off mine, been playing some dragonquest.
Project X Zone 2 has special hot spring CGs in NGP where you can blow away the steam with the microphone
I have no idea how they managed to make an RTS on the fucking Gameboy Color actually fun, but they did. I wish they had continued to make games after this.
man I miss this game if only online wasn't raped to death by hackers...
It's basically DOA4 ported to the 3DS. That's it, with a few "new" stages (read: ports of DOA3 and 2U)
Its just tekken 6 with no content, and a movie.
Kek i got this in a yard sale for 1€ the seller looked at me as if i was a creep....and they're right but now i have the last laugh. LONG LIVE OPPAI
This game, I had so many hours put into it. People always diss it as a shit game because 3Dvanias are supposedly shit by default, or because it's got too many big samey hallways, but to me it was a lot of fun. I'm going through it again and trying to beat crazy mode, which is actually really fucking crazy hard.
God fucking damn I LOVE videogame titties.
Literally never. Project Sora shut down like a month after it came out and nobody gives a shit about Kid Icarus, even if Uprising was the best in the series.
Always thought this looked good—I regret not buying it when I was younger
I bought it as soon as it was banned in my cucked country Sweden.
Honkers is a work of art.
What the fuck? Kasumi gets slapped by Ryu? Never, ever, ever, ever, ever. Wtf? And where the fuck did Irene come from? Send that bitch back to Ninja Gaiden what the hell? Ryu is for Kasumi, not Irene... Damn... and Kasumi killed Raidou BY HERSELF, she didn't need help from Ryu wtf???
This stupid shitty non-canon is why I need feminism
it looks surprisingly good when emulated
also good luck getting the extra outfits without piracy. its one of the reasons i modded my 3ds.
I absolutely adore this game, but never see anyone on Yea Forums talk about it.
the "DLC" was distributed in weekly online event cycles. the game isn't supported so those downloads are no longer obtainable
DOAX2 is a horrible grind fest
Loved this game. Could never complete it though
No one cared about the original either
Literally all of Sweden cared about that game.
Grindfest is still miles better than gachafest.
Rocket slime 3ds never ever.
One of my personal favorite games of all time. Very good action adventure game that actually feels like a adventure takes place.
I heard someone fan translated this game recently
This one. Game was kinda ugly and clunky even when it came out, but I really loved it. The concept is cool too.
Very good action brawler game for its time. The dock level was unnecessary hard tho. God hand is still better imo.
God the Sega ports/remakes for the 3ds were the shit, a shame that the third collection didn't come to America and it's almost impossible to find as a cia
I heard Sweden’s banning of the game is part of the reason why Marie Rose exists.
Kek, here in the UK there's probably an over abundance of it considering it's only £4 a pop at cex
this game, smash and another that i forget the name of destroyed my 3ds. i had to buy 6 replacement joysticks
Night dream Wheel when?
I PLAYED THIS ON PC. I could never get past the fucking samurai
Ryu was such an awful Mary Sue in Dimensions.
Holy shit, I have two of this too. And 2 of the 3DS Street Fighter games. Man, I really loved fighting games during that period.
My dad really liked this game
I remember being really creeped out by this game. Some of the FMV cutscenes are nightmare fuel.
Didn't like the styles controls so I just used the dpad to aim
Yo dude this game was fun. I still remember that ghost samurai boss fight pretty well
I played this on a demo 3ds at launch, it was what made me I interested in getting a 3ds. One of my friends and I would get high and take turns playing survival, was a blast. We also played lots of the ambassador bonus NES golf game since you could switch controllers and take turns for 2 player.
I later got DOA5 because of this game, without that I dont think I would have later met my best bro and fighting game rival.
I am mad there is no digital version. I lost my copy as some point but ordered another one online, wish I did not have to choose between this or my DS flashcart.
>Magic Pengel and Graffiti Kingdom I love those games
and do I have good new for you.
Reminds me of a snoopy red Baron game i spent way too much time with.
I brought it up on Yea Forums once and it got called trash. I kinda see what they mean, but it is fun and has soul.
CoD is good but I preferred LoI.
Everyone knows this, it is why they made Marie Rose to mock them and ended up killing the game.
>another beloved series gets dug up from the grave and whored out for mobile gacha shit instead of real games
>"good news"
Have you tried the DS Revenge of the Sith game?
Decent beatemup with two different sets of levels, one for anakin one for obi wan and each had different character progression and move options.
Then they had a whole sub game with piloting where pretty much every small spacecraft in the series was unlockable.
I never had issues as long as I was using the stand that came with it.
>Easily in my top 3 games for the 3ds
>Never seen it mentioned in any best of 3ds list
Such is life, the only bad thing about the game was the voice acting. but the voice acting actually got better near the end of the game
Was my first game for the PSP. Was a choice between this and King Kong. So glad I didn't choswe Kong.
Best graphics when on bosses
Bullshit, ghost trick gets jacked off on Yea Forums constantly.
Not looking at the bigger picture if any game is gonna work on a mobile format its Graffiti Kingdom. Not only that but the same company that gave us MP is the one working on it.
Game works on tablets as well and you will be able to transfer designs from device to device.
You can create share your created creatures now we dont know it will be f2p or not but its definitely not going to be a gacha game thats for sure
I used to play this game with friends when we worked at a restaurant. The multiplayer was the shit, and even more for locals.
It would be awesome to have it on the switch with a big enough playerbase.
oh shit i have that game, or rather i played it and have the sequel
i wonder if those russians are still hosting their multiplayer playsessions
this game rules school
The only Dragon Quest game I've ever played,
Oh Shit. Watched my bro play this as a kid on his pc in the early 90's. Saw it to the end, him and his dad had it down 100% but always replayed it
I own it but never beat it. Good game though.
I always liked these, the series deserves at least one home console game. Maybe even a Ps4 HD bundle of 1/2.
Also who else remembers watching this on Mtv Video Mods?
Rhythm Thief is great, I've seen it mentioned a couple of times though. The demo sold me on the game back in 2012 or so and I bought it the next year when it went down to £10.
Hell, looting the lourve was so good they did it two more times and I was happy for it.
Give Gitaroo Man and Space Channel 5 a go if you haven't, also great rhythm games.
Didn't realise it was rare.
I wish it was pantsu
Just put your right pinky behind the top screen