What am I in for Yea Forumsros?

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6 hours of railroaded tutorials.

Incredibly promising first arc
Then a downward spiral

user, isn't it kinda late? Shouldn't you be going to bed?

Cute boy protag and cute gamer girl

Play it and find out should be the only correct response then make a thread when you've got something to discuss.

A great game

5 hours long intro, a decent battle system, chill music, and christmas cake

Why not just wait for p5r?

Style over substance

Actual shit.

The best part of the game is the first 15 hours
Go the fuck to bed
Being told the solution to every "puzzle"
Nonsensical, contradictory writing
Everyone commenting on literally everything forever
No difficulty even on hard, horrible dungeon design beyond the first two
Enjoy baton passing to Yusuke and watching him slap everyone's shit, but unironically

>Stylish JRPG with top-notch art direction and music
>Polished, satisfying gameplay with lots of stuff to do and see
>Very interesting story premise that gets you hooked on the first arc...

>...only to crash down through the mid-game and take hours to pick up again
>gameplay additions to the previous games with no increase in difficulty makes game quite easy if you're a veteran
>at least 100hrs long, if you're not used to long games get ready to get burned out halfway through

Still my favorite JRPG from the current gen, sure it has its flaws but still one of my all-time favorites.

Text. I hope you enjoy reading self insert stories.

Your thumb will get tired from advancing the text dialogue a million times.

Edgy visual novel. The art direction is pure kino and there hasn't ever been a more stylish game. It's enjoyable, but get ready to read down 1 hour of pure text before gameplay finally comes



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>enable auto advance in the options
>half the game plays itself

The longest move ever made.

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There are 8 experimental movies longer then that


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