Why do some games look so bad on PCSX2? Jake and Daxter look so blurry upscale to 4k.
Why do some games look so bad on PCSX2? Jake and Daxter look so blurry upscale to 4k
R&C and J&D both have visual filters that are meant to make the game look nicer, but only on 480 CRTs.
The picture is not showing how blurry it looks. :(
Because it's suppose to display in 640x480. You're blowing it up to nearly 10 times the size.
Is there a fix for it on PCSX2 or should I play the PS3 version?
>falling for the 4k meme
maybe because you are playing it in a wack ass aspect ratio faggot
Still blurry at widescreen faggot.
actual non-normalfag answer: de-interlacing methods are available in the graphics plugin settings and some hotkey, F7 or F8 i dont remember,they arent perfect but do the job
They help a little, but not much.
How far do you sit from your computer?
IIRC on pcsx2 one of the hacks disables it.
that's not interlacing dipshit.
How big is your monitor?
I'm using the newest version and can't find llRC in hacks.
>inb4 1.4.0
Using 1.5.0 dev 3265
Didn't work by the way.
Mine's only 27 but then again, mine is only 1440
Protip for ps2 emulation: just software emulate and stop caring about upscaling and making the visuals "better" so many games require hyper specific fixes and I've emulates so much of the ps2 library let me tell you, just software emulate and be okay with the standards visuals.
The game runs like a pro, but they're so many graphics glitches in HW mode. I might just do SW mode, sine my PS2 is broken.
Try one of the v1.5 DEV builds. they're alot more up-to-date but can be "unstable", so they say.
Just port over your configs but don't just overwrite your v1.4 install.
Game tested was Driver Parallel lines
Using 1.5.0 dev 3265
Jak 1 just has a blur filter. 2 and 3 don't have it.
Ratcher doesnt'