Who is the single most hated female character in all of vidya?

Who is the single most hated female character in all of vidya?

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The Capcom ninja or the DangitRonPaul tramp?

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Does Alex not have a nose, or why is Steve's nose darker than the rest of his face?

Probably characters that do nothing but interrupt the game with annoying shit like Alia on Megaman X5 or Ashley on RE4. There's nobody that can stand them

This bitch

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females don't belong in video games

with less than 2 minutes of screen time she became the most hated character

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Any of the female Fire Emblem lords, but if I had to choose one in particular probably Celica.

lilith from borderlands

the latter
everyone likes pic related Ibuki

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try asking /vp/

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>she's so hated that in the manga she gets stabbed in the gut and hyper beamed by Fug

what am I looking at
t. haven't played minecraft since 2012

Any of the female characters in Borderlands except Maya and Gaige

Steve's bitch

fucking DESPISE this cunt

the manga is fucking brutal

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>Ywn get to mating press Ibuki

I can't stand The Handler in MHW.
>WE did it, PARTNER!

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She's cute; what's wrong user, don't like seeing a cute Asian?

i do hate pooping a boner everytime i see her, its very distracting

Female default skin thats married to steve in the manga but then dies


Wait this was an official manga?


Shes so cool

i always feel bad for the salamence when i see this

Samus in Other M. A stupid beaten house wife who is led around by the nose by the worlds most incompetent military genius. A big fat shit on an otherwise good character who had been subtly built up over many games. A droning monotone twat who goes to great lengths to ensure that we the player cannot become invested in this game to the tiniest degree. Fuck you Sakamoto, you give George Lucas a run for his money when it comes to ruining his own stuff.

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she looks like she fucks white guys


Kormir from Guild Wars

Why don't people like her?

>Gordon, come over here!
>Hey Gordon check this out!
>Gordon quickly!
>Gordon come here!
>AAGH help me Gordon he has a gun!
>Gordon hurry up Gordon!

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Easily. She's physically disgusting to look at too, made the story for MHW impossible to enjoy


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I'd probably say this, almost no one had a problem with her before Other M and now she's a laughingstock who hasn't had a non remake new game since

He doesn't know

when did steve become mexican

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You must have very short fuse if that gets to you. Go back a few years and play ocarina of Time and tell me you don't want to eat Navi and shit her lifeless corpse on Nintendo's door with your ass cheeks pressed against the glass all the while screeching incoherent obscenities.

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He didn't want to pay for the wall so he build it by himself

The manga canon shows them get married after the post saying steve abd alex are friends
Theres foreshadowing of a baby arc too,really want to see what happens then.

He said "most hated," not "most lusted after"

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Why would anybody hate the female Minecraft MC? Steve was always a garbage design and voice.

Imo she has bad writing in the manga
Its explained steve is a villager born with the ability to build unlike the other villagers cursed by the ender dragons,mean while alex just falls from the sky(end dimension) after steve defeats the wither and builds a beacon and tells him shes the only non corrupted human,and her writing is bad and she has no personality

First post worst post, not even the worst girl in her own game

Other M Samus

Is she ded?

Tiny Tina from Borderlands.
This post-wall hag's good choice too.
LEON HELP ME is another good choice.
>8 hours of Navi giving you advice on the state of your oesophagus, stomach, intestines, and diet followed by a solid 10 minutes of her ringing and telling you that now would be a good time to ==Poop==

Imagine hating Ibuki

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I don't have to imagine, its just a natural reaction when I see such a worst girl.

That's not Hiyoko though


why are you reading a minecraft manga

Fi. She single-handedly made skyward sword a lot worse than it already was

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>Probably characters that do nothing but interrupt the game with annoying shit like Alia on Megaman X5 or Ashley on RE4. There's nobody that can stand them

or MGS2 Rose

I imagine pooping a boner would be very painful

>MC manga

Its an official manga and its good
Even some waifu bait

>born with the ability to build unlike the other villagers cursed by the
Fuck no, this is just the plot to Dragon Quest Builders.

a challenger appears

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the picture made me lol

Hey! Listen!

>Actually prime minister
>Kill best character

Stupid character

Nobody likes her

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is this real

Rochelle. Such a fucking boring character.

they were ok with making coach fun but i think they played it safe with black woman so nobody would get mad

Are you stupid? When you answer my question you'll have your answer.

Rose was a disappointing character one of the developers fell in love with and turned her from a nameless, faceless NPC into this pointless character.

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>When you unlock the knights armor for ashley making the game about 55% easier

Surprisingly fucking no, she lived through that.

I personally don't hate her but people used to always comment on how annoying she was.

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Unlike the rest of the cast, Rochelle is just boring. She's got nothing going for her.
I can quote from memory Francis, Zoey, Louis, Bill, Coach, Ellis and Nick, and they got at least one memorable moment. Ro is just...there I guess?

>google official Minecraft manga
>literally nothing but fan made shit shows up
There’s no official manga.

>tfw always hated playing rochelle because there were so few voice lines worth spamming
axe me a question

Let us appreciate the FFX Chocobo trainer for a moment.

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what a joke, electric tale is better

>hey so I know about a SCRET THREAT TO THE WORLD and nevermind that you also know about it AND already have a solution set up, I'm going to ruin that solution and also steal everyone's shit for a BETTER solution that might not even work, in fact I have NO proof it'll work because this is entirely based on ancient myths

Incorrect, Rochelle has the best laugh spam in the game. Though Coach is a close second.

Yeah. Pokemon gets insane in the manga. People get their souls ripped from them and tormented. They basically treat them like real fucking monsters.

She unironicslly had a fuck ton of lines for her character that got cut.

She was a full blown movie buff iirc.
Valve seemingly didn't like that angle.



Whose worse?


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Sounds like the generic plan of any protagonist.

A friend gave me his MHW so I could try it out, the first 5 minutes in the game just staring at this awful "lady" with her annoying face, voice and body language, that + unskipable cutscenes made me instantly drop the game, I wanted to enjoy the game but I couldn't handle having to go through a fucking tutorial with that thing. It is fucking ironic how the only real monster in this game is the one you can't hunt.


Who green lighted this shit?


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Fi is much worse.

thought it was this bitch from the thumbnail

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