So now that walking death machines are in Battlefront 2 you're going to buy it now right Yea Forums? It's cheap and /ourguy/ is in it now
So now that walking death machines are in Battlefront 2 you're going to buy it now right Yea Forums...
>still no good offline mode
Offline instant action was just confirmed though
Doesn't mean a thing until it's actually in the game.
It's coming in less than a month but ok
No. I don't care if they turn it into an actually playable game. EA tried to fuck me, so I don't want to have anything to do with their shit anymore.
did they buy you dinner first
are commandos the spartans of the star wars universe?
it's either them or ARC troopers, i'm just glad they gave the commando the wrist blade melee attack
No, they just said to bite the pillow and cope.
ARC troopers are the Spartans. Commandos are like ODST's,
Honestly, EA deserved all of the shit they got for what they tried to pull, but they basically abandoned the game for other opportunities and just let DICE do what they want with it and it's worked out very well
>Dice adds republic commandos
>This means all the games problems are gone and it's now magically worth your money
Nah. Also this is your reminder that if it had mod support this sort of shit would have been added to the game years ago.
The commandos are a good way to pique interest, the rest of the stuff they're putting in are also great additions
>mod support
Keep dreaming, maybe Frosty Tool Suite will allow us to mod the games one day.
this cope but ok
Adding republic commandos in an EA game is nightmare fuel.
I'd rather have Republic commando sit with one game instead of EA bastardizing it into some rainbow six siege clone with a star wars label.
It's not like anyone else was going to do it, I'll take any representation I can get for the boys
dilate, tranny
im all for republic commandos user
just not EA doing it
I'd be ok with it if they had the right developer making it, I would hope EA knows by now not to pull that bullshit again in a Star Wars game
>It's not like anyone else was going to do it
Well that's more because there are so few games where they could even be added than devs actively not wanting to do something with the republic commandos.
a siege clone with trandoshans and commandos could actually be kinda fun
Anything pertaining to the Clone Wars series should literally print money though, it's almost everyone's favorite period and there's so much going on during that time, that's why BF2 hasn't really had any original or sequel trilogy content come out since TLJ
Alright. I'll admit it. I damn near teared up watching that Commando teaser. RC was one of my favorite childhood games.
Fucking thank you I've been looking all over for this pic.
Wait are you serious? Fuck that makes me so happy. I might actually reinstall this trashfire.
Still can't spawn as a Shoretrooper at a coastal barracks though
There's a 4-player co-op mode coming, Felucia for Capital Supremacy, Ahsoka, Padme, Asajj Ventress, most likely Cad Bane, offline instant action, and new heroes and villains maps slated for just September
I dont buy videogames
Also Gossam Commandos, Shu Mai as an announcer, Saleucami, Koorivar Fusiliers, and T-series tactical droids
>Ahsoka, Padme, Asajj Ventress, most likely Cad Bane
I read about the other stuff, but nothing about this.
Oh thank you user. I loved instant action on the origional battlefronts. I hate that everything has to be about "competitive E-sports" nowadays. Singleplayer needs some love too.
Please, keep the LARPing separate from actual informations.
Datamined voice files of Grievous/Anakin/Obi-wan referencing those characters were found like a month ago, a lot of Youtubers made videos on it, Battlefront Knight makes alright news updates
Didn't know, thanks.
Say what you will about George but you have to admit the clone wars multimedia project was a huge success. Half the reason people don't like the sequel trilogy is that there's next to no expanded universe outside of a few books, it just isn't as interesting as the clone wars or the rise of the rebellion.
The sad part is that before Disney we already had over a hundred years of awesome stories after the original trilogy. I feel like at least a good portion of the fanbase are pissed at all the content that was scrapped or pawned off to the "legends" canon.
Most of the good Clone Wars media we have George had nothing to do with, the Tartakovsky mini-series, the Clone Wars 3D series, etc. and they're all better written than the prequel movies are
Despite having some stupid shit like Luuke and Anakin's lightsaber (even though it's into the Sequels too) I think it is way better than what Disney produced.
Should've made them into a trilogy instead.
Too bad Tim wasn't progressive or inclusive enough...
Rather have bounty hunters vs Galactic Empire/Rebel Alliance tbḩ
A huge part of the story is around Mara Jade, I'm sure they could've done something good with her if they wanted absolutely a strong female lead.
The game is pretty casual to begin with, it's only ruined by try-hard team stackers, but I rarely run into them anymore, but instant action is going to be really fucking cool in this game
I hate Mara Jade, always have. She is infinitely better than Rey in just about every single aspect and if they wrote her loyaly into the movies would be a significant improvement.
>few years ago
>finally get around to reading the two most popular trilogies, thrawn and bane
>read thrawn first
>wow, this is actually really good, I can see why everyone likes this
>read bane next
>it's fucking garbage, can't think of a single redeeming factor
Sometimes I question things.
Seriously. Mara Jade was a strong female character. Why replace her with what they did? I don't understand.
And yeah I just want to be in big epic Star Wars battles. It's a great looking game. I can't wait to see instant action.
Don't worry. The brilliant part of Star Wars was how interconnected everything was. A while back Disney couldn't deny some things in the Clone Wars tv show and pretty much had to accept that Bane was canon. Unless they went back on it or ret-conned it, I haven't check in a while. But don't worry last I checked Bane is canon lol
Bane is definitely canon and I'm ok with it, I just wish they would have kept KotoR canon
I'm the only one that I know of personally but I can't be the only one in existence, BUT the Old Republic was my favorite era. I know my brothers are out there I just haven't found them yet.
That's one thing I think a lot of people forget, Battlefront 2 is fucking gorgeous
I love the Old Republic era, but the moral ambiguity of those times are too big brain for movie fanboys, I think Kreia is a really great character but whenever I explain her to friends that haven't played KotoR they think those games just have shit writing
>hating literal Asuka of Star Wars
It can be pretty fun but it's mind boggling the kind of basic features missing from this game like no server browser or map browser, and how command posts doesn't even let you select what post you want to spawn at so most of the time you spawn as a hero it's with the entire enemy team in front of you
It gets a lot of hate at face value as a game because of EA. Which I definitely don't disagree with. Fuck EA for what they are trying to do with the SW game license. Just like Fuck Disney for the politics they are trying to do with the Cinematic license.
>server browser or map browser
I still don't get why it's not in.
>command posts doesn't even let you select what post you want to spawn at
Coming next update.
Exactly! The Kotor games were brilliant. I do agree though. If you tried to put that into a trilogy context I don't think most people would understand what is going on. Nowadays inclusive nurturing and catering to "fans" is far more important than making something great.
That's why I made the thread, the game is really good now and I've been saying it for over a year. The last thing I want to be is an EA shill, but I will shill a game that I believe is good, EA is barely involved with it anymore after the lootbox fuck-up and moved on to other schemes, DICE makes really good games when left to their own devices
I explained to my dad that Darth Maul was alive until the day before Luke buys the droids and he couldn't process that for a good fifteen minutes of me explaining it, they have to make dumb movies like TLJ if they want them to perform well
I was actually talking to my buddy about this the other day. I feel like we are on a gaming upswing of sorts, where it's starting to become less about paid DLC and microtransactions(well the non-cosmetic ones anyways) and more of a return to just fun games. Not every game needs to be "MLG competitive". Just make a fun immersive game that is good. That's all it takes.
I'm guessing they know nobody wants to play Disney Wars or barely any OT which is why everything is randomized. I fucking hate the way DICE is with modes and shit, if you can't do it right than do something else instead of missing the point completely of why people wanted Ground to Space combat or shitty arcade mode over instant action
Yeah that's another thing. I explained the exact same thing to one of my buddies and his response was "why didn't we see him in A New Hope then"? It sucks. It makes sense from a business standpoint, but when it comes to making content that actual fans will love, it just doesn't work.
We are in an upswing, every franchise seemed to decide at the same time that a return to form is the best move to get people to buy games again, Halo, Gears, Need For Speed, CoD, are all basically re-branding and going back to the forumlae that made them successful in the first place. It's nice to see and I'm actually excited for new video games again.
"If it's not in the movies then it didn't happen" is probably the dumbest thing I hear from people when talking about expanded universe stuff, it's so fucking annoying to hear that from people that claim to be big fans, they're the same people that say TLJ was the best movie
Gears was actually the game that got us talking about it. He's really good competitively and just loves how everyone is on even footing at all times. It's just about skill. And I agree with you user as we are super excited for games again.
>People that say TLJ was the best movie
To be fair these are also the same "fans" that only like the movies for their "strong female lead". That's just how I see it though.
Worse shill ever why don't EA hire better workers.
This guy just fail horrible
Strong female leads are fine when they aren't written poorly. It's not a hard thing to do properly either. I really hate this meme of "it subverted my expectations so it must be good" that normies are buying into. I just hope Abrams realized this and actually has a decent Star Wars script and not Rian Johnson's hack shit that he wrote in crayon.
That's what I'm saying. I feel like many of the people that are supporting strong female leads even though they are poorly written are the ones who are so vocal about it. Star Wars, movies or not, always had really interesting and strong female characters. I don't understand the people who defend the newer stuff. Virtue points?
The thing about how nu-canon works is that since Bane's only canon appearance was in the clone wars show, Bane, in canon, is just some nobody force ghost that Yoda saw on "Moraband." His appearance doesn't make the books canon, just like how if Revan appeared in that cut scene it wouldn't have made kotor canon.
Yeah you are right. But it's what they will do with him that is the concern. They can pretty much make him whatever they want.
They want to avoid pissing off the vocal rabid minority of feminists and men that pretend to be feminists to get laid. It doesn't matter if Rey or Holdo or Rose are good characters or not, they're poorly written characters that just happen to be women and that makes it all ok to them I guess, as long as they get in one "Yass queen" moment all is forgiven by the feminists.
And that is why the era we live in sucks so much. Fortunately it looks like triggered culture is starting to backfire (or at least turn on itself) and we can finally get back to the days of having fun.
Reading the thread there seems to be an unironic shill actually shilling hardcore.
Why come here? We hate you.
Yeah yeah Yea Forums hates video games. Any promotion of a game is shilling. Go away we've seen this before.
Other way around.
>/ourguy/ is in it now
>not voiced by Temuera Morrison like Boss
No thanks.
Sev is dead and seeing him in a Dice made game would be a fate worse than death.
If they were shilling they'd be telling you to go buy it because it's 5$s.
bruh, the shill is using the actual full marketing terms and not really hiding it.
>calls offline "offline instant action" like a literal marketer would do.
The OP post literally asks you if you are going to buy it now by appealing to [thing]. On reddit they probably went with the ewoks angle because of cuteness. Here they do it with the military clones because we see value in them.
You are being marketed to and letting your "its only real if its the worst case most blatant example of shilling" mindset let it happen.
You're really not fitting in.
He's in every goddamn SW thread. Imagine fucking up a franchise so hard you have to pay a loser to market your products to an anonymous underwater backgammon imageboard.
Sev is canonically alive in Clone Wars
That's literally what it is called. Offline instant action. Ok fine we'll just call it "instant action" like in the original battlefront 2.
Triggered culture is on its way out, I think everyone has had their fill of it
I know I'm not. Because I'm not a contrarian. That's why this board has always been terrible. People like you.
what is instant action and why are people excited for it
I can't wait. I really can't wait. I just want to enjoy things again.
Fuck off EA Shill
The dude asked if there was offline instant action and I told him that it is a thing coming to this game, fuck off retard
Guilt tripping isn't going to make people want to play your game.
Shill thread.
>Add in republic commandos
>Don't give them sniper attachment despite it being a key ability in their game
Whos more disappointing 343i or DICE?
Consistent and high quality free DLC and gameplay updates just might, faggot
Star Wars is literally Warhammer paint your own unit but with the clone trooper aesthetic simulator. I hope they finally realize this as Star Wars is NOTHING without clones and droids.
Because they're meant to be stonewall reinforcements in this game, if you want to snipe then play Specialist and save your battle points
He asked if there was an offline mode. You replied with "yes fellow consumer, there is now an offline instant action™ mode just for you!" then instantly got pithy when he said it means nothing until he sees it in game. You took offense somehow. Almost as if your interest was vested.
Okay, buy the game for me if you want me to play it so badly.
I thought they said they didn't want to add commandos, and that's why ARC troopers made the cut.
Like any typical Yea Forums autist you're reading too deep into what I said
Wow cool guy in armor!
They have a good track record of trolling when it comes to future updates, they did the same thing with Droidekas when stuff was leaked months before the announcement. At this point they're putting in just about anything a majority of the community wants
>Oh shit we need some goodwill back, what can we add that will bring more players?
and like any shill that thinks anonymity completely hides who they are you don't realize the content of your post is all we ever have to base anything on.
So, construct your posts with more care in the future shill-kun.
Hell yeah
>He made a thread about a game he likes and wants others to look into
>He must be a shill
ok retard
it's honestly crazy to me that they have added pretty much nothing but clone wars content. and I guess there was some Solo skins or whatever but nobody cared
This. This guy gets it.
>Claims not to be a shill
>Make's a post sucking the game's dick so hard you could put it on the back of the box
What did he mean by this?
What's a game you like? Why do you like it?
There's just so much stuff to pull from when it comes to the Clone Wars era that people will recognize, they pretty much covered everything from the original and sequel trilogies, they'll add stuff for Rise of Skywalker but it will probably be another Finn/Phasma underwhelming update
Have you ever played a game and liked it so much you wanted to tell others about it? Your argument makes no fucking sense my guy
No you don't understand user. It's a game that they don't like. So of course they are gonna be a bitch about it and call OP a shill.
I gotta I’ve Dice credit for sticking with the game and actually adding things to it. I figured they’d just ditch after they removed the loot boxes and move on.
Why is fun a foreign concept to this board
yeah that's a good point, there's only so much OT shit you can add before you're just including random bounty hunters from Jabba's palace or whatever. prequel era had a whole TV show.
>playing and liking EA games
>shilling EA games for FREE
EA basically handed them the keys and dipped, I wouldn't even call it an EA game at this point, it's so drastically different from what it was on release
Because being contrarian makes some people feel smart and important. Oh and the anonymous nature of the site makes them more brave than normal.
sameanon, why wouldn't you just play the objectively better game that came out ten years prior
I don't understand
Because it's outdated, I play it at least once a year and I like the new one better at this point
I play them both. I will never not play the origional BF2. But as time goes by support drops for it and becomes more unstable overtime.
I'm glad other anons can see how openly shilly this thread is.
>Hey guys I'm part of the hivemind too am I cool yet?
There's nothing wrong with liking games, but people get highly suspicious when several posts boil down to "Ya this game used to suck but now it's like way better and has offline™ instant™ action™ and high™ quality™ consistent™ free™ dlc™ and gameplay™ updates™ and they even added republic™ commandos™ remember those guys? Oh and everyone who disagrees with me is an evil contrarian who hates video games don't listen to them, this game is now totally worth your money btw". This happens every fucking thread about modern battlefront and the pattern is easy to recognize.
Speaking of recognizable patterns, you miserable cunts that hate the idea of people having fun with a game are more cancerous than people speaking positively about a game that has a shitty publisher but developers that give a shit about making a good experience for the consumer
>31 unique posters in this thread
Dead shill game.
If we can return to a time when games are games and are fun to play then I'm all for it. This is a step in the right direction.
People generally shrug being a shill off. You have taken it very very personally each time. I hope your handler doesn't monitor your work.
Not only are you so sloppy a passerby noticed but you aren't capable of defusing it and just ignoring it to target the actual people you might still have on the hook.
no you clown. We can just talk about fun and have fun without one party constantly asking if we bought said thing. Fuck off.
I didn't shrug it off because it's just a buzzword you unoriginal fags have for someone that likes a game, and it's not an uncommon thing to ask "so are you going to buy x now that y happened Yea Forums?" I don't think you've been here for very long and just desperately want to fit in or something
If dice gave a shit about making a good experience for the consumer then they wouldn't have released it in the state it was in you fucking idiot. inb4 "b-b-but the publisher made them do it!"
why are you speaking as if Yea Forums is the other while you are actively posting on Yea Forums?
Is it because you aren't here of your own volition and are being recompensed in some manner to be here?
It seems like it. Yea Forums is terrible. All of Yea Forums is. But they are my people and I would never categorize them as "you" anything while I'm in the same fucking thread as them. You sound like you don't frequent this place often or of your own accord. You speak with revulsion.
People who willingly surf and post on Yea Forums know it is a shithole. We don't care. We come here BECAUSE its a shithole. We like this place.
You, you don't talk like you like this place at all.
The publisher actually made them do it though, DICE gives a fuck and would have released a solid game but EA made them rush it out, that's not a very rare thing to happen
this is what got me to pull the trigger, i didnt even care that it was $5
in the first game there was like 1 server in my region after the first month and it was pure garbo
Ah I can see that you don't understand how stuff like that works. That explains a lot.
You know what game I like. Like, really really really like? Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song on PS2. If you've ever seen it brought up on Yea Forums it was me every time, guaran-fucking-tee it.
Guess what? I never ask anons if they've bought it or any of the new Saga remakes. I don't recommend they do so in threads about SaGa games. Because knowing if they bought it or not is moot to the discussion.
rogue one is the only movie in the nu-trilogy that had some cool designs
>We like this place
Thanks for outing yourself as a newfag, nobody goes on Yea Forums because they like it, I've been here for 13 years and I fucking hate this place because of spastics like you, but I look at it every day regardless
Yea Forums is a good board
Im tempted by the $4 sale. Is it worth it?
uhm exsqueeze me.. i'm 22 and saw episode 3 in theaters how am I an boomer? i wasn't born in the 1960's....
It's not that EA was just the publisher. They gobble up other companies. This is nothing new.
You're comparing some esoteric title to a triple A dumpster fire that rebounded into a fun experience, that's not a great argument to be honest
>DICE giving a fuck, ever
Didn't someone high up in DICE literally just quit and tell them they don't know what they are doing and they are focusing on the wrong aspects of games? He specifically sighted them not wanting to make a fun game.
Specifically stated as such and that is why he left.
Fuck off with this DICE cares crap. DICE were the people banning players who used a fucking color correction mod to fix the shitty design choices in their game. They called it fucking cheating. DICE is a zombie company.
Been here since donate or die. I am the oldest oldfag on the site.
Doesn’t matter if they add your favorite heroes and bullshit. The game still plays like shit and that will never change. Maybe they shouldn’t have focused on making it some brainlet cinematic shooter with MOBA abilities and vehicle killstreaks.
I pre-ordered this shit and I still think it was worth it, it just took a while for them to fix all of the major problems with it, it's pretty good now
SaGa games are still coming out you clown. and we have a dedicated board where people talk about SaGa all day every day. I still don't do it there.
>nobody goes on Yea Forums because they like it
I do . Been here for 8-9 years and I enjoy myself all the time in different threads, some of the discussions I've been a part of were pretty interesting and I can say that I've learned a lot.
The dude from Respawn (another property that EA aquired) just left to go work on the new Modern Warfare. It's almost like EA is the problem. It's almost like games thrive the further EA is away from them. Since EA has since shifted their focus away from BF2, the game, unsurprisingly has gotten exponentially better. Weird. It's almost like it's EA the whole time...
this is how you know the other guy IS a shill. They functionally cannot into why we like it here. Since they can't even rationalize it it must be shitposting when someone says they enjoy it.
I don't even see a hurtlocker scenario with shill-kun. Look how insanely confrontational he got when a second person accused him of shillery (meaning it was noticable and the first person wasn't just crazy). The way he is set off you can tell they don't enjoy a moment of being here.
Why would someone who hates being here be here? Because they are being paid to be here.
I fucking loathed what I saw of the Han Solo movie (couldn't even get past the first 15 minutes probably) but it tickled me a bit that the Imperial Army from the old WEG RPG showed up
Disney's modus operandi is to kill the EU then just use all of its elements shamelessly. And everyone loves those moments and still hates all the new canon.
And trust me, Disney knows.
I mean I didn't read those posts but whether he's a shill or not, I was just here to talk about the game
Wait you came into the thread to discuss the game in the OP post? I uh... I don't think that's how it works here. You are supposed to say why the game sucks.
I was just surprised anyone remembered those guys, I mean I'm far from an expert but I feel like the RPG was the only place I ever saw them. like I remember when I was a kid some of my friends, the ones who didn't play the game, didn't believe me that the empire had guys other than stormtroopers. granted I always thought it was a bit doofy and we pretty much always used stormtroopers anyway, but still. was amusing to see them in a movie after 25 years.
>He thinks Yea Forums only ever shits on games
That's a rookie mistake.
But I do want to do that, it's just that since I actually played it I have something to discuss about what I don't like. I did buy it really really cheap a while ago though so I feel no regret whatsoever.
Because zoomers grew up on matchmaking hey it's the only mode of game making the accept. Im surprised they didn't implement an elo/mmr system
I just thought it was badass how they linked the clones 224th to them and then went full circle and came right back to them in the later years. I loved how I used to be able to read a new Star Wars novel and there were just so many exterior references to places and events and I felt so cool because I knew what they were.
That's not even close to what I said. Try harder.
>No Star Wars Force Commander
Fuck you guys I liked it.
Still no real trooper customization? Dropped
>You are supposed to say why the game sucks.
no, that was pretty close to what you said
Is it confirmed for all modes or just fucking Galactic Assault and that endless-bullshit-get-two-wins-to-actually-finish-the-battle-hour-long crapfest?
Jesus, Extraction brought people back to the game when Solo released and then they fucking forgot about it ever since.
So, is the game actually fun yet? I got it in a ps4 bundle a couple years ago but the guns felt kinda shitty to use and a good jedi was basically impossible to kill
I had fun for 3 hours but I'm not a huge fan of the original gamemode and the other ones were dead, at least when I played it.
It's pretty good.
Hero shitters are a lot easier to deal with once you max out your Stinger