Hey neat fireden's Yea Forums is back...kinda

Hey neat fireden's Yea Forums is back...kinda.

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/vg/ is where the real autistic spam to marvel at is

Sweet, I can read the Ace Attorney threads again.

they were just scrubbing CP off the archive, relax

What do you mean kinda?

its in some kind of archive mode where the lastest stuff right now is from the 17th.


I reported some borderline CP to them only a few hours before ti went down

Attached: pedobear_1714073c.jpg (460x288, 15K)

Did anyone catch what that shit actually was?

Huh, that's annoying. When do you think they'll turn it off?

yeah i clicked on it
it was a girl getting a facial, i didn't even realize it was child porn until the other anons started freaking out

watch out user, I got warned for trying to break this news yesterday, this thread might get hotpocketed

was it like obviously young or like late teen? I mean I guess its the fomer if people quickly realize its CP

what why?

Well, can't blame them for not wanting that on their servers.

MUH NOT VIDYA, basically.
>Off-topic; all images and discussion should pertain to video games, their consoles, and video game culture. Don't post off-topic garbage.

I thought boards had the "1 board related thread" allowed psuedo rule.

literal patreon shill threads stay up but threads like this get taken down, the absolute state of Yea Forums
funny cause the only justification they have is that it's vidya girls when that shit would easily just fit into /h/ or /e/

probably early teens
it most likely wasn't rape or forced, just a naive girl being taken advantage of.
hell, my older sister was fucking a drug dealer for weed at 15

>mfw they'll have to archive this post

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>porn acting

Oh this webm?
Didnt know its cp,sorry

Attached: 106430D2-C1B7-41E1-B5A9-38DF94EAE46A.gif (254x26, 684)

ah well that awful. but I've seen worst, I remember som thread about two years ago where in the image data anons showed that if you viewed image info or something it would THEN reveal a hidden image of what was clearly a toddler and oral stuff

shit fucked me up for the rest of that day.

yeah very funny smartass

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Not if it isn't archiving right now.

archives are shit