Quake hampions

quake hampions

Attached: 1527454249441.png (970x546, 446K)

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good meme

well done op fair play fella

Where are the maps, sync?

quack hampions

Attached: Quack Hampions.png (868x587, 557K)

play warfork before all the servers are dead

so f*cking epic!
oh my.... oooh my my my!

Attached: adam 'brainerror' shitpyle.jpg (2785x2337, 1.01M)

Attached: qc.png (509x410, 16K)

Attached: retard.jpg (537x893, 97K)

I just play xonotic and wolf et
thanks for the chuckle

Quake Nomapions

Attached: LUKu1oK.png (292x48, 3K)

Is this a Wonderpets thread?

Attached: 1557364305.png (813x812, 181K)

Elaborate on the malware


Quack Hampeons?

Attached: quack hampeons.jpg (1377x906, 292K)


>posting about something that was removed over a year ago

Allegedly. And it's accurate, the game did ship with malware and only after the community exposed them on it they removed it

this game fucking sucks and so do all the try hards, so cringe

fuck off thinkerror

Quack hampions?

give nyx mommy

Oh well I guess that's why I'm unaware, just got a pc

Anyone have the starting challenge or whatever you call it just frozen on your game? The one to unlock nyx? It's like deal 500 damage and do 3 abilities and it's been like that since I started

hello /arena/ i've missed you
play tl duel with me pls

>mfw /arena/

Attached: tfw no krokodil.jpg (5000x5000, 837K)