>hottest game of the year is about to come out
>except on consoles
>tons of anti classic threads on Yea Forums from seething console kiddies
Kek, basking in the seeth of those who will not be returning home.
>hottest game of the year is about to come out
>except on consoles
>tons of anti classic threads on Yea Forums from seething console kiddies
Kek, basking in the seeth of those who will not be returning home.
Other urls found in this thread:
>nu actibliz sjw shitting already on it
you're not going home.
Can you explain what the fuck those first few words even mean? You sound like a drunk Irishman.
How would WoW classic even run on Console? With so many buttons and hotkeys I dont think it would work... now retail I could see.
Activision blizzard sjw trannies are going to ruin your game.
Prove it
skeleton removed and heavy chat moderation.
Rolling alliance mage here, looking forward to all those good wpvp battles.
I got pwema banned for saying nigger in 2005, and I hear you can get away with more now.
And there's still skeletons in the game. Are you playing the Chinese client?
They didn't remove skeletons, they just prevented one player from making more than one skeleton.
And they haven't said anything about chat moderation either.
What motivation do you have to lie about a video game?
Lets be honest, it’s clearly the FFXIV trannies mad that WoW is back in a defensible state
cuties will roll on whitemane alliance!!
found the chink
>pc mustards shit on "consolefags" for paid online
>pc mustards are excited for actiblizz's paid online
FF14 has a cross hotbar setup for controllers, which gives plenty of space for skill and item use. Something about trigger combinations to cycle through hotbars. Not sure how exactly it works but it's apparently good enough that some pc raiders prefer using controllers too.
Apparently targeting friendlies for heals/buffs is a bit awkward though.
so yeah if the one mmo with even more skill bloat than old wow can handle it, i don't think classic would have a problem
I need some racist character names, please.
Pick any of the Founding Fathers. Every single one of them was a slaveowner.
it's so close I can fucking taste it
could name a troll 'voodooguy' or something haha or a gnome 'shortstuff' lols or maybe a tauren like 'cowboy' or something crazy like that hehe
They renamed The Nicker i believe
i post because i got to 60 on nostralrius for free
I did not enjoy the grind for preraid bis, which are pretty mandatory to get into a raiding guild in the first year
enjoy the SWEATIEST nerds fighting each other and calling each other cucks in discord ad infinitum
Just reserved a black character named Sheit
Im drunk and irish, we are much more coherent then that.
stalaggfags already angry reddit.com
they shouldn't have renamed it but just give people who spam stupid shit in trade chat 30min rez sickness on all characters
>hottest game of the year is a re-release of a 15 year old game
That's a bad thing.
youre problematic
How bad of an idea is a shadow priest nelf for high end pvp/pve(just for gear)?
I just cant bear looking at a dwarf for hundreds of hours.
Orc, undead, or troll rogue? I don't even care about racials, which one of these do you guys think is best aesthetics wise?
I mean if you heal raids your race won't matter you'll still be in demand
Female undead rogue has flippy animations
I like orc male as any class. Undead female is pretty great for the flips.
troll male
female undead
orc male
in that order
clover club is getting the same treatment on grobbulus
pack up guys, game is ruined because you can't call people niggers and spell MAGA with your dead body
Data from some recent poll showed that dworf priest is going to be one of the most popular combo so it's not like the demand for them is gonna be that high.
Yeah, I like healing so I don't mind that. I'm just scared I wont get any raid spots, and I don't want to be blocked out just because of my race.
This shit will be dead in a month when the nostalgia wears off
spoken like a true child
Human is significantly better if you can't stand Dwarf
chinese/etc spam should be ban on sight.
Their proportions are utterly retarded though.
The faces too... you'd think making humans would be dead easy but blizzard couldn't do it.
That's why I do undead
wrangling 40 retards is hard enough without kicking healers
nah I'm just sick of retards trying to be edgy and cute
What do I do until launch, bros?
I'm tired of watching classic tutorials.
>none of my friends are going to play classic
guess I will make new friends in game
I hope
The reason it'll ''die'' is because of streamers. People who always played private servers will play it forever no matter what happens, but once the next hot thing comes out, most streamers will make the switch and that'll drive away zoomers and people will start saying it's dead. And that's a good thing, obviously.
To be honest I can't even see it being popular between streamers, no matter how much people watch it for their personality, literally none of these adhd kids want to watch a neckbeard kill 30 mobs over and over again
TLDR it won't die, because it's not supposed to be popular, a small audience is getting the game they always asked for and normies are just tagging along
If there's any duty you have to fulfill during that time,do it now to minimize downtime.
>roomate is gonna pay for my sub
sissies are in high demand in MMOs
We are going to enjoy classic and there's nothing (you) can do about it
Watchu doing for him to do that, slut?
God I wish I had a trap roommate.
I forget what patch they originally did that in
I'm a NEET.
im going to pug BRD at level 50 and do the entire instance in one go and its going to take all day
Unironically based and red pilled
Reminder 1% or less of posters in these threads actually played when 1.12 was live content
And that's fine, home is for everyone to enjoy.
How is it home if you never played it before.
It just is. Leave the petty arguments for the anti-home fags, we are all one community.
Just saying it's going to be hard work teaching these new ones about the game when they're all familiar with retail
It's one of the reasons I'm holding off on tanking, but then I think if I know what I know then I kinda have some sort of duty right
g on a PvP server
>In the current year
If you aren't in the biggest guild of the server you are retarded. PvP server are just ganking server for the biggest guilds.
Classic pvp is simply zerging where the zerg with the most mages wins. That's the reason why classic pvp server are just retarded.
If you are a real vanilla player and you know the mechanics of classic you will only play pve. All those streamer who play on PvP have never even played vanilla. At best they are BC babies or they admit that Legion was their first wow expansion.
I don't get what people expect in WORLD pvp? Do you think there is some magic there to make pvp fun? If you like getting ganked then sure, but do you really think that level 60 player who are in a 5 man group and ganking level 48-55 player 5v1 is fun? Do you think "guild pvp" which is simply just mages running into each others zerg and the winner is the guild with more mages is fun?
I don't get what people like about PvP servers. I played vanilla wow and the only good memories of pvp serve is the time I saw someone from the other faction and we parted ways without attacking each other. Everything else was just shit tier ganking (which was pretty much non existent, now you have nu-wow where all those cucks think "if it's red I attack").
The Gurubashi arena is the best example of why PvE server are the best. You want that chest? Here is your PvP. It is fair, you can decide if you want to risk it, you can plan, and most importantly pvp has a meaning with a reward. But nu-pvp server retards won't understand this anyway.
Reminder that PvP servers are for underage, neets, and streamers. People with an actual life and career outside of video games, mostly adults, will be rolling on PVE servers.
you mean the people posting wojacks right
who else gonna play Female Tauren Hunter here?
Name a Hunter Thirteenpercent and your pet Fiftypercent.
I unironically enjoy retail more.
someone got rogue'd a little too much
Everyone talks about the Gurubashi Arena but real chads fought in the Dire Maul arena
o no
An orc.
It's high level intellect joke.
only thing true in your post is the mage zergs and nu wow red=dead players
It doesnt really seem feasible. I guess you could hold a trigger button and spawn a Wheel, to choose actions with on a right joy stick... It just seems tedious. But doable in that respect I guess.
I'm rolling on PvE because I enjoy it. Better community and a lower risk of mafia and tryhard gank squaddies. Enjoy spending 1-2 hours getting buffs for your raid only to lose it in wPvP.
Like this post said
>People with an actual life and career outside of video games, mostly adults
I can't spare the time for a PvP server at the moment, maybe later.
just like all those dead private servers for the last 15 years
>I don't get what people like about PvP servers. I played vanilla wow and the only good memories of pvp serve is the time I saw someone from the other faction and we parted ways without attacking each other.
This game was never for you
Go back to retail
don't say that how will I keep playing bfa if everyone leaves for classic
>no class balancing = half the specs are useless and everyone is rolling warrior
>pandering to streamfag zoomers
I was hype but now all I can do is cringe
>no class balancing
Most specs are viable retailcuck
Even some vanilla servers atm have a more alive world than bfa lmao
Friendly reminder that the community will be nothing like how you remember it as a kid, and even if it was, you're too old to have that sense of childlike enjoyment that you had 15 years ago.
I really don't say this to be mean, I say this so you have realistic expectations. I really hope you have fun nonetheless.
What a pussy. PvP is not slowing you or anyone down that much. Buff inside your instance.
>Buff inside your instance.
he means world buffs baka
>complain about streamfag zoomers
>link wowhead guides
Holy fucking shit you went full retard
Except not even remotely? And I haven't touched retail since WotLK so kys
pocket rogue
>the hottest game of 2019 is a re-release from 2004
the ABSOLUTE state of the video game industry
It's already Classic+ idiot, there's tons of changes, just not the changes 1.12 needed
sorry are you rolling moonkin? ele? enh?
this, it's fucking depressing. yeah im pumped i'll play this but if there were actual good games right now to be excited for, i probably wouldn't even bother with classic
yes the industry has been in decline for over a decade, how new are you
Balance Druid, Ret and Prot Pally and Enhance Shaman are the only bad specs. And they can be okay in PvP.
Druids will have 1 feral and 1 boomkin for the auras.
Paladins will have 1 Ret because its a friend.
Priests will have 1 shadow to help the warlocks damage.
Shamans will gear up an Enhancement with Sulfuras Hammer just for the memories of Unbreakable.
>like what
>s-skeleton less
Classichads ignore all negativity, it doesn't matter if the community has changed.
This game will still be the best mmo experience you can get at the moment. Enjoy your adventure, as it will overshadow all the cons.
If you're a retarded homefag I guess this is the only game you have to look forward to, yeah. Meanwhile, everyone else has been playing other games all year so far.
is battle for azeroth any good?
Elemental shaman is the best solo PvP spec in the game and also very strong in group PvP. The fact that you could only name a few is telling.
Undead Warlock.
I intend to cast Fear. And die eventually probably.
no lol
Who are you quoting? Do you have the brain capacity to google classic wow changelog?
Hey bros are we forming a guild on Bigglesworth? My wife and her boyfriend agreed we could all roll there and I would like to play with other like minded people. I started playing in MoP though so you guys will have to show me the ropes! I can't wait to see my friends on Bigglesworth-horde!
>And they can be okay in PvP.
*gets kicked from every raid and guild*
Shaman has slow heals for little health and costs a lot of mana. Good luck keeping your group alive casting Ele spells, and healing.
can't raid = can't gear
obviously dungeons and pvp you can do w/e
ret, prot pally, feral, shadow, ass, BM, surv all also dire af
I wouldn't doubt Blizzard offering WoW when ps5/scarlett offer mkb compatibility
I could play classic with my dick the content is so braindead
who else here going alliance on a pvp server?
it's shit compared to mouse/KB though.
if you go by announced comments it feels like 10 to 1 alliance to horde.
World buffs (Ony head buff / ZG buff / Warchief's Blessing / Dire Maul buffs).
At any rate I'm going to tank my way from 14-60 because I find it fun.
I started playing WoW when I received my FilePlanet open beta key in 2004.
I want to "go home" as much as anyone else, but the realist in me knows that this isn't going to succeed. I'm not 20 years old anymore, and anyone who is has no frame-of-reference to help make Azeroth great again.
Online gaming has entered a new bullshit area where instant gratification, streaming, accessibility, and inclusion compromise authenticity, investment, and appreciation. No matter how hard everyone works at this throwback, the cancer is going seep in and rot the experience from the inside-out.
I wish I was wrong, but I know I am right. This is going to be a compromised, hollow, distasteful experience that will undermine my cherished appreciation for classic.
Part of growing up means letting go, and I'm just not willing to take a stroll down memory lane when I know the new neighbors living there willing shit and piss all over the street.
Youd easily die in PvP. Theres so many utilities in spells, ranks, trinkets, potions, engineering items... good luck.
not him
>Good luck keeping your group alive casting Ele spells, and healing.
roflmao you are fucking bad and have 0 idea how the stuff works
hopefully ur rolling alliance on same server so i can delete your ass
I've raided with plenty of shaman that are 30/0/21 and they do great. Chain heal is the best healing spell in the game.
Feral druid is the highest threat tank and can do just fine as OT. They're the best Patchwerk tanks by far. As DPS they're mediocre, but over the best ten years people have made them work on private servers with things like Crowd Pummeler, and their aura is pretty great.
Every raid should have a shadow priest to pump their warlock's dps.
Survival hunters do more damage than marks hunters if someone else is providing TSA.
The other specs are PvP specs, which is just fine. Especially BM and assassination.
>Wanna know how i know you never played vanilla?
World of Warcaft is the ultimate cĂ¼mbrain game. Prove me wrong.
>literally one (1) viable tank class
>giving money to blizzard
Feral druids are fine, you're just retarded.
pvp is just a optional minigame tho
Who /incendius/ here?
Fuck queues and fuck megareddit servers
Sorry, but I played the crap out of old WoW 10 years don't trust post-merger Blizzard one bit. If you can genuinely bring yourself to be excited for it I'm not sure whether to feel envy or pity towards you.
I'm torn between Warlock and Rogue. On one hand, locks have it pretty easy on leveling and a free mount at 40, on the other hand I want to a lot of world PvP and rogue is just too good for that. Thoughts? Also horde or Alliance?
Then it is a fair fight brother. The Light is with the alliance.
>skeleton removed
Skeletons are still in the game, only your latest one shows up.
>Heavy chat moderation
Literally stop being such a fucking sperg and dont say nigger in game it's not that hard.
Shamans arent shit. I can outlast a Shaman any day as a Paladin. Got 3 bubbles, blessing of freedom, free action potions. You arent shit when your mana is zero. Got multiple stuns, and 35% or lower? Taste that freedom hammer later scrub.
You don't need a shadow priest for a raid, just take a priest with a 0/31/20 healing spec with shadow weaving so they can keep up the debuff in-between heals
horde is 10 times stronger than alliance what?
Nobody is actually excited for it. Only true vanilla boomers are feeling true nostalgia, NEETs and homefags are just desperate to get their $15 dopamine addiction fix, hence why you see so many threads for it.
Rogues also get a free mount, at least technically, if you pickpocket everything whilst levelling
You should try this against ele shamans on live
Clover Club is recruiting on grob
because the game was immensly fun ya dumbass. what, you think it was just a fluke that it became such a huge thing?
I'm gonna play a Paladin, what's the best race? I've heard Tauren is really good with their stun?
It's a fair fight because 10 hordelets=1ALLIANCECHAD
literal fucking retard
Nah man you should go draenai
Why the fuck didn't they release this in July?
Now I'll never make 60 at a decent rate.
let me guess, you played a funserver where there are ele shamans with donated end of dreams and think they will get close to that gear on retail
But you didn't play it
You can't just turn up to somewhere you've never been and call it home like there's warm apple pie on the sill for you
That's what I thought. OP seems a bit falseflaggy to me but it's really hard to tell.
>I can outlast a Shaman any day as a Paladin.
fuck off kiddo this isnt the game for you
why do we hate him again?
Literally the sickest fucking shit, damn
male undead warrior,
or male troll shaman?
Damn useful in dungeon speed clears.
Shit in raids.
Guess which is more important.
Purge baby, purge and eat my grounding totem.
Does anyone know the name of SwoleBenji's old big 200,000 subscriber youtube accounts that got hacked?
guy with more gear wins sick pvp
not an argument
Which doesn't do shit since you have no block and no parry and you have to be spamhealed like a bitch. There's a reason you guys only get to off-tank MAYBE. Put that healing robe back on bitch
>Guess which is more important.
Dungeons since you do them more often + you need to run a lot of new raiders thru them to get their pre bis
absolutely based
I'd go troll shaman, seems like everyone and their mom is going warrior
>mt in naxx fights isn't important
ok retard
>guy with more gear wins sick pvp
there are pvp videos of naked characters murdering people I think you might be shit
>Consoles require you to pay monthly to use the multiplayer, in any game you buy, subscription required or not.
>PC requires you to pay monthly in subscription based games only, and not because the platform is forcing you to, but because the specific game is forcing you to.
You are retarded.
>guy with more gear wins sick pvp
like in any mmo
You will vastly outnumber the horde. You won't even have much fun because your victories will be shallow, and one good rogue wont be worth sending your whole clan at. You'll be angrier than you have reason to be and won't have as much glory as you need.
They have a high amount of dodge as well
Even if they get crit for 5000 by a boss, that 82.8% reduction is only doing roughly 900
That's what, like a single FoL crit or one priest heal rank 2 / 3? Jesus that's high armor
>can't block
>can't parry
>shit threat
>shit rage
You won't be MTing anything in a sane guild, maybe in your mentally ill tranny guild on whitemane
you're right, but there's no need to argue when you clearly know nothing about vanilla
>more gear = win
>laughs in naked rogue and rekadin
Uh no. I'm very low on this game, despite PC being my only platform.
Feral druid has more threat than a Thunderfury warrior
Just stop and learn you fucking mong.
>someone shitposted Classic threads with actual FFXIV forum posts
Jesus MMO players really do accept the bare minimum don't they?
You can actually outskill people with better gear in vanilla, there was a lot of wacky shit you could do, haven't you watched the old vanilla pvp videos?
>furfag class coping this hard to try and convince people to bring them to raids
He's a dumbass in many regards but in this he's totally right.
There is one feral druid in my raid, and that druid isn't me.
>from console kiddies
I'm 99% pc gamer and think classic is just a creative standstill from blizz and they want to attract more payers for those monthly subs.
I played 5 years on a blizzlike vanilla, dont get me wrong, I enjoyed it, but it has major issues regarding balance between races and classes.
>Play with skilled players
>Learn knowledge
>Share this with new meat for classic
>They instead regurgitate shite player myths from 15 years ago
He's too neckbeard for nu/v/.
>not wanting a cash shop
>not wanting to support the devs
I knew you WoWfags were an ungrateful lot
>he thinks the Alliance will outnumber horde
Are you legitimately retarded?
What if I primarily use a PC but don't like games that feel like turning a handle with nothing on the other end?
Did Nost ever have PUG raids form? I don't think i'll have the time or will to join a raiding guild and have a consistent raiding schedule.
Paladins are just too op chump.
Say goodbye Yea Forums!
Yes, and Classic has a good chance at being easier than private servers. MC in particular is very easy.
They're only shit in that they can't main tank a couple fights and they don't really get any raid gear until BWL
People take Warriors because they can handle literally everything, not because everything else is shit in all situations
Fuck you neet faggot
This guy has a good point
Ok well that's good. Though I have another hurdle in that I intend to be a Spriest but I'll probably be too poor to afford respecing between Shadow for pvp and holy/disc for pve.
What are you guys playing while waiting? I literally can't focus on any other game or form of entertainment, it seems useless. And I fucking hate this feeling. I hate WoW for ruining my gaming experiences, I can't even remember the last time I sat through a game for 30 minutes straight.
>>shit threat
>>shit rage
You poor summer child
>forums dont even let you thumbs down posts anymore
VR memes
General autism
Based retailchad making nostalgiafags seethe
Every raid wants 1 spriest
I'm in the same boat, the anticipation is fucking killing me
WWWWWWWWOOOOOOOWWWWWW I can't be a fucking racist bigoted sexist prick piece of shit how horrible! It's almost like most people aren't pieces of shit! Wow!
got around to watching evangelion with my room mate, gonna move on to TTGL after we finish up.
just do anything other than watching/reading about wow.
>Every raid wants 1 spriest
only in later phases
This cope is honestly the worse
Why were people downvoting him? He was pointing out all the good things.
I mean I like playing a DK, but I'm bored of retail for now. Realm transfers are a thing in classic anyways.
>friends wanna roll on the streamer server
we gonna roll alliance to help balance out the factions
WAIT Asmon hates transmog? Holy shit, that's the most based thing ever. It ruined WoW for me
How did WoW fuck you that hard?
you really don't need to block or parry with a mountain of health and super high armor mit
>shit threat
pic related
>shit rage
your job as a tank isn't solely to soak damage, it's to balance damage soaking with TPS output so your raid can maximize DPS uptime and shorten boss fight time. the shorter the fight, the less damage you end up taking. druid tanks are super easy to gear and keep pace with warriors even into naxx. dps wise, cat druids can top meters up to the end of BWL via abusing powershifting/shred spam coupled with crowd pummelers
warlocks farm shards, druids farm pummelers
I actually played retail Classic. You didnt.
I'll miss draenei and blood elf females.
Fuck DH and monk and DK though seeya forever
Doesn't asmongoloid hold fucking transmog and mount competitions?
tldr lol
>seeing friends unironically rolling on herod and faerlina
>warlocks farm shards, druids farm pummelers
quake live, FULL GABA(a+bz+generalized) activation euphoria(gabapentin, valium, klonopin, ambien) while i allow my adderall to stack up
in a dreamlike state 24/7 untill classic release, then it will be nothing but trance music. but now? buperenorphine along with whats listed above
5 more days boys
do they like standing in lines or something?
hope you're rolling on the good server
pic related
it could be fun to just be a bystander of the fanboy wars and chaos.
Purging, eats your mana quickly. Stop acting like Shamans have a respectable mana pool. Slow heals for large amounts of mana for a low gain as well.
Shaman are ez wins for Paladins. Especially when LoH is up. Its a wrap.
>so much FERAL IS GUD
we dont hate him personally just his fanbase and also because hes a streamer
On the one hand, I want to piss of streamercucks as much as possible. Especially sodapoppin, the little faggot. On the other hand, I want to be able to play without waiting in q for an hour+. youtube.com
I have a character on there but I'll probably start on Stalagg
Yeah, because there's 0% chance it will ever be removed from retail so what's the point in resisting it.
It's fucking scary
I mean I wish it was, my first was druid
But it's basically ret tier
essentially playing a feral druid is like playing a warrior without all the crippling gear issues associated with it or the painful leveling process
gotta earn that bread and butter somehow
>Playing with a bunch of incels who paid 15$ for a name and a login screen
>Not playing on Indendius/Bigglesworth with release day chads who didn't waste their money who don't need to reserve their creative names and get to play queuefree
And you're healing in raids
man imagine wanting to farm these fucking things
deal breaker even if it did save them
Fresh level 60 in leveling gear feral = lmao free kill
ZG/MC feral = fuck fuck fuck
So why actively use and seemingly enjoy it enough to hold competitions for it, only to act like you actually hate it?
>pick rppvp
>no twitch emojis in trade
The zoomer repellent
Even with naxx level gear ferals are meh tier.
I can one up you there
>Not skipping classic because it's $15 a month just to play a 15 year old game
lol they peak with half blue gear. i like when they blow 2 pots and a grenade and still die to me
you're retarded and trying to cope
soulless: picking an overplayed class
soul: picking an underplayed class
soul MAX: picking what you want to be regardless of pop
Based. Going to either run a gnome warlock or greenboi warlock.
male human rogue
>still bad at the game after this many years
any good shaman will roflstomp your shitty warrior wannabe with no charge nor damage
>you're retarded and trying to buzzword
Oh god you're having too edit
You're fucking smoking out your ears right now huh
soul overdrive
dont give a crap since already played all classes on privates
And any good Paladin will just bubblehearth after /spit on you.
that's just soul MAX though?
the paladin doesnt need much mana to do damage unlike the sham. yeh a geared ele sham is tough but most will be weak oom burnouts
male night elf priest
warcraft 3
>pserverfag is dumb
surprise surprise
night elf hunter named xxlegolasx or some variation of
NElf warrior reporting in
crusader kangz
You're so fucking mad it's insane
absolute mad man
That subtle off purple tone
That bold eye color
That power stance
Oh my god it even rides a tiger
He's said repeatedly he doesn't hate it, but that it shouldn't be in the game, and since it's not ever going to go away, he might as well enjoy it.
My brother is gonna be one white-man and my sister on myzrael
I'm going to make character on both
You are seriously remembering a Shamans mana pool and high cost attacks poorly for 1v1 PvP against a Plate cheap resource cost Healer. The fight is unfair honestly. Shaman mana pool shouldnt be that low, nor should their high cast time heals, cost so much and heal so little. Its a terrible match up. Both going full cooldowns, Paladin will win.
Aren't we done we've had our shitpost at each other post other things
We're not done until I say we are, bitch
Shiiiet this is like a druid duel
You're pathetic
I'm gonna be playing with my mom, bro and his wife who has never played.. there's no way they are gonna be as dedicated to leveling as I am... Should I make a 2nd char? Leveling two at once feels like it'll kill a lot of the fun but I don't wanna suffer going at their place. Plus they will probably quit way before I do.. oh the horrors of playing with family....
Any /TAZ'DINGO/s in here?
Are you smoking weed during lauch week, is so, what kind?
I have some black widow, gelato, and a bit of hash ready for next week.
Sounds comfy, in the delusional drugged up NEET kind of way.
You're merely adequate
stop breathing
Two is absolutely the way, keeps you right at their level and you can farm gold while mr family man stays with the pack
how did you know I was breathing?
My guild decided to go with Skeram, I'm happy I'm going to actually be able to play the game
Who's forcing you to play with your family? It sounds like you don't want to but whatever.
troll sham reporting in
lately been more into indica than ever before
>Can you explain what the fuck those first few words even mean?
They're bait to get cultural marxist shill bots to reply with "I cannot parse those words sir" copypasta.
This is the pure cancer that destroyed WoW. But it's not enough, these faggots have to try and destroy classic as well because they see fun.
I'm gonna be on your sister
who are you quoting?
Ion Fury
I don't get it
Decent people don't let their communities get taken over by parasites :-)
Must be some kinda hip meme this
go back to your home on reddit
How do I terrorize low-level zones without getting banned?
My heart says troll rogue as it's what I used to main but facts and science says orc so.
Got some shit hash, it was cheap it was like 13g for about $55. Not really a fan of it but it smells like chocolate.
World PvP deters all the entitled people who think they deserve to have an uninterrupted play experience merely for buying the game.
World PvP deters the salty people who'd rather temper tantrum than think of a creative way out of the PvP situation that they're currently in.
True, getting ganked isn't fun. But gankers are the chemotherapy that cures the cancer of salty entitled scrubs.
If you play on a PvP server, you won't have as many of those butthurt crybabies who use "I only have x hours a week to play" as an excuse for why they should get their way.
oh man reddit is great for news and guides
don't play on corrupt chink servers
They weren't as terrifying as i remember when i went to DM
then again, i was 20 and had the best greens/blues i could get my hands on
Level a warlock to 60
Unleash Doomguards, Infernals, and Enslaved FelGuards (Winterspring) into OPPOSITE FACTION lowbie areas. As long as you grief people of the opposite faction in this manner, Blizz can't touch you.
Same faction griefing in this way is against game rules afaik (but letting your demon 'accidentally' loose one time isn't bannable)
Who else is rolling RPVP?
Got my name reserved and everything.
i play on pve realms but this is embarrassing. who fucking cares what realm people play. RPPVP>PVP
Darkest dungeon and AoEII
im a wreck, going to the supermarket tomorrow to stock up on supplies
Hahaha what a faggot
>pctards think classic isnt coming to console
It only hasn't been announced because the current playerbase would riot. Blizzard is getting them hooked again before dropping that bomb at blizzcon
Finally getting around to playing Danganronpa V3 and the Dark Souls 3 DLC.
Its aight.
Literally no one gives a shit what PVE server carebears think
Your opinion is worthless
i remember i was fucking shit got ganked, killed and gangbanged by anyone
yes i cried and asked for help almost anytime but never surrender to my way to max level
then after a while at max lvl i had my revenge and owned all the same faggots fair and square. World pvp makes u a man.
>the same druids can tank argument from 3 months ago is going on again
druids are bad at everything but motw gets them in the raid
>but if there were actual good games right now to be excited for
>Most specs are viable retailcuck
Want to know how I know you were too young to play classic wow?
It was renamed in patch 2.3.2. That's all the way back in early BC
all is bad
>motw gets them in the raid
And innervate, faerie fire and healing spells
You know how to spot the anti classic fags or retailcucks? They talk non stop about"CHANGES" and "viable" specs. Complaining non stop. You don't get it faggots. Its not all dps, or balance, or the few changes. You will never get it and that's fine. Stay where you are, because classic is not for brainwashed people like you
Mi casa es su casa
t. mage/rogue/warrior
I didn't play vanilla but all i can say is that this is the kind of shit someone could say about any pvp game today. It literally just sounds like you got your ass blasted by too many mages and so your complaint became what you posted. It's not unique to wow, it's a tale as old as video games. Just git gud
Wow I actually agree with this faggot.
Addons are as OP automated broken as they were back then, even Blizzard outright states it.
They confirm the AV will be 1.12 one.
They confirm they will not do anything for the cooperation ahn'qiraj event
#NoChanges am i right guys?
I said this over 15 years ago and I'll say it now
>paying a subscription fee for a single game
Not to fussed by any of these
No one listened then either huh
In a way, I'm glad OSRS is being ruined by polls that all that braindead normies vote in. Because at least braindead normies ruin the game at a slightly slower pace than autistic NEET manchildren who shitpost on forums 24/7
But it's $15 for two games, and if subscription fees allow them to keep the servers up, then so be it. Go be a poorfag somewhere else.
Of course no one enjoys it but you need to do it for gear to pvp in
Yeah man unlike retail where all the top globally ranked content runners have warr/monk tanks and full rogue dps, yep that's what i call balance
In hindsight you realize all the good shit they burned out of classic got removed for balance that blizz to this day still hasn't achieved and literally never will be able to
I earn enough to pay for a month of play time in less than half of an hour
Is it the hottest game of the year if it's only going to be played by 90% of its population for the first month? Gamers have been indoctrinated into baby, easy shit for years now. Most people won't survive 2 weeks on this thing.
>they need $15 from everyone to run the servers of a 15 year old game
I'm sorry you let motherfucking wowhead of apl places define entire metas for you brainlet
>literally the first thing that got voted in was the GE
very true
it's why low server count and layering is a thing despite the immense build up hype
it means blizzard gets to avoid
-closing down low pop servers which leads to damaging games journalist headlines spooking shareholders
-merging emptied servers into soulless groups like they had to with retail to avoid the above
They use sub fees to keep retail and classic up, you mongoloid. Not to mention they need to pay their employees.
The $15 is to keep the poorfags out.
Good. Keep the poorfags out. Wow isn’t for your kind, go play some f2p trash so I don’t have to look at you
yeah and I'm fine paying it, I'm just aware I'm being jewed by actiblizz
>just want to go into Classic so I can fix up my addons and ui before playing but don't want to do the paid name reservations just to do that
God could you imagine poorfags stinking up the servers? I shudder at the thought.
You can literally merc people naked as a rogue if you know what you're doing don't be a faggot
Troll master race
Fleshbags have no power over me.
Gnomish women on the other hand ... I may be vulnerable to.
Best rogue build for leveling and ganking bros?
>give streamers beta access
>complain that all players are reserving characters on non-streamer servers causing high pop/long queues
We all knew Blizzard were idiots for the decisions they made over the past 13 years but they continue to surprise
>complains about it
>still pays for it
Even jannies are more respectable than you.
They don't in gif form but if she was in your room right now you'd be sweating bullets
>Im gonna play paladin
>I hears tauren are good
Exde. Only alliance gets paladins my zoomie friend
Just look at private servers.
Yeah Rogues are fucked if the players is competent. Good thing a lot of them aren't.
>pays for it
>is happy about it
Is it like a masochistic thing?
What I wont do is pay subscription for no games. Just for a console to go online.
I'm happy to do it for an mmo though
>No block
>No parry
>Can't hold threat for shit
Beeg armor is cool but it means jack shit. Even warlocks and shamans are better tanks because at least they get threat generators
lol ok "asexual"
That said, if there were a Gnomish woman in my room right now I'd be sweating bullets.
Not the 3d though, prostitution is legal where I live and you can order a prostitute over the internet.
I only tried it once to see what it was like and honestly it was overrated as heck. It was like jacking off with an onahole that weighs 60 kilograms and overheats whatever part of you it touches.
I bet a gnomish woman would have far fewer of these flaws.
Hey dumbass. I clearly have a sex drive. It's just not pointed at fleshbags.
Without buzzwords what is wrong with transmog?
You don't need to be happy to pay for a service. There is however something wrong with disliking it yet still paying for it.
Is everyone really rolling warrior? I hate being within the main trend of things, but I played a warrior from vanilla to legion before I stopped playing
Will this have lower system reqs than BFA?
>boss is targeting a warrior
>It's just not pointed at fleshbags.
what? lmao
It prevents you from sorting people easily based on their appearance.
What? is screenshot hard?
>Hey dumbass. I clearly have a sex drive. It's just not pointed at fleshbags.
How convenient
Clowns is the horde /vg/ guild on Grobbulus
We're open to any and all who browse /vg/. We plan on weekly raiding, PvP, and world PvP. New to classic? Come and chill while you level up. Played in vanilla? Perfect, we need people with raiding experience. If you are a GDQ streamer or a FFXIV player, fuck off.
No trannies
It'll probably be the most played class.
Stupid fleshbrain cannot comprehend how inferior his meatwife is compared to a polygonal wife.
Aw, at first I thought this was Elizabeth Bioshock and it's not.
imagine actually unironically playing with autistic cancer from /vg/
>no trannies
>There is however something wrong with disliking it yet still paying for it.
Uh why?
It just means the desire to acquire the product outweighs the disgust at the product being overpriced
No one stops and goes home because a road toll is high
we kick em out
Ret Paladin is 100% viable
but only if they're using [Nightfall]
I love DK but retail is so bad now. No cool spells like Ritual of Doom, no resistances, all weapons are fucking stat-sticks now, professions are fucking useless. I love the idea that a single item could potentially change the way you play your class entirely, i love the weird flavor abilities and the creative strats that come out of them, that's all fucking gone now
>You don't need to be happy to pay for a service.
How would you like to be a Marketing representative for Activision? You'd be perfect for designing new slogans and mottos!
youre going to kick out your entire guild?
that's not classic though it's clickbait shit you can tell by the dwarf models and animations.. you could tell if you weren't a dumb zoomer
Fuck off HK.
>15 years old
Is objectively not an argument
>used to play WoW and Runescape simultaneously
>was a huge loner no-life loser
>currently have a fiance, job, car, my own place, and a degree
>my WoW/RS days are still the most enjoyable and memorable days of my life
I love my fiance....but I really do wish I had a time machine. Relationships and living a successful life is absolutely overrated....
You could talk to your Fiance and tell him/her you'd like to go hard on WoW.
He/she might say no or bring up your vows / obligations as a fiance, but it doesn't hurt to ask.
Only if you pay me huge neetbux for minimum effort bucko.
I would say probably not lower requirements, but it should run smoother on lower end hardware
its going to work with classic unless blizzard bans it
Id be mad as well, Grizzly is shit.
Get them to play with you desu
Ask your fiance to play with you
You can actually run the game on a toaster why the fuck would it need a console release. I'm not even opposed to it, it would just be so redundant
I've been obsessed with the game Rust for the past year and just recently quit. She continuously raged at me for always playing that game. No way in hell she'll let me get wrapped up in WoW...
Who else /nofriends/ here?
>Had no job, no friends and no future when I started in TBC.
>Still have no job, no friends and no future.
I'm honestly most excited about having a chance to make friends, but I feel like it's gonna be challenging.
I'm gonna be a bro prot warrior, always do dungeons even if I don't need any of the gear, help tank stuff for squishies on group quests and just be as nice as possible in the hope that I can build a good reputation.
they've already made a stance that they will be strict with addons.. anything that automates gameplay won't be allowed.. if it autojoins people thats automated.. so it won't be allowed
I want to like Rust but it takes me about an hour for all the eurojank assets to load in, only to be griefed. I much prefer Conan Exiles.
Okay so why do druids who will be shapeshifted and rogues who will be invisible get to be the exception
Thanks buds, I think my piece of trash will actually run it okay.
You literally just don't have to be a massive fag or a cunt and you can easily make friends. I believe you can do it bro. Believe in the me that believes in you, because we're all gonna make it brah.
You must have some third-world tier internet connection bud. Anyway, it takes at least 100-200 hours to fully get the hang of Rust. Even then, if you aren't teamed with people or on a solo server then you're definitely gonna get fucked over by other players.
Rust is fucking terrible now because of Oil Rig
2-3 guys will just get compound bows and take a boat to the oil rig, kill the scientists, take all their shit and take all the boxes and they've got end-game gear in 1 hour and enough scrap to build a tier 3 workbench
XP was unironically the best system Rust has ever had, but instead of fixing the problems that came with its first iteration they just fucking scrapped it without even TRYING to fix it
Not even bro. Server was modded, but for normal servers it still took like 25-30 mins. I can get onto even a modded Conan server in 3 mins top, and you can play the game decently successfully alone.
Looks like it's a chat parser. The other players still have to whisper you before they can be invited. Addon just invites them for you. It doesn't automatically group random people at all, if they don't whisper you for an invite it doesn't do anything.
And this is one of the reasons I quit. That and the fact that minicopters and rideable horses completely ruined the game as well.
Invest in an SSD
Melee trolls are peak aesthetic and truly underrated.
>b-b-b-but muh racials
Silence tranny.
Still can't make a solid decision on what class counters Rogue the hardest.
It's going to affect what class I choose because Rogues tilt me the hardest.
Anons in earlier threads suggested Frost Mage with Engineering, any thoughts?
Also remember to be polite and fun in voice chat. And NEVER shittalk about anyone. Not to their face or behind their back. You'll always get caught.
And the last tip is to attend social irl meeting whenever you get a chance.
You can do it mate.
I miss the Vanilla times when random people I didn't know came to shake my hand in the street cause they had heard about me in WoW. If only streaming had been a thing back then I might gave been semi succesful.
The fuck were you playing on, a Discord server?
Engineering is only really good on mages for the reflectors and the iron grenade i think it was. You wont get as much out of it as a melee class will
Why would you join a modded server in the first place? Vanilla servers are the only ones that are worthwhile.
Could go warlock, fear spam the cunts unless he's a bitchboy UD.
Horses are fine IMO
Minicopters are shit but could be okay-ish if they were much more expensive to run and much more fragile (making them more risky to use; fast travel but easy to die while using if someone hits your vehicle a few times)
Facepunch have no fucking idea how to balance their game
Experimenting is almost always not worth it, especially on tier 1 workbenches
I could go on for hours but this isn't a Rust thread
>Still can't make a solid decision on what class counters Rogue the hardest.
Prot Warrior, maybe MAYBE SL/SL lock (I forget if that was around at this point in time). No one else even has a chance. And yes take engineering.
I wonder if is going to come back. They're local boys and fellow alumni, I always wondered what happened to them after Leroy Jenkins got big
Friends are shit, just go solo.
My thoughts initially, but I'm rolling horde which makes this decision much more tough.
I would go with orc warriors engineer.
Mage is good as well.
mage or hunter
by parasites you mean sjws and discord trannies right?
I actually have literally no friends or acquaintances, online or off. On the rare occasion I do speak up I usually just get ignored and feel worse than if I'd never tried at all. I'm pretty set on playing warrior and have accepted I'll have to tank 5-mans though. Maybe I'll actually talk to people beyond the bare minimum required, more likely I'll just NEET to 60, be unable to find a guild and quit though.
rogue who knows what hes doing can beat reck pala. and they can just run and the pala cant do shit
As a rogue, I hated going up against mages and hunters the most.
Warlocks, especially with felhunters (paranoia), are annoying too. But with sprint and prep and easy to bail out of the fight. Mages and hunters can be a lot harder to deal with getting away from. Druids too, depending.
I want to play a class that is not common, but why gimp myself with something that ain't viable and maybe not as fun?
Warlock, Combat Rogue, Ret Pally masterrace reporting in.
>rolling horde
Oh. Frost shock. No brainer.
No I mean...
*those* people.
You know.
Balance Druids, Elemental Shamans and Protection Paladins.
Facepunch is adding big choppers for entire teams in the near future btw. All the more reason to discontinue playing Rust.
>I want to play a class that is not common
Shaman, Paladin, and Druid are the least played classes consistently.
Alliance Warlocks are also very low in population, specifically on PVP realms, especially so in PVP realms with a horde favored population split.
No you didn't go the fuck back now before I get angry.
>tfw the forums died
>(I forget if that was around at this point in time).
It didn't. Locks rolled with soul link by itself to be tanky, shadow priest is probably closer to what you are imagining, especially UD.
Last I played years ago they had just introduced an NPC helicopter that shot the shit out of your base if you aggroed it. Can't imagine that being in the hands of players.
I'm a finnish players who played on a Stormreaver (back then every finn played there.) So I was well known by fellow finns.
I also used to tank a lot of stuff I personally didn't need and led a few guilds, so I was generally thought of as a nice guy.
>Shaman, Paladin, and Druid are the least played classes consistently.
Only if you're autistically comparing Paladin and Shaman against two factions worth of other classes. Shaman and Paladin are among the most played classes of their respective factions
try doubling that number, also crushing blow
and priest heal rank 2 or 3 isnt gonna do 900. back then getting 300+ healing is high tier shit
>rolling horde
Orc warrior.
>typical Yea Forums faggots upset they can't spell out nigger with skeletons
>in the game with some of the highest griefing potential ever
If you're in a good guild you can completely shut down servers.
nice meltdown user
White man
it completly ruins the game - there is no point to gear up to look cool, so the hierarchy is dead, and the will to play of everyone goes down.
Most of them wont engage at all.
Hunters have skills specifically made to fuck up a rogue's day
Warlock and Combat Rogue are meta though
Never played, and I want to give it a shot.
Is it easier for a new player to play Mage or Warlock?
This is insightful information.
Any particular abilities or hunter pets that deterred you from a fight?
Rogues hate those fucking spider pets don't they?
"white" is name filtered
fucking blizzkino, we just keep winning boys
Mage but nothing's that hard
Just bind all your abilities to accessible keys and you'll be fine
When did SLSL hit, early BC then wasn't it? Christ it's been so long I'd almost forgotten about them and Panzerkin.
Rogue is super common and ret pally is the definition of not viable and not fun though. If you want to be a viable minority roll shaman, druid or lock.
How much time will it take to hit 60 if I play 2-4 hours a day?
I mean i don't care either way but i am curious. Like rogues will be invisible and open on you before you even get to see their gear and druids will be shapeshifted, why is it okay when they get away with masking their gear?
I think SLSL was a thing throughout all of TBC.
I am probably not the most knowledgeable person to ask. I think the lions/cats have a rend/bleed debuff? That's annoying for stealth. Maybe the flying dragon/wrym things too? Spider roots are easy to get out of, a PVP spec'd rogue will have a ton of ways to break roots. I remember getting charged by boars and being annoyed by those too.
>when you just want to ding 30 but this fucking undead Chad keeps sneaking up on you, aggroing from 50,000 yards away, and then he takes you straight to the bone zone, rectally
Can anyone stop this madman?
Kek, I absolutely did. Tried to appeal in 2016 but was denied.
In vanilla I used to play rogue called Blacked. I had no idea what that means/would come to mean. And im a white male.
>tfw farming the shit out of Raven Hill area from level 26 to fucking 35 as Paladin
So satisfying to actually have a rotation as pally when you fight undead.
Paladins can wreck this guy.
I think Druids can just spam entangling roots + moonfire until he dies too.
The huge number of undead in the crypts beneath gave me way more trouble.
okay for real though this fucker's no joke, he's hard
Even as a party this guy is pretty tough
The trick is to dispell magic him when he buffs, so he doesn't attack 3 times a second
I understand keeping classic untouched but inevitably classic+ (or some form of advancement to the game) will become reality or it will die, that's just a fact.
That being said what would you guys like to see? Personally i would like to see Glyphs (the kind that cosmetically alter abilities/spells, like making a succubus blue or turning that paladin hammer move sword-shaped, stuff like that) added but retooled to be hard to create and requiring rare materials/drops
I never bothered with paladin in Vanilla, but I know they had some spells that only worked on demons and undead, like Turn Undead. What kind of stuff could a late 20's to early 30's paladin do vs. undead that would make choosing a zone full of them more fun/ efficient to play through for paladins? Genuinely asking, if you don't mind informing me a little, since this is cool and thematically appropriate for them in a way that makes me happy from afar. They absolutely should thrive in Duskwood as a paragon of light, so I approve of that being reflected in gameplay, just like it should reflect in late-game questing for zones like the Plaguelands sectors.
I just did some googling, turns out scorpions are the only pet that has a DoT debuff
will dwarf rogue be as comfy as i think it will be
Not him but my account i guess got hacked because i fell for a phish at some point maybe (i did manage to lock down the account and change the info) and whoever got onto tried to sell the account and got it perm-banned
I didnt care at the time because i was too busy to play wow for a while but later when bfa was about to drop i got it unbanned on a whim by telling them i wanted to play the new xpac and that it would suck to not be able to do so because some chinese hacker got onto it
>and then he takes you straight to the bone zone, rectally
You're gonna live a lonely, sad life if you're being serious. i would just get it over with and hang myself if I were you.
Dwarf rogues are 95% chads that know why dwarf racials are awesome for the class and 5% clueless people who randomly clicked on the character creation
>There are people who unironically think they can ignore the party req on quests
I saw too many retards crying about ol' sooty, i can only imagine how bad the Andorhal quests are gonna be
I have no idea why Dwarf Rogue is the least popular combination on Alliance.
It's sleeper OP with Stoneform. Fighting Orcs can still be tough at times, but you will SHIT on pretty much every Undead.
Community already seems to have their shit together on that
And yes I was always surprised they didn't try to mimic the success of warlock green fire quest
Even simple stuff like more visceral or subdued sound effects for rogue abilities or mages casting with their staff
Some Eyes of the Beast style meme spells like a warrior planting flags to designate a party vs party FFA area
As long as features encourage social interaction instead of circumvent it, that's the main lesson that needs to be learned from retail's "QoL"
Paladins have an ability called Exorcism which only works on demons and undead, but does a fuckload of holy damage.
Paladins can bring the hammer down pretty fucking hard in Raven Hill for this reason.
For many levelling paladins this area is worth grinding in because the mobs can die so quickly to them.
Its weird how in vanilla demons were supernatural entities now they're just aylmaos
Do you remember the First Mate robot along the coast in Darkshore? He was a level 20 elite in a zone plenty of people start around level 10-12. Boy was that fucker scary for me as a noob in his first real MMO with combat mechanics (I had only touched OSRS circa 2005-2006 prior to WoW.)
It sickens the fuck out of me that 10 people exist that actually want titanforging for any reason
Probably just ticked all options as bait
Druid tanks are really good for anything that can't be blocked or parried, such as Patchwork's hateful strike, bosses that do a lot of spell damage to tanks, or adds that can't or do significantly less crushing blows. However, this is very niche and it's to much investment to have anything but your single feral dps to just fill this roll when required.
Maximum projecting.
Your taste in waifus is shit. Hell, they're not even waifus.
Eh, demons have always been so odd in Warcraft. They used to originate simply from "Hell," and now they're just space niggers that can't resist wrecking shit, I guess. They're like a cosmic fart full of anger. And I'm referring to the true demons themselves that were always assholes long before Sargeras went full 'fuck void shit' and started leading said demons that he had previously been imprisoning.
Heroic mode for 5mans was the best addition brought by the expansions.
Skeletons are in the game, just not an infinite amount of them. Also, you always got banned for saying nigger in chat.
One time my dumb friends dared me to yell some racist shit in the capital city so I yelled:
The next day I got permabanned.
This is nothing new, there is no MUH SJW BOOGEYMAN, you're just a low IQ /pol/ larping zoomer.
I can't believe the lows of just straight up lying you fucking retards are willing to stoop to in order to try and trick people into not playing.
stfu, my dude.
This is literally a feral druid in full AQ40 and Naxx gear, filling the one roll as the Hateful strike soak. Druid is NOT viable for the majority of vanilla raiding and never will be.
My rogue is a black skinned human named Percapita
Nah difficulties degrade the significance of instances
If you clear X it shouldn't need to be clarified what type
Those gorillionaire kikes at actiblizz can afford to throw in some level cap dungeons
How many years did you spend inventing this convoluted excuse for being a crybaby carebear bitch?
I played back in like 1.4. It hurts that the 1.12 kiddies think that the worst patch is the definitive classic experience. Private server retards may be the reason classic is a thing but they also ruined it with their time gated content all in 1.12 patch. I would have much rather had classic start out pre class rework with pre nerf items with active effects modified by spellpower etc.
I like how in warcraft 3 demons were badass, strong and quite rare, and in WoW you are slyingg them like cattle, especially in Legion, when I dont think I remember I killed anything else besides those big devil kind of guys.
It was horrible
As a paladin, you'll want to hit up Desolace. It's usually less busy than other 30 to 40 zones but comfy and has lots of demon mobs.
>actiblizzard drones still shilling on Yea Forums
you retards are mentally ill
I uploaded a video in 2006 of me jumping under stormwind
And honestly I can't imagine how you got the thought in your sad little mind that I, or you, or anyone on this planet would need a warm sack of flesh in order to be happy.
You must have a very weak imagination.
Everyone wanted 1.1 and progression but blizzard is a bunch of lazy hacks
It's cool that you guys can choose zones that suit your class well in this way. I'm not sure if any others are so dramatically affected by the species of the mobs they're fighting the most often in a given zone.
Roll a Priest on PvP, then go to opposite faction starting zone and mind control a low level quest mob and walk it around like an NPC while hiding behind a tree. New players will probably not notice it's a mind controlled mob and attack it, flagging them for PvP. Then proceed to gank them.
Alternatively, play Hunter and tame a beast quest mob in the starting zone. Name it the same thing as the quest mob (if you need to) and walk it around like an NPC with Eyes of the Beast.
I think there's a method of flagging people if they hit a mob that you have a projectile spell flying towards, but I can't remember.
Did this quite a bit
a mere google image search away
Big truth. The nostalgia will be fun for a while but eventually people will get tired of paying for a sub fee for a game that never changes.
Actually I'm rolling on the streamer server as alliance too. I don't give a shit about streamers, I just want to see all the big world pvp battles that they bring.
Some do, just not to the extent of paladins.
Frost Mages are gonna have a bad time in winterspring.
Warlocks will have similar trouble in the plaguelands as shadow damage tends to do shit on undead mobs.
Warriors have a bad time from start to finish regardless of zone.
I had a friend who would buy rpg games and buy the strategy guide at the same time so he could plan how he played and wouldnt miss any of the secrets.
He played on a PvE server. Hes the only person i know irl who played on a PvE server. I imagine most other PvE players are similar to him. Total weirdos who dont like competition or any challenge in their game.
Whatever you need to tell yourself to justify your purchase, man. It's just that it's a game that I burned out on over 10 years ago and I can't fathom paying a subscription fee just to get a nostalgia stiffy.
>these unbelievably low IQ faggots who unironically post on the WoW forums with a completely straight face are the modern WoW fan base
explains a lot really
that's a nice razor hill
>actually believing the experience will be anything like the time you played Vanilla
Classicfags are delusional.
played the last stress test and it was, stay mad
In modern wow the only vectors of character progression that actually persist are mounts, achievements, and transmog. Gear means nothing, clearing content means nothing, pushing high m+ keys means nothing, it's all rendered meaningless each patch.
It's a game where the majority of the average player's time is spent one-shotting bosses from previous expansions in the hopes of getting some useless cosmetics, because nothing else lasts for more than one patch.
It's a dress up game masquerading as an MMORPG.
That's why people come back for the new xpac and some come back for each patch, and then they do the content and then remember that the game has nothing compelling to do whatsoever in the long run.
Classic is the remedy to this problem.
>Warlocks will have similar trouble in the plaguelands as shadow damage tends to do shit on undead mobs.
Yeah, I can see how this would be a problem, given that you don't have much in the way of dedicated fire damage on warlocks in Classic. It's there through spells like immolate, yes, but staple fire spells for the class like incinerate and soulfire don't exist yet if I remember right. Definitely not the former of those two, anyway, since I know that was added in TBC.
>Warriors have a bad time from start to finish regardless of zone.
Yeah, trust me, I remember. I was eleven when I first played WoW (24 now), and chose a warrior as my first character. Boy was I stupid. Boy did I die a lot. But, I'll be more proactive and knowledgeable now about gearing myself and using my stats well, as my warrior will be blacksmithing his own equipment here and there, cooking plenty of his own food, and I'll be buying up plenty of potions for him as 'oh shit' buttons now that I can properly appreciate their value. I also look forward to doing First Aid things again like the Triage quest.
On the warrior blacksmithing note, is any particular blacksmithing specialization considered the most 'useful' for them? For context specific to me, I plan to level as either Arms or Fury (though I don't know which is better for Classic leveling), albeit with a shield in my inventory so I can tank leveling dungeons like Blackfathom Deeps. I'll swap to Prot spec around my late 40's/ early 50's when I start doing Blackrock Depths a fair bit. Given that, any tips on what I should go for between Armorsmithing, Axesmithing, Hammersmithing, and Swordsmithing for what I plan to do? I won't be DPSing much in endgame but I'll be willing to respec to Fury if my guild needs me to for a fight or whatever.
playing rust. Not even really looking forward to classic just sort of feel compelled to play. Not sure what class to play. Every class has their strengths and weaknesses but any class i spend more than 3 seconds thinking about has me more put off by their weaknesses than interested in exploiting their strengths.
This thread's about to die, so feel free to move discussion to since it already exists, those of you who are conversing.
So many mad retailers because their achievements and mounts collections mean fuck all and will be even more worthless once classic is released.
Do ERP and pretend to be a girl.
well thats disappointing
The world mobs scaling up with your item level is the dumbest shit ever, gear literally has no point and it's just insane to even think about.
>play alliance a lot
>stoked to play horde this time
>guild is going alliance
I dont know what im doing.
>shadow damage tends to do shit on undead mobs.
Random question: Do undead tend to be weak to fire damage? If so, how about the already burning ones in Scholomance? I wonder if any on-hit fire items from the Blackrock Mountain dungeons would hold aggro better against undead than expected, given the whole 'burn zombies to make sure they're gone' troupe.
fuck hordeniggers
you know what to do
Not sure about blacksmithing.
Levelling you'll go with a two-hander but spec into Fury.
Learn about strafe-kiting, the slower the 2H the better.
You also tank as fury but just put on a shield and 1h.
Youtube is your best friend.
Gonna give them their daily dose over in Tarren Mill, if you know what I mean.
Fire wrecks undead mobs yes.
I think the burning ones had fire resistance.
It won't matter a huge deal in dungeons, when levelling though it can be a real pain in the ass having your spells get resisted 5 times in a row.
#1 skeletons used to last hours. they wont in classic because it uses the newer client and blizzard doesnt want to code ("also you could spell racist stuff with the skellies!" t- nublizz)
#2 You didnt get permabanned for a first offense. I said racist shit all the time and even joked about killing barack obama and called him as a nigger just to troll chat and only got a 1 day ban. Made a macro spamming chat with shit and only got muted for a while.
Fair enough. Thanks for the advice, user. Any particular Youtubers I should trust for Classic/ Vanilla Warrior tanking tips/ tutorials? There's a lot of people trying to capitalize on the hype so there's tons of conflicting opinions out there and bad info getting spread around at the moment, so while it's perfectly fine if you don't have specific examples, I figure it couldn't hurt to ask if you trust anyone's opinion more than other people on this stuff.
dont level as fury it is a meme. Arms is way better. Fury was only popular on private servers because of bug abuse and even then its still worse than arms for both pvp and dungeons.
No, they all have shit-tier advice EXCEPT for the class they happened to main.
So you'll need to watch all their conflicting class guides until you can piece together the actual truth.
>some butthurt alliancecukc did this
Good to know. Thanks, user. I should really do some research on general racial resistances for Vanilla, since they matter so much more there. Sure, plenty of things are obvious like not using frost damage against ice trolls while leveling and all that, but some stuff like the undead being weak to fire damage isn't something I necessarily expect since I'm more used to modern Blizz now where they hate the idea of one class having a damage advantage over one mob type that another doesn't. Obviously we were discussing previously how Vanilla paladins do way better in zones stocked with demons and undead, but nevertheless, that was a special case and paladins were underpowered for solo leveling when they were fighting anything but those two types of mobs, so it seems fair and natural to me. Random zombies being weak to fire mages though? That I wasn't sure about, so yeah, I should do some homework on general species resistances.
>bent back to reflect sexuality
>Fire wrecks undead mobs yes.
>I think the burning ones had fire resistance.
If I play mage, should I play Frost in Stratholme, then?