This kills the Civilization franchise

Attached: 6_1565805758.Screenshot_Print_Humankind_Germans_vs_Vikings.jpg (1920x1080, 1.18M)

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>endless legend combat
This only kills the game itself.

No need Civilization is killing itself on it's own, thank you very much.

5 bucks says this game ties into the endless series in some way.

they arent going to try to push that again are they?


Attached: soy.png (608x502, 506K)

>Create your own civilization by combining 60 historical cultures from the Bronze to the Modern Age.
>Begin as Ancient Egypt, then evolve into the Romans, the Khmers, or perhaps the Vikings.
Each culture brings its own special gameplay layer, leading to near-endless outcomes.

What the fuck does this even mean?

Atleast they all are white.

I'd hang out with them simply because they made perfection.

Attached: Horatio.png (803x848, 666K)

that was almost a normal photo but one guy had to ruin it

It means each different civilization has their own unique gameplay mechanic or perk.

So if you start off as egyptian and turn into roman, your civilization would then have egyptian and roman mechanics and those mechanics would stay each time you "evolve" your civilization. Likewise, if you start off as egyptian and evolve into viking, then your civilization evolving forward would always have egyptian and viking perks/mechanics etc.

Looks like a shitty clone lmao

Thanks I was excited for it and now I'm not.

I played a game of civ5 and I got so fucking bored near the end of it. Was it just a really shitty game or is the entire series like this
>playing fucking synthwave
I'll check it out.

This looks like a shitshow waiting to happen. Can't wait for all the articles complaining about how only white and Asian cultures are available in the Modern Age. Or likewise all the butthurt when they force some token African and South American cultures into that era.

So I could start as Vikings or Gauls but end up as Africans or Muslims by the end? How does that make any fucking sense?

Attached: 1565000603200.jpg (1080x1080, 71K)

Thats actually Flybyno in his natural habitat.

There probably won't be any but you can keep crying about SJW strawmen if you want.

Yes? Isn't that what's literally happening right now in real life?

Yeah just like how no one said anything when the Civ 6 leadership roster was stacked with women and literal whos.