What are some examples of god tier male character designs?

What are some examples of god tier male character designs?

Attached: HeartGold_SoulSilver_Ethan.png (648x1280, 529K)

What makes a male character design god-tier?

Probably the thighs.

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Attached: bj.jpg (900x1170, 182K)

Attached: Alm.jpg (2894x4093, 650K)

>posts a downgrade

his GSC design was superior

>What are some examples of god tier male character designs?
pic related

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If his hips are wider than his shouIders, then it is not great maIe character design

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>imagine being this wrong

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Fate/ has a ton of great designs.

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Male not (male), trapfags.

Attached: cloud.jpg (768x750, 42K)

Not your pic OP.

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Funky Kong

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this thread is pretty based

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prostitute bootleg raiden a cute

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20 posts in, and the right answer finally emerges.

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fuck off

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Theres a chad in my marketing class who looks exactly like this. He was trying to get me to go to the gym with him.

Attached: basedbeelzemon.png (716x1014, 832K)

he wanted to fuck you

He's got a nurse gf


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Attached: Drag-On_Dragoon_-_Caim.png (650x900, 454K)

Was waiting for this to be posted

>draw a girl
>call it a boy

haha based XDDD

>complains about traps
>posts a twink who literally crossdresses in his game

from a straight male point of view, a trap is a good male design

Attached: Garou Terry.jpg (570x1100, 63K)

>look mom I replied to everybody!!

Attached: d5da5b7caba6625ab6d5473fd57a5f2a.jpg (724x1024, 167K)

alms hips are not wider than his shoulders

This man is the president of the United States of America.

Attached: roland.jpg (960x1200, 82K)

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No I only highlighted posts I thought were based or cringe. I was selective and you’re just a retard fag. Admit it.

Attached: Richter-Belmont-evil-richter-belmont-13183722-500-700.jpg (500x700, 104K)

Using a Toriyama design almost feels like cheating. Another example I'd use is Chrom from FE Awakening, or Sigurd from FE Genealogy.

Attached: DQXI_Hero.png (570x900, 336K)

Wasted potential: the character
It would have been way more interesting if he actually betrayed Evan out of a desire to return home/unfuck his world

nice belt faggot

This is by far the best version of Astaroth to date.

Attached: SC6_Astaroth.jpg (1280x1684, 598K)

Attached: Rock-KOF_XIV.jpg (1241x2401, 299K)

Fag begone

I like Astolfo but he looks best with his armor, I'm not really a fan of the schoolgirl stuff.

Attached: RiderAstolfoStage4.png (512x724, 379K)

astolfo looks the best without any clothing

mirin 5head

Autist cat, he's a pale balloon faced khajiit with magical abilities far beyond all others. He is also friends with Sean Bean.

Attached: FFIX_17th_Anniversary_artwork.jpg (1200x871, 129K)

>Fag begone

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This one.

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Ash Crimson took my heart long ago

Attached: ___ash_crimson____by_dark_comics-d39y3ex.jpg (400x495, 192K)


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my boy

Attached: dirk.png (650x472, 400K)

Not even the best pokeboy

Attached: XY_Calem.png (560x1225, 357K)

surely they realized he looked like a fag when they were designing him, right?

Holy shit left is fucking awful

He's French.


Attached: Metal_Face_pic.png (550x300, 243K)

Should've gone with him, you'd probably be ripped as fuck

It's true french men are only meant for other men

Yeah I think they knew

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>marketing class


not his best outfit

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Attached: Karate_Joe_GBA_artwork.png (575x764, 85K)

bruhhhh this entire doujin

The one. The only. The IDDQD-tier male character. Motherfucking Doomguy.

Attached: doomguypose.png (521x318, 236K)

Attached: 4Koma_Shura.png (909x1745, 973K)

kof has great designs

Attached: Sie_kensou_by_geos9104-d3li2u2.png (741x1078, 448K)

Dragon Knight from Dota 2, Geralt of Rivia, Doomguy, Duke nukem, serious Sam.
Masculinity, male character must have alot of it.
Male character must look manly, powerful, inspiring. He must be either inspiring leader what leads his company to victory or independent lone wolf able to take care of anything by himself.

Attached: d6jvqsz-bb6dbbc0-e399-4bb7-9e79-beba21bb4fb9.jpg (950x514, 511K)

>4koma version

This post was made by a closeted homosexual.

>What makes a male character design god-tier?

the design is god-tier when the straight male player wants to be him (manly man) or wants to fuck him (trap)

incredibly fucking based, and me on the left


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Is posting your own creation cheating?

Alm definitely has my favorite lord design. It's simple, practical, yet striking.

Attached: ExiledHeroOfVALHALLA.jpg (2448x2448, 1.05M)

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>literally bruteforces himself into being the chosen hero
>cool big bro
>has an actual personality and facial expressions unlike most of the other Links
>so cute that even most shotafags don't want to lewd him


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I honestly loved his black suit a lot more.
>inb4 zero fag

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Attached: cute.jpg (431x711, 31K)

what the fuck is this shit?

Allister AKA Gamefreak's new shotabait. He's a gym leader who wears a Shyguy mask because he's very shy.

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Well, it's uhh, it's a advertising campaign we tried to come up with to appeal to the youthful spirit of America!

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Well, turns out Yea Forums doesn't know any good male character designs. Maybe if they stop being massive trap fags and play as male characters for once in their NEET life they'll would have a dissent opinion.

Actual taste

Deadweight by design.

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something about this I like.

Attached: Shu(3).jpg (700x1124, 115K)

Fuck how is anime good male character design

You seem to have posted the wrong image.

Attached: gold.png (291x561, 60K)

Not what you posted.

Attached: NB1lL.jpg (1024x649, 90K)

also a fan of his heroes design

Attached: Raven.png (539x1136, 481K)

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Attached: Profile-enkidu (1).png (1625x2050, 1.12M)

Holy shit, El Amingo

His torso is turned to the side in that image. His proportions are fairly standard.

Not fucking that.

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all you need is a cool jacket

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Heres the TRUE teir list

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