Why don't you like JRPGs?

Why don't you like JRPGs?

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i like the good ones, not shovelware like what you posted and like 90% of the genre nowadays

But I do but Yea Forums seems to have a taste for overly long garbage with shitty combat systems and after thought encounters

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I want to lick Totori's little pinky cunny


The compression is terrible.

I love the kiseki games anyone here also loves the rean machine ?

SC and Ao are the only great kiseki games

Many of my favorite games are classified as "JRPGs" but I don't really understand what JRPGs are or how someone could like or dislike them as a whole. Few of the reasons I like my favorite jrpgs overlap with eachother.

On the other hand I really hate jrpg fans. Not only are they some of the most obnoxious posters, they never have anything interesting to say when I try to discuss games.

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>Why don't you like JRPGs?
bad gameplay and underage girls don't do it for me, m8

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I do, though. I'm thinking about looking into the Tales series but don't know where to start.

So, do Melvia and Ceci yuri?


I do but I get burned out from playing them very easily.

the answer is to not bother, tales ranges from bad to mediocre

Because her butt isn't on my face.

Totori is seriously fucking hot dude what the hell. Not even a pedo

random encounters really kills jrpgs for me

cute tush

For me they require a level of investment and immersion I just cant get into I want to play avast array and when you have to learn an entire universes rules to understand the game it makes playing uninvited

Random encounters are perfectly fine for forcing you to manage your resources in dungeons, its only obnoxious when they are turned on at all times in fucking SMT or when its set to a random set % like fucking SMT rather than a very small % that rises with each step or a set rate.
Most of the time games that have overworld monsters just do it so lazy it would be better randomly, games like Lufia 2 and Chrono Trigger that do it right are pretty rare

>Not even a pedo
That's what they all say

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what did he mean by this?

They don't let me create characters

Play Etrian Odyssey

JRPGs don't let me roleplay, which I find to be a bit of a problem

Fucking love the SH series, Covenant is one of my all-time favorite games.

>perfectly fine
Resource management is a meme and even if it wasn't it's not worth spending hours of time on boring random battles just for the sake of resource management. Better to condense all the resource management into a 5-minute minigame or something.

Well, then what would you recommend?

but then there isnt the stress that comes with failure if it puts you back 5 minutes instead of 30 minutes.

Do you only play games that let you roleplay or do you just dislike jrpgs because of the genre name? E.g. would you like dark souls more if it was called an action/adventure game?

That doesn't work when the vast majority of JRPGs give you effectively infinite resources limited only by how much you're willing to grind. Any game that has random encounters should allow the player to turn them off, because having random encounters in the first place nearly always presupposes an infinite amount of them.

>limited only by how much you're willing to grind.
Yeah and most people aren't retards that spend half the game powergrinding because they cant git gud.

What kind of fucking antagonist is called Roger Bacon?

The game in the OP is all about actual resource management enforced by a game-wide time limit.

that's nice but it doesn't have random encounters

The best fucking kind.

I mean, I agree, I try to avoid grinding as much as possible in games, but the point is that you always have an easy out in grinding. If the player is going to take an easy out, the game devs may as well give the player the option to skip the tedium.

And on the other hand, for players who do want to engage with the mechanics, removing encounters also works to prevent the player's level from getting too high and to keep them from accumulating too many resources.

There should really be a jrpg that allows you to set encounter rates for specific areas only once per playthrough, making you choose between getting through the final dungeon easily, or painfully going through it but getting the chance for all those sweet rare drops

turn based combat is a relic of the low computing capacity of early games, and masochistic freaks snd bugmen keep the system alive by claiming it’s hard

There's bravely default which let you adjust encounters at will or Wild arms 3 where could skip a limited number of encounters if you want to or even TWEWY where chaining encounters together greatly increases rewards but also difficulty.

The idea is not that you can control encounter rate, most modern games allow that if they're still using infinite random encounter systems. The idea is that you have to make a meaningful choice in how you're going to approach encounters in dungeons and can't just grind however much you want and then use a get out of jail free card

>literally zero compression artifacts

Most games are designed around 0 random encounters (more like visible encounters you an avoid or grinding battles selected from a menu or something) and the option to grind exists so shitters can play the games too. Changing this to a "meaningful choice" means that a human player's experience will be bogged down with some degree of low-quality encounters and a subhuman will no longer be able to beat the game, so it's worse for virtually everyone.

The art style generally, and generally speaking gameplay that has hardly evolved since the mid 90s. Japanese making Western looking games is the sweet spot.

You could have just said "anime makes me insecure"

I like some, but not most of what I've seen out there, but believe what you like. The near constant youth obsession is an issue for me as well - so many games focused on teenagers as the MC or the majority of the major characters. It's the overwhelming majority.

>Most games are designed around 0 random encounters (more like visible encounters you an avoid or grinding battles selected from a menu or something) and the option to grind exists so shitters can play the games too.
Hard disagree. Most games gate abilities behind level progression and/or class systems that usually also run off some kind of experience points, and you usually do not get enough experience from bosses alone to be able to use the full range of abilities and give the gameplay the potential depth that it could have.

>means that a human player's experience will be bogged down with some degree of low-quality encounters
What you are speaking of is a game design issue, not an issue inherent to the system proposed. And for someone who was speaking as to the point of random encounters being resource management, the system would presumably be working as intended if the player chooses to willfully bring random encounters on himself.

>so many games focused on teenagers as the MC or the majority of the major characters
Because they're marketed mostly at japanese teenagers and they don't emphasize well with bald tough guy in his late twenties.

Name two (2) games that have your ideal encounter system.


None that I know of have them or else I would have mentioned them already

Then how the fuck is it a JRPG problem when NOBODY can achieve your standards?

It's not that no one can do it, it's that no (that I know of) has bothered to try an idea like this. It's not like it'd be difficult to implement.

Don't get how this is an issue. Vast majority of jrpg plots have nothing to do with how old the characters are or aren't.

>Hard disagree. Most games gate abilities behind level progression and/or class systems that usually also run off some kind of experience points, and you usually do not get enough experience from bosses alone to be able to use the full range of abilities and give the gameplay the potential depth that it could have.
I'm not going to bother counting games to see what "most" games are like but either way What you are speaking of is a game design issue, not an issue inherent to the system proposed.

>means that a human player's experience will be bogged down with some degree of low-quality encounters
Random encounters are inherently low quality. You want more battles? Put some effort into designing them rather than relying on random generation.

>And for someone who was speaking as to the point of random encounters being resource management, the system would presumably be working as intended if the player chooses to willfully bring random encounters on himself.
I'm just confused now, please explain your proposal more clearly.

>I'm not going to bother counting games to see what "most" games are like but either way What you are speaking of is a game design issue, not an issue inherent to the system proposed.
It's an issue inherent to the entire RPG genre. Designing a game where grinding is possible but you don't have to get in random encounters at all to get the full range of abilities would mean that whoever does turn on random encounters would end up OP way too early even if they don't grind.

>You want more battles? Put some effort into designing them rather than relying on random generation.
I mean, yeah. That's what I've been arguing all along. user I was originally replying to said that they're supposed to effect resource management and I was replying to say how this is almost never actually the case and coming up with a theoretical system in which it could be the case.

>please explain your proposal more clearly.
Before you enter a dungeon, you get a one-time choice to either have random encounters in that dungeon or turn them off. Game could presumably make this a more interesting choice by giving you a full dungeon analysis with the layout of the whole dungeon, all potential monster drops, having doors that can only be opened by getting in a random encounter in that room, locking you into different paths depending on your choice, still giving the person who skips encounters some shit through environmental damage, exponential experience curves and diminishing gold drops that make it exhaustingly tedious and unfun to grind at lower level dungeons if you skip encounters on the higher ones and so forth. If a game has to have random battles, that's how I'd make it interesting

>It's an issue inherent to the entire RPG genre. Designing a game where grinding is possible but you don't have to get in random encounters at all to get the full range of abilities would mean that whoever does turn on random encounters would end up OP way too early even if they don't grind.
The idea is that anyone who doesn't want to be OP turns random encounters off (or doesn't run into the enemies they see as they walk around, or doesn't select the "fight battle" option from some menu, etc.) Anyone who does fight random battles is grinding and for them ending up OP way to early is desirable, that's why they're fighting random battles.

>coming up with a theoretical system in which it could be the case.
>If a game has to have random battles
Okay, that's reasonable. Still I don't think your system would make for a good game. Essentially you're trying to tempt players into picking the random battle option by giving more rewards to players who don't want to put up with boring random fights and you're trying to prevent players who like random fights from excessive grinding (but they LIKE excessive grinding so they won't be happy). Overall random battles in your game still are something that detracts from a game.

Although I hate random battles in most games I think they can be fine in the right situations. I haven't played pokemon in a long time but I think it makes sense to have random fight if there's a lot of creatures you can catch. Other than that you just have to make them give no exp or other rewards for grinding, and make it quick to escape if you don't want ot fight.

>tfw playing Ao right now and it's kino as fuck
>don't want it to end
>have already heard about what's waiting for me in CS

Fuck, I wish people were exaggerating but this is probably a false hope

Well if a game starts you off at level 1 that's a lot easier to justify with teenagers desu.
It's a bit more glaring if adults aren't any more skilled and somehow the fate of the world rests on some kids. But not all games do this.

>some kids play a scavenger hunt to save a generic fantasy world with flying islands and elves from a 100000% evil empire/god
There, got 95% of JRPGs out of the way.

If you're gonna make me to play story based shit, at least give me an interesting, non-predictable plot.
Also, because they're all linear as shit in comparison to CRPGs.

Wordfilter makes me chuckle everytime

Too damn long. Unless the story is exceptional, I just can't justify the time I need to spend on them.

Are you implying CRPGS don't have scavenger hunts?

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Read a book zoomer.

Jrpg turn based combat is the worst. Was interested in DQXI but realized it was classic jrpg (thought it went FFXV style).

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>Expecting FFXV from Dragon Quest of all things

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That's just one somewhat hidden (aka ask NPCs) item with a time limit to find. Nowhere as bad as "find item 1, return to castle, oops now you need item 2 as well, go get item 2, use item 1 and 2 to be told that you need item 3" outdated JRPG shit.
You're an omega brainlet if you can't find the water chip without a walkthrough.

Wizardry 2

Why doesn't she have any ass?


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I do.

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JRPGs are okay every once in a while but by no means am I a big fan of them.

>What kind of fucking antagonist is called Roger Bacon?

one that is named after a famed Alchemist and Philosopher

and I can tell you didn't beat Shadow Hearts 1


>Writing and characterization can be terribad
Booted up FF VII after 11 years and I found myself in front of dialogues and situations that spawn from mediocre young-adult writing to simple fucking nonsense.

>Exploration and random encounters
Again FF VII, exploring the world as of today is pure pain, especially when pre-rendered backgrounds come into play. The SNES games actually held up better on this front due to how easy it is to read the map.

>Lack of roleplay weights a lot when the story you're told is stupid

>Lot of meaningless downtime

When done well, classic jrpgs gave me some of the best gaming memories (Persona games, Chrono Trigger), but man if it's hard to find the good ones without delving into the absurd amount of crap and Square fanboys that are generally correlated to the genre.
Btw, bad writing isn't even a cultural thing and shit like that, tons of '90s
-2000s animes have a better story (Satoshi Kon's, Mamoru Hosada, Hideaki Anno and Mamoru Oshii made some great movies) just like lots of pre-Dragon Ball shonens (Ashita no Joe is a masterpiece) and non-shonen mangas (Adolf by Tezuka, Taiyo Matsumoto's works, Monster by Urasawa) are way better than most of the jrpgs ever made.

>Persona games, Chrono Trigger
Explain why you like these

Man, being alone on the ship with Totori. Sterk must have such an iron will (or a raging boner for Rorona) to be able to resist the temptation of plowing her right there

4\10 baiit made me reply

Lack of random encounters, downtime and grinding first and foremost, along with some solid writing and way more agency than many jrpgs I've seen when it comes to Hashino's Persona games. The lack of personal traits of the protagonists too actually helped me in getting immersed in the games, rather than having to deal with protagonists who often act in a cringy way such as Cloud.

In general, I'd prefer a western post-Baldur's Gate crpg 9/10 times (and not due to aesthetics and stuff, it seemed pretty clear that I do enjoy good japanese stuff a lot), especially the ones where Chris Avellone played a huge role when it comes to the writing.

I didn't include tactical jrpgs, a genre that I actually enjoy quite a lot ( Valkyria Chronicles is a pretty good game, and Disgaea games' first 50 hours often have some pretty fun stories that don't pretend to be more than what they actually are and offer enough content to be labeled as full games on their own)

>ffvii is cringy
>likes disgaea
Try to be more subtle with your trolling

Because Disgaea never takes itself seriously, while FF VII tries so bad to do so while also showing you crap such as jumping dolphins, scientists who think that a human fucked by an animal will give birth (makes perfect sense if you're six years old, but when you grow older?), getting fucked by a guy with a castro-clone look and...cross-dressing?
Like, FF IV's story makes way more sense and has a way smoother gameplay too.

>There will never be another game like Atelier Iris again

>Instead the closest thing we'll get is a bathing suit simulator starring boring girls


You keep contradicting yourself

I want to molest little Totori!

Still working on it. Just got to Rouen.

no, I'm retarded and play nothing but JRPGs, which is why I'm stuck juggling 3 of them currently.


Disgaea games are cute and funny.

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I really, really want to fuck Totori, bros

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godspeed gamer

Good Lord, she filled out.

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I do
just started the DQ11 demo on switch

go back to gamefaqs

Get in the line

Damn, how does Mimi restrain herself?

because it catters to milkbrains

i like them
just dont have time to play them anymore with wageslaving and all that

turn based combat

yes and not
i am a huge weeb but i hate jrpgs because they are mostly 50 - 100 hours
there are too many i want to play but i lose interest after 5 hours
fuck unnecesary quest making makes too long