Stop playing Ion Fury! Didn't you read our steam reviews? STOP PLAYING IT NOW!

Stop playing Ion Fury! Didn't you read our steam reviews? STOP PLAYING IT NOW!

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Don't worry I pirated it

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Their sales did tank, tho.

don't worry the steam numbers say so.
also 62% now

Me too, pirate brother!

Doesn't look like anyone IS playing it famalam

It's a best seller on GoG :^)

Never post here again, faggot.

no one is

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I pirated it and beat it today.
It was decent. 7/10
Also fuck trannies.

well, i guess the numbers are wrong then....

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>also 62% now
gamers are RISING UP

Imagine thinking anybody here cares that you pirated something like a special snowflake

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Sorry to break it to you but you care just by saying you don't.

>STEAM spy

I care about (you)s

I pirated it, but I did stop playing anyway. It's not good.

I read that it was on Steam's top 10 at first, and after the kowtowing it fell past the top 200.

I played it for an hour. It is old. Babbys first 2.5D shooter. DoomWorld has more, better, and free content than this game can hold a candle to.

Uhhh we won, sweetie. You can falseflag all you want but our reviews will ensure the game fails. They always do. Look at Subnautica.

Fuck with /pol?
Gonna smoke you like a bowl.

I pirated it so I'm allowed to play it. It's fun.

I don't even know what that is buster boy.

uuuuuuuh poopie heheh
Uuuuummmm poopoo
Poopie poo poopie haha

I'm working on maps right now

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Nah, gonna go buy a copy for a friend now too just to give the devs more money :^)


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How does he keep doing it lads?

my lord

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lmao angry nazi


Nice shirt, do you wear it when you entertain your wife's son while she's fucking the bull?

Ahoy matey, lets laugh at these dumb bastard

I ordered the big box and gave my friend the steam code, since I already got it last year on steam
I don't care about a soap bottle and if I did I could just put it back in, Build is very moddable

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Hey, I played it without giving cucks a dime.

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Nobody uses GoG so of course any remotely talked about game will be top 5 on it retard

Mass grave full of dead niggers

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Censored and shit game

Enjoy the mandatory sensitivity training, astroturfer OP


Wooooah so edgy

Only 3 negative reviews today. You're slacking off, my dude.

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Literally what they always do

>something me no like happens
>Review bomb for 2 days
>Psssssht we totally owned the libtards epic style. GET WOKE GO BROKE

We are busy playing good games.

We're playing all those based redpilled games like... uh... and ...
oh fuck.

Currently playing mordhau rn, remember how you trannies bitched about them? Lmao

Did this happen outside of your head? lol

Lol get fucked??


wait am i supposed to buy this game or not buy it
what is this all about

Never heard of this fucking game, until this Yea Forums drama happened. I don't understand why anybody would want to play this duke nukem rehash.
It seems to me that people only use this game as a political tool like "Hatred" and nobody actually enjoys this jank game.

hatred was a standard twin stick shooter with an edgy theme.
FPS games got fancier since the build engine days, but they're still basically point and shoot dudes with an assault rifle. Playing an old school shooter where you can run around really fast with a dozen weapons and duke style level design is a lot of fun.

That image looks like its from Oni.

Dangerously based


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>please tell me what to think
Fuck off.

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Are the tools out? Or can you just use the usual build stuff?

Is the pirate bay still good

Imagine being manipulated by a GameFAQs user.

I never started.
Hype fags killed the game for me.
I heard hours of autistic rants about the changes of Shelly bombshell, to than find out she was always ugly.

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nobody plays indieshit lol


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