Am I the only one who thinks this game was a downgrade compared to its direct predecessor? The level design, the enemy variety, even the melee feels much shittier. The rest is all great, but the hotel at the start left such a horrible taste in my mouth.
Am I the only one who thinks this game was a downgrade compared to its direct predecessor? The level design...
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>Am I the only one who thinks this game was a downgrade compared to its direct predecessor?
>The level design
>the enemy variety
Absolutely not.
>even the melee
Maybe, and the gunplay.
But most people don't play SH games for the combat, so "SH1 actually had the best combat" is something most people won't find relevant.
These are things you only pick up upon when you replay them dozens of times.
I like how SH1 feels a lot more than SH2, I dunno why. I guess I'm just a sucker for that blocky, pixellated PS1 aesthetic.
I played through SH2 once, and it was the only time I ever played a SH game, and the gameplay is what stuck out to me the most because it was so at odds with the rest of the game. I couldn't believe the game was seriously released as a horror title, it fucking rained health kits and ammo on you like a giveaway at a game show. At no point did I feel in danger.
>Am I the only one who thinks this game was a downgrade compared to its direct predecessor?
Wait till you get to 3, that game doesn't even have the excuse of having a decent story.
>Am I the only one
Statistically unlikely.
>it fucking rained health kits and ammo on you like a giveaway at a game show
That was probably done because of the dumbass ending system.
to be fair that was a problem in 1 too. they compensated on hard mode though by making every enemy respawn and by making them a bit tougher.
>Silent Hill 1
God tier atmosphere, horror and gameplay
>Silent Hill 2
God tier storytelling symbolism and atmosphere
>Silent Hill 3
God tier enemy design, sound design and visuals
>Silent Hill 4
Experimental and takes risks some good some bad
Know what each Silent Hill is good at
3 and 4 are nothing groundbreaking. Fucking 4 gets called experimental for adding item managment and safe rooms, a feature since the PSX.
I agree. The first one is superior and they never topped it.
Not really. There were people at the time of SH2's launch split over it, at least according to the artist.
4 is experimental more for shit like the Hauntings, the weird ass combat system with combos, ghosts, and so on.
Play Illbleed or Hellnight if you want really far out survival horror shit.
4 is pretty experimental, stop being a contrarian.
My dick is as big as yours when it comes to horror games, so don't even start shit.
I played Illbleed, and while it's interesting, describing it as GOOD is quite the stretch.
I played Hellnight, and while it's one of my favorite games of all times, calling it "experimental" is overselling it.
That game is essentially just the feeling and esoteric progression of myst + the downward structure of ultima underworld minus all the complexity.
Also as much as i love Hellnight, the last portion of that game is arguably some real fucking trash.
4 has a billion problems but i'll take half of that game being an escort mission with whatever the fuck is happening at the end of Hellnight.
That game just gives up by the ending segment, it's shameful.
Team Silent peaked with Siren 2
I was just about to post that yes, actually one of the most legit experimental series ever made is Siren.
It might seem standard in terms of gameplay when you're fighting shit, but the overall structure and progression once seen as a whole makes it extremely out there and esoteric in many ways.
However i disagree that Siren 2 is the peak.
Siren 1 is more inspired, has a better atmosphere, better setting, better lore, better characters (and their character arcs), better missions and overall coherence.
Siren 2 has a lot of cool shit going on and it definitely has better raw gameplay with QOL fixes, but Siren 1 is vastly superior overall.
No. I think the enemy and weapon variety is better in 1, otherwise they play the same.
>calling it "experimental" is overselling it.
What the fuck would you call this then? Done by the same team.
>Siren 2
Stop posting that shit. There doesn't exist a decent burnable rom of it anywhere on the internet.
>another onions hill thread
Why? It's a dead series
>its a 'sh2let overstates the strength of the story and pretends symbolism only exists in sh2' episode
No, sh2 doesn't have god-tier story telling you fucking retard. It literally has the simplest story out of the 4 mainline games that's just presented well thanks to all the excellent artistry. Also the fact that you smoothbrains straight up ignore the equal amount of symbolism that exists in sh1 and 3 proves that you're low iq normies.
I find 3 to be an upgrade in all aspects outside of story. 3 has more aggressive enemies and tosses more enemies at you at a time, making meleeing each one much more of a risk. In 2 you can pretty much melee almost everything outside of bosses care free, and the game will drown you in ammo since they expect you to fight off everything in the streets.
Hell, 3 even has enemies with a gun, making melee much less viable overall.
It's not the symbolism but the kinky sexual horror which wasn't done before in games that I can recall.
That's not story though, it's extra inferred detail - the same detail that sh 1 and 3 has. If 2 had the kinky sexual horror, then 1 had to corrupted fairytale and 3 had strong physical and mental abuse. In any case, 1 had literally already done what we saw in 2, but people like to single out 2 because it's instantly more recognizable and relatable.
2 is I think very popular because of the way it handles some heavy subject mater when it comes to video games. Or it's just more relatable to depressed people, I dunno I prefer 1 lmao.
>even the melee feels much shittier
user I'm convinced you're baiting or just doing OLD GOOD NEW BAD because this is just objectively wrong.
If SH2 came out today it would be considered a hallway movie sim by these zoomers
So it's nuGOW / Hellblade
Don't need to be a zoomer to see it for what it is. Poor man's Resident Evil. Garbage-tier gameplay propped up by pretty visuals.
REMake BTFO the game in every conceivable way.
did you play on easy you dumb fucking casual?
It's literally like this on Hard
>t. someone who's favorite game is SH2
Stupid fucking zoomzoom
Killer7 also BTFO them artistically. Capcom Über Alles!
>even the melee feels much shittier.
No but the first game is actually better in most ways its true.
Did Heather do drugs?
SH1 straight up is a better survival horror game than SH2. However, SH2 tells a better story.
she said she smoked cigs but quit so probably weed
i pretend she's stoned in the mall. she unintentionally acts like it for sure and odds are i am too
You don't have to say "direct predecessor" when there was only one game before it, you can just say predecessor
SH2 is incredibly easy even on hard
I more meant the symbolism is the most pervasive in Silent Hill 2 as literally every single bit of it can be read symbolically also, I’d rather prefer a simple yet deep story over a complex and shallow one. Silent Hill 1’s story is literally just “the Order is an ebil cult who tortured a girl trying to bring forth their god” and most of the monster designs are just, “the reason why they exist is that poor girl was afraid of them”, it only has two real gut punch moment where the nurse dies and where you need to kill Cybil unlike Silent Hill 2 which has a whole load of those moments. I’m not understating the value of the others but SH 2 has a really fucking solid grasp on the storytelling department.
Silent Hill 2 isn't a direct sequel. Its a side-story. Indirect.
Its not meant to be better. Its meant to be a sidegrade.
Best areas were the prison and hotel, worst was the apartment building
The apartment was mostly just typical fucking wander around from thing to thing like most Silent Hill games
But without any of the interesting story beats or nice music or atmosphere of the other areas
Is Silent Hill really dead? What's Team Silent up to these days?
Are you from the year 2004? Did you discover time travel or something?
It's all part of the design, if you got stuck and had to repeat sections multiple times scares would lose their effect.
>Silent Hill 1’s story is literally just “the Order is an ebil cult who tortured a girl trying to bring forth their god”
You miss a lot of the story because you can't look past the cult. Drug addiction, bullying, medical malpractice, etc. is all tied together by the cult but you're really oversimplifying it.
Konami tried to revive it with PT before the project was canned. Nothing says they can't go back to it
>I’m not understating the value of the others
You just shit all over 1
SH2 torrent:
>SH2 PC fixes site:
>tl;dr how to install this shit video tutorial:
SH3 torrent:
Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
DON'T use W10's own virtual disc app! Don't install under C:\Program Files\ !
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.
Follow the SH2 widescreen fix site's instructions to the teeth, and you should be fine.
For 3 & 4, check the Guide.
-Play in the release order
-Never play below Normal difficulty
-Replaying them all is recommended
-Turn down the ingame Brightness setting
-Don't try to kill everything that moves, especially outdoors
-Turning OFF the flashlight can really help
You're just getting diminishing returns since the setting isn't as novel as the first time.
In SH you were wandering around a nightmare with literally no idea what everything is and what it means.
In SH2 you've already got an idea of what's going on and how it works so there's no real mistery in the setting and it's all about the characters.