Yo. I found something while looking into the games files. Within the music list, I found the following placeholder names. Something that may lead into Reimu being confirmed.
th01_eys_shoujokisoukyoku th02_eys_koiiromasterspark th04_fjr_shinkouwahakanakiningennotameni
The only two things I can make out is th, which is short for Touhou, and masterspark which could be an inclusion of Marisa's theme.
The rest, I don't know. I don't speak Japanese. If you do speak Japanese, enlighten me please.
Attached: b7d851fcc4c59aac1011c7cecb2ea6b7.png (600x600, 9K)
August 23, 2019 - 01:15
Prove it Fucking prove it Show us some fucking screenshots of your finding Take a picture and time stamp Don't be a lying faggot If this was legit, why isn't any other dataminer mentioning it?
Attached: Fuck Weebs.jpg (800x500, 156K)
August 23, 2019 - 01:20
Hey guys, I’m a dataminer too and I found a new placeholder character: op01_faggot
August 23, 2019 - 01:21
Can confirm. Anyone who disagrees is an autistic Ofisfag.
Attached: d4f2wtr-22147983-d9d5-4f5f-84d9-6f6493b4404d.jpg (725x1025, 372K)
August 23, 2019 - 01:24
>shinkouwahakanakiningennotameni "shinkou waha khana ki ningen no tame ni: dumbass its a touhou song.
August 23, 2019 - 01:25
>At least four smash threads at once
August 23, 2019 - 01:25
Hey guys, I also datamine and I found this in the files
Attached: fghtr goku!!.png (211x211, 8K)
August 23, 2019 - 01:25
Reimu + Goku would break the internet.
Attached: 7C265C2C-FAAE-42B7-B5B2-979140DA2C58.jpg (818x858, 315K)
August 23, 2019 - 01:28
So when 5.0.0 comes out, You'll have a longer list? If you don't update us when it comes out, I don't fucking believe you.
August 23, 2019 - 01:31
Moutain of Faith came up but that might just be the thing the song comes from.
August 23, 2019 - 01:37
Nice try OP, but this timeline isn't wild enough to make Reimu in smash a reality.
Attached: 1566435466074.png (570x546, 31K)
August 23, 2019 - 01:38
We have all these dataminers but a lot of them aren't submitting proof. How can you believe other supposed "dataminers" when they do the same shit as OP?
August 23, 2019 - 01:39
I have an even bigger leak for the next Smash. This is sure to flip some shit.
Attached: Best Roster Ever.png (720x825, 1.25M)
August 23, 2019 - 01:41
From searching, The song is Sanae's Theme: "Faith Is for the Transient People"
August 23, 2019 - 01:42
>aren't submitting proof But they dotwitter.com /DrHyperCake /status /1098341121170665473 and are also backed by other members of the datamining community
August 23, 2019 - 01:43
Looked more into it. There's a site where everything dumped and none of what OP stated is on there.
Looks like he's a lying sack of fuck.
August 23, 2019 - 01:52
Seething ps4-furries
Attached: 372F289F-C122-463E-BAAA-22BAE117F0C2.png (1272x1272, 212K)
August 23, 2019 - 01:53
It's only up to 4.0.0 you fuck
August 23, 2019 - 01:58
But then again OP is also a lying fuck for saying game files and not version files
August 23, 2019 - 02:02
And OP says its a datamine from 4.0.0
August 23, 2019 - 02:06
The OPfag could've made a typo for all we know.
August 23, 2019 - 02:08
Kill yourself. Do us all a favor.
August 23, 2019 - 02:14
Attached: miles.jpg (996x661, 144K)
August 23, 2019 - 02:18