I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored
I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored.
I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored i'm bored.
I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored.
I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored I'm bored.
I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored
Other urls found in this thread:
restart on hard monsters then
go back to fortnite you ADD ridden adrenaline monkey
At least play it until you get all the party members before drop it.
Start going to bed early Mat.
Schools starting soon.
>get off horse
>walk 3 steps
>horse vanishes
>one more step
>three slimes are suddenly dancing in front of me in what was an open "field"
What's the point of this game again?
how do I stop having ADD
my dopamine receptors are long fucking gone
I'm gone. I'm gone. I'm gone.
I'm gone. I'm gone. I'm gone. I'm gone. I'm gone.
I'm gone. I'm gone. I'm gone. I'm gone. I'm gone.
I'm gone. I'm gone. I'm gone. I'm gone. I'm gone.
>This thread
Read a book
Read a book
So glad DQ11 is bombing in the west
I almost fell asleep and then I deleted the demo under 10 minutes.
It's just boring. Combat is just your run of the mill turn based game, I mean that's not bad or anything, it's just that it dosn't feel like I'm getting anything new out of it, and if it dosn't do that then the story has got to wow me, so far, eh. Does the jump actually lead into any sort of platforming later on?
Yep, that's how I felt with the game to.
i took the chart meme but im dedicated enough on reading this boring ass history textbook
Read a book.
Take Methylphenidate.
Go outside, which suprisingly enough even a 15 minute walk in greenspace has proven to reduce depression and add symptoms
now you realize it's nostalgia fodder not to be played by sane people
Why did fags hate on the childhood friend love interest? She's cute.
Gee, it sure is boring around here.
My boy.
Which symptoms get added? Just random symptoms??? sounds dangerous.
Big Bro chan, can you give me advice on tiredness? I cut out all caffine cold turkey out of the blue 2 monthes back and no matter what I do, I can't get energised. I mean I feel great now that I only drink water, but i'm so tired. I have also started taking vitamins everyday, so already have that covered.
I'm seriously hurt, sir. Please, help me.
bro just drink coffee. you're gonna end up dead either way, its better than feeling dead tired all the time.
How mad do you have to be to make this thread?
>Normal Mode is too easy and casual
>Hard Mode depends more on Autistic Grinding (Best Equipment),Stats and Battle RNG Luck rather dann using Buffs & Skills.
Serious suggestion not even trolling but just go play fortnite instead? Why a play a game that isn't for you? I don't understand this mentality at all?
DQXI is the new worst game in the series. Literally nobody has anything positive to say about it.
I just hate DQ and its western fans in general.
You're the worst game in the series
boy my bedroom floor is a cereal burial, im serious
>I don't understand this mentality at all?
You sound unsure of yourself user
This so fucking much.
>start game
>game too easy
>restart game with Draconian Challenge
>game difficulty feels just right...
>...until you reach a boss that come up with a massive difficulty spike and big dick RNG rolls your party into stunlock-y submission
>give up after like 4 bosses like this in a row and just do the Sylvando trick to get OP healing to make game more bearable
I tried to enjoy this game, I really fucking did. Hell, I even got to the time travel arc but seeing my party getting its stats resetted was my limit.
You get your levels back, keep going.
sounds like hard mode isn't fun, guess i'll play normal then
>keep going.
Nigger, if someone break into my house and threatened to shoot me in the fucking face if I didn't booted that game again, I would lend him a fucking shotgun just to make sure I don't survive.
Cardio everyday, you need to get your brain oxygenized. Oxygenation and bloodflow are probably not optimal from inactivity. Also consider blue-blocking glasses, as blue lights can induce a weird tiredness from blocking dopamine. Go light on dietary fats too, a couple of days with almost no fat can be helpful, don't be afraid of compensating with healthy carbs they are by far the most optimal macro for energy production.
Blunderfag is dead, let it go.
They just want low effort attention user
Anyone else worth a shit is playing it’s long as Fuck demo
Go play another game then?
Genuine question, I grew up with shooters like Halo and CSGO, how do I get into games like this?
dq11 is dead, true
Will do doc, I tried weight training for muscle, but perhaps that is not what I need right now.
Just Slightly bored and would like to see peoples opinions on the game.
"Like this" you mean Dragon Quest? You probably don't. At least not from the get-go, you really should start with some entry-level stuff.
Good entry games for turn-based RPGs are Chrono Trigger (a straightforward, excellently executed JRPG that doesn't wastes your time) or the Mario & Luigi games (that feature action elements in its combat and exploration).
You don't. Play other games that are for you. Why is the concept of "target audience" so fucking hard for Yea Forums to grasp? What the fuck is wrong with this shithole? You guys are making gamefaqs boards look good. Fucking embarrassing.
It's literally dq8 2.0
And that's not a bad thing, y'all faggots just don't like jrpgs anymore, move on with your autistic life
Quite literally the only thing good about DQ11 is the good looking environments. I can play JRPG'S with slow and uninteresting gameplay if it looks good and has good music, but this game doesn't even have the decency to have good music.
I can't fucking beleive I got shilled into buying it on console
this board just likes autistic shit like minecraft now
Yea Forums is fucking dead
I played the demo and got utterly bored, dropped it as soon as I got outside the starting town. I honestly cannot undestand how people enjoy turn-based combat. is there any point in moving around during fights? didn't seem to do anything
>equip bandana
>character's appearance doesn't change
this shit instantly ruins any RPG
Actually I would suggest FF7 due to it's unique combat system. So it's still turn based, but you're on a timer right, if you just idle without selecting attacks you'll die. Each attack resets that characters attack timer and they can't attack again until that timer refills, so you eventually find yourself scrolling through the menus at top speed having to set up your attacks and strategies on the fly.
Literally better than bloodborne
The game isn't for you. Play something else.
Can't I just enable those at the church or somewhere?
It's not the same anymore on here, I miss '05-'10 Yea Forums
Kill yourself zoomers.
Treat it like a bedtime story. Instead of reading a book before bed, you play an hour or so of an RPG.
I miss the old Yea Forums
nice you meet you bored, i'm dad.
DQ8's side content puts 11's to shame so hard it's not even funny, not to mention the story being overall more interesting and 8's music not being shit. 11 is pretty much a downgrade to 8 in every aspect except graphics.
yea, I'm willing to accept that. I'm glad they put up a demo so I could at least give it a try, it's been ages since I last touched a turn-based RPG, but it seems I still can't get into them
buzzword usage isn't a replacement for a personality
I do miss the monster arena, I liked both stories, I especially liked the true ending on xi they both have their faults but I thoroughly enjoyed both
. I'm bored. I'm bored
I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored.
I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored i'm bored.
I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored.
I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored I'm bored.
No, you can disable the draconian monsters at the church but they can only be enabled at the start of the game.
>You'd better head to the castle. Go straight up this road, climb the steps, keep going and Bob's your uncle!
Who's Bob?
This game has been out for almost a year.
It's not new. Don't talk about it as if it was a new game.
People have their own preferences I'm games, you don't like turn base rpg? Cool.
I fucking hate visual novels and dating sim. To each their own, but I don't trash people based on what they like, even if it is shit taste.
Welcome to Yea Forums.
Acquire ADHD
>Dragon Quest
Ah, there's the problem. Maybe play good JRPGS instead.
Fuck you I spit my drink.
say more than 5.
I grew up with shooters too and love RPGs, I pretty much like every genre.
user thats called the ATB system and many final fantasy games have had them not just seven you bandwagoning fuckhead
For non+demoers, how is playing in 2d mode like?
How do you do that? Yea Forums seems to use buzzwords like zoomers but I genuinely want to understand.
It's one fucking fight and it's easy as shit since MC is still overpowered dipshit.
Kingdom Hearts 2: Final Mix
Super Mario RPG
MMX: Command Mission
Xenoblade 2
That was hard.
>get to a new town
>All progress halts for like 3 hours as I try to jump onto every rooftop and barrel and house
Is this autistic endeavor ever worth it?
Inuyasha: The Secret of the Cursed Mask
Pokemon Ruby
Mario and Luigi: Bowsers inside story
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
The way you described ATB makes me think you're autistc.
Anyway, he wouldn't like ATB since it's pretty much just turn-based combat but you have to wait between turns, it's honestly a downgrade from standard turn-based combat.
Not him but, it happens dude, my older brother likes fighting games, a lot, I mean yeah I do too but I guess my first rpg was ff8 I thought it was strange as hell because I only owned a Genesis and just play beat em ups, but ff8 got me into RPGs at a young age, my brother hated rpgs because " all you do is wait and press a button" and call final fantasy " final gaynasy" lol but idk man it just happens
I beat 7 and 9 like 6 years ago and I never bothered with 8 because I heard it didn't have the atb. do the games before 7 have it though?
>MMX: Command Mission
Shit games. Rest are fine
How is it a downgrade?
This sucks.
Your uncle.
OK, here, let me spell it out for you.
I. DON'T. FUCKING. CARE. I sat through god-only-knows how long of a game I didn't enjoy only to get to the end and get blueballed into additional content that includes retracing my steps into areas I already visited? Fucking dropped, never touching that game again. Unless you can come here with a straight face and tell me that EVERY ONE of those things happen:
>they introduce side content more interesting than pixel hunting target bullshit
>sidequests get more interesting than "go to X, find monster Y and defeat him using skill Z"
>combat becomes more meaningful than spamming Sylvando dances
>Jade dies a gruesome death to never again sully the game with her shittiness and is replaced with a cute Succubat
I don't fucking care.
DQ is for losers and incels
Do Americans really talk this way?
Jesus Christ you people have awful tastes. The game doesn't do anything new but it's still great.
Dragon quest is the prime example of trashy padded out games being sold to western NEETs and japs with their usual horrible taste.
Boring, generic, and fucking garbage.
>inb4 b-but that's the point!!
Shit taste. Play something good instead.
It just feels like more of the same really, yeah it's fine, i'm not gonna say it's awful, but it's just okay, and I don't feel just okay is worth $60.
>this game doesn't do anything new
This is exactly why Dragon Quest is garbage. It's JRPG comfort food for players who don't want to put in any effort.
Don't bother, the Saudi's and Russians are having a hate fest tonight.
Imagine eating the same shit every new iteration.
DQ players are mentally ill.
Kill yourself zoomer
k, fuck off retard. Why enter a thread for a game you never intend to play again unless you're bored out of your mind? Doing literally anything else is a better use of your time.
Is this the Dagon Quest thread?
>No argument
I accept your concession, DQcuck.
Go to bed and wake up at the exact same time every day and night. Set an alarm and turn off anything electronic past that time. Humans have natural clocks that Zoomers refuse to respect.
You have no argument either though. "It's boring" is not an argument when your defective zoomer brain is defective.
It's like the anti one to the other one up right now.
Good job recommending games without random encounters, they're the only ones that can stand the test of time.
Then it's a good thing the game isn't sixty dollars.
4, 5, 6, 8, and 10 all use the ATB.
Not an argument.
Is this all DQfags can come up with after having their brain melted with generic garbage?
>Go to bed and wake up at the exact same time every day and night.
2 Dagon Quest threads!!! It's a fucking renaissance
>they introduce side content more interesting than pixel hunting target bullshit
Since the character arcs are redone, there are a few differences that flesh them out more like Sylvando's relationship with Hendrick.
There's also a trial mode on Mt. Pang Lai.
>sidequests get more interesting than "go to X, find monster Y and defeat him using skill Z"
Don't know, never bothered with sidequests.
>combat becomes more meaningful than spamming Sylvando dances
Depends on how much you grind and what you're fighting.
>Jade dies a gruesome death to never again sully the game with her shittiness and is replaced with a cute Succubat
Why do you hate her so much besides not having much character?
>why do you enter a game thread on Yea Forums if you want to have a discussion on why you did/did not like the game instead of giving it verbal fellatio for 30 minutes
the absolute state of nu-Yea Forums
I've been doing 40-minute walks daily, I just want to make sure. Listening to music or a podcast while doing so doesn't take away from the mental benefits of it, does it?
Switch user, and if it's the definitive edition I can't justify the PS4 version.
Not him but you don't need to be multitasking 24/7.
The game isn't for you. Why you dislike it is irrelevant.
the better game persona 5 royal will outsell this garbage
nintendo will realize their investment bombed, and all will continue to be right in the world
The Switch version isn`t sixty either.
I have no idea what caused it. My childhood was mostly Halo and CoD multiplayer with friends, but for some reason I was really interested in trying out different types of games. I'm glad I was, I can pretty much play any game from any genre and enjoy it even if it isn't that good.
weebsona is garbage
40 minutes? That won't do shit.
I work on my feet 8 hours a day and that doesn't do shit. I rarely eat too.
Not just for DQ but for a lot of games.
Switch version is 50 dollars physical on Amazon.
not really
better than DQ either way desu
Alright you got me by $10 dollars. Still no though, maybe when it's cheaper.
No one wants to hear you bitch ass vent, especially not if you haven't even beaten the game. You're not saying anything interesting all your posts can be summed up as "LOOK AT ME"
I'm aware it won't make me /fit/ or anything. I just do it to have a mental refresh period between all the time I spend inside doing work or drawing. But even then I'm not sure if it's enough for that.
>n-no criticism here! the game is not for you!
Jesus, how can people here make fun of Plebbit hugboxes when retards like you exist?
Trial mode sounds boring and honestly not feeling that combat part. I would like some extra story content for the characters because most of them really are nice.
As for Jade... she's just bad fanservice, like Jessica with less sex appeal and no personality. "Hate" is a strong word but she adds nothing to the game and I genuinely would enjoy the game more if she didn't exist.
What the fuck is the deal with the ridiculous input lag I'm getting in the demo? It's like a quarter-second delay on everything and it's really hard to ignore.
Switch cartridges don't depreciate in value nearly as fast as other media, so be prepared to wait a long time. On the plus side, this game doesn't have pre-order bonueses and you can currently "purchase" the free dlc on the eshop for when you eventually get the game.
It's definitely not, dude. If you could afford one, get a dog, at least that will give you an excuse to go for a run.
DQ9 will always be the superior game
How do you not understand the concept of target audience?
Are you docked or handheld? Either way I've experienced nothing of the sort.
Damn. I'll have to extend my jogging route then. What's a decent time?
That sounds like a you problem.
I also forgot to mention that while short, the final boss and ending are pretty damn important to the game as a whole since it sheds light on a few things and ties up some loose ends.
There's also an option to change Serena's hair and you can marry Gemma if that matters to you.
I play JRPGs since I was a kid in the SNES era. I AM the target audience and my opinion is that every single DQ game I did played (DQ5, DQ8 and DQ9) and almost every non-DQ JRPG I enjoyed was miles better than this.
Discrediting the person as "not the target audience" instead of that person's argument is the idiot's way out.
Hoes Mad
>DQ threads would always die off without reaching 150 posts
>new DQ game comes to a nintendo console
>massive amounts of shitposting in every DQ thread
What's up with that?
Is it a curse?
Cartidge user, i'm waiting for digital. I share the account with my sister on the other side of the state, i'd get physical if not for that.
DQ9 is even more boring with a custom party that barely says a word.
To be fair, the threads at PC release were pretty nice.
Someone monkey pawed DQXI
>I wish for a new DQ and for it to be on the switch and for it to be good with ton more features and content ha take that dumb monkey paw
Sorry i play videogames for fun gameplay and interesting mechanics
well are you jogging or walking? You've said both.
I'm not even shiy posting, I just found it boring amd wanted other people ideas on what makes it fun for them.
no one is forcing you to play
If you believe that your sister might enjoy the game, then that more than justifies paying $60 for digital. God, If I had a brother who was such a cheapskate I'd never fuck him.
I love DQXI but did they always have Gemma saying dumb shit after literally every thing that happens
I don't remember her grating me this much when I played on PS4
If you found it boring then the game is not for you. Play something else. That's actual advice.
>english voices
Dragon Quest gameplay always takes a while to get going, even then the normal difficulty of XI really isnt enough to push you to fully explore it
i have a shitter old PC, so when i played this game last year it looked worse than this. i might be the only person where the switch is a total upgrade and has tons more content
I think it's better than SMT4 at the very least. That game couldn't even be assed to give you anything nice to look at.
Shut the fuck up you retard
If you play in Jap youre gomna miss all the accented villagers in each region that are supposed to represent a different part of the world taking away from the experience you should be getting
No weeb worth his salt know gives a flying fuck about the playcensored 4.
I don't think she'd like it tbqh. It's not really her as the reason, it's just that since I already decided to go all digital this gen I wouldn't like having only 1 game on my shelf.
Dude. She's in your party for like 10 minutes. 99% of the demo is without her.
Old as dirt english expression. It's "viola" for britbongs.
Not looking for advice, already know it's not for me, jusy want your opinion on the game amd what makes it fun for you.
that wasnt even a meme when the initial jap version came out though
Wait for X
>What are Japanese accents
Wow that was so hard. I fucking hate Americans.
The nu-Yea Forums cycle is in full effect. Great game comes out, everyone likes it, a few months later everyone shits on it, next game in the series comes out, everyone likes the previous one and shits on the new one. If there's one thing that signifies newfags 100% of the time, it's predictability. Fuck off.
I'm sorry I've never heard a Japanese person talk in a French accent, what the fuck are you trying to prove? Actually unironically end yourself you enormous waste of a soul
DQ11 is shit and DQ has always been shit
hey fuck you, I was bitching about this game in the launch threads too
Never played killing floor huh?
the game is fun and Im loving it though the music in 1st town is loud and abnoxious
I guess DQ11 and your opinions have something in common, zoomer.
I've seen people saying XI being bad compared to the entire series for months, but wanting it to fail in the west is new. I guess that's the cost of getting into Smash.
There weren't any Japanese voices originally, shut up. The english dub is the original.
You're confusing Dragon Quest with Pokemon. The only game in the series DQ11 is similar too is DQ8, meanwhile every single Pokemon game gen 1 to gen 7 is all the same shit with Colleseum and Gale of Darkness being the sole exceptions that try something new.
So the game came out in japan first with just an english dub?
Says the zoomer playing DQ11 on his fucking zoomer nintendo product so he cam cast ZOOM in his zoomer game for zoomers
No, in Japan it had no voices at all. When it was localized they added in english voices, and now with the Switch version they've added a Japanese dub.
So technically, the "original" voices are none at all.
U mad.
Dragon quest games dont usually get VA work at all, DQ8 had the same situation where the ENG release got a dub and they didint
DQXI didn't get a Japanese dub until the switch port was made
Stop talking about games you know nothing about
I'm not, i'm just some user asking a question. I'm not the original guy you talked to so ya know.
u zoom
Then I'm sorry :(
Lift heavy and you won't have the energy to think such bullshit.
Naw it's cool, never knew Dragon Quest tries so hard to stick to the fundamentals of the original game. I kinda like it.
I'm so glad you outed yourself as never having played the game
Each continent and region in the game is representative of real places in the world, Asia, Europe, France, etc. Each new place people have different accents.
It's not about the Japanese accent, it's about the accents of the world you fucking faggot. Get out of these threads trying to talk like you know shit
What a zoomer.
saving u time
says the zoom caster
Okay zoom zoom.
To everyone saying this game is boring at start
It gets good after you get 4 party members
Not joking.
Tell me again why people here unironically like the music from this series again?
I fucking hate that this game can be associated with smash now
It's great because it gets the recognition it deserves and I get to play as the based boys in smash but now we have to deal with smash faggots in dragon quest threads
Ultimate monkeys paw
would it have killed them to have different music tracks for different locations on the world map
fucking sick of DADADA DA NAA NAAAAA
based fuck dragon quest zoomies
Good taste, though I always thought the SNES version of 6 had better music.
>Dragon quest
Dragon quest began in '86
I fucking hate this board so much.
You're supposed to be bored. That's what makes it good.
Play Dragon Quest 5. You can easily play it in 30 minute chunks, the story and music is amazing, and the gameplay isn't overwhelming and is very straightforward. If Doom is THE FPS, then Dragon Quest is THE jRPG.
Everyone here are sheep user. There's so many buzzwords being repeated instead of actual arguments, it's really sad to just see everyone start using the new word of the month to fit into this cesspool.
But user, weeabo anime bullshit is always good
Fortnight costs money. Nintendo shit is easy to pirate? Which is good because that is the only reason anyone would play most of that trash
There's literally nothing "anime weeaboo" about dragon quest because its meant to be based off of Western fantasy. You only say this because "muh japanese character design"
The only good parts of that game is the post-game content
They go away eventually
>t, FE fag
Yeah but fire emblem got too mainstream. People were literally complaining because they didn't have ENOUGH same sex romance options. You know, that really important aspect in these TURN BASED FANTASY WAR STRATEGY GAMES
>japanese character design
>japanese created game
>japanese lead creator
>japanese aesthetics
If anime is about western culture does that make it a cartoon?
>People were literally complaining because they didn't have ENOUGH same sex romance options
that was literally a vocal minority on twitter, which nu-Yea Forums loves to dig through to find some fucking nobody with an opinion like two people gave a shit about to screencap it and post it here for (You)s
FE is an exception, we're the only fanbase so autistic that we can scare smashfags away
Just because it's made by Japanese people doesn't make it a generic anime weeaboo jrpg faggot
>Japanese aesthetics
Now I know youve never touched a DQ game in your life, kill yourself
So you're telling me they spend all that fucking money japanese dubbing Dragon Quest XI JUST for the Switch version? What the hell
They added way more than just a japanese dub
But user, look what you just did
Responding to who? The threads shit posting died down a bit already amd now it's just people talking. A dissenting opinion is not a shit post.
Nah, I wanna see this place burn to the ground.
i just got the blazer in edf
>Just because it's made by Japanese people doesn't make it a generic anime weeaboo jrpg faggot
True but it's boring as fuck and japanese so that qualifies it
>Now I know youve never touched a DQ game in your life, kill yourself
Name this specific western game this game looks like.
I've played 11,8,5,4,3,2, and 1
If I had to rank them so far it's probably go
11(yes really)>5>8>4>3>2>1
Be nice to me
>DQ and any turn based combat rpg was good to begin with
What the fuck is japanese about middle ages European architecture you fucking idiot
That's not hard at all aniway, even thought Fifa and GTA are the only thing that sells Sony consoles.
>What the fuck is japanese about
The location in which it was created. The person it was created by and the influences of said culture where the person was living, likely most if not all of his life.
Still waiting for you to name the western game it looks like
>What the fuck is japanese about middle ages European architecture you fucking idiot
created by the japanese using european influences does not make it european. how stupid are you?
Okay fine faggot
Fable, Skyrim, Oblivion, Morrowind, dragon age, dungeon seige 3
All games taking place in a European styled fantasy setting. Only thing working against my point is dragon quest is in a cartoon style
How the fuck do I get into turn-based games? Stuff like DQ has a cute art style and I wish I could like these games but I just can't do it unless the game at least has action prompts or a very very compelling atypical story/setting. Turn-based combat is the most slow, monotonous, disengaging shit in video games. Menu, attack, wait for next turn. Menu, attack, wait for next turn. Menu, buff/heal, wait.
There is zero actual strategy and the interaction required from you is the bare minimum in a medium based on interactivity, which has its roots firmly centered in action titles. I just don't like cycling a couple of basic commands in menus and watching numbers go up, but feel I'm missing out on at least a few good experiences because of it. How do I fix this?
I didn't say it made the game European, the faggot before said the games aesthetically japanese when the setting isn't eastern looking at all
See 475148990
Why don't you try Final Fantasy X-2? It's turn based but has timers so it feels more fluid. People here shit on it for the story or because they hate Final Fantasy X but It's legitimately my 2nd favorite FF game and the combat is the best in the series
>How the fuck do I get into turn-based games?
I'd say to start with checkers then move to chess once you get the hang of it
>the setting isn't eastern looking at all
Yet you can't name one western game that looks like this.
>isn't eastern looking at all
>literally an eastern interpretation of a western aesthetic
fucking retarded
I literally just named 6 with an eastern fantasy aesthetic. Just because it's in a cartoony style doesn't cancel that out
>I literally just named 6
When did this happen? link post lol
>anime weeaboo
what the fuck does this even mean
How does that make the fucking cobblestone huts with hay roofs japanese aesthetic. Fucking tell me, show me your mental gymnastics.
>Fable, Skyrim, Oblivion, Morrowind, dragon age, dungeon seige 3
none of these look like dq. wtf
The setting is Western fantasy, they all have European villages, weapons, armor, etc. You're taking it fucking literally, just because DQ has a non-realistic artstyle to it doesn't make it not similar in design
>weeaboo anime
I think this is bait user
>You're taking it fucking literally,
as opposed to metaphorically? wut
>just because DQ has a non-realistic artstyle to it doesn't make it not similar in design
it makes it not similar in aesthetic. no one is arguing it isn't a video game so of course the design process is going to be similar
t. zoomie
>no one is arguing it isn't a video game
I am It is so fucking boring nothing this boring should be considered a video game
based. im not even mad about buying 11 because i did it so that 9 got a remake and came to the west.
and it worked!
You don't HAVE to play it.
Can't say it's boring without trying it can I, and you're right, I WON'T be playing this any further.
Why? Are you here for serious discussion about video games? If so, lmao @ ur life faggot. Reddit is down the hall and to the left.
I'm 31 years old, i have had many sexual intercourse and my penis is large.
I thoroughly enjoyed this game.
Sure you did tubby.
Zoomiezoom zom? Boom BomBommie!
>zoom is trash
>boom is op
Zoomers BTFO as usual.
Zoomie go zommies! zBBom BOMie? XOMBom!>!>!
Haha lolzor for the epic win my friend indeed.
Soooooo, Dragon Quest sucks?
Only thing that would make this DQ better is if somehow they gave us the battle system from Grandia II. Besides it being "just" turn-based, I love absolutely everything about this game, same way I loved VIII when it came out on PS2. Been fucking years since I was into DQ, can't wait to see more in the definitive release.
q. zomb0m
I'm nauseous. I'm nauseous.
drain bamaged
Is the definitive version only coming out on switch? The extra features of that version aren't coming to any of the other platforms? I thouht about getting it on pc for the visuals but the music/ voice options/ 2d mode look appealing for the definitive version.
I was also wondering about this, it seems super weird to only give these features to the switch. I'm gonna buy it for the switch so it doesn't matter for me, but I feel bad for my homies who only have PS4.
Must suck having a 5 inch penis as a black man.
Sorry black user, i'm all shitposted out, enjoy your games.
My god the switch version looks horrible in handheld mode, and it doesn't even seem to support proper analogous at all, just 8-way directional.
I'm glad I didn't wait for this version. I don't even care if I'm missing content, I can't believe there's somehow a version blurrier in motion than the PS4 Pro version.
how many times did the squid kill you lol
The game was perfectly fine until they brought THIS shit up. Seriously, how did they fuck it up so bad on Act 3?
Same, shits an ugly mess.
i can imagine autists like you raging over a game of checkers because of how boring it is, throwing the board up in the air and raging
Same here. I'm probably not even halfway through that dungeon (? or corridor?) at the very beginning where I have ro reach the top. It's so mind numbingly boring I can't even put into words. It has full of arhaic sound effects and stuff that I just KNOW was made to appeal to nostalgia that I don't and couldn't have for this series.
And I enjoyed FFX, the other 3D corridor RPG that this reminds me, but I played that almost 20 years ago. It's a bit too much suck 20 years later.
evoking nostalgia is about all it's good for.
Is it just me or this really looks terrible and blurry as fuck in portable mode?
what if i told you i played all final fantasies as a kid, and recently just finished my first dragon quest (5), and that i actually prefer dq now
Checkers IS boring user, Chess is the real mans game
i really doubt you play chess
I would think your taste in games to be ass, but to each there own as we all have our own opinions and likes on what we think is fun.
I would assume that you have shit taste, but I haven't played DQ5 yet. For all I know that may be a decent game. I only finished DQ1, played some DQ2, still at relatively the beginning (tower of wind or some shit), some DQ7 (the ultimate suckage of omega shit games, it is a massive dumpster fire), and like 20 minutes of DQ11 demo, which left me really unimpressed.
I'll probably let this series go as it's clearly not for me.
Story, characters and world building are important for me in RPGs, and Dragon Quest seems like it likes to gloss over these things.
it looks blurry but not terrible imo
If it wasn't almost 2 a.m, i'd placate you and play some chess online.
It's not even in the same league of archaic that DQ is stuck in. DQ is 30 years of stagnation. Not much has changed at all since 1986. FF streamlined a bunch of shit by the time X rolled around.
>Story, characters and world building are important for me in RPGs, and Dragon Quest seems like it likes to gloss over these things
You like Terra from FF6 don't you?
Why don't you nerds just do it? You'll both probably be up for another 2 hours or so anyway.
I'm indifferent towards Terra, didn't hate her though. She was a bit annoying in the world of balance, but she grew allright by world of ruin when she rejoins you.
>there are people who play JRPGs for the gameplay
mashing A to select attack to 1-2 hit slimes is peak gameplay didn't you know
I just want a fun adventure with fun characters and fun environments. Why does Yea Forums hate fun so much? Are they homosexual?
It's not even the story and characters for me as much as it has a "been there done that" sort of feeling. DQ would probably be a decent first RPG, but once you've played maybe three or four in the genre, you don't really need DQ. It doesn't introduce anything that other RPGs haven't already covered. In addition to that it possesses basicay no QoL features, and ends up being a chore to play.
You can say the exact same shit about Mario.
If you still want to try Dragon Quest I recommend DQV, story-wise. Probably will still have boring gameplay, but at least there's some elements like monster taming, dunno if that'd be enough for you though. It's just extra party members really. Otherwise, I think it's ok if the series just isn't for you.
>play a bit of DQ11
>it's pretty fun
>wonder why people complain about it
>watch 2 minutes of English footage
>all the characters talk like they're retarded, there's lots of added "wacky" tone that makes the characters incredibly grating if you're over the age of 5, and all the character names are changed because kids can't handle anything foreign sounding
Now I understand why the west doesn't like this series much. I don't know how anyone could play it with translations this bad.
veronica dies
hendrik joins you
you time travel to save her and stop act 2 from happening
you fight not-lavos and save the world
you are actually the luminary connected to before dq3
Too bad Yea Forums is infiltrated by leftypol and believes in the holohoax.
This. I don't find it "charming" how the random NPCs are talking, I don't find transliteration of accents funny. It's actually more tiresome and makes me not want to play it.
I would probably enjoy it more if it had a normal translation.
The NSBMU games you could definitely say that about.
SE is known to translate horribly. If only we had jap dubs and a decent translator.
Get high
Hi bored, I'm dad
Go back to rebbit
I understand. I dropped this game after like 6 hours.
what else could you expect from muh intellectuals who read as their main hobby
Does it ever get challenging? I started on normal mode, got to the part with Sylvanos then just kinda stopped playing. It was braindead easy almost the whole time, and I never grinded.
You’re guy a big
Hitler warned us about intellectuals.
reading is for faggots. And faggots are liberals.
If you read and you become an intellectual and smart as a result, you end up being liberal
Really...makes you...think....huh
I've learned we are superior, above all you dumb brainy smarties , and one day you will beg us for mercy...and we will consider it.
have sex if u are so smart
But smart people all think you are wrong...and you are dumb...so how could we be in the wrong here?
I felt the same way.
I got to the part where you wake up after jumping off a cliff and I can't finish it.
Maybe I've just grown out of turn based combat.
>Dog carcass in alley this morning, tire tread on burst stomach.This city is afraid of me. I have seen it's true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"...
>...and I'll look down, and whisper "I'll consider it."
>extremely intelligent
>cogito ergo sum
Is it because its coming to the switch now? Bunch of hate threads popping up.
Yes, the combination of the PS4 game drought and Snoys getting more and more insane is really taking a toll on their mental performance. Luckily school starts soon so they won't shit up threads as much.
You good bro. 7 is my favorite, but it's a slow burn and not for everyone.
It's just a very looking game, the game design is out of a cartoon or some shit.
Or maybe there is another possibility that, you know, the game might not be that good, but naah that can't be. Surely it must be Sony.
I agree that reading books is an enjoyable activity but this picture makes you come across as a pretentious person. The reason why you don't have friends might not be that you don't have time for them. If you're into thinking so much figure it out.
cause they needed a post game but everything was resolved
honestly it fucking blows that characters lose any sort of development because of post game
Smashfags. The DLC has landed and now the biggest subset of people on Yea Forums who communicate exclusively through bait threads has turned their heads towards the game.
>I look at words
>Me smart!