What sort of protagonists should we have in our new game, the target demographic for which is mostly young males?

>what sort of protagonists should we have in our new game, the target demographic for which is mostly young males?
>how about two dykes?

Attached: jbgywew45.jpg.png (1104x620, 1.19M)

wish you could play as the good guys

but that would be fun

You already play as the good guys.

no you play as communist terrorists i'd rather be the good guys

No, you play as the good girls. Please stop misgendering

>ywn be a middle aged lesbian in real life
why live? but at least we have this game to live out that fantasy virtually

Attached: WolfensteinEarlyRelease.jpg (633x356, 49K)

You're wrong; those communist terrorists are the good guys. They're fighting against the fascist boot, killing Hans and its goons.

good folks*

Do they kiss?

that would be objectifying them. please stop trying to trivialise the importance of having strong female leads who aren't simply sex objects.

I didn't buy it because Wolfenstein II let a bad taste in my mouth (easily one of the worst PC port I've played ever) and because it seems to require a lot of grinding (at least that's something the reviews agree upon).
I would rather play a Wolfenstein III

>murdering members of the righteous vanguard against judeo-bolshevism
sounds like the bad guys to me desu

Did this game flop hard?

How did Swede fucks fuck up this franchise so much, they managed to hit a pretty good balance with the first rebooted game and it's expansion but since then everything relating to it has gotten worse.

If a company doesn't release sales figures then you know it did.

They even bribed steam to send out emails to promote their game which is something I barely get. Todd must have been seething at how hard the game flopped.

Well, if you were still thinking about it, take a look at these character designs. If that doesn't convince you to give the game a try, I don't know what will.

Attached: yb2.jpg (320x180, 21K)

Go woke get broke

>Made by Machinegames and Arkane
>Game SHOULD have been good.
>Game is shitpile.

Why did it happen like this?

Your sarcasm is lost on me.
As much as I love my anime tiddies, I would happily buy a game starring horse-faced man-hating women as long as the game plays fine.

Pic related is a piece of shit series whose only redeemable features are some of the artwork and you pretend those games are the second coming of Devil May Cry.

Attached: 1489575130882.png (800x1073, 411K)

Yeah yeah but do they kiss?

Game is bad + has unappealing characters


Game is bad + has appealing characters

I'd take the second any day. Agreed though, SK is a bad game.

I take neither. Life is too short to be wasted with a shitty game regardless of how much the characters make your penis hard (porn is faster and cheaper).


Retards will still buy it and give this same company money, despite how much it gets shit on
Same reason Activision, EA, and Ubisoft still have the best selling games every year
You are all fucking retarded and still pay money for games that actively shit on you

didn't MG just lose a bunch of their top talent?

At least one of them isn't dyke.
Or BJ has another kid with Anya

>Sweden, the country where not being an SJW is not mandatory but it actually is

you answered yourself, user

>the target demographic for which is mostly young males?
Maybe if this was the 90s or 00s where killing Nazis was cool.
Kind of like how Lynching was only cool back in the late 1800s and early 1900s

Which one isnt?