ITT: Underrated games that you enjoy more than you should

ITT: Underrated games that you enjoy more than you should

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This game died when word got out that they were censoring it. Funny how times changed.

>Fun combat system
>Hard as balls
>So bad its good dub
A game after my own heart

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video game "ratings" are meaningless so this word is even more meaningless
>enjoy more than you should
But this implies that you acknowledge the game's low quality and just like it due to personal preference
Either way you should probably explain your reasoning

I used 'underrated'in the sense of its not talked about despite being a pretty fun jrpg
sure its average at best but this game had a lot of neat things that I really enjoyed
>great soundtrack
>magic system is really cool and offers a ton of variety
>grinding is really not necessary and discouraged despite the challenge the game can offer in some areas
>fun costumes you can equip on the status screens
I mean sure its the typical "run around the world map, go to the next town for plot, the church is evil, save the world" kind of game, not to mention one of the most hilariously bad dubs ever heard in a jrpg, its still fun to play through
there's something about it with its challenge, fun optional boss fights, varied strategies to use, that makes it stand out for me

It must have some pretty major flaws if it's merely average at best despite engaging gameplay, great music, and japanese voice acting. Other than the writing what else brings it down?

The same way Grandia 3 did it, by having lots of cut-scenes and focusing heavily on a painfully bland plot. I couldn't recommend not playing with the dub since the comedic value alleviates just how generic the plot gets

the English voice acting.

This fight was the Gattuso of the game, either get good or get stuck
I think its a fair comparsion considering some friends and i call this game "tales of turn based combat"

While im at it, i miss Imageepoch. Playing through 7th dragon 2020 and its good stuff, even if the start was slow and kinda boring. Once the translation is done, ill replay Sol trigger too

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it was censored?

>Sol trigger
that was a nice game but holy fuck either I was doing something wrong or the final boss has way too much HP

Yeah, they censored some things here and there.

Some people got really mad that a character didn't have an absurd underboob cut on one character's outfit.

It's not even that bad. There's still some low cleavage to appreciate.

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the final boss was a damage sponge, moreso if you didnt grind your skills.
Speaking of, the OST was the bomb, so i ripped the songs and modded them into RE4 and RE5 mercenaries mode. Good shitte

cucked by the esrb or cero probably. Game died hard anyways. I didn't hate it.

>the final boss was a damage sponge, moreso if you didnt grind your skills.

Here's the thing, I did grind the fuck out of my skills in Sol Trigger. I used them as much as I could. Hell, I even used the mechanic of overcharging your stored MP at the base for the final battle.

I even used the Aoi Yuuki hammer midget to buff the party.

This is the only game I've dropped in the middle of playing it out of absolute disgust. The story of teenage drama and the absolute stupidity of Adele and her orbiting white knight Blondie (I forget his name) all due to Adele having a tantrum that the MC didn't love her was just too much for me.

Why tho? It's rare to have a cuck as main villain. And it's rarer that main villain joined you in final battle

It just pisses me off when someone's being an absolute retard and working against the MC because they (she in this case) is having a pride/entitled temper tantrum.

*they are

My typing skills went negro for a second there.

I honestly ignored the plot since i saw Rashtan trying to not be the legendary swordsman Leon
Funny enough, he wasnt him.

>Alf's knight that can oneshot your party unless you bring defensive tactics
It's such a great game, I need to finish it

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