Piscine wyverns should be erased from existence
Monster Hunter
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cutest lizard coming through
You're getting fishfisted no matter what you may wish.
I cant believe they ruined Guildmarm's boyfriend
Cute sponge
I dont get it
>his slime puddles have the mud effect
Looks great, get fucked nigger
Everyone stop shitposting at each other. Leaked copies are out, get ready
It's sticky for your pleasure.
Wildspire Waste > Elder Recess >> Coral Highlands >> Rotten Vale >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dogshit >>>>>>>>>>> Ancient Forest
Prove me wrong, you cant.
>download code that wont work until release
>leaked copy
You stupid or?
Ancient Forest is great if you're on an expedition
>Coral Highlands above Rotten Vale
Geographically correct, but Coral Highlands fucking sucks
To the user that recommended SnS against Barioth instead of switch axe, I will try that out, thank you.
And I was probably just asking to get the sabertooth dick anyway since it was the G-rank hyper Barioth I was trying to flail at
I prefer roten vale over coral highlands
Not that user but good luck on your Barioth hunt regardless
Even as someone who wasn't big on world I gotta say Wildspire is one of the best maps in the series.
When will Capcapom listen to my pleads and add more monsters that are vore themed?
Just play Lost Planet
what's so bad about coral highlands? it looks nice at least and there are tons of wedge beetles for climbing
el gatito gaming meow meow meow meow
Post killscreens
the only thing that sucks about Coral Highlands is the battle theme. and it could've used more camps.
Does Elder Seal even have any goddamn effect on Tempered and Arch Tempered?
>alatreon got pushed to IB so they could make proper ice and water elders on the kush skeleton and lend him their moves
el gatito gaming meow meow meow meow
I kind of wish gunlance was more like a pilebunker than a cannon.
>rotten vale over anything
Elder seal is damn near useless except on Nerg because it doesn't have a lingering effect stopping them from continuing their bullshit like Poison used to on Kushala.
Nerg just takes a ton of part damage to all his spikes when it procs.
What's the most efficient way to do AT KT with randos? Ranged thunder weapons is nice when convenient, but I've also learned that avoiding any group with a LS user has done wonders.
I don't get why they haven't made it so that shelling does more damage after a thrust.
It's fucking [CURRENT YEAR] and shithead randos are still dying to Amatsu's tornado
Literally just keep hitting him, and he'll stagger
Or if you're afraid, at least fucking know how to dodge the goddamn tornado
Check how many people in the lobby are using LBGs and try to join their hunts
Avoid IG and lance users at any cost
Literally half of the map is unusable by the monsters who fight in Coral Highlands
What were they
It's going to be Fatalis. Just give it up already.
>all the hidden underground sections and glider mantle air vents that most people will never see or use
Same with the ancient forest, there's so much to see outside of the regular zones but that'll just be constantly unused
You'd be surprised how few areas you actually fight things in through most of the games. Go look at how half of the maps in second gen only existed as shortcuts or gathering points.
I usually hate random IG users too, but a lot of them have been cc'ing really well in part 4 and I don't get why.
>going backwards a decade in time for an argument
user, please
No, it's pretty much the same in third and fourth gen too. I just wanted to see if you were a tribab or a 4bab.
>Avoid IG and lance users at any cost
Not just for ATKT but in general
Just get Flinch Free lmao
i made this from a kill screen i got
>Capcom complains about making crab, bug, and monkey skeletons because there isn’t much they can do with them
>creates an entirely new skeleton just for Fatalis to use
How the FUCKING SHIT do I get this sinister cloth bullshit? it says to send out the tailrider safari but these faggot cats don't bring back fucking shit. It's all I need for my fucking armor set ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
el gatito gaming meow meow meow meow
>suddenly has tons of brand new renders for Fatalis everywhere
>new merch up and down
>the Capcom store is selling brand new Fatalis merch
>he's getting a fucking statue made by one the of best model sculptors in Japan
user, they've already done more for Fatalis in advertising than they've done for any monster already confirmed for World.
I just got the game what am I in for?
Just pick the weapon you like and kill things
Avoid threads because MH is for autists and unironically always has been
send you safari to take down big monsters, and make sure you have the small monster bonus thing that pops up in the top right.
Also make sure you knock out all the palico gadget/lynian researcher quests.
Monsters, and the hunting thereof.
Cool, I just wanna hit things.
That happen to be monsters
this and join /mhg/ rooms if you need help, people are generally pretty supportive.
Try all the weapons.
Then try them all again 50 hours later when you suck less.
>join /mhg/ rooms if you need help
>join /mhg/ rooms
These no longer exist.
>going in /mhg/ lobbies
>join /mhg/ rooms if you need help
>and join /mhg/ rooms
Nigger no
Not that user, and I'm not saying Fatty isn't in, but I am going to say literally all the new fatty stuff is 15th anniversary merchandise, and they went out of their way to tell people not to confuse 15th anniversary marketing with iceborne marketing in an interview.
Don't ask people that after you've bought a game, it'll subvert expectations otherwise. Go in blind, mess with weapons and break down the walls that stop you.
>/mhg/fag deleted his post out of embarrassment
Holy kek
This reminds me. I wonder when a new video with size comparisons of all the monsters will turn up.
Can't capcom make new monkeys? Sure there's only a few right now but they can use the skeletons for new ones as well.
>Officially 2 weeks to Iceborne
We're almost there, did you do all you wanted to do with base World before launches Iceborne Yea Forums?
na, they would be deemed racist if they made a new nigger
I don't even need a new one, Rajang is a near-perfect monster
>2 weeks to Iceborne
I can't. I agree for the most part.
The only part I have my doubts is Coral Highlands because as some anons said, it's a cool and beautiful area with lots of movement with the flying beetles, but the music is really subpar in comparison with the rest of the game's OST (which isn't that good anyway), and half of the map is not used by any of it's relevant monsters. At least Rotten Valley has a lot of monsters putting the area to good use.
im just missing gold crowns but i wont be doing that until after iceborne maybe
so which is better for Nerg horns, part breaker or elder seal?
Sorry PC friend
what prompted this
Solid fucking advice, I was a DBab when I started because World is my first MH and I'm used to Dark Souls iframes. Since moved to SAxe for a bit to hit flying shit, and now kicking tempered monster asses with CB.
The sound on a proper impact guard point may be the most satisfying thing in a game for me in recent memory
plz no bully
this and join /mhg/ rooms if you need help, people are generally pretty supportive.
was hoping for a bunch of (you)s saying based
They need to redo the skeleton for the game first
Even Kecha Wacha still reused a lot of the old monkey animations.
Just went back to console to get a load of gear since I stopped playing after Jho came out
Pretty happy with a few decos and streamstones going into Iceborne, all the HR armour will be obsolete anyway so no point stressing about fighting ATs or Behemoth
The real shit is farming HR and LR materials for the new weapon trees though so I can avoid doing that later
They were thinking of combining Highlands and Vale into one map. Why do you think both have only 2 camps when every other map has 3-4? There's even a platform with the jump prompt dummied out that you can see from the Rotten Vale.
>tfw I've crafted every single LBG and most SnS in the game
Try and make me gather LR materials now Iceborne
>too shit to beat any of the Arch Tempered dragons besides Kushala
I’m not gonna make it when Iceborne comes around am I, bros?
Do you have Health Augment on your weapon? Is your armor augmented?
just do shit in multi, the path of a lonehunta is not for everyone
Grongigas is back
I was like you a month ago
I jobbed to all the tempered mosnters for weeks until I finally got them down
Don't worry bro you can do it
Why do people go on expeditions?
Endemic life
Doing the cat sidequests
It's just relaxing to go at your own pace sometimes, you also have the freedom to explore areas and see small details you wouldn't pay attention to otherwise in hunts
Plus going into an expedition and going on a large monster slaughterfest is pretty fun
I did it mostly to fight monsters early and to gather tempered tracks before Capcom patched the game to let part breaks and kills give you tempered investigations too. Now I go there to fish for whetfish fins. I fucking love it. God I love fishing minigames
If you can beat Kush you can at least beat Kirin and Vaal.
Just take it slow and focus on punishing their whiffs at first. 50 minutes is plenty of time to just stall 'em out until your comfortable enough with their moveset to start beating the shit out of them. Also it's not a bad idea to build a different set for each AT.
That reminds me, I need to stock up on whetfish fins before Iceborne
I barely use them but I've managed to nearly run out of my supply
learn the AT patterns bro, and make specific set for each of the ATs. For example Earplug lV5 is a must for Lunastra, otherwise you'll get supernova'd for sure unless you're far away.
Is health augment typically the way to go?
Health augment is the only way to go in World unless you're a true speedrunning autist
I'd forgotten how much of a boon it is after using weapons without it and nearly dying from just loads of accumulated chip damage
Generally unless it's a ranged weapon, yes.
>g4 hypers
what the FUCK is this hp
Definitely on lance and gunlance, cause the chip damage from guarding builds up, especially on Nerg
With Fishing Master you can clear out ponds in like a minute. I run 100% crit master's touch meme builds so I only need to sharpen once in a blue moon. I only seriously began draining my fins when I started playing gunlance recently. I just wish the giant whetfishes spawned more frequently. Just one of those lasts ages since it's only a 5% chance to be consumed on use.
>tfw trying to solo hyper jho
At some point you just have to embrace the shitter life and grab some friends
I never saw a big one the first time I farmed up, maybe I'll get lucky this time.
The only weapon you don't put health augment on are ranged weapons and arguably SnS. It puts you on an entirely new level of survivability.
Yes unless you're using a ranged weapon. Only Normal ammo gives a decent amount on a Health augment
Not quite two weeks for me, but yes.
>Earplug lV5 is a must for Lunastra
Wind resist 5 is better.
>boomers talking about fishing
>he doesn't have both
Better yet, just use an ice bow like any sane human being and skip half the cancer in the whole fight
Every time I think you fags in this reply-chain are gonna redeem themselves, you say some dumbass shit to invalidate it all over again. Coral Highlands is top-tier all around.
My dad usually plays fishing minigames with me whenever my game has them back in the PS2 days. I should start fishing IRL
Almost, I just wanna beat AT Nerg at least once.
Whetfish to great whetfish ratios are whack.
Haven't paid attention to anything besides the one trailer, is Valstrax getting added?
Don’t even worry about them, user.
Icebornes not gonna be anywhere near the levels of bullshit Arch Tempered are.
And on top of that, once you have your endgame Iceborne gear you’ll be able to go back and beat the fuck out of the Arch Tempereds for making you suffer for nothing.
holy fucking boomer
Walk past wet area while on hunt, throw net and keep walking. It adds up over time.
It’ll be harder
well every time she screams before doing supernova and I can safely sheath weapon and start spamming superman dive.
Khezu should be in every MH game.
the battle theme is buttfuck generic like Elder Recess'. The only good part is the first 3 seconds where it sounds like it's going to be all tropical and unique but nope.
Unlikely but not impossible. They said that Glavenus was being added because they felt he best represented X/XX. Doesn’t outright confirm Valstrax won’t be in but it does cast doubt on it. If you’re interested in all the confirmed monsters so far;
Nightshade Paolumu
Shrieking Legiana
Coral Pukei-Pukei
Beotodus (new Piscine Wyvern that looks like a shark)
Acidic Glavenus
Fulgur Anjanath
Banbaro (new Brute Wyvern with big antlers like a moose, kind of a tundra dwelling relative of Duramboros)
Viper Tobi-Kadachi
Ebony Odogaron
Ruiner Nergigante
Namielle (new water element Elder Dragon, nothing except the design is known yet but it looks really cool)
Velkhana (new ice element Elder Dragon and the flagship, the design is a little boring but the fight looks really good)
This bristly crake afk method fucking sucks balls. Everytime uragaan rolls by the gastodon start yelling at me even though I'm in the ghillie suit, though they go back to rest afterwards. How the fuck do I get this guy easily?
I had better chance at Rotten Vale with the mosswine
Everyone talks about Rajang, but no one appreciates my boy Congalala.
Because its shit.
I guess but its not like shes roar happy like nerg or can screw you over like xeno. While wind resist ignores the blow back on her nova as well as her gusts.
>all those gun lance buffs
Zoning in and out got me better results than spinning the camera with the ghillie mantle for the Crakes.
I should get the Witcher sidequest shit done, not gonna bother with Ancient Leschen though I just can't be bothered.
Because it's awful.
>hot monkay dick with super saiyan lasers and blanka balls
>brap fag
On the one hand I didnt.get the.spread jewel I've been looking for. On the other I just got an attack jewel.
I still don't like wyrmstake blast. What a boring addition compare to what other weapons got.
Literally just travel back and forth between Rotten Vale and Elder’s Recess. If the Bristly Crake isn’t on any of the Mosswines, go check the Gastodons and vice versa. It’ll take a while though, the Bristly Crake was the second last endemic life I captured despite being one of the ones I was looking for from the beginning.
Theres no way you killed that many rathalos
All the Espinas will be dead in December!
If you don’t have at least 400 billion Rathalos hunts under your belt then you shouldn’t even be posting in these threads, casual.
MH6 will be water themed with crabs, leviathans, and underwater combat, and you know it.
The question is, will it have improved underwater combat or the same?
After 13 years of being hunted, they deserve the eternal sleep.
Neither, unless Capcom is retarded enough to add underwater combat. Fuck underwater combat
Delete this
literally all they gotta do is make underwater in MH like the underwater sections in lost planet 2
Next time, baby.
Improved, because they know how many people hated it the first time around. Unironically I think the Clutch Claw and Slinger will solve all the mobility problems underwater gameplay had, all they’ve got to do is not change the movesets for underwater and it’ll be golden.
>literally any of the monsters in Iceborne besides EDs
Why are fishing minigames so perfect but actual fishing games so shit?
Still have one final Kirin gold crown, which I just cant get
I just go with Wind Res 3 to be immune to her normal attacks or 3 pieces of Kushala, not like its a bad set with all that Handicraft and Evade
How do you fucking enjoy any other weapon after using the Lance?
>nonstop attacking and moving
>perfect defense
>counter everything, fuck roars, fuck everything
>REIKSGUARD charging mode
Literally nothing compares
Everything else sucks
Elder dragons are some of the easier shit in G Rank usually imo
It's monsters like Brachydios that keep you on your toes
>fuck underwater
Gobul here. Fuck you
They publicly stated that Barioth will be a wall, and it is from how much it took reviewers to even pass him. Despite 2 weeks it took to reach Ruiner nergigante, they still haven't even finished 20% of the expansion
I mean sure they're casuals, but there's still a big wall enough that warrants difficulty
Much like actual fishing it needs to be part of a greater thing to reach it's peak.
This. If you have a fishing job, it'll feel like shit. If you have a fishing hobby, it'll be comfy and relaxing. A difference in perspective
What was your strategy? Is there a trick to get them to spawn?
I haven't fought Barioth yet, but I didnt have much trouble with Tigrex or Narga in GU. Is there something that makes Barioth more difficult than those two?
I'm playing GU right now. I had zero issues with none of these three. Monster difficulty fluctuates between games so its not really consistent. On one game, one monster is bullshit, on the other, its easy. Good example of this is Diablos
They must have done something with Iceborne Barioth to make him a wall.
How do you get a lot of Nourishing Extract/Immunizer? Tired of constantly being low on drugs and pills.
Part breaker, elderseal only works for the spines
I had issues with none of these three* dunno why I added zero
Methinks they gave Barioth his side swipe back from Tri
Sns is great for those kind of monsters, it is also amazing against gore and shaggy.
Stop making mega or might pills. seeds and normal drugs are fine enough.
Just meld those items at the melder.
He’s perfect
Odogaron and Dodogama can drop it, but you're better off just melting the items.
Mostly this Some maps like Wildspire and Recess have you drop right next to a pond when starting at certain camps so you can just take a quick peek and throw your net and then get onto the business of the hunt.
He's in
I think low rank tailraiders work really well for dash extract, so maybe the same for those?
Cute Handler
because even with the constant attacking, its still shit dps compared to gs
how the fuck do you get Tempered Elder Dragon Investigations?
What did we get, haven't been keeping up.
Why is SA so fucking weak?
Why are they giving it more damage when what it needs are more mobility and survivability?
Being Namielle's battery of course
haha i wish ;_;
>tracking the delivery event quest
>collect tracks
I would have rather got the anime dash to overhead slam from gen. I don't give a fuck.
Something just hit me. Why didn't Capcom make a monster that is sort of like Seltas Queen but the minion is basically a walking generator powering up the other monster?
Hell, when are we getting more tag-team monsters? this entire series barely had any
>Blast Dash
God damn that was the best shit.
fuck the bird with rock wtf is this, just started playing btw
Will Coral Handler's gear be any good?
Just turn him into KFC, he's EZ
your rocks > his rock
He's the best boy in the game.
I wonder if MR200 is where they might have a special quest. That's where the trophy is and no one has it yet.
He's the item tutorial. Find Flashbugs and make Flash Pods out of them to make him drop the rock, or use traps. Shock traps are made from combining a thunderbug with a trap tool, and pitfall traps are made by combining ivy and a spider web into a net, and then combining the net with a trap tool. Both traps make him drop the rock and also immobilize him for a decent chunk of time.
That's Dodogama you pleb
In spite of having ~100 days left, TW Frontier now has an English patch since a lot of the legwork was already done.
I'm not sure how many of you will even be interested but it's there.
Nigga just use your slinger lmao
I was sort of interested until the killswitch was announced. I don't feel like getting into it knowing its gonna die. I'm just depending on 50/50 chance it'll get a port or something
>Can sub 2 G Akantor with lbg
>Takes too long to solo.
Shitter spotted.
Can confirm.
Do it for Taikun, user.
I don't trust these biologists
>Hunting Nakarkos
>Farcaster out to heal/sharpen/restore stamina
>Jump back down
>As I'm falling I look down and see the death beam directly beneath me
>Have to endure the entire fall knowing my inevitable death awaits in just a few short moments
One of the most memorable carts for me.
Why is Kirin so killable?
He's a puny little bitch
>Frontier is closing down soon
>still not a single fucking person has managed to rip any of the monster models from the game
>I’ll never get to fuck around with the Taikun Zamuza models for personal use
When I played 3U for the first time I didnt know you could charge the Longsword. It took me four tries and 58 minutes to finally kill Duramboros. I was so pissed by the end of it, and then I felt like a major idiot after learning how Longsword works.
Be the change you want to be in the world.
Didn't they release tools for ripping the frontier files?
Same but with Charge blade. I didn't even know you could charge the sword
Are they gonna keep purple sharpness in it's nerfed GU iteration or are they gonna buff it?
Yes they did.
People keep talking about Frontier, but what about MHO?
what were they thinking, such a boring final boss.
all me
what about mho
No this is me
It's not like it was suddenly nerfed for GU. It's been nerfed repeatedly since tri. It was only 1.5 in FU and tri and they've been steadily dropping it ever since. So if history is a guide, at best it stays the same as GU, at worse, they nerf it harder.
It was Chinese.
Looked nice.
Floaty as fuck.
And had a few neat monster ideas bogged down by pretty much everything else about the game.
>the claw counter coming in Iceborne
>guard dashing wherever you want from neutral block
Can't wait to molest monsters even harder
So should i buy world on iceborne at launch? I liked mhgu and beat g rank. I have a 2070 super on the way
What about it? Good character creator that looked more like a Korean fantasy MMO than monhun. One or two good monster designs that were wasted and ultimately played like shit anyways. Floaty controls with excessive input and animation delays. It was Chinese.
this is not all me
>>guard dashing wherever you want from neutral block
You can already do this though.
>Guard Dash (Left, Right, Back) can now be performed after the start up of a guard.
You could forward Guard Dash from neutral but the others had to follow up after an attack.
how badly does this guy want to FUCK every single monster
i wish people would stop spreading out during Kulve Taroth so she stops rotating and melee users can actually hit her chest. too many escapes without even getting her molten.
No, user. Hold r2, hold l2, then guard dash in any direction from neutral. You could always do this in world.
user user anon user anon user anon
only trannies use user
For all rare endemics, find a valid spawn location and wait for any required conditions such as time of day or weather, look at the spot it spawns at and look away repeatedly.
Its chance to spawn is rolled periodically when out of sight. Simply spinning the camera makes it roll to spawn much faster.
Well shit. That's something I had no idea about despite playing Lance for ages.
What does the patch note refer to then?
I have no idea. Maybe they let you do it without l2 after the patch. Anyway, try it out and see how amazing it is.
user you're an idiot
dumb esl
Why the fuck is Lance counter is so weak even with my 100% affinity lance set. In the time i counter i could have just evaded the attack and poked 2 times for the same damage
suri m8
yer righ daft ye cunt
Evade lance yield better DPS uptime then guard lance. So just keep playing evade lance if you feel guard lance is too weak.
Garuga just got video footage youtube.com
I cant believe of all monsters garuga is in
have styx
wait wait wait. holy shit its real
Yo wait wtf
>Steve and Gore never got in but a fucking meme bird the equivalent of Khezu got in
Did it just flip off Deviljho with with its tail? What a chad.
Did this nigga just prove his superiority over Jho? That's fucking funny.
>still no zin
That Glav GS looks completely different than the one from Brachy. I fucking knew that was an early upgrade
Couldn't they just jump over?
>Garuga before Kut-ku
>I have to wait till Black Friday to get a PS+ subscription discount and hopefully and iceborne discount as well since I'm not WOKE money wise
Have fun bros
I think the Narga Switch Axe is the unique model too.
What the fuck?
Oh shit.
So Garuga must be the reason the game completion percentage is so low among reviewers.
We've done it boys.
>Yian Garuga
>flies to the new world
>stronger than Jho
>steals moves from Raths
>screams louder than Tigrex
>has MR rarest quality weapons
>hard blocks reviewers from finishing the game
Is there anything Yian Garuga can't do?
Oh fuck you're right
Garugachads actually won. How?
I am so glad Garuga is back. Bird wyvern is in desperate need of some presence in the endgame.
by doing literally nothing
>doesn't squeal like stevefags
>doesn't bitch and moan like khezufags
>doesn't act smug like Zinofags
Just working on doing some of the AT I missed during my 9 month break. Bitches still only drop 1 ticket per run. Currently spraying pellets at Xeno.
Are Kut-Ku genes more superior than Rathalos?
There is no way this hybrid motherfucker can be this chad
this tbqhfampai
The patient bird gets the worm. And hunters get the pecks.
ITT: We predict shitter tears produced by Garuga
At this rate plesioth might actually be in the game
Yian Garuga>Your favorite monster not in Iceborne
Ha, very funny ano-
>it's real
It's gonna be AIDS to SoS that fight. There's nothing like him in World and I bet the playerbase inexperience will show.
GAAAAAAAOOOOOOOD MORNING, Hunters! Just wanted to remind you that YIAN GARUGA (yes, THE Yian Garuga from the famous Monster Hunter Freedom) has been confirmed in Iceborne! Make sure to save your tears for soon, when Yian Garuga instant charges into your living room once Iceborne comes out!
>B-b-b-b-but what the fuck how could they have added him? He's so bad
Yikes! That's a large assumption. How can your autistic bias invalidate the pure kino of Deadeye Yian Garuga? Unlike your "Jet Dragon", Valstraxcucks, Yian Garuga is a grounded design! Ever heard of the basis of realism in this franchise? And while you're busy obsessing over the Cookie Leak, mind explaining to me why only Zinogre has a unique icon? Seems a bit suspicious if you ask me, but feel free to continue in your denial. Yian Garuga is in whether you like it or not!
The fact that fan favorites like Gore, Val, and Zino are still unconfirmed while this fucking autism bird gives me the smuggest of smug
retard thats an actual threat delete your post
Oooor, they just make him slower. That's kind of how most monsters are now as a result of no longer being robots with the exact same quarter-turns. It'll probably be easier.
while this fucking autism bird gets in*
Lances are slow
>with feedback from Iceborne they introduce MR Hyper Tempered Yian Garuga
switch the vale and the highlands
highlands isn't a bad map but it has way too much climbing for my taste. though the actual design of the map makes up for it.
Vale is a really based concept and the map isn't really that convoluted or hard to navigate. My only real issue with it are the effluvia clouds but they aren't a big enough nuisance for me to have an issue with them.
I honestly don't see why there are so many people that like the ancient forest because it has an unnecessary amount of split pathways and the map becomes literally unreadable once you start getting to the higher areas
Birds act exactly as twitchy as Garuga. They'll keep his speed intact for sure. I mean they made Brachy just as fast
Please Ryozo, why won't you take care of this poor child?
You now realize they nerfed Temporal for Garuga's sake
Requesting Yian Garuga WHIRRRRRRRRRRRRRing Zinogre
I've been cracking up for the past two minutes thinking about how Garuga is confirmed and Zinogre isn't
I love this stupid bird
I also realized it'll nullify the mantle in like 2 seconds since it'll hit you 5 times that quickly
Imagine pretending to be a big bad asshole and getting dabbed on by an angry chicken.
I'm so happy. Freedom was my first MH a decade ago and this fucker always stood out for me.
>posting cringecat
Ryozo said his favorite monster wasn't in yet.
>Garuga CM comes out
Yian Garuga is Ryozo's favorite for 5th gen.
Jhos don't like poison, and Garuga is all poison. And some fire here and there.
Move over Sergios, the original big dick is here.
Have you taken care of the monster eggs yet?
Glavenus unique insect glaive is in the commercial as well.
was that the fucking thing that did the retard dashes while tossing poison left and right? that shit was piss easy it was basically just kut ku but poison. What the fuck
>tigrex and brachy turf war
>identical to barioth and fulgur anja turf war
I guess the brutes and pseudowyverns just all share those animations.
Also holy shit garuga just picked a fight with jho
gypceros is different
What if Garuga gets a sub or variant
Just retcon Deadeye into a variant instead
You can get as many as three. I had it happen against Nerg and Xeno.
>Garuga and Jho turf war
>Jho suddenly gets knocked over on his own
>everyone who played 4U collectively shits themselves because they just witnessed Deviljho jobbing to frame 0 charge
>"Deviljho has left the locale"
Get ready for the KUT
Anyone have that anniversary picture that has Garuga in it?
I can't believe I doubted Garugachads... damn
>b-b-b-b-b-but it'll be iron/bone shit!
>I-I-I-I-I-Its gonna flop!
Watching this autist in /mhg/ flaring up just made my night. God I love seeing autists getting what they deserve
But that's the IG.
And the tigrex sns, along with the original brachy set and hammer
Can't tell what that other dude running by with the hunting horn in glavenus's bit has though
dont push your luck, dumbass
>SOS for garuga
>3 bowshitters join
How fucked are you?
People are exporting the models with the tools mhvuze released some time ago, yeah.
Garuga's beak thrusts are one of its more powerful moves, but it also leaves his head vulnerable afterwards! So keep your distance and strike the head as it withdraws its beak from the ground!
You can literally see the bug in his arm you blind nigger
>ex hb glavenus
Wtf I didn't expect any of this shit. Is he designed to wreck people who can farm regular/hyper Glavenus? His attacks have an odd way of sniping me when I should be in safe spots.
>that brachy hammer
Well, Yea Forums?
>the madmen actually added Garuga
I now completely believe Valstrax is in. If Garugabros can get in, so can he
I take it you've not used Greatsword? Satisfaction: the weapon.
>mfw Garuga bullies Pukei
I'm ready for a buddy to yell incoherently for hours because he was desperately hoping it wasn't gonna happen.
Why? If anything it shows the opposite. They care more about 1st and 2nd gen than 4th.
So if Capcom is actually open to the idea of having more unique weapon designs, why the fuck didn't they do it for World?
Did Zorah Magdaros really take up that much dev time?
I'm happy to see yian garuga. Not despite how much of an asshole it is, but rather because of it.
What in the actual fuck? There aren't even a kut-ku in the game.
It's because they planned it from the start, but wanted unique models to be the final upgrade, hence only a few in HR but all of them in G-rank
He died on the way to his home planet.
I'm sure the main reason they're fixing it now is that people were complaining about it but it could have been time constraints, yeah.
>tfw garuga kills and replaces the handler
>go to the canteen and get a free youtube.com
My guess is they wanted a progression system for how you built weapons. But if everyone got the unique designs before G-rank itd go against the whole point.
>taps mic
It appears that Yian Garuga is responsible for drowning Steve in the ocean while on the way to the New World.
World in general took the longest to make because they had to do everything from scratch rather than copy stuff from older games. Now that all the heavy lifting is out of the way they actually have time to dedicate to unique weapon designs.
the editing of this video makes me uncomfortable
This is probably it.
Fuck this purple nigger , give me Malfestio
so how did all returning monsters make it to the new world? all just headcanon? either way post
It's one of those videos that's about twice as long as it needs to be
>finally have a proper pecky flying wyvern in World
>it's fucking yian garuga
O boi
Post Yakiudon Garugas
The mantle activating comes with a lengthy invulnerability period and long directional dodge.
of not being able to do anything. Then it activates again, then again, then again, and the its REWARDS DECREASED
pls be fast bug
You have to realize how few new armors and weapons are actually made per game. Only tri ever had to actually do any heavy lifting before World. Everything after was PSP assets with 5 to 15 actual new sets - but they were still using the old templates to build on top of.
World had to make everything from the ground up. It's the same reason Gunner/Blade disappeared. They could probably bring that change back next generation though.
>yian garuga
>flying wyvern
Are you okay?
Probably meant Bird Wyvern
>three carts
>22 lifepowders
>11 ancient potions
>4 traps
>para activated 4 times
>3 mounts
>6 alchemy cheers
>countless hunter arts
>2 randoms helping out
>all under 50 minutes
>1 captured valphalk
So how's my hunting?
hundred million hours in MS paint
Cape chads rise up
I probably should have said winged, I avoided saying bird because Kulu Ya-ku is a Bird Wyvern and he pecks.
Worldbab here. Fill me in on Garuga
Well, talk about a miracle
absolute trash monster and its a bad sign hes in. On tier of shittiness with plesioth and khezu
Imagine Kulu Ya Ku, still being derpy as heck, but with animation canceling and hits like a truck.
But why did they reveal the final boss so soon?
So what's left for the Sep 3rd livestream
First DLC monster reveal?
Paolumu on giga crack with roars instead of windpress
Screaming retard secretly isn't retarded.
turn, turn, instant tackle
Based Taikun Zamuza alongside a new skeleton
>tfw you tried to tell people this but nobody believed it and just wanted to buy into the "CAPCOM IS LAZY FOR NOT GIVING US A 1:1 HD RECREATION OF MHXX" narrative
>monster version of a shitpost is in
Preordered the deluxe edition, Capcom deserves all my money
She makes shitters quit. Chad hunters can stunlock her with no effort involved.
Gobul is most likely never coming back.
Imagine a rathian, but smaller, faster, roars more often, with harder legs, wings, and torso, that can cancel its animations and has 0 frame startup moves
Imagine AT Nerg's Pepega slam being put into an entire kit.
how much force do you have to be fucking exerting to knock a multiple ton giant monster off of his fucking feet with just a midair backflip
Why is nobody talking about the Barioth X set?
>yfw garuga still has the instacharge
Garuga might be the fifth invader
>Yian Garuga can BTFO Deviljho
>Deviljho can fuck over almost any monster because “muh monstie sue”
>therefore, If I kill Garuga, I BTFO out of any monster.
Just fucking kill me
>Barioth X set
If we follow what that fag Enomoto said Gore will be the first DLC along side Shagaru (maybe) no way they bring us Lao or Jhen
Vergil what are you doing here? Don't you have a DLC to announce?
>“muh monstie sue”
You called?
I'm down with anything more than Jho and Bazel
A good way to mix things up
That nigga from this : game.watch.impress.co.jp
Ebony is an invader?
Ignore him. I took another look at the video and can confirm that it's Barioth S.
>event quest where they have a five-way melee at Area 8 of the Elders' Recess
I would be happy as hell if Gore and Shaggy made it, even as DLC
Iceborne is already surpassing my expectations so it would be the cherry on top.
I heard he's an invader at 3*, Fulgur at 4*
>Garuga at 5*
Fast bugs are overrated anyways. Power is most important, and then speed/heal.
I actually prefer at least 7 points in heal for the halved stamina recovery.
meant for
Literal contrarian nonsense.
Never seen Jho flinch back so hard before. If this is Garuga's quest cutscene it basically confirms that Garuga successfully drives Jho away holy shit
Tigrex is an invader too bro.
Vale needs to be higher.
I'll usually go there just to get hyped on the combat music.
While Mr. GAAAAAOOOOO returning is neat, I'm kinda sad we didn't see a New World version.
Post yfw Garuga's new theme incorporates KOKOTOOOOO into its composition
Why is Garuga always so angry? What the fuck is his problem?
>Garuga bitch slapping Jho.
Who the fuck is Enomoto? I thought Ryozo's name was Tsujimoto?
And if it's Ryozo, the last monster he said was his favorite was Lao Shan Lung.
he saw everyone bullying Kut Ku
Speed is more important retard. The faster your bug moves, then the faster yoi get your buffs. The faster you get your buffs, then the sooner you can use your moves that aren't a total joke. A 0/15/0 bug is a straight upgrade from a 15/14/0 dragon.
t. actually fucking plays the weapon.
>garuga is here to shit on all monster power-level faggotry
fucking based
Imagine your dad being Kut Ku and mom being a Rathian.
But HE bullies Kut Ku.
>also said there's gonna be a new siege
>Lao layered set is in
No question. He's in and everyone's gonna suffer
>jho tags in bazel to fight garuga
>jho heals
>they tag team takedown garuga
Wouldn't you be upset if your favourite toy got taken.
That must have been some brave fucking Kut Ku.
>lao and zorah turf war
Why would he? No other monster in World has a one-frame attack
Those that hate Garuga. How are you coping this?
I just can't fucking believe this bird nigger got in, just out of nowhere
Just a thought. If Garuga is said to be smart, does that mean he'll try to use environmental traps against you?
I always thought Garuga was just a Punished Kut-Ku that steals moves from other monsters and essentially plays dirty to secure his victory
Zorah is huge compared to Lao, it'd hardly be a fight.
Nope. According to the 2nd gen ecology books Yian Kut Ku fucked a Rathian.
tip for Small crown Kirin, this motherfucker wont fucking show up. Been hunting it for 3 days straight. doing gold and silver, and temper as well.
Also what is the best way to get investigations? i'm starting to run out of those due this fucker!!
>glorified cutscene becomes an actual cutscene
Zorah's like twice lao's size anyway
The only ones it can probably use against you are the vine traps. Not sure about boulders.
For Garuga...I'll probably make a dedicated bow set. Fucking dumb ducking rathian bird thing
Now that they got Garuga in IB then Cute Ku is a given for MH6
Garuga just BTFO all the Bing faggots
Wait, that is real? I thought people were memeing.
Didn't the Pre-world datamine leak had Garuga in it?
>We're getting Garuga, so that might mean we won't get Chameleos
Fuck, i meant LARGE.
I'm seething so hard that i cant even think straight.
I'm sorry, Kut-ku got killed on his way to the New World
They'd just end up bonding at the buffet table instead.
It’s Hiroki Enomoto
Nope. It's real. A lot of the meme shit is real - it's when it gets into the edgelord hyper shit that you know it's wiki stuff.
Why are people assuming Kut-ku isn't in? Garuga being in means Kut-ku is in. That's like adding Rathalos but without Rathian
>poison makes it easier to trip, stun, and status monsters
If that meme bird is in, there's no reason for khezu not to be in
Chameleos is one of those monsters that's good in every aspect except actually fighting it
Just bring back trade materials and let me make its armor
You're probably the kind of guy who only uses the bug to get extracts.
A strong bug sporting an effective element does at least 25 damage per weakspot hit, on top of damage from dust effects. The bug attacks automatically and melee mark combos directly into strong rising slash and then tornado slash so you have literally no excuse not to use it. It's free damage and status/flinches.
Well, how the fuck does that even happen
post it
definitely N, poison should just be the damage ailment
I don't understand.
>Waste more than a minute each fight just trying to get his extracts
>Thinks the bug damage makes up for that
Source: dude just trust me
It’s still a meme. Not real.
It's a stamina drain for your bug and also auto mark is slower than manual. You're doing less damage overall and killing your resources.
>Garuga is back to being a Jho/Jang level monster
Glad they are fixing that mistake by neutering him to be a Rathian-level monster in Gen
The only holdouts from the datamine leak are Alatreon and Oroshi Kirin
But thats just exhaust tho
Its a complete meme with literaly 0 supporting evidence, basically user has a cuck fetish
Well one of the NPCs talks about it in GU, so its not just a meme. It doesn't mean its real though. The NPCs say a lot of silly shit.
Please don't fuck up his roar and roar pose Capcom l, I believe in you
pick up as many footsteps as you can and break parts, it'll get investigations of similar threat level monsters
*braps on your nose*
>needs speed to get his extracts instead of just predicting where the monster will be after its attack
I'll bet you can't use any slow weapons either.
>It's a stamina drain for your bug and also auto mark is slower than manual
I'd gladly trade the bug's stamina for its damage and status effects instead of letting it just sit on my arm for a minute and a half. What do you even have to lose when it fights alongside you without any manual input? Manual kinsect should only be used when you're too far away to attack or if you're a couple of hits away from a knockout with a blunt bug.
Large crown Kirin is also my final crown, wanna do this together?
He looks bigger too.
>Deviljho can rip a Rathalos right out of the sky
>Deviljho can lift a Diablos by the horn up and above his head
>Deviljho can pull a Bazelgeuse out of the air and stranglehold it
>gets bitch slapped by an autistic chicken
>kills u
heh....should have seen it coming....
>like 4 glasses of rum into drinking
>boot up Monster Hunter because why the hell not, may as well fight Kulve before it's gone for a while and irrelevant after Iceborne, I assume
>make it to the 3rd area in pursuit 1
>fight with the same group again, incite Kulve's wrath and beat her at pursuit 4
I'm fucking hyped bros. That was exhilarating.
Gonna try to work on my Hunting Horn skills now, haven't played it rigorously since MH4U.
So there may be monsters we've not seen!
>Savage Jho is basically soft-confirmed in the Elder Dragon MR having a suspicious normal hunt quest titled "Seething with Anger"
>Garuga is back to a supermonster threat
Who wants to bet that Lone Wolf/One-Eyed Garuga is treated as a variant now? You know they have to fill the quota for variants if they made an achievement for it. Hell maybe they'll also bring back Demon King Blos but give it an actual moveset
Oh wait. It's real.
Seething with Anger is now confirmed to be Garuga
Made me chuckle
eh, the trophy is just 30. Base world had a kill 50 elder trophy with all of 5 elders at the time. Shrieking Legiana, Ruiner Nerg, then savage jho and a new bazel variant and they're good to go.
How else are you supposed to break the tail and back legs?
Val Hazak. He’s a fucking punching bag but he’s also a big piece of shit with his miasma mechanic. Feel like I dip more into my resources with him than any other Hunt. Then again I’ve always hated anything with a damaging aura mechanic
>another returning monster
>still only have like four or five original ones in this entire expansion
That "leaked" quest list was just some dude modding his game
I've always liked Garuga. How many new monsters are we at now? What is it compared to MH4U?
That's actually the highest original monster count in the G-rank series. Usually its just 2-3
Of course there is, did you really think they’d shown everything?
Everything we haven't seen yet is just a painting.
>ah HA i knew it. you couldn't just accept your cuckold lifestyle and paid a fucker to whack him. i am laughin. laughing so hard at how much of a wimp you are. king of the skies, more like king of second bananas, if you catch my drift. aha, ahahahahah HAHA AAAHAHAHAHAHA FAGGOT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
you mean like literally every other G rank game? not that i agree with that practice
4U added 23 monsters. 2 of them were brand new, 8 were subspecies, 2 were variants and 11 were older monsters returning.
Iceborne is currently at 18 monsters added with more unrevealed. There’s 4 brand new monsters, 6 subspecies, 2 variants and 6 older monsters returning.
>predicted a water based elder dragon and put it in MR5 instead of MR6 where a Zorah subspecies would've gone
Sure user it wasn't real
I assume it's going to match 4U or maybe go up to 26 at most.
Eh, that's an alright number. I think with the amount of monsters we got in the base game we should have gotten more. I guess this is just an expansion after all. It's okay enough.
Okay Garuga it's your turn with her
Worldbab here, what the hell is the difference between Variant and Subspecies?
Can I get a source for this quest list leak?
Not really a prediction when the LS tree leaked it weeks before
You can recover all stamina by sending out your kinsect and calling it back because it restores stamina each time you manually call it back so stamina doesnt even matter in world
>Clearly sucks at IG
Opinion dismissed.
Just ignore him. The leak he's talking about is from a redditor that got deleted because all his leaks were from Yea Forums and other sources, but not his. By the time he posted the debunked icon list (the one with aggressor bazel) he got deleted for misinfo spread. Only reason he's so attached to the leak is because it mentions a switch MH game
What are the chances that Dalamadur is the "everwyrm?"
Variants are an upgrade of the base fight. In lore they’re the same species as the normal monster but have become way stronger for various reasons. Subspecies are a sidegrade of the base fight, instead of powering up the normal monster they remix them with different t elements and mechanics. In lore they’re very closely related to the normal monster but distinct enough to be classified as their own species.
Considering no other MH game has had a reused monster as its final boss, zero percent.
Dalamadur would be fucking awesome in World though.