*refuses to marry you*
*refuses to marry you*
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cest la Yea Forumsie...
Why is everyone in Skyrim so ugly
Because Bethesda are talentless hacks
Why would you? Daggerfall npcs had more personality than her.
>wanting to get sloppy seconds after Molag Bal
Big no from me dawg.
>join vampire slayers
>uncover super vampire girl with ES
>cant kill her
>cant recover her
>have to hand deliver her to an giant castle full of vampire because
So fuckin stupid
There's a mod for that.
She doesn't think she deserves that happiness desu she says it
I mean, a sort of lets be goody two shoes and let the kinda nice vampire girl go home I can understand, but are you really going to let he casually leave with an elder scroll about vampire shenanigans? Bloody hell.
what did Todd mean by this
Todd did you a favour.
Reminder, anyone who hates Serana is either a paladin or a homosexual.
>get dlc expecting to wipe out vampires
>forced to help vampire carrying an elder scroll that sasses at you
>get upset
>anyone who hates Serana is either a paladin or a homosexual.
But you repeat yourself.
So I've yet to do Dawnguard, but is there an option to tell her to just toss that ES? Arngeir's warning is one of the few times he's right; fucking with an Elder Scroll is a terrible idea.
>fucking with an Elder Scroll is a terrible idea.
[citation needed]
You can't have beautiful female characters in a game. Beautiful female characters offend feminists.
>guys let's meddle with fragments of creation that are pure Cannot Be incarnate that also blind you for good measure, what could possibly go wrong?
wait what? explain?
That picture's not really fair to use because Bioware's naturally shit with faces. I know they say it's because they're progressive, but no, they're just covering their asses. They have always been shit with faces, going all the way back to Baldur's Gate.
Pic related is the voice actress/model they based Miranda off of, cosplaying Miranda. This was before "muh SJ-dubs I'm so progressive" hit, too.
Molag Bal extracted a favor from Serena when he turned into a vampire. While she never says out and out "he raped me", Molag's title is literally (and I am using that term correctly here) "Prince of Rape." It's not hard to figure it out from there.
thats pretty hot
talentless hack cope
Jesus Christ how do you fuck that up?
It looked good back then
To be fair they got the body ok.
They got the ass right, at least.
this is a low blow. Andromeda was farmed out to the B team, in Eastern Europe. they barely knew how to program, let alone create a massive, AAA game. if you think devs intentionally make ugly characters, then you are retarded
Marriage is a stupid meme. There's no reason two people can't love each other without the stupid ritual.
The very first vampire was some bitch molag raped to death. He also turned the Harkons into vampires that way which is why they're so powerful. That's right, becoming a vampire lord is just recreating the mr hands video with a demon.
Who's waifu was she? Seemed really out of place.
>if you think devs intentionally make ugly characters, then you are retarded
Be more naive.
>Side with Dawnguard
>Try to broach the topic of curing her vampirism after the questline is done
>Do it wrong, apparently, and now she won't even consider it
>She's still considered "essential" even after the DLC quests are done
>I can't murder a blood-sucking monster that needs to kill to maintain its selfish immortality, and the game frames it like a "my body, my choice" thing
In fairness, there are genuinely benevolent vampires; see Janus Hassildor.
>game frames it like a "my body, my choice" thing
Holy shit your existence must suck, turning everything into politics like this.
>he says while gleefully sucking up the souls of his fellow dragons
>if you think devs intentionally make ugly characters, then you are retarded
because we humans are creatures of ritual, you post-modern faggot
to set in stone and declare before God to your people that this woman is yours and you hers, aka a social contract to take care of the resulting kids as a survival strategy. It really isn't that hard to understand, unless you're a mouthbreathing retarded who literally cannot understand basic social institutions.
Yeah because that always works out and divorce never happens ever. 50% for 30 years, that's the divorce rate. I've seen unmarried couples last over a decade while married ones break up before their 3rd year.
What the FUCK was his problem?
Not him but that is genuinely a good thing. All dragons, including the gods and dragonborn, are fragments of the dragon Aka, or the Dragon Made Whole. Alduin, Akatosh, Auri-el, Miraak, TLD, etc. are all fragments of this shattered god. Alduin, by being the largest fragment, is Aka's "firstborn." By "killing" and sucking up the souls of your fellow dragons, what you're doing is slowly putting the puzzle back together, and reforming the Dragon Made Whole, and when TLD dies and Akatosh gets that fragment, they'll likely usurp Alduin as the Firstborn.
Yeah it seems kind of shitty but what you're doing really is for the good of the continued existence of the cosmos/big picture deal.
Huh, I had no idea. So the dragonborn is literally a part of a god.
>divorce rates go up when divorce stops getting shunned
in other news
>children of broken homes are most likely to show antisocial or violent behavior
>children who lack strong, present father figures grow up to be flaming homos
>the rise of the current trend of hyper-liberal mouthbreathing 'SJWs' correlates perfectly with the rise of divorce
but your anecdotal experience means a lot too user guess no one should ever get married
Yeah, man. That's how you get away with dedicating yourself to all the Daedra. Your ass is property of Akatosh.
because people like you ruined the sanctity of the ritual, trivializing it and making divorce seem so easy that you can do it for trivial reasons.
Yeah and vampires dont really kill their victims since all of the reborn anyway.
but the dragon born is the son of akatosh, he is unaffected by the corruption of the scroll because he and the scroll are both equally aspects of akatosh.
The scrolls have nothing to do with akatosh.
this user gets it
The ultimate redpill: The Last Dragonborn is actually the avatar of Akatosh.
It's not my fault your idiotic ritual doesn't work. Tradition is just not actually all that powerful.
Does that mean that your consciousness merges with the dragons you eat?
they just are, which is why we don't talk about vanilla and use mods instead
living for literally hundreds of years makes you hate everything and everyone, i'd imagine
Brother, son, servant, avatar, fragment, all are correct.
what mod is that?
>tradition works for 10,000 years
>people ignore tradition
>role tradition played no longer effectively filled
>your tradition never worked at all
>sexlab submit installed
My dick
It only worked for so long because marriage was often a necessity for survival. Nowadays we don't really "need" each other anymore and it falls apart. It has nothing to do with tradition being actually good.
Tradition is a spook
Seranaholic, specifically the 1.5 version, which is my personal favourite
this one is 1.5 as well
but what about Shor? he wants a piece of that ass, too
do you know which version the one you linked is? It looks cute.
Hundreds? Try thousands. When Serana was put to sleep there literally was not an Empire, and a dragon was sent to keep her mother trapped in the Soul Cairn because that wasn't even a big deal or anything.
Megalomaniac who was born a king, wanted more power so became a vampire, reached the limits of his power without destroying the Sun, and so tried to destroy the Sun.
*mods it in, and also makes her hotter*
I love my loyal vampire wife.
This. Marry a nice wholesome Nord girl like Mjoll instead. Just make sure to take care of her orbiter before you get married
I can understand waking up a vampire.
I can understand not killing her on sight because she's nice.
I can even understand giving her back to her father who's an ultra magnum hyper powered old vampire demi god leader of a cult because you just want to be a nice guy.
I absolutely fucking cannot understand doing all of that when he has a god damn fucking ELDER MOTHER FUCKING SCROLL ON HER BACK AND REFUSES TO RELINQUISH IT WHAT THE FUCK.
>Marry a nice wholesome Nord girl like Lyida instead.
Wouldn't Durnehviir being fused with the soul cairn mean that the whole dragon can never regain it's full self?
very easy to reframe what functional means to fit your idealistic view of the past
>people needed marriage in rome for survival
>people needed marriage in akkad for survival
it's a moralizing tradition that's only really use is for maintaining order. it isn't for hunter gatherers, it's for societies.
Castle Volkihar has a bunch of cages in the back with almost naked captives in the back, who are sucked dry until their mutilated remains are dumped in a sewer. At no point does she express any kind of discomfort or dislike for this setup, and is fine to continue living there after her daddy issues are dealt with. I wouldn't call her benevolent.
It's just how she words it reminded me of that issue; I don't have strong opinions on the topic, I just think it's weird how she acts like it's none of your business whether she keeps your "gift," when you just cleansed a castle full of vampires because their "gift" was maintained by slavery and murder.
Dragon's at least attack first. I didn't kill Paarthurnax. If a vampire maintained themselves through bandits and outlaws who tried to kill them first, I wouldn't have as much of an issue. But Volkihar clearly doesn't have that setup.
wh... i just did
it's the 1.5 version
here, have a look for yourself
You swore to carry my burdens.
Well, this load in my balls is pretty burdensome. Let me give it to you.
Mjoll's just one example user as is Lydia
>Why is everyone in Skyrim so ugly
better than oblivion
wasn't the elfslayer an aspect of akatosh?
is the dragonborn absorbing dragon souls a long game to fucking up the aldmeri dominion?
>While she never says out and out "he raped me"
Molag created the Vampire by raping the fuck out her for weeks, it's also how he creates daughters of coldharbour
My mistake, I just thought she had short hair in that second shot due to the angle.
Who's on the bottom right?
>posting the cuck infographic
>Mjoll instead.
>marry Mjoll
her little cuck still follows
no worries, keep in mind you could download Hairstyler and a couple of hair mods, which allows you to give her any hair you want
Everything about Oblivion art direction is a travesty.
argonian with hair
>we don't really need eachother
Your parents certainly don't need you
Molag bal Raped her asshole as the evil lolifucker that he is when she was a pre-teen, and in a temple, so you can imagine the trauma.
Same goes to Her mother who became used goods at his hands with her watching it and her father delighting it.
Worse that Her Father and the entire clan even JOINED the Mythic Dawn because of the Prophecy shenanigans.
Grow a fucking spine and use this instead of MEMETIC garbage
its the best and most underrated mod for hers, and the one who fits better with Laura Bailey's voice. mainly the long haired appearance
What went wrong?
>What went wrong?
console memory limit
its interesting to think that TLD might be the rest of the oversoul that decided to inject itself into a mortal because the nordic fragment got uppity. a serpent has to eventually swallow and reset the world, though...
thinking on this, alduin should be bigger. a LOT bigger.
Literally nothing
man, i feel bad for bethesda's concept artists
You'd think, but the shout to summon him frees him temporarily. I would imagine at a point when enough of the puzzle is reformed Aka can just pull him out.
Pelinal? Yes, as Pelinal's heart was used to transform Martin into an avatar of Akatosh. Yeah, the Amulet of King is that crazy bastard's heart.
As for the long game, not really. Akatosh is shown to be fallible. To give some background, the Mer are aliens, actual aliens from a previous kalpa that survived thanks to Mehrunes Dagon, and they immediately informed men of Alduin's existence, which they're not supposed to know about.
When Alduin fell, Akatosh groaned but decided not to wipe out the elves because, well, shit, any other wee mortals would have done the same, so he'll just put Alduin back in line, so we get Miraak. What Akatosh didn't count on was Miraak telling Akatosh to fuck off and ran off to Hermaus Mora.
So Akatosh lets it go, the Alduin thing will work out later. This is until he finds out about the Ayleids enslaving men. See, this is the kalpa of men, the elves had their time in the sun, and now they are actively interfering with man's destiny, so now they've gotta go. To this end, we get Pelinal, whose sole purpose is to wipe them out. What Akatosh didn't count on was Pelinal dying.
Really, to destroy the Dominion, all one has to do is tip Alduin off that they plan on undoing his world eating and restoring their kalpa, and he'll likely drop everything to wipe them off the face of the earth. For all his faults, Alduin does not take fucking with the cosmic cycle lightly. Mehrunes Dagon can attest to that.
Insulting me isn't going to make your archaic medieval standards relevant again.
Does he literally eat the world or just destroy all the towers?
she also says it was "degrading" and that "shed rather not talk about it"
that and the whole "prince of rape" thing, i think its pretty obvious
Njada Stonearm is an underrated wife cause she's a total cunt before you marry her
>You and I are the only people in Skyrim worth loving, that's what I think
>Leaving? Take the world by storm dearest
>I have to get angry when other people see patterns and re-apply them correctly
Holy shit, user. What kind of npc brainwashing did you go through? Talk to someone who loves you.
I'll just leave this here.
>Does he literally eat the world
yes, the more he devours the bigger he gets
he literally is Mr Burns
>Just make sure to take care of her orbiter before you get married
Literally eats the world. This is actually what tips him off to Dagon fucking with the cycle. He realizes he's eating more and more when he shouldn't be.
>tradition "worked" for 10,000 years
>half of the people involved in the tradition stop being treated like slaves to some extent
>tradition immediately ceasing "work"ing when both parties are equal
user, it's not your dumb cult ritual that "worked", it was women having no rights.
The Altmer girl you can marry has the same lines, love her.
Gotta mod that face though. Elves are just fucking nightmare fuel when vanilla.
heh I literally watched a Thief at night murder his ass before getting bodied by guard
that chart doesn't take into account age or the duration of the marriage. It's completely meaningless without that context.
Senna and Beleval has dragonborn DLC lines.
Aranea is the best.
wait, but in tesV Alduin didnt want to destroy the world he wanted to rule over it
does that mean that Akatosh wanted him to destroy the world after all?
since LDB killed him, whos gonna destroy the world now? how will this fuck with the cycle resetting?
the LDB banished him back to Akatosh, he didn't killed him.
>since LDB killed him
You don't absorb Alduin's soul, meaning that he will come back again.
>wait, but in tesV Alduin didnt want to destroy the world he wanted to rule over it
>does that mean that Akatosh wanted him to destroy the world after all?
Yes. It sucks for the wee mortals, but what Alduin does is vital for cosmic health. Without him, the universe stagnates and decays.
>since LDB killed him, whos gonna destroy the world now? how will this fuck with the cycle resetting?
Alduin. You didn't actually kill him, as you didn't eat his fragment. You just slapped his shit back in line.
the LDB literally stole his fucking soul
kill my father
i usually just get this thot and marry her nexusmods.com
her personality is identical to Ysolda's, but atleast she's cuter
No you don't get his soul there's dialog with the greybeards about it they think he might still get to fulfill his role during the real end times
>For all his faults, Alduin does not take fucking with the cosmic cycle lightly
but he does by trying to rule over the world instead of destroying it thou
they're made by the same guy but Bijin Ysolda is a boner inducing masterpiece
what im getting here is that LDB destroying physical Alduin reset him with Akatosh, so now hes gonna basically come back and destroy the world for real this time
of course none of this will ever be mentioned again because >bethesda
Well, if Alduin does come back, there won't be a Dragonborn to stop him.
keep in mind, Akatosh is scatterbrained schizo
>not wanting to kill the vampire scum
Fucking waifufags
Is there a mod that lets me kill her?
You can cure her in the dawnguard path at the end
i use all the bijin mods, but Chaconne is still my go-to semen demon
Bijin Adrianne is my side hoe tho
the DG are a retarded organization
wait what?
Also correct. This is why Skyrim happens. That being said, post-fall Alduin is very much blind to his own hypocrisy, as he gives Paarthurnax shit for turning on him.
When he catches Dagon fucking with the cycle, he's so utterfly furious that he rewrites Dagon into the batshit berserker he's known as on the spot, cursing him to remain as such until he destroys all the pieces of previous kalpas he saved.
That's why Dagon's so obsessed with getting into Mundus throughout the series; he's trying to break the curse. If he succeeded in Oblivion, he would've returned to being the kindly demon he used to be, and cosmic balance would have been restored.
It just, again, would've been fucking terrible for the wee mortals, and that's why the wee mortals defended themselves.
Correct. Alduin isn't supposed to be stopped, as he performs a very vital duty in the grand scheme of things. The purpose of the Dragonborns were to put Alduin back in line after he fell. With Alduin back in line, the Dragonborns have fulfilled their purpose and there is no further use for them.
If he fucks around again and don't end everything there probably will be
This is honestly a great screenshot. Is the filter applied before with an ENB or after?
>implying women were slaves in every or even most societies
You have to make sure not to ask her about curing it until Harkon is dead or she gets pissed and it won't work
if you've seen the dialogue option
>Were you always a vampire?
you can get into a conversation about curing her
you have to do it at the end of the questline, otherwise she refuses to talk to you about it forever
this can be fixed with SetPapyrusQuestVar DLC1NPCMentalModel ToldPlayerSheDidntWantCure_var False. If that doesn't work, simply forcing the cure with setstage DLC1SeranaCureSelfQuest 100 should work
you know when i first played skyrim i got the impression he was trying to end the world not rule it, this is much more interesting imo, but its a huge plot hole because i guarantee you Bethesda will never touch it again
Yep. Miraak's entire purpose when he was created by Akatosh was to slap Alduin's shit.
That's in game, believe it or not. The Greybeards only agree to help you because it's clear Alduin's not doing his job, and Paarthurnax tells you Alduin has bailed on his job outright.
The morrowind concept artists at least got most of their designs properly realized in the game. Nu-Yea Forums loves to shit on MK but the man drew some tight ass shit for the game. I wonder if Bethesda completely replaced their modeling team between morrowind and oblivion
What if they're both?
He gets killed all the time during those vampire attacks. On PC you just let them kill whoever, eventually they'll get Aerin and then you can just resurrect everybody else with the console. Or just do it yourself but you've got to be pretty sneaky about it.
is dagon a fucked up shard of aka, and molag bal a fucked up shard of lorkhan?
What's the commonly accepted theory on this guy? Was he literally a reincarnation of Lorkhan?
Alduin is tougher than the dragon priest who beat him
So, what exactly was Miraak trying to do with the All-Maker stones? Create a Tower? How would that have let him escape Mora?
He was trying to mantle the godhead or some crazy shit like that he had grander plans than ruling Solstheim
I thought the deadra were beings that refused to give up any of their power to create the world the way the aedra did.
Dragons are assholes attacking and killing people for no reason even after you kill Aludin, they need to be put down.
It's not really a plot hole because theres nothing to say that Akatosh has to send Alduin back any time soon. The series could span thousands of years in the next games and as long as theres some hint that alduin is returning to end it all after the fact it's still good. And there will be, because hints and backdrops are where Bethesda puts all the good lore in all of their games.
No to both. Dagon in particular was just a random ass Daedra that felt bad for the wee mortals getting shit on when Alduin had to do his job, so he started saving shards of the kalpas, got caught, and Alduin rewrote him into the nut you know.
See It makes more sense when you equate the Tree Stone to Yggdrasill and Miraak to Nidhogg. If I had to guess, he's likely aiming to cause a dragon break so he can slip on out. He's reached the point of "fuck it, I'll just break everything and fix it later."
Paarth gave up his old ways, though.
He was trying to mantle the godhead and remake the world in his own dream. It supersedes the kalpas that alduin used to reset because the kalpas are creations of "lesser" gods compared to the godhead. He essentially wanted to make himself God Almighty.
I think that's true but I cant for the life of me remember why the aedra are more powerful even though they sacrificed to create the world.
>A Redguard who actually wants to work! Amazing.
And being a prick won't make your shitty post modern philosophy work either.
>Modern women whoring about with men who have no intention of marrying them.
what happens at the start of a new kalpa?
dexter fugged that
>playing a Todd game without mods
When a Dragon Break happens, the events inside the Dragon Break are flung back to the Dawn Era, which alters history and creates a new timeline. The old timeline is replaced. Or warped to fit the new one. Whatever the case, the timeline is destroyed, literally or metaphorically, and a new timeline is born. This is the turning of the Kalpa.
is lorkhan still dead, or does he die again everytime?
But none of the other dragons do
all of this wild lore guessing when most likely some dude who never read any TES lore got paid two fiddy to do a shitty rime
he dies that you may live and, through love, discover amaranth
every time
Good question. I don't have an answer for that.
>mods you against your will
Why would Dragonborn need a "use"? What use was Septim and Wulfharth being Dragonborn?
What's her race anyway?
>not marrying Ysolda
It's mostly the faces. They are just so bad (even for the time) that they make everything NPCs wear look bad by association.
Take the ugly mug out of the picture and, while sure they didn't get all the details perfect, it's not exactly a disaster either
It's the main reason glass armor looks so goofy on most characters too. People often complain that the open helmet is ugly, but it's really what the open helmet reveals that revolts you.
Tiber Septim changed the face of Tamriel, Cyrodiil was a jungle before he snapped his fingers and changed it into the land it is in Oblivion.
She's not blond tho I thought she's imperial or breton mutt
Are you being daft on purpose? Morrowind and Oblivion were absolutely full of brown/black haired Nords.
Why does the male Skyrim Khajiit look so sad?
The Skyrim Argonian also looks kinda disturbed by something.
My Lady demands I slay you, abomination
Why can't I marry the Jarl of Solitude?
>marrying a drug dealer when you can marry a sweet, down to earth, hard working Nord woman who has a healthy relationship with her parents
>The Skyrim Argonian also looks kinda disturbed by something.
Probably the sight of the Dunmer in Windhelm.
Not him but I don't think Tiber and crew were originally Dovahkiin. I think that might be Talos fuckery at work.
Always take Talos connected lore with a grain of salt, both he and Vivec have proven they will retcon shit for their own purposes.
Apocrypha > Shivering Isles
Morrowind needs to build a wall
she just watched her husband get shouted into a million pieces, give her a break for a bit
You can with mods. But to answer your question: She's a jarl (and a likely candidate for high queen of Skyrim), you can't just marry up into royalty.
Maybe not 'marriage' but definitely pair bonding. If a woman didn't latch herself onto a man she'd just be everyone's rapebait. Her father wouldn't be able to protect her forever.
Get out of your delusional bubble. Even in the modern day women are fucked without men. Men clean the sewers and pump the water and grow the food and run the power grid. The only reason individual women don't *need* to latch onto individual men any more is the rise of the welfare state where the big sugar daddy government just forces all men to support all women.
there's nothing to do in apocrypha, you just find the book and you're outta there
>believing Imperial lies
o i am laffin
Is Morrowind still inhabited by a sizable amount of Dunmer in the 4th Era? Between Red Mountain and the Accession War, I figured most of them evacuated to Skyrim.
no it fucking didnt, holy shit.
Nah, Molag Bal definitely had them both at the same time.
Did Skyrim have the loli vampire or was that Oblivion? It's been a while and the dark brotherhood guild from both games kind of blur together for me trying to remember.
I'm talking aesthetics.
It was Skyrim. It's crazy how unlikable the Dark Brotherhood NPCs were in Skyrim.
>they spent all those souls to build the great Ghostfence in their own territory
>they didn't do the same for their southern border
they deserved what happened.
City of Blacklight is the capital for now that's where most Dunmer are outside of Skyrim and Solstheim
He did. You actually meet Torygg in Sovngarde. He calls Ulfric an asshole who did use the thu'um. Which was pointless because Torygg would have helped if Ulfric just asked.
There are almost always five ES threads in the catalog at any given time. Take it to .
I already took your mom to .
>every non-white character portrayed is male
>only female is a white nord
>surrounded by a bixnood and a spaghetti
Subtle, Bethesda, subtle.
Absolutely based.
I'm a paladÃn and I purified her, that's what true paladins do
>Torygg would have helped if Ulfric just asked.
Doubt it. Torygg and Elisif seem to be incredibly dependent on Imperial help. Torygg also didn't strike me as the type that would go against the Empire anyways. All that being said, Ulfric could have at least asked.
Imperial story = Ulfric walked into the room, used the Thu'um on Torygg and blew him to pieces assassinating him
Ulfric's story = He challenged Torygg to a duel, shouted him to the ground, and used his sword to kill Torygg while he was knocked down. Ulfric readily admits Torygg stood no chance against him and his death was a message to the Empire
The very fact that Torygg is in Sovngarde tells you the duel took place, giving more credance to Ulfric's story and not the Imperials. Torygg even says he "faced Ulfric without fear". This is does not align at all with the Imperials attempt to demonize Ulfric.
This is your brain on (((/pol/)))
really only the nord women are ugly.everyone else is fine.
orc women are cutie.
>Nord women are ugl-
The Shivering Isles still have several different environments
That chart was made by someone on here and not Bethesda.
Not to mention the fact that the Thu'um doesn't even work like that. There isn't a single shout in the game that can literally blow an enemy apart much less one that someone who isn't a dragonborn could use.
Pattern recognition is a core sign of intelligence.
I have bad news for you, buddy.
Imperials are literally of Nordic offspring
Nedes esta germanic
Pretty sure we only ever see Ulfric use Unrelenting Force and Disarm, too. Neither of which are directly lethal.
>Morrowind redguard
Ulfric obviously used unrelenting force on him and then ran up and stabbed him in the heart. 'Shouted to pieces' wasn't literal.
>the blacksmith at whiterun
liked her and lydia the most, even in vanilla
Vampires EAT people
talking without mods. mods make every model better.
>when you know which hentai references this scene
Unrelenting force literally disintegrate you
No it doesn't. Ulfirc uses Unrelenting Force on the Solitude Soldiers and Tulius/Rikke who should by all accounts not be able to withstand the Thu'um like Ulfric/LDB can and at worst they go flying like everything else. The only way the Unrelenting Force shout can do that is if you mediate with Paarthurnax and there's nothing to indicate Ulfric did that.
The B team was in Montreal, not Eastern Europe.
>Marrying a whore who gave herself to Molag bal to be fucked to death.
seems like kirkbride autism
every elder scrolls game has awful faces, what is this comparison meant to contrast?
just different shades of shit
reminder that torygg says he would have joined ulfric in the rebellion if ulfric just asked him
reminder ulfric is a piece of shit who killed someone who looked up to him without any provocation whatsoever
Did Wulfgar meditate with Paarth?
The in-game version doesn't necessarily represent how it's supposed to work in the lore. The Thu'um is said to swipe people off their feet, but given enough force, the voice can also rip people apart. Imagine standing infront of a jet engine that blasted 20G of wind at your face in half a second. Your body would disintegrate and decorate the surroundings with your innards.
Someone has to go and kill Molag Bal
Not even Mehrunes is this evil
>Molag Bal
he also raped Vivec for 8 days, got him pregnant and had a daughter with her, who he wanted to kill and her soul forever after she fell in love with a frost atronach
which wife is the cutest?
There is noting to imply that at all other than some hearsay from his court that he respect Ulfric. Do you really a Imperial grade Nord like Torygg would just up and join a rebellion? Even the citizens of Solitude tell you Torygg was a shit king and all he really cared about was felatting the Empire and entertaining Elisif.
in game does represent it. it is just that no one in game uses it to its full extent. that is why the greybeards just whispering shake the whole mountaintop.
the dragonborn can learn the thu'um quickly but he can't use it to its full potential without years of practice.
My wife tbqh
One of Mora's black books does make the shout disintegrate but Ulfric probably doesn't have that power
>You will never marry a cute miner girl
>cucks her husband for you
What's his end game?
Sylgja isn't married
He almost got fucked forever by a Dragonborn and cucked by a Skaal shaman proving that daedra aren't all powerful
>daedra aren't all powerful
You were saying?
nothing he is a complete loser prince
every other prince laughs at when mehrunes dagon beats him up stuffs him in a locker and takes his lunch money.
I have a feeling Neloth will be an enemy you have to deal with in TES VI after going crazy, his set of quests are all about replacing his own heart with a heartstone like the briar-heart warriors and even if he does it 'right' who knows what'll happen to him his apprentice was hearing voices.
We already proved that in Battlespire when we invaded Mehrunes Dagon's own realm and banished him in it. According to the Dremora, all Daedra (including Princes) have a critical weakness in their protonymics.
>the one nice god got rewritten to be one of the most evil ones by other gods
Gods are dicks. Mortals should rise up and punch the shit out of them.
stealing the power of other Gods via their artifacts and agents
he has two Dragonborn souls, the Heart of Lorkhan and god knows what else
probably doesnt actually want to do anything with them though, just likes being the one who holds all the power
Will he be in tes vi
Broke:Wanting to fuck Serana
Woke:Wanting to fuck Valerica
Her weight slider is always 100 while Serana is like 25 so shes always thick as fuck in my gameSkyrim
So you're saying that women having no right works and we should do that?
They have different power levels
Can we be like an average joe in TES VI please not a profecy hero or some shit
Broke:wanting to fuck just one
Woke:killing her husband and fucking her and her daughter
Which side is right, Yea Forums? The Legion or the Stormcloaks.
I'd like to see Jygg make a return to, but I'm not really sure how they'd pull it off. He has no real business on Mundus and is probably just rebuilding his plane in Oblivion.
Empire because ulfric is a massive retard
found the incel
Imperial legion of course until we kill the thalmor then independence because the empire died when the septim dynasty died
Morrowind and Oblivion you're just some average Joe. Morrowind was pretty much a deconstruction of the chosen one trope.
Empire of course, you wouldn't want to fuck over your bro Jarl Balgruuf would you?
skyrim belongs to the nords
I keked audibly as well.
The high IQ man of culture bangs Valerica while introducing Serana to one of his followers or housecarls
No you're the chosen one in both games and the CoC becomes Sheogorath
Stormcloaks, without the Septim bloodline the empire is just a broken bitch to the Thalmor. Bowing to a broken bitch just mean's being a bitch's bitch.
Imagine the smell of this hard-working nord woman that's trapped inside her filthy shoes. Being a Nord she must have giant stinking fucking feet.
You're definitely the chosen one in Morrowind, you're the reincarnated hero and you fulfill the prophecy as foretold. Oblivion however has you be the chosen one's bodyguard, chosen one being Martin.
Also Daggerfall where you're the emperor's friend and personal agent working with the blades. You're important for sure but not the subject of prophecy and have no god-given powers like in Skyrim.
I think a lot of people get the wrong idea of Ulfric. He was someone who was raised from a young age in deep Nordic traditions, by training with the Greybeards and learning Thu'um. Then, he gets called off to war, where he sees his fellow Nords slaughtered and the weak Empire appease the Thalmor, who tortured Ulfric, banning any worship of Talos. He then returns back to Skyrim to see the people that he fought against and killed his peers welcome with open arms.
I'm not necessarily saying he's in the right, but it's easy to sympathize with him.
Where you really the chosen one or just some guy who happened to be in the right place at the right time? It's implied that the Empire just kept sending random prisoners to Vvardenfall.
The prophecy isn't about you specifically in Morrowind, but yeah you do end up being the one to fulfill it in the end.
>>half of the people involved in the tradition stop being treated like slaves to some extent
You're a fucking retard if you've actually drank that koolaid.
>He then returns back to Skyrim to see the people that he fought against and killed his peers welcome with open arms.
Because he doesn't understand politics or the bigger picture
Uriel Septim had dreams about both protagonists and set them on the path
The Empire is eternal, it's not tied to a single man. It's an ideal and an identity. Surrendering to the Thalmor was necessary to keep it alive and they can and will come back and defeat them. Ulfrich betrayed what it means to be a Nord by turning his back on the Empire founded by the man he fights to worship.
When you retrieve the moon and star without dying it proves you are in fact the chosen one. There were people who weren't the chosen one who's the reincarnation of Nerevar. The fact that so many others failed by not being it only makes it that much more clear that you are.
This would be such a kino setting for VI.
My dream is Valenwood and Summerset together, but we'll probably get stupid dusty Hammerfell and everything will be brown in grey.
It would have to be Alinor and Valenwood in the same game if they're making an aldmeri dominion setting
What would be kino for VI is that Bethesda literally steals their stealth system from Thief or Dishonored. Because holy fucking shit.
The dragon priest had a bunch of allies with him, probably winning with numbers. His unique shout is pretty much geared to that.
Alessia founded the Empire.
Bethesda would absolutely rape the architecture
>arrow to the head
Someone there?
You know they'll pick Hammerfell so they can copypaste a bunch of featureless desert
Exactly, and people are clamoring for it and I don't get it. Deserts are hard to pull off in video games and I doubt Bethesda of all people can make an interesting desert to explore.
The empire isn't eternal. It started with the Septim bloodline and should have ended with it. Without a powerful leader to hold the nations together there's no reason at all for the nations to BE held together. It won't bounce back or even dare to think about rebelling against Thalmor. It's a shambling corpse waiting to die when the Thalmor finally drain it for all it's worth. In fact it's crazy to think that people would actually advocate for world domination through sheer tyranny purely for the sake of it.
Or if they got Arkane to implement DMoMM combat.
I really hope they don't do Hammerfell because there's already an ES game that covered it and Summerset, Valenwood, Elsewyr are significantly more interesting while letting them continue to cover the Thalmor/Empire angle.
>huh, must be the wind that killed five people with arrows in the last two minutes
>copypaste a bunch of featureless desert
watch it be the same texture as snow from Skyrim colored brown
>After the war in skyrim, nordic culture started to expand through the other provinces, and in a bizarre twist the high elves decided to make all their cities and towns look just like skyrims!
Kingdoms and empires aren't tied to one man or one ruler though. The empire is weakened and fractured, sure, but dividing it further isn't the answer.
She founded the First Empire, the Third was founded by Tiber Septim.
It's either the empire's tyranny or the thalmor's tyranny and the thalmor are worse
Honestly. What in the fuck is wrong Bethesda developer team when it comes to combat? Do they just have shitty programmers? Do they need to hire new blood with good ideas?
Stick with the evil you know.
I love the lore so much and I always learn something new in these threads. I hope to be a loremaster one day.
I'm not sure why they don't get help from Arkane. Arx Fatalis and Dark Messiah have two of the best magic systems in any video game and the latter has the best first person sword combat.
>Implying siding with the empire isn't choosing BOTH empire tyranny and thalmor tyranny
I don't know where you people keep getting the idea that the thalmor's weak ass bitch puppet will just suddenly turn on them and win 'someday if everyone submits long enough'. Seriously, is there something I'm missing that actually makes that a real possibility?
but you're the Dragonborn, that as royal as blood can get
what's the bet that Jyggalag is the Daedric counterpart to Alduin/Aka-tusk and the curse of Sheogorath's madness coincided with Alduin's betrayal?
Time is after all the domain of Akatosh, and Jyggalag is meant to see the world as deterministic, an aspect of time
You are familiar with Anu's lineage, right?
>Even the citizens of Solitude tell you Torygg was a shit king and all he really cared about was felatting the Empire and entertaining Elisif.
Which NPCs? Kinda curious now.
Ulfric needed a symbol
Delete this, or no ESVI
Missing the Molag Bal -> Ruddy Man -> Ancient Dreugh -> Modern (Degenerated) Dreugh link
What are your thoughts on Kirkbride? How much of his crazy shit is canon?
I just wished bethesda published books on it
Storm-cloaks clearly
Empire are massive losers and will just lose more territory anyway
If you paid attention you'd realize the Empire is secretly planning to strike the Thalmor one day just as the Thalmor are openly bragging that they're getting ready for round 2. Tullius and Rikke have no illusions about it. Next time it'll be Thalmor heads being dumped from a cart.
Damn, Sithis is that high up on the lineage list?
population growth rates
>play dawnguard
>fighting some falmer with vampire bitch
>get the way of her drain attack
>get Vampaids
>cure disease won't work
>shrine won't work
>won't progress to vampirism but get all the weaknesses
>look this up
>it's a bug that can only be cured by getting vamped by a different vampire and then doing the fallion quest
To be fair "I got pressure wash voiced to death" would probably get him kicked out of stovokor, I mean valhalla, I mean sovngarde
>wanting used goods
Yes, he's Anui-El's foil.
she's a daughter of coldharbor, she has super vampaids
What's the connection I'm seeing between the Altmer and the Bretons? Interbreeding or something?
I mean, technically I'd argue this is more accurate.
What's their plan then? To wait and see if they're suddenly blessed with the powers of a god one day for no reason, and being a foot stool with no will or ability to fight till then? Those guys are punk bitchs and have nothing.
This game needs raids like WoW or Destiny tbf
So, with Black Marsh succeeding from the Empire, what role do the Argonians play in all of this?
Best. Boy.
based sithis chad
TESO already exists
>Literal divine right/Heavenly mandate
Droit de seigneur time.
I mean, many countries in real world history have been forced to submit or outright beaten, bided their time and built up an army and tried their luck again.
quickly installs rape mod
Yes, Bretons are half Man and half Mer. The Thalmor would still seek to wipe them out, though.
>Elves just genocided all the sinister-afflicted mer.
What a handsome race.
When the Empire is back to full strength they'll take the offensive. They still need Hammerfell to either rejoin or at least forge an alliance for the next great war for troops.
>The fact that so many others failed by not being it only makes it that much more clear that you are.
You're mixing up cause and effect. They didn't fail because they "weren't it", they failed because they were not able to finish the second and third trials. Failing is what made them not it, not the other way around.
Your post is implying that all those bodies around Moon-and-Star were killed by the ring itself, which is obviously not the case when you talk to them and they all tell you the various ways they died. Something brought their bodies there after death, probably Ashlanders or servants of Azura. One of them got almost as far as you did, but failed before the third trial by dying to an ash creature in the dungeon you just did as part of the warrior's test before reaching there.
You were the first of the incarnates to pass all three trials. That's what made you the Nerevarine. It's the halfway point of the main quest and you spend the remainder of it getting everyone else to recognize you as it. Before that point you were no more the Nerevarine than all those other incarnates entombed around Moon-and-Star.
>Located on Summerset's west coast, human traders were only allowed at Alinor's ports, and they described the city as "made from glass or insect wings." Imperial emissaries of the Reman Dynasty described the city as straight and glimmering, "a hypnotic swirl of ramparts and impossibly high towers, designed to catch the light of the sun and break it to its component colors, which lies draped across its stones until you are thankful for nightfall."[1][3] It is also described by the Alinori scribe, Alanya, as a well-lit city with a temperate climate.[4]
holy shit it's true
oblivion was a mistake
I'm not Kirkbride but I have just ingested half a litre of ASDA brand cider laced with battery acid and I'm pretty sure their plan is to create the imperial instrumentality project and force all of them together to form the Numidevan "triwiz" piloted by the protagonist of TES VI.
The man with the highest IQ bangs both, pimps them out, and uses the money to go on adventures and to find more women
What is this from?
Grey Cowl of Nocturnal quest mod
Shitty engine as well as laziness
kinda reminds me of skyrim in alpha with all that sand. Her animation loop is something though.
Dagoth Ur, the Triumvirate, everyone on Vvardenfell and the Emperor weren't able to really give you that answer for certain, Yea Forums won't be able to either. The only one with the answer is Nerevar. pretty sure ESO canonized it though.
This guy is definitely objectively in my correct completely unbackable unjustified infactual truth wrong though: Shiggy retroactively invented Jyggalag as a massive conspiracy to make the CoC insane. It's just far too sane otherwise.
Why would you? She's fucking crazy.
Nah, this is definitely us from Oblivion.
>he also raped Vivec
Can't rape the willing. Vivec pulled a "just as planned" that way because he's a theatrical asshole.
He's not a big titty Argonian so that's obviously wrong.
GAYMbro engine
That's what you said, not me.
>It only worked for so long because marriage was often a necessity for survival. Nowadays we don't really "need" each other anymore and it falls apart. It has nothing to do with tradition being actually good.
>"Woah why is everyone shooting up schools and overdosing on painkillers suddenly"
Bethesda is seriously a bunch of untalented hacks.
Are we still pretending that the HoK became Sheogorath? It has been debunked many times.
Your character's body rotted and transcended being a mortal it's been 200 years. Daedric princes can look like whatever.
its true that opium is a very modern problem, and homicide.
It's already been like a decade since the great war, yet they haven't recovered at all from the losses. How long are they going to take to do that? Especially when the thalmor can freely go around and kill, kidnap and interrogate anyone they want on suspicions of breaking the terms of the WGC, all the while the legion will help cover it all up?
And Hammerfell hates the Empire for selling them out, there's no way they'd just forget about that so easily.
>It has been debunked many times.
[citation needed]
>Roving thalmor thought police with free licence to imprison, torture and be smug at anyone in the Empire.
>One ravy boi
mmm, I somehow feel that freedom was somehow slightly overstated, especially in Skyrim.
zoom zoom
It's been 30 years and it may not kick off for another hundred with Altmer fertility rates, they have time to build an army and tons of people are still worshipping Talos regardless of the law
If you do Seogorath's Daedric quest in Oblivion AFTER completing Shivering Isles, instead of Sheogorath talking to you at the beginning Haskill speaks and says:
>Praying to yourself, my Lord? That's not a good sign. Or perhaps it is. Prince of Madness, and all that.
Reminder that Heimskr is all Kirkbride.
They probably leave that guy alone because he's no actual threat to them and everyone ignores him. If he actually gained some traction and a following maybe they'd do something, but they're just not bothering till then.
So a hundred years for the elves to undermine, sabotage and buy off anyone they went? Yeah, looking like a real swell fighting chance there, buddy.
It's not like that's exactly how things played out before the great war, or anything.
>we did it once and they signed the concordat
>then, we do it all over again in a hundred years when they've all forgotten about it
>and they let us!
t. Thalmor
>If he actually gained some traction
there are stormcloak supporters in Whiterun and a massive Talos statue
>the blight, warp of the west, the greymarch, and the oblivion crisis all happened in a span of 15 years
Shit. I wonder how long after Alduin's defeat TES 6 will take place.
Shouting like a retard like that he does more harm than good to Talos worship
There aren't any Thalmor in Whiterun. Compare to Markarth, where just bringing in a Talos amulet with a name on the back is enough for them to vanish a bard.
You could have literally scribbled anyone's name on that amulet and it would have been sufficient justification.
The concordat was just a means for both sides to recuperate after a stalemate it was a necessary evil for the empire. Back then the Empire didn't take the Thalmor seriously now they're ready.
I meant followers of that guy specifically. In Whiterun he's just seen as a crazy homeless guy that they all ignore.
>Lorkhan listed as an Aedra
>Lorkhan is explicitly the Padomaic counterpart to Auriel/Akatosh/Alduin/Aka-Tusk regardless of his role in the creation of Mundus
also a reminder that the protagonist/antagonist/observer dichotomy of TES is a fundamental law of nature and the universe, the divided nature of Akatosh is a direct consequence of Lorkhan's "death"
Not the guy bullshitting its canon, I just wish Bethesda was that smart. However, this literally proves nothing either way. Sheogorath would have had to enact an absurdly insane plan involving multiple insertions of lore to pull it off, and this relatively minor bit of play acting isn't asking much. On the other side, it doesn't confirm the ruse either in any shape or form. Again though, Bethesda just isn't smart enough to ruse cruise on this level, and even if they were they'd never actually confirm the fate of one of their protagonists. Nerevar disappeared, the original champion of Arena vanished, Daggerfall's hero got a 400% completion rate and the divine know what the fuck that does to someone. The Dragonborn probably shouted the dragon n-word and got banned by existing by Sithis.
I think it'll depend on whether or not Bethesda want to choose a canon ending to Skyrim or not. If they do, it'll probably take place a few years after; if they don't, it'll probably be a hundred or so years.
What's her endgame?
>now they're ready.
How? Their legions haven't recovered at all and the Thalmor's position has only gotten better. Last time they didn't literally have the ability to send operatives openly anywhere into the Empire.
What is Lorkhan, then?
The engine is not even close to being a limiter in this aspect, it's just that Bethesda is lazy.
How come modders with no budgets are able to make better looking NPCs and armor than an entire studio with money?
>Free reign to stop all Talos worship
>Oh him? Yeah uh,
Aldmer more like Dunkdmer
Marry Lars and have four strong Nord children.
> mr.hands
to be modded into her parents race
This game game to had run on a PS3, which had 256MB of RAM.
He's the Divine Crusader who slaughters knife ears. He's did all the dirty work to end the oblivion crisis. He isn't the prince of madness. It is Sheogorath fucking with you.
Braith is a Redguard
consoles, and modders focus on a small aspect and spend hours making it better
>jailed after Legion wins the war
You were saying?
Sweet summer child....
>Which can only be brought about by the heavy and direct intervention of the Dragonborn.
They're still outnumbered by human soldiers in those provinces they get butchered when the Stormcloaks win, the Empire obviously isn't too scared of small numbers of Thalmor being in the lands.
You gonna tell us or what
There are better looking ps2 games.
He did all that and then became the prince of madness. He did everything in release order: Oblivion crisis then Umaril then Sheogorath.
>buy off
Imagine if it came out they want to destroy Nirn.
Akavir would come to help
>>please do not point out you can be an aldmer dragonborn.
lmao this nigga confusing altmer and aldmer
You literally become Sheogorath at the end of the Shivering Isles questline
There also aren't any PS2 games that have the same size and scope as Skyrim.
probably not the DB’s Sithis, tho
What if the last dragon born actually stopped the Aldmeri dominion from unraveling reality after the events of Dragonborn and TES 6 takes place 100 years later? How mad will people be?
What if the last dragon born dissapears into apocropha? Whats the most common theory about his fate?
That's actually pretty normal for Nirn.
All of those crazy lore events you read about might as well have been TES games, with the historical figures within them as players.
I mean, everyone is insane here. Mental people are probably not great at tailoring.
I wish there were more options to help and side with the Thalmor than just that one quest in Markarth.
Also neat how that Justicar dude could show up at the Thalmor embassy quest and help you out with a distraction, what a bro.
Sure, the Thalmor are. But what about the khajiit and bosmer?
>Empire obviously isn't too scared of small numbers of Thalmor being in the lands.
Which is why they'll lose.
Herma says at the end of Dragonborn that the LBD is bound to him eternally.
>Braith is a Redguard
Keep trying until there are 4 nords
Sacrifice the failed ones
how lore breaking was dawnguard?
You do know the Thalmor's true goal right???
While I do agree, it wouldn't make any sense for the Dragonborn to side with the Thalmor unless you were playing as an Altmer. The Thalmor probably wouldn't even accept a non-Altmer Dragonborn and would probably just kill him outright.
I thought he was just a Thalmor plant, I mean the propaganda of theirs is basically "we 99% aldmer everyone else 56%"
Temporarily. But the HoK is human and died like a normal, but a accomplished one.
That's his appeal. He isn't a reincarnated hero of a race or a shard of Akatosh, he's some dude. He can't become a daedric prince, he's a mortal.
Elder scroll got tippexed. so 100% or 0% depending on how you view that.
Nord + Redguard = Redguard
the Mortal who mantles Sheogorath and the Divine Crusader are two different individuals but both of them were the same Hero of Kvatch in the time before and after the Oblivion crisis
It's a dragonbreak. Every TES protagonist is a dragonbreak.
>He can't become a daedric prince, he's a mortal.
I thought the race of a child in Elder Scrolls was dependent on the mother and sometimes characteristics of the father would show up.
Always thought it was random
Isn't the LDB bound to Hircine and Nocturnal as well?
no, the LDB is akatosh
In the same way that Alduin is Akatosh.
>Same goes to Her mother who became used goods at his hands with her watching it and her father delighting it.
We all know that Molag Bal raped Serana and her mother.. but did he rape Harkon too?
>morrowind people are kinda ugly, but it makes sense due to primitive 3d technology
>oblivion somehow gets even fucking uglier
3d models and textures are more about art skill than technology. If you insist then, there are ps3 games which look much better than Skyrim.
>but did he rape Harkon too?
Wasn't rape if he liked it
Yea Forums we do this every time. Some people immediately freak out and insist Akatosh has dibs essentially due to the nature of being a Dragonborn. Some of you go down the route of saying "oh no its definitely squidboi he says it so it must be true", then someone points out Hircine and the few people who could stomach the shit that was the latter Thieves guild stuff mention Nocturne. Some fucking Molag Bal village rapist will pipe up from the shadows while stroking their dick "oh no you've been Molag'd" Sometimes a guy pipes up and says its all some incredibly complicated cross between a gambit and pascal's wager so that when he dies all the Daedra will end up having a fist fight while he/she slinks out laughing.
Take your fucking pick, I guarantee the actual answer will be the most disappointing and banal one possible.
Wait, would some kind of extremely agreeable nymphomaniac piss off Molag or be its wet dream?
So does LDB's soul rejoin akatosh upon death or do the daedra fight over his soul, can he ever go to sovngarde? Why would they even make getting your soul a part of their deals if they could certainly sense that they are a part of akatosh, theres no way they couldn't tell
>I guarantee the actual answer will be the most disappointing and banal one possible.
He joins up with the Nerevarine in Akivir and sends the TES 6 protagonist postcards describing their adventures together about how great it is to not be in Hammerfell.
Being lord of domination i imagine he would dislike anything done willingly
So, an army of hypersluts would end vampirism. Interesting.
>it looked good
>that's why some of the first mods are always replacements for bethesda's shit tier models and textures
Based retard.
what molag considers sex is not what most consider sex, keep in mind he may tear a new whole in you and fuck that instead
Yeah I used "hyperslut" because there's not a word for it yet, but we'll get there. Where we're going, we don't need to make holes.
Then who's the grey fox?
>What do you wish mortal
>Oh I don't know, whatever you want will be fine.
passive-aggressive apathy. It's so crazy its perfect.
A man got fucked in the ass by a horse and died from internal injuries
He's a myth I say sir, spare a coin?
I would unironically love this
Pretty sure he enjoys the humiliation more than anything, so he would find something specific for everyone, let's say nothing in the world brings you more terror than being tickled in public, thats what he would do
God ESO was such fucking garbage
>black void where the face was
>it's an improvement
Bravo, Bethesda, bravo.
or they just dont want their game to look like a koream free to play mmo
>Buy expansion expecting to kill vampires
>Have to babysit Vampires
Emperor I know you're dead but just a tip: If this had been in balmora instead of a half-naked jacked old guy I'd probably have gotten on things a lot quicker than I did.
I thought once you finish the main quest Paarthurnax could teach you to increase the damage of fire or ice shout, or grand you a random chance to turn things hit with Fus Ro Dah to ash.
It's been a while since I actually did the main quest
Also feel free to stop by the /tesg/ on the videogame general board.
You're thinking of her mother, who lives in a different mine further north.
Paathurnax lets you focus on a shout giving it more damage, the Black Books also do this but give you the chance to turn enemies into ash
>what is EA
>what is ubishit
>what is pollack
>Want to msrry sylgia because she's the cutest
>Want to marry Aela because she's sexy and a werewolf companion
>Can't decide and never get married
Dude, they can't even make good looking characters when they try to. And believe me, they do try sometimes.
Also of delusion and autism user.
Play Vigilant
I like the Schmiss on the noble's face
Nice detail
That's okay. I fucked the Molag Bal right out of you anyway.
>when you wait for a volcano to provide you with a window of opportunity
>and even then you take only the land that can support your gorilla warfare aka "can't do shit outside of a swamp"
Symbol that he is a tool?
Daggerfall aimed for the stars
oblivion/skyrim bethesda aimed for the foothills.
I wouldn't propose to her in the first place
I hate that she is the onlycompanion with a questline and extended story, Elder Scrolls 6 better have companions more similar to Fallout games along with regular followers
I think I married Mjoll and the one orc chick you have to defeat in a fortress in my last few playthrough
>install skyrim & skse
>install my usual list of essential mod and a few gladiator themed mod as I'm doing a more focused run this time instead of just doing every single quest like I usually do
>game won't even launch, even if I disable all the mods
eyh at least I didn't spend 2 afternoon installing 200 mods to just stop laying after 3 hours
Best girls are always unattainable.
it's not random, the kid will always be what the mother races is.
not sure if a human can have children with Argonian or Khajitt though, I figure it's possible with elves
>I just wished bethesda published books on it
Wtf? Very similar to Dragon's Dogma lore. The talks about it being a Skyrim wannabe might be not that far fetched. I wonder if Nips looked up the tes lore or is it just a coincidence.
You talk as if the japanese completely ignore western games. That may have happened decades ago, but not anymore: they make mods for Skyrim, play western games like CoD or GTA, and BotW was inspired by Skyrim.
Yea you know what? You're right. There should be more information.
The problem with today's charts is that they don't post enough information. They always leave bits and pieces of data out to skew things in their favor.
It's because the Aedra form the core of Nirn, the Earth Bones. It's their realm, they're strong there.
The Anu and Padomaiy split may just be in people's heads.
>marrying a fictional character instead of marrying a real woman
pathetic incels
this isn't in the game, right?
I think you need a break from the memes friendo
Sithis is neither Aedra nor Daedra. Anu and Padomay's conflict ended up with in Anu birthing his soul, Anuiel and Padomay following suit resulting in the creation of Sithis, Padomay's soul incarnate. With Padomay being the chaotic foil to Anu's order, Sithis is the antithesis to Anuiel. It was Sithis and Anuiel's interaction that created the Aurbis, the Elder Scrolls Universe. Despite this Sithis is the void and as such seeks to return all to it. Anuiel is life and Sithis is death. Sithis is everything that is nothing.
>get to castle
>can't save huge amount of time and wipe them all out cause lol story
Did you not listen to how you learn dragon shouts? You absorb wisdom from dragon souls.
Maybe you don't merge fully but you get fragments of their knowledge and memories.
have sex incel
A mutant, he shouldn't exist
He is a virus, an idea injected by Sithis into existence
He doesn't even need a body to do what he needs to do
t. Orbiter waifufag
Is Lord Volkihar the biggest cuck in TES?
>instead o using these mods that make her not look ugly, use THIS mod that basically turns her into a completely different character
You fucking brainlets, she used vampiric charm on you the moment she woke up.
>gave his daughter AND his wife for another man to enjoy
I wonder what Pippin has to say about it
This is what you sound like
Do you think Bethesda will just use TESO's version of things despite its apparent inconsistencies with the lore? I was talking to someone and he made the argument that they would because it's made by their parent company and they would have Bethesda follow their version of things, basically.
>I just wish Bethesda was that smart
As in changing the Sheogorath shrine quest after Shivering Isles is complete? Because they did do that.
It doesn't really 'work' considering thru most of human history there was arranged marriage for status - not love, guys had shotgun marriages to random chicks they impregnated, divorce was shunned or impossible and husbands were allowed to rape their wives.
Give people choices and many will choose not to be in such marriages.
I wouldn't be surprised if they made some decisions which would make TES players more likely to try TESO and vice versa.
Warcraft 3 Reforged is being marketed to the WoW crowd for example.
Same. Either her or the breton Dibella priest, with the same lines in that sultry voice.
Da phuk is a bixnood?
I thought the amulet of kings was just an aedric tier soul gem holding St. Alessia's soul?
They wont do Summerset Isles unless they do a huge timeskip. Its basically Altmer only at this point
I sacrificed her to Boethiah because I wondered if Namira would save her.
She didn't.
Dagoth Ur
>Skyrim was released 8 years ago
>Skyrim still has some of the best threads on Yea Forums
Where does the magic come from?
More like Faggot U