Could a new board like this "fix" Yea Forums?

could a new board like this "fix" Yea Forums?
>people who post in porn threads no longer have to pretend their threads are legitimate discussions and can simply enjoy their porn
>people who don't want porn threads flooding the catalog get what they want
it's a win-win.

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Actual porn is boring. Borderline is best.
Besides, the general opinion on video games here is garbage anyway, there's no reason to discuss them.

Meta threads are only ontopic in /qa/ but your idea seems fine to me. Kind of weird that we don't have a red vidya board.

/h/ already exists and they never fuck off to it. adding yet another Yea Forums branch would do nothing

This is beyond fixing

>retarded neopuritan faggot thinks pics of women are porn
Go back to the middleeast you mentally challenged pin dick

>people who post in porn threads no longer have to pretend their threads are legitimate discussions and can simply enjoy their porn
Dude there's multiple porn threads. Just use those.

the whole idea revolves around mods actually waking up and actively dumping their threads there until it's no longer a problem outside the containment board, like what happened with /mlp/

What about all the Smash threads and the threads for every other game I don't like.

I don't care. I just report and move on.

Move every OP with a sexualized anime girl to the board. Watch Yea Forums improve tenfold.

I want /r/nofap to leave

a nintendo or smash board could be okay but honestly it's a slippery slope and it'd rather they focus on the actual off-topic threads first

The Jannies and mods are quite fine with CB tier threads though. It’s probably the only dopamine they get having to clean it up for free

I've been suggesting this for years. Contain these fucking faggot weebs.

Where were all of these anti-porn puritans when Yea Forums DID actually have a serious literal porn spam issue?

You're not just whining about ecchi or the fact that people like anime girls on Yea Forums for the 500th time again, right? Of course not, Yea Forums would never be that pathetic.

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you're a schizo. nobody's coming for your porn, people are just sick of the catalog being 40% softcore porn in the same way that everyone got tired of pepe/wojak

why do smashfags keep pretending that they aren't the absolute worst spammers on the board? i'll take a million porn threads over rosterfagging, fake "leaks" and people screeching at sakurai to ban the character they just lost to online. you have a general thread on /vg/ that you can use for this bullshit.

Most of the problems on this board is caused by mentally underage ninteniggers


Now here’s an idea.. softcore porn for Pepe AND wojak!

Edit: thanks for the silver!

nobody here is an "anti-porn" puritan. we all go to fucking exhentai or pornhub or whatever when we wanna have a wank.
people just don't want off-topic porn dumps clogging the catalog on a blue board that has nothing to do with anime or manga

exactly this they dont complain about the cuckshit spam.
They are cucks.
>pics of women are softcore porn
>this bitch never complained about the actual hardcore porn
Take your fucking meds puritan cunt.

Rent free

that would ruin the whole point of shitposting porn
they get so many replies because of the taboo and the fact that they will get deleted fast. it's hilarious to fuck with the mods and jannies.

true since it isnt pirn you are an anti-woman puritan.
Kill yourself you low iq nigger.

>anime or manga
based bot reply

No actual Yea Forums user is tired of anything, tourist

/h/ didn't fix Yea Forums.
The perverts will just complain that the board is too slow, and that they want to post with their bros.

Resetera posts here now.
The diction and sentence structure of the whiners matches people who unironically use phrases like "girl-fetish".

This doesn't even make sense

You caused the problem yourself. They regularly got deleted at some point or another before your pathetic raid started. It's because of the absolutely massive spam attempt that they changed priorities and became more lenient with ecchi threads, you vindicated them.

>nobody here is an "anti-porn" puritan
The dozens of wojak/pepe MS Paint comics seem to suggest otherwise.
Not to mention 99% of what you spam your ebin buzzword in literally isn't porn.

Video games are for little kids. Porno is for adults.
This dream board of yours doesn't even make any fucking sense.

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>/r/nofap retard wants all anime gone
Maybe you should leave.

T. Reimufag

Shut up bitch

literally no argument

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If you think this is porn you are objectively retarded and shouldn't be here.

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So you be sayin
sending threads to /trash/ isn't enough?

Posting just barely sfw crops in non sfw boards is more fun than all porn all the time.

>its a circlejerking valve fanboy
Why am I not surprised. Lowest iqs.

could also have discussion of h-games there, getting rid of the /vg/ thread.

>remove all the porn
>all the shitposting retards and e-celeb bullshit will still be here

porn threads are not a problem newfriend

trannies and redditfriends like you ARE the problem

*in sfw boards whoops

There should be a new boatd categorization, a green board that works the same way /r9k/ does

What's the point of /vr/ and /vp/ when we still see thread about retro game and Pokemon on Yea Forums everyday?

We need a /cog/ - cartoons and comics general as well

>Yea Forums needs ANOTHER containment board

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it's a long-term plan, user
sending their threads to trash wouldn't solve a problem of this scale, we need a containment board


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Reply to this post if you can go more than a week without jacking your penis

longest i made it was 2 weeks

Just make /snoy/ to contain all snoyggers, gays, and trannies.

It could be worse. What it does is lighten the load.

Fuck off retard.
This is an image board and if people feel like posting images of lightly dressed (this is quite objectively not porn by the way) video game characters they are absolutely in the right.

Discussion is nice but not mandatory here.

why do i get the impression this puritan shit is being pushed by an actual nigger.
It seems to fit the language of that nigger faggot that keeps getting shilled.

The only pron that should be allowed is cunny, but more than being allowed, it should also be encouraged.

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cunnyposting scares off normalfags

please play video games

No you dumb stupid niggers. We have fucking FOUR, COUNT THEM, FOUR FUCKING Yea Forums BOARDS. Just because you don't like a popular game being talked about doesn't mean the game deserves it's own board.

Also, echi video game content is still on topic. Get fuck over it, report it and ignore if it makes you feel better. FUCK

First this place needs a global e-celeb /pink press board before balkanizing Yea Forums even more

this was never an actual issue

It's mostly one literal autist.

they would still post them here. the point is they think they're being clever and epic.

top mod bantz would be if they filtered cunny and replaced it with BBC

just turn /vp/ into a nintendo board and most of Yea Forums's problems would be fixed.

Just ban all the cum braain posters

If a thread's only purpose is to be filled with images like this, I see no reason not to call it a thinly veiled porn thread.


Hiro killed that rules months ago. For people claming to care so much about the board they sure dont browse it that much.
And spliting the board even more is retarded. bring back /vg/