Is there any way to play this game without being a fucking bitch constantly running away and spamming dodge?

is there any way to play this game without being a fucking bitch constantly running away and spamming dodge?

Attached: bayonetta.jpg (211x239, 17K)

Other urls found in this thread:


mirror of mahaa kalaa

dodge offset

>memorize 3 wicked weave combo strings and spam them over and over
>learn enemy patterns and dodge at the correct time for witch time instead of just spamming it
>after severals hours, when you have become familiar with the combos, add another one or one of the purchasable attacks that uses magic like the stomp

pretty much how I beat the game

sounds fucking boring
why do people like this game again

bayonetta is a shotacon

Because Kamiya cocksuckers

the combat is fun once you get good at it
it is satisfying when you finally become good at a hard game
you can unlock lewd outfits after you beat the game

Then don't do that, use whatever combos you want, and spam dodge instead of learning the timings. Based on OP and your comment though it just sounds like you suck at action games.

Learn how dodge offset works.
You know how if you hold down an attack button, you keep firing? And you can hold down the button for every part of your combo to extend its length drastically? Well if you dodge while holding the attack button, you can maintain your combo string between dodges.


Here's one: Get the Moon of Mahaa-Kalaa item, learn to parry, don't run, hit shit.

being forced to fucking run away constantly because the enemies never stop attacking and it's such a huge clusterfuck you can't see anything is not fun
neither is being forced to spam weaves to do anything instead doing juggles like you're supposed to in games like this, you know, the shit that's actually FUN?
>hurr durr dodge offset

>That Witch outfit
>That Platinum bikini

Attached: 1492839184568.gif (260x260, 2.01M)

Just PKP spam

> instead doing juggles like you're supposed to in games like this,
kys dmcuck

>the enemies never stop attacking and it's such a huge clusterfuck you can't see anything is not fun

every enemy in Bayonetta 1 has specific animations and audio cues that telegraph their attacks

You sound like a shitter that stopped playing the game at chapter 12.

Attached: 1537839726365.jpg (300x300, 10K)

Have you tried getting better at the combat system

play something else if you just want to be on the offensive all the time

>hurr durr
It's 100% valid advice that directly addresses your problem. Don't be a shitter.

I'm still fucking waiting for another viewtiful joe game
platinum has never made something fun


Attached: well telegraphed attacks HURRR DURR.webm (1280x720, 2.37M)

This unironically.

are you the faggot from this morning whinning like a bitch cause he fucking sucks at Bayo1?

Stop being a bitch

How the fuck anyone who's (presumably) played DMC can have a hard time playing Bayonetta is beyond me.

I've never played any dmc you retarded boogeymanning faggots

>bitches about offscreen attacks
>posts video where all attacks happen onscreen with visual cues from the enemy
>in a game where the camera can even be controlled by the player
What did he mean by this?

It was a dmc replacement when dmc was canceled. It's no longer canceled so meh

I suck at the game and I can tell that you did literally everything wrong in that webm well done for being worse at the game than me. Nicely done.

Well that makes sense why you suck at it.

>this webm clearly shows someone who knows how to dodge offset
>didn't bother parrying, throwing out a wicked weave, using bat within, or just running away
Something doesn't add up here.
The game has it's bullshit moments, sure, but not on normal difficulty.
If you think this is bad, you should play the prologue on infinite climax difficulty.

Attached: 1512667808956.jpg (400x300, 28K)

yet it's still superior

So why the fuck are you playing this unless you just bought your first ever console, Nintenbabb?

There's literally gigantic purple flashes and a shining noise before every attack

Definitely not. Cope, tranny.

>running away
I want to fucking play the game you nigger
being a faggot and running away is fucking boring

Moon, mate. Moon.

>blatantly ignores the evidence in the webm and just keeps regurgitating their shitty arguments to defend their precious game
god please bring back 8có ›¡han I can't stand the retards here anymore

Then just double jump, use the portal kick, or even stilleto to stun enemies?

Attached: 1510497047533.png (203x212, 3K)

>jump in the air
>get snatched by an attack I cannot react to and can barely see

That's not going to change how much you suck at playing the game you dingus.

>cannot react to
lrn2parry, faggot.

Attached: 1512840499608.jpg (320x454, 74K)

What a shit game am*rican are this retarded

I'm not even that great at Bayonetta (still haven't beaten Rodin in either game) but fuck me OP, you're honestly making me feel better about myself.

It's really fun when you press the dodge button before they add midair and they still hit you. Great game

Cope and git gud

Is this the same mad user from yesterday.

Attached: 1509841017617.gif (1221x1007, 142K)

they literally will not lunge at you if you stay close to them

git gud

You're still mad since your thread yesterday? Holy shit lmao

Based and correct

Attached: evidence.jpg (1312x1107, 654K)

I'll be honest with you, I think that particular enemy is a bitch to deal with. You're still a fucking casual though.

Attached: 1558030381466.jpg (1326x678, 264K)

Even Bayo 1 is rated higher, oof.



I couldn't get used to using dodge offset.

Try fighting two of them

Is Bayonetta the Dark Souls of Devil May Cry?

Attached: 1552614997224.jpg (737x720, 148K)

312 ratings 987 ratings
nice try

More like DMC 2 if Kamiya directed sequels.

did you know you can parry that laser too ?


>oh no, everyone realizes i'm shit at the game
>heh heh, but I bet they weren't expecting me to reply to everyone at once
Take you own advice.

>get btfo
>post evidence of you being garbage at the game
>throw a hissy fit
oh no no no how will op ever recover

Oh, you're repeating the exact same thread from last night.

OP's gone nuclear lol
Gid gud

you aren't supposed to run away. you are supposed to dodge and enemy's attack, at the last second, to activate Witch Time. Enemies freeze (most of them) and you can get to beating their asses, free of charge.

This is an old school game, where the gameplay is based on using a specific gimmick. You know how you have to jump on enemies, in Mario, instead of kicking them? this is the same thing, but with dodges. maybe learn how to play a game, before bitching that it sucks?

if you can't beat the game with just the ice skates you need to kys you aren't a gamer

>jumping on enemies in mario: fun
>dodging a clusterfuck of attacks from 5 enemies at once and hoping you freeze the game so you can actually play: not fun
there's the difference

He's post evidence of bad enemy design Yea Forums defends Bayonetta the most avg action game ever produced.

Reminder this OP was seething for literal hours in another thread yesterday and proved he doesn't know how to play.
If anyone besides OP wants actual advice I'd be happy to have a real Bayo thread

Yeah, you can start by stop being a bitch first.


Attached: AGTL.jpg (2633x1542, 280K)

>Anything Capcom
Shitty bait chart

No matter how many times you post this image samefag it'll never be true lmao. I can guarantee you haven't even played God Hand.

I think you are having trouble getting the timing right. Like a lot of people have said, there is an audio cue before an enemy attacks. There is also a split second pause. like, the whole game stutters.

as for getting gang raped, you need to be more strategic. don't throw out attacks, unless you are in attack range. I thin the dodge can cancel attack animations, but the habit of just spamming attacks is what is holding you back. you have to change your thinking.

consider positioning, more. I have only gotten a few chapters in, but it is pretty clear that you need to be able to keep an eye on every enemy on screen, and manage your distance from them. don't jump into a fray, they will just destroy you. you need to pick at them from the edges, until you can trigger Witch Time, and then get to fucking people up. If you don't want to do that, you can do a Wicked Weave combo that will hit multiple enemies. Also, some weapons, like the katana, have a broad sweep. Perfect for crowd control.

Stop replying to him user, he's been seething for at least a full day at this point and doesn't want to learn.
He's also a self proclaimed Third Strike veteran and calls mixups "random"

Bayo is generally regarded as Peak Platinum. Poster was flailing around, shooting at random, and getting picked off with precision. Bayonetta is about surgical precision and ungodly fast reflexes. Button mashing will only get you so far. consider the difference between bashing the keyboard, versus fast typing. Bayonetta is like typing, but with a controller.

every button press must be deliberate, expertly timed, and strategic.

I just don't want to be a dick and not offer useful advice. Yea Forums should be more than shitposting and calling everybody cucks

>Wonderful 101 is generally regarded as Peak Platinum.

I still want to know who the fuck made this image, not because of any of the rankings on it but because of the fucking fake dirt all over it.

I tried last thread and the OP just dismisses everything and calls Bayonetta "Random dogshit"

>ITT: Kamiya cocksuckers
I hope he sees this bros

You know, I can actually agree with this. I don't like going back to Bayonetta because of how carefully you have to play it, how basic melee hits areee useless and the game more or less forces you to dodge at a distance to avoid damage unless you're juggling

dodge offset really is a bad mechanic since they designed so much of the game around it, which gives the combat the illusion of depth, but you really cannot play Bayonetta anywhere near as aggressively as the combo system implies that you can unless you can be super consistent with the parry equip. But I'm not consistent with it because human error's a bitch.

>no one brings up Kamiya at all


You can't do any of this when enemies gets random super armor. by expertly timed do you mean running away and using PKP to get massive damage from wicked weave.

>Bayonetta is on the same tier as DMC4
put DMC5 in mid tier

How does Ninja Gaiden Black emulate these days?