I was born in 1999 so I'm not a zoomer: The Game
I was born in 1999 so I'm not a zoomer: The Game
I was born in 1991 and I love San Andreas
I was born in 94 and love marvel vs capcom 2
>99 kids
SA is great huehuehue
This was every little shit's favorite game back in elementary school.
yeah they were 5 when SA came out, wtf op is on?
im 1995 and I barely remember SA
zoomers are 1995-200~
still a zoomer
Fuck off you're probably 22 and think your shit don't stink. If you were in a porno you'd be a single white guy cast with 5 black guys you ain't impressing nobody lil goof
>Pick SA and not 3
Close call
I'm pretty sure San Andreas is a game both boomers and zoomers can enjoy.
It's not like System Shock 2 or Thief, which you have to be a boomer to understand.
>born in 95 and barely remember SA
Is this a joke? If you were born in 95 then you'd be old enough to remember playing Vice City in like 2003 or early 2004
>trying to insult someone
>still find a way to talk about black guys
Fuck off cuck.
what makes a person seriously say things like that
Hey dipshit, my current favourite game is Dragon's Dogma, tell me what kinda person I'd be in a porno
Yes, and?
You'd be the pornstar's weird younger brother
I’ve been playing lttp and yoshis island lately because I’m too lazy to hook up a different console. Who would I be in a porno?
Some consoles/games have a long shelf life. It's why you see both 25 year olds and 15 years old saying Gamecube was their childhood.
born in 82 and vice city is better.
80's drug trade > black culture.
i was born in 94 and i got san andreas on release day
I'm 99 and SA was my childhood
SA-MP and MTA too
>The Game
fuck you
A 15 year old would have been 2 years old when the Wii came out and with no conscious memories of playing the Gamecube when it was Nintendo's main console. Someone born in 99 however would be old enough to remember playing SA in the mid 2000s, probably because of an older sibling who owned it
i saw 9/11 live on TV and remember it clearly (i was 10 at the time).
millenialslimes will never know that feeling of watching 2000 people die live on TV (the news anchor in my country actually yelled 'FUCK!' when the second plane hit).
remembering 9/11 (as in actually somewhat understanding what was happening and giving a shit as opposed to having a vague memory of some towers burning on TV when you were 5) is the cut off for being a millenial.
Actually being born after December 31 1994 is the cuttoff for being a millennial
I was watching VH1 at the time, thought it was some kind of fucked up music video. Being an edgy teen i laughed my ass off
He made that clarification in the parentheses, ding dong.
born in 91 still think gta 3 was the better game