Name a more embarrassing moment in video games. Protip: You can't

Name a more embarrassing moment in video games. Protip: You can't.

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I thought it was fine. What's embarrassing about it?

>make a movie about indie games
>don't mention what is literally the godfather of indie games, Cave Story

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it was kino

What isn't? The whole movie is hipster hour.

>Ed "I Was Happier When I Was A Kid" McMillen
>Tommy "I Don't Play Games Like Call of Duty" Refenes
>Phil Fish staring at a monitor from 1 inch away grinning like an autist
>Jonathan Blow standing in the dark like some pretentious twat
>all their games are crap

It was completely embarrassing in every way.

dude, stop cringing at everything, go out more

Damn, I didn't know Cave Story was literally a mafia boss.

I don't cringe at everything, just at autistic hipsters pretending to be a big deal.

It's literally called Indie Game: The Movie.

youre just overexaggerating.

It wasn't about indie games as a whole. It was about life as an indie dev and the trials and tribulations one may typically face during the life cycle. These three games just happened to be recently released around the same time and successful in the West for enough people to relate and say, "oh yeah, I've played that!"

Its a movie about them, Are they not supposed to talk about themselves about a movie about how they became indie devs?

I don't think I said it wasn't about them. I forgot to address in my post who had pointed out Cave Story.

this ((((movie)))) made me realize that (((((documentaries)))) are exaggerated as fuck.
>that autist getting mad when his game wasn't advertised on xbox live

literally based

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I would be pissed too when I'm promised an ad spot on Xbox Live and its not there. One of the official Xbox reviewers didnt review the game either i think

This is a big deal within games. Imagine being promised a front page Steam ad for your new game and then not even making it to page 10 of new releases.


What's your point? I'm sure there's much cooler indie devs out there, ones that are far humbler and with better reasons for being indie. The movie sucked and it largely had to do with the shitty people involved.

Or you tolerate way too much bullshit.

>Name a more embarrassing moment
Easy: all of the other indie game documentaries

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Touhou is even older than Cave Story. No doujin games were mentioned in the movie though because they're all casual, pretentious hipsters.

I really liked the Minecraft documentary.

Bottom right makes me seethe. It's about that Dragon Cancer game, right? Fuck. That shit makes me angry on an irrational level.

imagine naming your movie pixel poetry.

I know for a fact that you literally can't function outside of your house

Not the strongest list of devs but it was a product of it’s time. If it was made now it’d be cool to see Toby Fox talk about his smash success and music, Dingaling who is an actual WuShu martial artist, or even the makers of Hollow Knight.
Indy games have gotten stronger as time’s gone on but when the documentary came out there wasn’t as much talent. I do agree that Cave Story got left out but maybe it’d be a harder interview to set up since Daisuke’s in Japan

Jap games don't count
Jap games never count.
Blame hentai trash dirtying the waters.

The fuck kind of a comment even is this?

Projecting much?

This thread is cringe, the most embarrassing gaming moment is the little mermaid level from kingdom hearts