Steam Review Censorship Needs to Stop

Go fuck yourself Jannies. I am following the rules as this is considered "video game culture". It's about the censorship of game reviews and you silencing me doesn't make you any better than the Steam Mods.

This shit should not fly. If I purchased said product and I review it it is my god damned right how I want to review my own product that I PURCHASED. This censorship is so fucking stupid. I am considering switching over to Epic.

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Other urls found in this thread:

But user, Epic doesn't let you review at all.

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That's the point. They don't even worry about censoring anyone. I go to TechRaptor for real gaming news and reviews.

>crying on your safe space because you got bullied by a sjw
review bombing is a stupid tactic and you're braindead, regardless

Fuck you. You're part of the problem. This will only get worse when you say the same shit. Eventually our lives will be controlled by the government.

you called a bunch of people pedophiles you retard, of course it was going to get deleted

also lol at you being so fucking buttmad you came here to cry about it

>GAME review
>literally has nothing to do with the actual game
what did he expect to happen?

Just report him and move on, this faggot literally had his thread deleted 20 minutes ago and I personally expected him to post this shit again. He's either a troll or genuinely one of those retarded /pol/fuckers, probably both.

Get him banned.

>about 20 minutes on record
You bought the game just to give it a negative review and refund it. Fuck off, /pol/ invasion election tourist fucking insect, you have never been welcome on Yea Forums.

resetera ARE a bunch of pedophiles though

no you aren't you just want another shitposting thread.

Not a video game review
Not a video game thread

You're a retard. Kill yourself and make the world a better, smarter place.

that's not a review retard

ayylmao thats the prohitler banana that got so mad at internet shit he doxed a gamer and got his dog flashbanged to death

anyone have the audio clips where he admits what he did to an ewhore?

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>writing a scathing autistic "review" for a video game you have never played and do not ever plan to play
you physically cannot get more retarded than this

Are you actually that retarded? It's has nothing to do with actual review of the game, only crying about politics

> Eventually our lives will be controlled by the government.
That's already the case mongoloid. As long as you work, go to school, consume, are on welfare or pay taxes.

Pretty sure no parent or country would allow a sex change operation on infants.
Its more like people who are so "Progresive" they acualy hope there child is trans so they can fount how progressive the are even more.

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see? exactly

Fuck this Ion Maiden shit

cutting off your penis isn't politics

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That isn't a review of the game.

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RetardEra is full of pedos.

If you bought a game then your review should be valid. If you refund it then your review is no longer valid.

Perfectly reasonable. If someone who owns the game decides they want to leave it a bad review they should be allowed to as they purchased it.

And so is Yea Forums.

no american doctor will perform an operation like that on anyone under 18, it would be grossly unethical and basically open them right up for massive lawsuits

Why are incels so mentally ill? I would literally kill myself if my life was this pathetic
reminder to anyone looking to leave a negative review cuz muh esjeydobblya review.
You were bamboozled, one of yours is behind this, he literally fabricated evidence by omitting context.

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gamers... how could we let this happen?

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>reeeee you have to listen to me rant about my repressed tranny tendencies otherwise its censorship aaaa
Holy FUCK you ugly freaks need a bullet

>Pretty sure no parent or country would allow a sex change operation on infants.
you haven't been reading much news, have you?

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enjoy your review censorship pcbros. Tim promises you that any reviews you make on the epic games store will never EVER be censored.

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Your review has jackshit to do with the video game itself.

and threatening and demanding changes over a product that you will never consume because you are pandering to the outrage culture are?
fuck off brainlet

Holy fuck that's like 99,9% of the population we are doomed

Doesn't matter. They bought the game and they get a say. Their opinion is infinitely more valuable than someone who didn't buy it. If they want to contest it then they should buy the game and review it positively.

kek, ok right...

So you guys wanna talk about the game or....

> Yea Forums
> wanna talk about the game

Your review has nothing to do with the game itself.

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No, it does matter. It matters a lot, actually. Don't claim your video game review is getting censored when your review had absolutely nothing to do with the video game to begin with.
Stupid faggot.

>0.1 hours

Resetera are 100% pedophile trannies

Join the 40% you mutilated dick pussy child molesting kike puppet faggot ;)

Never really followed the story. Other than apologizing for stupid shit, have the devs done anything that might affect the actual game itself (EG: Levels/mechanics removed, donating money to a charity etc.)?
Also I mean the devs, not 3drealms.

>He doesnt know

>I go to TechRaptor for real gaming news and reviews.
Okay... so why don't you like, keep doing that then?

why don't you call the police on the mod and get his dog killed, you fucking doxxing goblino

>Don't claim it is getting censored
It is though and having bought the game the person in question has a right to give their thoughts on it. Reviews are a way to gauge how the audience feels about the game. A review isn't invalid just because you don't like the reason they gave it a low score. They bought the game so they get a say.

Otherwise the review system is pointless as it does not reflect how the people who bought the game feel about the game regardless of what the reasons are. You can read reviews and decide yourself and the people who refund should have their reviews removed. But those that paid and still own it absolutely should get to say what they will and give it what score they will.

Only a corporate bootlicker would say otherwise.

its about the company, its the vox populi, the game exist to please its consumers not the enraged non consumers
use your brain

>expecting freedom of speech on a chinese platform

Son, the only way to defeat leftism is to raise an army. They dont care about laws, legislation, truth, criticism or logic and common sense. They will continue to push societal degradation until their political system takes over. The only way to stop them is death, words will not work end of story.


>buy game
>make a review of a starbucks coffee you bought 3 days later on the games review page
Uhuh, tell us more.

You didn't review the product at all, whatsoever.

What's this?

fucking lol

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You're a dumb faggot.

My dick

>steam reviews exist to tell people about the game and its strengths/weaknesses
>OP review doesn't talk about the game at all and goes full /pol/shit
I swear, every single goddamn time anyone cries "FUCK MODS KEEP MY THREAD UP", they deserved to get their trash deleted

>leaving one line review about not liking censorship
>leaving a full review about not liking censorship


Can someone explain this ampharos meme
Seems like it is getting more and more traction recently

subhumans, who cares

Wonderful rebuttal. Really got me thinking.

Oh look, it's the child using CheatEngine, getting ban then complain "STEAM IS ABUSING ME I DIDDUN NOFFIN3

You didn't say a single thing about the game, retard.

>schitzo goes on some weird unrelated rant about child genital mutilation on a fucking toy for children
they want to know about the game, not listen to their uncle with dementia and a missing tooth yell about an imaginary culture war

This isn't a review of the game though, it's a review of the developer. It really doesn't belong on the games page. Also it probably got flagged for calling resetera pedo's.


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None of that is a review of the game user, you're being as bad as game journalists

I don't get it, is the censorship a part of the game or not?

Ok, but are LGBT people mentally ills?

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not according to the world health organization and the authors of the DSM

And anyone who reads the review will know it has nothing to do with the game and can safely disregard it much like the OPs post. The only reason to censor such things is because they don't want to lose sales due to people not buying because they agree with what the reviewer is saying even though it has nothing to do with the actual gameplay.

People are free to make their choices by reading reviews and by censoring them you are removing the consumers ability to make a fully informed choice because maybe they don't agree with the politics of a game and that is a perfectly valid reason not to buy it.

Bad goy. Dont make this offensive posts

It's a forced meme. Ignore it.

but I think ampharos is cute and it could be a cute meme

just want to understand movements behind

Epic Store does not have this problem.

>No dude, trust me, just ignore the trash. There's no reason to clean it up. I promise you can just ignore it. It's good bro.

>If I purchased said product
stop right there, idiot. You didn't purchase a game, you purchased a license to play the game, there's a difference, read the EULA retard.